The Naughty List

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Holly is punished before Christmas by some festive monsters.
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CW: monster; non-consensual; punishment; anal; unsafe BDSM

0 ~ O ~ 0

Part 1 - Naughty Or Nice

It's not that Holly hated Christmas. Not at all. Christmas was great! Time off work, an excuse to day-drink on the weekends, and - at least when she was younger - a deluge of presents would be waiting for her one morning, along with a pile of chocolate.

These days, the chocolate was still there - at least, what would be left of it by December 25th - but the presents mostly consisted of a book from her parents, something stupid from a friend or two, one or two self-gifted things she liked to wrap and have under the tree for 'appearances', and a sex toy from Liam.

Oh, and some jewelry from her fiance, Oliver.


Things with Liam always got weird around the holidays - twelve months of cheeky nights together after their shifts ended, while Liam was working nights as a Nurse in the local hospital, and all of a sudden Liam wanted to 'get serious'. Why wasn't the mind-blowing sex enough?

Because that's all it was, to Holly. Liam worked long hours, and he was usually too stressed to do anything fun, so once or twice a week she'd find Liam after work, they'd go back to his place, fuck like rabbits, and she'd be home before Liam was even half-way through his shift. Nobody was getting hurt. Oliver had no clue.

0 ~ O ~ 0

The office of Halter and Blatt, a small circling-the-drain legal firm which had employed Holly (and Liam) for about four years now, was in the throes of it's last day of operation. December 23rd. The night before freedom.

'Back on the third, yeah?' Holly asked her boss, a dreary old fuck who likes to be called 'sir' but could never quite manage to summon the respect from people. Most people just called him 'Alan'.

'The second,' he corrected. 'Do I have to send out another memo?'

Holly smiled at him, bright and wide, showing off her perfect shit-eating grin. Oliver always said her smile was one of her best features. Oliver, however, said it was her lips. 'No! Understood, Alan. Have a good one!'

'You're not done yet?' he asked, shrugging a jacket on over his tight-fitting shirt that was struggling against the swell of his stomach. 'Not normal for you to stay late.'

'Liam's giving me a ride home,' she said, trying not to squirm at the thought of using 'Liam' and 'ride' in the same sentence in public.

'Ah,' Alan, without even a shred of pretence to care. 'Make sure he locks up.' As he was technically my superior, Liam was in charge of ensuring the building was locked up if no one above him was in to do so. Holly wasn't his secretary or anything, though, so there wasn't much of a chance of her 'reminding' him to do shit.

'Sure,' she smiled, and watched Alan grab his older-than-her briefcase and shuffle on out.

The office, which was a renovated house on a street of hairdressers, student-property managers and pizza delivery places, was cramped at the best of times, and they were stretched over three different floors. As such, Holly had to traipse around the office to find Liam on the top floor, just in the process of turning off his computer for the night.

'It's past six,' Holly told him. 'Everyone else is gone. What's the plan?'

'The plan's changed,' he said, not making eye contact. When he did, eventually, look up at her, his usually cool face, with that perfect facial hair and confident smirk, was a look of stress. 'I'll give you a ride - but that's it, tonight.'

'Oh,' Holly said, deflated. She'd been looking forward to this for a while. 'What's happened?'

'Nothing important,' he said, packing papers away and filing anything away that he'd been using through the day. 'My family have arrived early - I have to pick them up from the airport in an hour.'

'So,' Holly said, stepping in and pulling the door shut behind her. 'We have an hour.'

'It's a half hour drive,' he said, his tone dismissive.

Holly tried to push past it, still hoping there was a way for her to... alleviate her stress. 'So we have half an hour?'

'It's half an hour to yours,' he said. 'Unless you want to come with me to pick up my parents, we're already late.' He looked up at her, pausing for a moment. He wasn't heartless, after all. 'Come here,' he said.

Holly approached, the smart shirt on her stretching over her curves as she pushed her chest out a little. He took her waist in his arm, and kissed her so deeply that she felt it soak through her, thighs rubbing together and a moan escaping her.

'After Christmas,' he said, his voice low. 'I'm going to fuck you so good you won't be able to sit down.'

Holly let the thrill roll through her, even though her mind caught on a couple of his words. 'After Christmas?'

'And,' he said, with a teasing smirk. 'If you're... a good girl for me, I'll bet that orgasm will be-'

At that moment, Liam's phone began ringing, breaking that delicious tension in an instant. Liam turned, and Holly saw his screen showing Mum. With a quick, apologetic look to Holly, he answered.

'Mum! Hi!'

Holly sighed, and bit her lip. She knew what he wanted of her - being a good girl was their cue for her not fucking Oliver between their sessions. Liam liked the idea that he was getting more of her than the men she was living with, and planning to marry. Admittedly, she found it hot, too - even though she knew it was cruel to deny Oliver sex when he worked so hard to provide for her. Somehow, Liam seemed to be able to tell when she had fucked Oliver, as well, like she wore it on her sleeve or something. Which she also found was a massive turn-on - he was able to tell when she fucked her fiance, but her fiance had no idea she was cheating. It was all backwards, and she kind of loved it.

Holly knew it was wrong, but she loved it anyway.

She turned, heading back downstairs as Liam talked to his mother, and just had to accept that she wasn't going to get anything from him until after Christmas. In fact, seeing as he wanted her to be good, she probably wasn't going to be getting any until after Christmas.

And that was just... sad.

It would be hot once she was with him again, breaking that fast - but for now she just felt frustrated.

She packed up her own things for the holidays, grabbing her mug from the cupboards in the kitchen and remembering to bag up the snacks she'd collected in her drawer, and packing up her laptop so it was all away and safe, ready for January. Then, as she shrugged on her own jacket, a full fifteen minutes after everyone else had left, Liam clambered down the stairs, flashing her a smile as he found her in the lobby.

'Sorry about this,' he said. 'I will make it up to you.'

'You better,' Holly said, unable to resist him, before following him out into the winter chill. The sky was almost black, and while they hadn't had any snow yet, the sleet was like tiny daggers across Holly's fair cheeks, getting caught in her mahogany-brown hair as she waited for Liam to lock up and set the alarm on the office door.

Quick enough, he let her into his car, and less than a minute later they were warm and safe from the weather, pulling out into the streets as he took her home.

There was an odd sort of tension in the air; more than once, they had fucked in this car - the boundaries between them were... lacking, to say the least. But, right now, it was as though there were a wall between the two of them. They sat, silent and awkward, as the radio played Christmas hits from thirty years ago.

'I'm not leaving you completely alone,' Liam said eventually.

'Oh?' Holly answered, surprising herself with how annoyed with him she sounded.

'Glovebox,' he said. 'This year's present.'

Holly frowned at him, and waited a second or two to save her dignity, and then immediately gave it up and opened the glove box.

'You told me,' Liam said slowly, concentrating on the road, 'that you and Oliver like to use toys in the bedroom, when you could get him. Well, that gave me an idea.'

She found the box, wrapped in almost comical red-and-green striped wrapping paper, and pulled it out, shutting the glovebox with a harsh clack.

'What is it?' she asked, unamused.

'Open it,' he said. 'You'll want to do it now - you don't want your fiance watching you open that on Christmas morning.' His smile had a twist to it that made Holly's insides twist. She hated how much he enjoyed fucking another man's fiance, nevermind a subordinate at work. God he was hot.

So, Holly did as she was told, and opened the paper, and then pulled open the cardboard box inside.

From it, she pulled a dildo - realistic, if not for the fact that it was charcoal-black in colour. The veining and shape of the curve half-way up were too realistic, in a way. Never mind the length - almost seven inches.

She knew it all too well.

'Is this...' she said, hiding it from the window as they stopped at a light, the car next to her far too close for comfort.

'It's mine,' he said. 'One of those cast things. I spent a whole weekend on that,' he laughed. 'And, now, I'm hoping you'll be able to convince Oliver to fuck you with it. Or, of course, you can spend some time with it... alone. When you need to.'

She held it in her hand - it was so strange. The disembodied cock was... impressive. Perhaps even more so than the real deal.

'You're killing me,' she said, as they drove towards her and Olver's home.

'Go fuck yourself,' he smiled. Holly laughed, despite herself. The silence that came in, then, was far more comfortable - once she'd put the cock back in it's box and down next to her feet.

Part 2 - The Shadow

'Are you serious?!' Holly hissed into the phone. On the other end, Oliver was in the middle of an overly-detailed ramble about a crash on a nearby dual carriageway, which had created a pile-up of about sixteen cars because of some black ice during rush hour.

'I'm sorry, baby,' he finished with. And, before Holly was even able to say anything, her perfect do-good fiance hung up, off to save lives, leaving her alone.

The flat was freezing, with the heating being off all day, and it felt strange to have all the lights on when it was just her, so she was pretty much in the dark with the TV on in the background. With a huff, she threw the phone at the sofa, and went to struggle with the electric fire they had next to the TV. It had been almost a year since they'd used it, so as the fake-logs lit up orange, the smell that came to her nose was one of burnt dust, filling the room well before any heat did.

Holly sat on the sofa, staring at the screen of the television without taking anything in, frustrated. Frustrated that she had two men in her lie and neither of them was here to fuck her. Because, in all honesty, she was horny. She was adult enough to admit it - she wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with one of them - Oliver or Liam, who cared - and make the windows steam up.

With a huff, she decided at the least she could enjoy her night alone - Oliver would be working until the wee hours of the morning, after all. So, she pulled herself up and went through to the bedroom; clothes were piled up in a dirty pile atop the hamper, and in a clean pile that was in need of a good iron; the bed was a mess, unmade and forgotten between evenings; on the floor, by the foot of her side of the bed, were her Christmas pyjamas. Her mother always sent a set, and usually a size too large for her - whether it was a rude estimation of Holly's actual weight, or a compliment that she'd lost weight since the last time her mum paid attention was entirely clear, but it was a nice gesture either way.

So, Holly pulled them on - candy-cane leggings and a striped jumper-top with long sleeves and Mrs Claus written across the chest in sparkly red writing. Iut was garish, but it was at least festive.

She pulled it on, as well as some thick, winter-ready socks, and checked her phone. Nothing from either of them. Catching a view of herself in the reflection of her floor-length mirror, Holly saw how the pyjamas hugged her figure quite nicely. She was reminded, all too quickly, about how much she wasn't being fucked right now, and grabbed her phone.

She took a few pictures - one that was fairly tame, one where she was pushing her rbutt out a little, and another where she was tugging the waistband down beneath her cheek, showing off her pert butt.

After that, the thrill ran through her as she got into it; she took another of herself, the jumper pulled down to show cleavage, and another with the top off; her nipples, back against the cold air, were hard and thick, and she decided that was the last one - it was far too fucking cold to do anything else.

With a malicious grin, she sent the first picture to Oliver.

And to Liam.

Whoever responded first would get the rest, she decided.

But, until then, there was a heat in her she felt the need to quench - so, Holly found the box Liam had gifted her, hidden down under the bed on her side, and grabbed it. It was by no means her first toy - hell, it wasn't even the first on eLiam had gotten her. He was right after all, Oliver and her liked to use toys in the bedroom. Oliver liked to tease her, ad they'd spent a holiday in Spain once wher ethey barely left the hotel room, just fucking with a myriad of toys they'd collected, only venturing out for food.

She had several other dildos, though this life-cast one would be her biggest, a couple butt-plus, a few strokers she used on Oliver - which, she noted, two of were based on some of his favourite pornstars. There were a few more things, but after she found some warming lube, a plug with a jewel end and Liam's cock, she was settled in for the night.

With the heating on, the TV in the other room making for some background noise, Holly decided she was going to have some fun to herself, seeing as no one else was going to help her.


Just as she was getting comfortable, the phone pinged at her - so Holly lifted up, and saw who had responded.


You look amazing - wish I was there - will see you soon x

It was a tame text; too tame for what she was in the mood for. So, to punish him a little, Holly decided she was gonna be mean. First, she sent all of the other pictures, one by one, ending in the topless pic - which would keep him distracted at work, at the very least. Then, she set up her phone on her nightstand, read to record, and got on her side. She started recording, and began by pulling her pyjamas down over her hips, exposing her wet slit to the camera.

It wasn't too comfortable, but she knew it would look amazing on camera, so in that bent-over, lying-down position, she began to touch herself with one hand. Her fingers played with her already-wet slit, as she swallowed moans and gasps; her fingertips teased her clit and dipped into her sex, sticky and slick with her juices.

Taking a short break, she grabbed the plug in front of her, and the lube; applying a generous glob to her fingertips, she worked it into her backdoor, moaning lightly as the tip of her finger sank into her tight ring, before she decided she was ready. Then, she applied an equally generous glob of lube to the metal plug, feeling the cold metal in her hand, before reaching back and lined it up.

'You want me, baby?' she asked the camera, before pushing. At first, it didn't quite slip in, as her hole needed working open, but after a couple of attempts, her tight holeopened for the metal toy, and it slipped in. '

'Gahhhh,' Holly whined as the toy settled inside her, making her feel full as the jewel sat atop her hole, pretty and sparkling. 'Feels so good,' she moaned, before reaching around to play with herself some more.

Now, each shift of her hips, each movement of her thighs, was punctuated by a thob inside her, as the toy reflected her body's pulses back to her, making her feel full and hot. She imagined what Oliver's face would look like when he watched this.

When he watched another man's cock open her up.

Taking a moment to stop the recording, and start a new one, Holly saw an unopened message from Oliver - Holy shit you're killing me.

She grinned, took a selfie of her killer smile, with Liam's rubber dick at the corner of her mouth, and sent it to Oliver - More incoming.

Getting back into position, phone recording again, Holly made a show of lubing up her new dildo before rolling onto her side, presenting her plugged backside to the camera again; the pyjama bottoms were pulled up her thighs, giving a strange sort of taboo to the whole ordeal. A sweetness that framed her dripping sex, and her plugged arsehole.

Which only got more lewd, as Holly put the cast, lifelike-cock of her boyfriend's length - at least an inch or so larger than her fiance - to her lips, and moaned her fiance's name as she speared herself on it.


0 ~ O ~ 0

The next hour was a blur of masturbation, sending videos, and taking pictures as Holly's poor fiance tried to focus at his place of work, until the window that looked out at the road outside began to fill with white.

It had begun to snow, just as Holly's sex-induced exhaustion began to set in.

She wasn't even sure when she fell asleep - but, at some point, with at least one hole full, Holly's mind fell into the darkness, held by the warmth of her own lustful body heat.

'Hello, Holly,' spoke a voice. Deep and rumbling, like a growl that managed to form words. 'Having a jolly evening?'

Holly jolted awake, the realisation hitting her like a train - that's not Oliver.

'Who- what- AHHHHHMMFFF!' Holly's mouth was clamped over by a thick, heavy hand that almost seemed to cross her face from the top of her nose down to her chin, long thick fingers wrapping around her head as her eyes adjusted to the dark.

And it was dark - darker than simply 8pm in December - it was night, now.

The hand on her face was partially blocking her view, but Holly could make out the shape over someone - a shadow, silhouetted by the streetlamp outside. He looked... furry.

Like, properly - there was a halo of light around his outline that looked shaggy,

Holly began to thrash - fighting as hard as she could, but there was no use. More hands, massive and powerful, clamped down on her wrists and ankles, holding her down on the bed easily. As she flailed, panic started to set in. She tried to scream, but the sounds were muffled, and she could barely see, and-and-and-

'Holly - you need to still.'

The voice reverberated around the room, and Holly found herself obeying. It wasn't until she fell still - as she was told - that she realised she still had her leggings tugged down, and that her sex and plugged arse were in full view as she was pinned atop the bedding.

'Do you know who I am?' the voice asked. Movement in the room drew her eye, as she saw more of those furry figures around her - three in total, one holding her mouth, one holding her left arm and leg, one holding her right. This figure, though, was out of view, as she was unable to look down - her head being pinned to the pillow, as she was.

'Nrmm,' she managed, her mouth covered.

'Do you know why I'm here?' Holly could detect a note of... amusement in his voice, which made her want to scream. How dare he be amused! This was awful! What he was doing was awful! How could he sound so... cheery?!