The Middle Child


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With their funds running out and no other options, the couple had little choice but to move into a small one-bedroom apartment that they could afford on Social Security. Evelyn spends her days as an unpaid babysitter for Jimmy and Camile's children as her oldest son and daughter-in-law are working. Jacob spends his days in misery sitting on the couch bitching about how his life turned out. The elderly couple have no contact with their younger son or daughter. They rarely see their oldest son because of his job.

"Uumm, Pardon me, Mr. Johnson." The cashier for the store said softly as she entered Sam's office.

"Yes, Camile. What can I do for you?" He replied smiling at his ex-wife and now sister-in-law.

"Well, I was wondering if there was any way that you might be able to get Jimmy transferred somewhere closer to here. Because you have had him working out of state for the last few months, we only get to see each other for one day every other week. Even then, he's usually too tired to do anything."

"Well, I'm sorry Camile, but all the grunt labor positions closer are full. In order to transfer Jimmy closer, I would have to transfer another grunt to fill his position. I would just be replacing your hardship with someone else's hardship. That wouldn't be very fair to the other person and their family."

The once attractive blonde began sobbing. "Please, Sa.....I mean Mr. Johnson! I know that you despise us and are punishing us for what we did, but I'm desperate. I haven't made love to my husband in months. I'll do anything you ask. Please, please, please, let me see my husband." She begged.

"Anything?" came a familiar feminine voice over the speakerphone.

"Thousand dollars says she doesn't really mean that." Another woman's voice added.

"From what she said to me when I met with the family to come out of the closet, I'm not buying what she's selling." Said a third woman.

Yes, Sam had conferenced in his fiancé, future sister-in-law, and sister as soon as his secretary informed him that Camile wished to talk to him. He was pretty sure that the conversation was going to be about and wanted his closest people to listen in and enjoy it.

"Well, Camile. It seems as though no one really buys that. Perhaps you should be a little more specific on exactly what you are willing to do. Frankly, I'm not very keen on the idea of that scumbag you call a husband being any closer to me than absolutely necessary. If we could get a job in Siberia, that's where I would send him. Why in God's name would I even consider moving him any closer. At least now, he gets to come home every other weekend."

"But it's an 8-hour drive. He gets home late Friday night, has to rest on Saturday, then he leaves Sunday morning again. With him only being a laborer and making barely above minimum wage, he is so exhausted by the time he gets home, he just sleeps all day."

"Well, Camile. I'm not really sure that's my problem. If things aren't working out for you two, then you are free to resign and find other jobs."

"You know that's not an option. You know that we already tried that. We can't afford to pack up and move somewhere else, and no one else around here will hire us after word got out about what happened. I understand that you hate us and what we did, but can't you have just a modicum of compassion?"

"Again, why would I? You two never had any compassion for me. In fact, you rubbed it in my face. The two of you have never even shown the slightest regret for what you did to me. All the regret you have right now is because am getting my revenge on you. It isn't because of what you did to me."

Seeing that there were no words that would sway her former husband, Camile knew that she had to rely on the only thing she had left. "I will do anything." Truthfully, she was hoping Sam would take her up on her offer and fuck her silly. Sam was bigger than Jimmy, and she always enjoyed the sex she had with him. She only gave in to Jimmy when she realized that it was Jimmy who would inherit the company and be more successful. The word 'Gold-digger' had her picture next to it in the dictionary. Perhaps, she thought, she could win back her former husband and kick that re-headed bitch out on her ass. She was, after all, extremely frustrated with the lack of sex recently. Besides, she knew that she could fuck Sam into oblivion if given the chance. She was only a bit concerned about this conversation being conferenced in with the red-headed bitch and the two disgusting dykes, as they were known to her husband and in-laws.

"OK." Piped up Becca over the speaker. "How about this? Sam, you and I have been discussing the thought of a threesome with another woman. Quite honestly, the way June and Steph have described the difference between a man licking a pussy versus a woman, I've been thinking about trying it. I sincerely doubt that I would return the favor, but I wouldn't mind seeing if there is a difference on me."

Camile's horror at the thought only grew when June piped up. "Oh, yeah. Steph and I have also been discussing picking up another woman and using her for a toy with us for a night as well. Jimmy isn't due to come back this weekend, so maybe you guys can play with her Saturday, and we can have her Sunday."

Sam thought for a minute before responding. "That sounds like a plan, but I have zero interest in sticking my cock in her cunt. She can eat Becca's pussy, clean my cum from Becca, and I will fuck her ass, but Becca and I will not touch her cunt. June, you and Steph can do whatever you like."

"Great!" June enthused. "Steph and I have acquired a lot of toys. We can double team her with strap-ons. Tell be, Camile, have you ever been double-teamed with a cock in both your cunt and ass at the same time? You did say 'anything', right?"

Monday morning, Camile somehow managed to gingerly stagger into work. Her posture was abnormally stiff from the large butt-plug she was wearing. Her mouth still had the taste of pussy even after several teeth brushings and mouth washing. Her tits were still sore from frequent maulings over the weekend. She just hoped that Sam upheld his end of the bargain.

"Good news, Slut." Steph announced when Camile clocked in. "Asswipe will finish up where he is this week, then be back for the weekend. Next week, he will start on the new building here in town."

Camile was relieved at the news. Given her horrible relationship with them, she had worried that they would back out on the deal.

"Oh, by the way," Steph continued. "Should you need it, June and I are thinking about hiring a live-in maid. Of course, there would be 'extra duties' involved, since it would include room and board. I should probably let you know that we have been looking at exploring some BDSM, and we are both more than just a bit interested in it. The problem is that neither of us are really that submissive. We were discussing the possibility of bringing in a woman that would either be a natural submissive or not really have much in the way of other options. Anyway, just thought that I would throw that out there in case you were interested."

"Don't forget to mention the loaning for parties and other stuff, my love." June called out as she walked past.

"Oh, yeah. Whoever we bring on will need to be bi-sexual as well. Becca and Sam will be borrowing her occasionally to help set up and serve -- in ALL senses of the word -- at their parties, as well as just entertaining them alone occasionally as well."

Camile was obviously baffled by this exchange. She had completely detested everything that she had been put through over the weekend. She hated licking pussies but lick them she did. Anal was painful, no matter how much lube they used, but she had taken Sam's cock as well as strap-ons from June and Steph up her ass multiple times. She never got to fuck Sam like she wanted to. The strap-on dildos June and Steph used were only a poor substitute for a real cock. She never even got the pleasure of anyone licking her pussy over the weekend. The only good things were when Sam would cum in her mouth. She even grudgingly appreciated the times that she was able to taste Sam's cum as she had to lick it out of Rebecca's pussy.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU FUCKING SET ME UP!" Camile screamed as she stormed into Sam's office Thursday afternoon. She had just been served with divorce papers. Included in the divorce paperwork (for adultery, by the way) were several graphic photos of Camile engaged in sexual acts with multiple anonymous women and one man. The photos very carefully refrained from showing any identifiable features from everyone except Camile.


Her tirade continued for another 10-minutes and drew a considerable crowd. The crowd obviously included Rebecca, June, and Stephanie. All through her screaming, Sam simply sat back silently with a smile on his face. He didn't speak until Camile finally wound down and began sobbing.

"Becca? As council for the company, what are my options for the grievous charges that one of our cashiers has leveled against us?"

Well, Mr. Johnson. As for the evidence that I have seen here, she has zero evidence that you, me, or any other employee of the firm has anything to do with her slutty behavior. My opinion on this matter is that she has been caught in a very compromising position, and she is grasping at straws in order to find any way of salvaging some sort of pay-off that will salvage her reputation and set her up financially. My advice is to fire her for cause by creating a hostile work environment. Lord knows that our security cameras have caught enough of her false accusations to warrant that."

Sam sighed. "Very well. Even though she hurt me when she dumped me for my brother, I was really hoping that helping them out and hiring them when no one else would, could somehow heal the rift in our family. After all, it worked when we hired Stephanie. So be it. Camile, I have no choice but to let you go. Please report to HR. They will explain your rights and options. Your final check will be delivered to you before you leave."

"But, but, but, I have nowhere to go. Jimmy has kicked me out and filed a restraining order. Without this job, I can't even rent another apartment or get a hotel room for the night." She whined.

"Camile, I suggest you look at all your options. Are you sure that you don't know of another open position that you are qualified for? Perhaps a position that also includes room and board?" June asked with a devious smile.

A look of horror came across Camile's face as she suddenly realized the intent of that conversation Monday morning. Sam, Rebecca, June, and Stephanie had planned this all along. Giving them low paying jobs to eliminate their options. Sending Jimmy out of state to keep them apart. Working Jimmy to the bone to ensure that he was too exhausted to make love on the rare occasions that he could come home. Driving a wedge between them to reduce the affection for each other. Driving them to desperation so she was willing to accept their most depraved offers. Finally, providing her husband with evidence of her disgusting slutty behavior. All this combined to get her husband to file for divorce and kick her out of her home with nowhere to go. No one would ever hire her now. She had just been fired from a menial job because she accused them of sexual harassment that they would easily prove false. Her reputation would be a woman that falsely accused her superiors of sexual harassment in the hopes of a big payday.

Sure, she could move across the country, but what kind of a life would that be? She would have no references to get any sort of a decent job. How would she possibly explain the huge gap in her work experience? The best she could hope for would be a minimum wage job that probably wouldn't even support her and never being able to see her children again. Her next option was living on the street here and begging for spare change to survive. She would at least see her children occasionally, even if it were supervised visitation. Her only other option was so distasteful that she could barely imagine it.

"You know, if you were my little sister's employee, I could represent you pro-bono in your divorce and child custody cases." Rebecca said. "Granted, I would never go for primary custody for a slut like you, but I would at least make sure that you would get unsupervised visitation and very minimal child support."

Six months later:

Camile had just finished scrubbing the kitchen floor preparing for the evening party Sam and Rebecca were having. She was 'dressed' in the abbreviated French maid outfit that she had gotten used to wearing. The outfit left her tits and nipples fully exposed. The short micro-skirt and lack of panties showed off the butt-plug and shaved pussy whenever she bent over. She had gotten over her revulsion of licking pussies months ago. Her ass was now well accustomed to accepting large cocks and dildos. She would actually orgasm now from getting ass fucked. The only action her pussy received was from the strap-on dildos the women wore. She never heard from Jimmy anymore. He was completely disgusted with her new lesbian lifestyle. She wished that she could talk to him and explain how she hated it and was forced into it. Unfortunately, he refused to even look at her. Her visitation with her children was always done by picking them up at a neutral site after he dropped them of and left before she arrived to pick them up.

"Hey, slut. Good news." June announced as she walked into the kitchen of her new brother-in-law and sister's house. "We just received your final divorce decree. Congratulations! You are no longer married to that scumbag."

"Oh and look what we also just received." Rebecca added. "This DVD just came that shows Jimmy in a sexual relationship with another woman all the time that he was working out of state while you were at home pining away for him and being faithful. The timestamps on the videos definitely prove that he was cheating on you months before you offered yourself to us the first time. It's really too bad that we didn't have this evidence against him when he first filed for divorce. You probably would have had a much better settlement with full custody and child support. Damn. Too late now though." She concluded cheerfully as she walked out of the room.


Jacob and Eveline lived out the rest of their lives at the edge of poverty, existing only on their social security. Their hatred and anger continued to prevent them from reaching out to Sam. Their bigotry also prevented them from any attempt to contact their daughter. The only joy they found was in watching their grandchildren sired by their oldest son. Even that was tempered by the memories of the videos showing their mother as a bisexual gang-bang slut.

Jimmy continued to exist on his low-wage job being a laborer in his brother's company. It had been explained to him that his prospect for advancement were exactly zero. He had tried to find a better job several times, but he had been rebuffed at every turn. He didn't have the skills needed for any particular trade, and his experience and degree in business had been sufficiently tainted by how he lost his company that no one was willing to take a chance on him. Even his attempt to move away and try to create a new life was rebuffed when Rebecca -- on Camile's behalf -- filed suit preventing him from taking the children away. He tried to date for a while, but he found very few women willing to spend any time on a loser single father with extremely limited funds. Eventually, he only found relief of his sexual frustrations by masturbating to the occasional videos delivered anonymously showing his ex-wife engaged in bi-sexual gang-bang parties.

Sam and Rebecca married and had three children. Sam never did fuck Camile's pussy. While he did avail himself to her mouth and ass (always with Becca's permission), Becca was the only one that he got Sam's cock in her pussy. Also, Sam was the only man that Becca availed herself to. All three of their children were equally loved and were to be equal heirs. There would be no favorites in this household.

June and Stephanie also married. While their relationship began under odd circumstances, they grew to love each other unconditionally. Likewise, Stephanie and Sam did develop a strong sibling relationship as well. While the couple did employ Camile as a 'Maid with benefits', she was viewed as nothing more than a living, breathing sex toy. Stephanie did bare two children. June's older brother was the donor, and they used artificial insemination to conceive.

The First Born. The Chosen One. The Heir Apparent. The one who could do no wrong. The Entitled One. The fall was long and hard as it was for the parents who created the situation.

The Baby of the Family. The Spoiled One. The Innocent One. The Protected One. Was she punished enough? Several will say no, but she was shown mercy. Vengeance against her was tempered because she demonstrated repentance.

The Middle Child. The forgotten One. The Other Child. The one who has to look out for himself. The one who becomes independent. The one who develops a mindset of vengeance against those who have done them wrong -- and becomes absolutely ruthless.

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ImshakenImshaken6 days ago

Wow! An interesting story indeed. Believable? Nope. The Johnson family, (Sam aside) were a family who's unsavory characteristics defy description in this short space. The SRJ people were Machiavelian beyond normal comprehension. The author takes retribution to cruel new dimensions.

A plot hole even I noticed... Video evidence of Camile's sexual activities sent to Jimmy, yet there's no proof of sexual predation by the SRJ group??

Also, how can people be subjected to such torment but not be willing to move away and start elsewhere instead of having to accept minimum wage, while simultaneously sexually abused? It makes no sense.

All that said, it's nice to see dirtbags get their comeuppance and the author dishes that out by the barrel. So 5 stars and a thank you for sharing! :o)

Starwolf1961Starwolf196121 days ago

I wrestled with the score on this one. Well written, check, interesting premise, check, any likeable character, NOT.

dgfergiedgfergieabout 1 month ago

Not bad, a good and over the top BTB story. Not much forgiveness in that family unless true repentance was shown. Bu then again, it's just a story folks!

LynchjimLynchjimabout 1 month ago

Thank you this story is fantastic as good if not a smidge better than soul’s betrayed. Now I have to read more of your works to see if they are all this good once again thank you Eric so much.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbosabout 1 month ago

The "revenge" here on Camille was so grossly unbalanced compared to what she did that it ruined my enjoyment of the story - and I love a good revenge btb, but this wasn't one. Hell, Jimmy more or less got off with nothing but losing some money while Camille is a daily rape victim to a couple of insane narcissists. Hell, in this last page here you basically made the perpetrators the victims of revenge so grossly unfair I felt bad for them. Why did you do that?

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