The House Pt. 03

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In pursuit of a lottery win.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 02/17/2024
Created 10/28/2023
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A couple of notes

I intended for The House to be only two parts. But a few of the comments caught my eye and I thought combining them made an interesting addition to the original plot. The protagonist in this episode is not a likeable guy - I tried to express that in some humorous ways, but if you are having difficulty wondering if he will get his - he does.

As is typical in these stories, the good guys (in this case, a generic non-sex specific term) win and the bad guy loses - the story is about the "how" not the "what".

The first two parts were about serendipity - this one adds a bit of karma.

Most of the commenters liked the first two parts of The House - some thought it bizarre, if you were in that latter category you will like this part even less. I maintained the LW category, the same loving wife is a central character, again. As before, whether the house takes an active role in the story is ambiguous.


"Come clean, brother. There is something more to your win than you are letting on." I was talking to my half-brother, Walter Bicknell. He was suddenly a rich man, and that pissed me off.

Our mother was - well, I guess you'd say a slut. She was married to Walt's father, who was a real salt-of-the-earth kind of guy. But she fell for my father, an athletic, handsome, and somewhat lazy philanderer. Walt is but one of my four half-siblings (with four different mothers). Dad was better at getting women in a family-way than actually joining with them in any kind of family way.

So, Mom had my older brother and me, as a single parent for much of my childhood. Fortunately, Walt's dad, though never speaking to his Ex again, took pity on her and helped, as he could, financially.

Walt is 8 years my senior. When he turned 18, he went to college and Mom got really poor. She did her best trying to work and to find another husband. Unfortunately, she found several guys more like my dad than like Walt's. I grew up hating the institution of marriage.

They say if you grow up abused, you are likely to become an abuser. Much as I hate to admit it, I am just like my father. I use my good looks and natural charm to seduce women, preferably married women. You'd think I'd learn. Some husbands just divorce their wives while others look for revenge, then divorce their wives. I have had to leave more than one town to avoid the wrath of some angry husband.

But I am off track. Brother Walt won his state's lottery a while back. He is rolling in money. He came back home and suddenly Mom has a home and level of security she never thought she'd have and feels she doesn't deserve.

Me? On the other hand, I know I do deserve it. So, I moved back to help Mom out, too. Sure, I have no money, nor any skills, nor any real interest - but I'm staying with Mom, to help, none-the-less.

"Walt, you know I am going to hound you until you give it up - so, give it up!"

"Jim" (that's me, Jim Snyder, by the way) "I'll tell you. But I don't know whether you should believe it. Hell, I'm not sure I believe it."

He sat there for a bit, maybe trying to decide how to tell his story. "Let me start here. I picked up a copy of the local newspaper one day. I don't know why, I never pick up a paper or read printed news, for that matter. I get all my information online."

He looked at me and continued, "I opened the paper and the article which caught my eye was some guy who'd claimed his lottery prize and got his picture in the paper. It wasn't all that big a prize; but I thought, 'lucky bastard', anyway."

"So, some guy wins a prize, so what? Get to it!" Walt mistakes my question for interest. I could give a shit about his story. I want to know how to win the lottery.

"Jim. Stop being such an ass. I don't need to tell you anything. You piss me off just being here, now that I bought Mom a nice house. Where were you when she was in that shitty apartment?"

Well, I guess I'd better tone it down a notch. "Sorry, when you're right, you're right. Please, continue."

"I folded up the paper and started walking back to work. I had been on a walk at lunchtime - I never did that, either. I'll be damned if I didn't run nose-to-nose into the lottery winner I'd seen in the paper. I told him I'd just seen his picture; he was a lucky guy."

Walt paused, again. "Jim, he looked at me and said, 'you don't know the half of it.' He told me..." he paused, looked at me, considering what he was going to say, then started, again. "The long and short of what he told me was it was the house he was renting. The house caused him to win the lottery."

"The house caused it. I see." I tried to look serious, I know my words dripped with sarcasm.

"Just like I thought. Fuck you, Jim. Believe it, don't believe it. He convinced me the house caused us to meet. That caused me to move into that house and, here I am."

"Well, there must be more to the story." Why do I get myself in these holes. I get him talking, telling me what I need, then I screw it up.

"You've got that right. And I am not wasting my breath telling you. I had forgotten what an absolute ass hole you are. You worm your way in here taking advantage of Mom and conning her into making me front you some money. There really is no bottom to you."

He got this evil smile and said, "Renting that house was the reason the other guy won; it is the reason I won. It is the how you seek. You'll get none of that from me. I miss the good old days, when missing you was my privilege. I'm outta here."

Walt left in a huff, got in his new Porche, and was gone in a flash. Shit. I guess I could have done that better. What now? Like his father, Walt is a down-to-earth, level-headed, hardworking guy who never approved of my lifestyle. I'll see no more of him, maybe ever.

I waited around, Mom got home, and we chatted for a bit. When I thought the time was right, "Mom, do you have Walt's old address, before he won the lottery?" Much as I love my brother, I had not thought about him between his 18 th birthday and his winning the lottery. She had the address and gave it to me. Mom wanted to know where Walt was and I lied to her - told her he had an appointment and would be back tomorrow. I don't really know when he'll be back, but, it was a safe lie, one way or the other I'll be gone.

I spent the night with Mom, one more time. In the morning, I said my goodbyes and told her to tell Walt it was good to see him again and went to seek my fortune.


It was about a thousand-mile drive. Mom had talked Walt into staking me a hundred grand for a new business venture. Walt knew a new venture and me went together like oil and water, but he loved Mom - bless his heart.

I had time to think. The house causes lottery wins... and this would be because? You know, time doesn't do much to get you an answer to a question like that.

I drove a little more than 300 miles and stopped to pee, eat, and gas up. How on earth can a house pick a lottery winner? Boy, I really fucked this up. I know it is no use calling Walt. He has this irritating practical streak - if it was important to me to know - why didn't I listen when he was willing to share? And since I didn't listen then, why would he chance going through it, again? Fuck!

Well, Walt said he rented the house. I guess my move is to rent it and maybe how the house helps will become apparent. Seems like a plan.

I drove another 350 miles and stopped for the night.


If I am to call the owner and say I want to rent the house, I decided it would be good to actually have seen the house. I entered the address into my GPS and arrived just after 1:00 pm.

The neighborhood was nondescript. Right in the heart of middle-class. This house, however, was going through some extensive renovation. Notably, there was a high wooden fence around much of the back yard - no doubt a pool enclosure. A crew was still working on the fence.

I stopped, got out of the car, and got a worker's attention. "Wow! This is some great looking work. If you'll pardon me, it seems a bit much for this neighborhood."

"I guess. You need to talk to the boss." He looked over his shoulder and shouted, "Charley." A gate opened and Charley, apparently, walked through.

The worker said I was curious about the project. Charley looked at me, "You interested in a pool?"

"You know, I might be. I just thought this was a bit much for our neighborhood." Might as well sound as though I was a guy from around here.

"I thought so, too. But it is an unusual deal. The guy who owns the house rents it to his ex-wife. They have two sons. The dad wants his kids to have a pool - apparently they have one at his house. So, he had me build a pool for his boys."

We chatted for a while and my plan changed. Clearly, dear ol' dad was not going to toss his sons out, so I could win the lottery. Now, I had to hope the ex-wife wasn't a real loser and court my way into the house. With any luck, I'd pay no rent, get a little pussy, and a lottery win - before I moved to better environs.

I needed a way in. Somehow, knocking on the door, and saying I want to meet you, fuck you, move in with you, win the lottery, and then move on seemed a tad harsh.


I watched the house for a couple of weeks. This was going to be difficult. The lady had a routine and never deviated. She took the kids to school and went to work. Another lady, who I determined was daddy's new squeeze, brought them home - either alone or with daddy and waited until Mom got home. She never went out. Never had anybody in. She was a devoted mother, period. It did look like the ex and his new missus visited on occasion, but that was it.

Maybe the way in was through the homeowner. I did some research. The house belonged to Don Wilson, owner of Responsive Reality. My path through the front door of the house was through the ex-husband of the current tenant - how fucked up is that?

It took another six weeks. During that time I met Don, convinced him I was new in town and looking for a nice home from which I could run my business. We looked at a few homes and I told him I was lonely. My wife cheated on me, I decided to divorce her, and move to a new city. We got to know one another pretty well - well, I knew him, and he knew who I was pretending to be. One day, he said he had someone I ought to meet. It was all I could do not to give him a big high five.


I knocked on the door. Don answered. "Jim! Good to see you. Laney..." A moment later, Laney walked in, she was an attractive woman, for sure. We were introduced and she offered me a soft drink.

A soft fucking drink? She not only lives like a nun, but she also drinks like one. "Oh, great, sure, anything diet is fine." I said with an easy enthusiasm, which pleased me - I've still got it.

"We're having burgers on the grille. I'm still getting things ready."

"Let me help." I said with my brightest smile.

"Sure? If you want."

"I love doing that stuff. It's been a while; this will be fun." Fun my ass. But sacrifices need to be made if one is going to win the big bucks.

When we got to the kitchen, I met Grace, Don's other half. I was amazed at how well she and Laney got along. The sliding glass door was open, and we could hear the boys splashing around in the pool.

Laney told me she was working on a project to develop drugs and behavioral changes to enable people to rid themselves of addiction to both drugs and alcohol. She was charged up about her work, I'll say that. Grace was some kind of genius, she had about a dozen college degrees and even after she explained her work, I didn't understand it.

I don't know where Don was most of the time. I guess he chose to be outside with the boys. All-in-all it was a great evening - though I find seductions are easier with vodka than with Dr Pepper - but you can't have everything.

I took the opportunity to get Laney alone, toward the end of the evening and asked if she would like to go out with me. She readily agreed - telling me I'd be her first date since her divorce. Horny is good, came to mind.

The date went well and became several more. On our fourth, she got serious at dinner.

"Jim, we are getting along well. I'd like to take our relationship a little further."

I certainly had done all I could to take it further, only to be shot down. "Well, you know that would please me."

"But you need to know something about me. I was unhappy when I was married to Don. I went out and got involved with a man who got me hooked on drugs and then used me as a call girl."

"So that's why you never drink."

She looked at me, like why would that be important to you, "Well, yes. It led me to bad places. But if we are going to be more, I wanted you to know I have a past."

I almost blurted out a past that I love, but I thought better of it - fortunately. Instead, "The past is the past. We have a future."

She frowned a bit, "I hope so. But my sons are important to me, and you don't even know their names."

I would have called her on that, but she was right. I know one of them is Tim, or maybe Tom - well shit, I'd better deflect. "The boys always stay with their dad when we are going out. If you want us to know each other better, let's spend time with them at your house."

That brightened her mood. We left dinner without dessert and went back to her house. For the first time I got to sample her charms, her professionally trained charms - she must have been a hell'uva hooker. I never had better.

I was right, horny is good. She flat wore me out.

So, our romance began.

Trying to find out how a house could help you win a lottery is not an easy task - what am I supposed to do? Stare at a wall and ask? I was glad she told me her boys were important - who knew? I learned their names: John and Tim - and did my best to show interest in them. They are onery little shits, but I think I was fooling them.

Time marched on. My life was hell. This was like some 50s black and white TV show. We were there at the house, loving the lives of two irritable little morons, and looking forward to more of the same tomorrow. All I can say is my lottery prize better be a big one.

Then, one afternoon six numbers popped into my head: Blue 4, 18, and 21 and Gold 6, 7, and 24. I mean it was weird. It was like I was looking at a photo of a lottery ticket. This state has a fucked-up lottery, three drawings and two colors - blue and gold! (The lottery is explained in Part 1, but it is not important to know the detail.)

I got up to go and buy a ticket. The boys were all cranky, our game would be ruined if I left in the middle. Like I gave a shit. I left and got my ticket for this Friday and Saturday's drawings.


When I got back, all hell broke loose. Laney told me we just were not going to work out. For one thing the boys hated me, they could sense my insincerity. I started to tell her about Walter and the lottery and pulled the ticket out of my shirt pocket. I decided, fuck it. I shoved the ticket back in my pocket and left. The house had given me the numbers and I didn't need any more of Leave it to Beaver.

I left and Laney slammed the door behind me. She was crying; women do that at the end of relationships with me.

I got in my car and drove toward my apartment. Once I was over my anger I thought - life is good. I reached up to my shirt pocket and SHIT, no lottery ticket. I must have missed my pocket when I put it back at her house. I turned and sped back to her house.

She was gone. Probably went to cry on Grace's shoulder. I looked through the living room window and saw the lottery ticket on the floor. I had to get it.

I looked around. All doors and windows locked. But she never locks the sliding door that goes to the pool. The high fence prevents entry, making it almost like an interior room of the house. If I could get back there. I would be in and out with the ticket.

It was getting dark enough no one would see me. Laney always set her alarm, so my only route in was through that sliding door - it was not connected to the security system. There was a maple tree in the front yard. It was climbable. It had a limb which would get me on the roof. A plan formed.

I got myself on the roof, the pitch was surprisingly steep. I guess it is one thing to look at and another to climb on in the late moments of dusk. I got to the pinnacle of the roof and started down the back side.

I lost my footing, shit! I am sliding down uncontrollably. Fortunately, there is a large light standard which illuminates the pool. I grabbed for it as I was sliding off the edge of the roof.

Shit! It came loose. The fall is only eight feet, I can survive it. <<Fade to black>>


[from the point of view of Elaine]

I was sad. More than sad when I thought about it. I took the boys and drove to Don's. Grace and I talked for a while, and I felt better. Finding a new love, the first time happened to them, but it had to be rare.

We got the boys settled in bed and I decided I was tired. I got home about 11:00. The house was dark. I thought I'd left the pool light on, but it was too late - I'd look in the morning. The boys had left their game out, in the living room. I picked it all up, stuffed it in the box and put it on the table. I went to bed.

I got up at 6:30, as I always do and was making a cup of coffee. I looked out toward the pool, there was a man lying there with the pool light in his hand. It looked like he was dead. I called 9-1-1.


That day was a mess. The dead man was Jim. The police could tell he'd climbed the tree and tried to get over the roof. They could tell, from broken tiles, he'd slid down the roof and grabbed the light. From there the story was bizarre.

Though the installation was brand new, the light fixture just broke away. There was a surveillance camera which showed Jim falling, desperately holding onto the fixture with both hands. He was stretched out, his feet landed in a large puddle from the pool, there was a flash. Apparently the fixture shorted out and Jim was electrocuted. The police said it was nearly impossible for all those events to have simultaneously occurred.

They wanted to know why Jim would want to break into my house if we'd just broken up. I had no idea.

After the investigation, the police left saying they would notify Jim's next of kin.

I didn't hear any more from them.

Saturday, Don and Graced came by. I was glad to see them.

"I got a call last night from Walter Bicknell." Don was looking at me like that should mean something to me.

"I'm sorry, should I know that name?"

"Turns out, you should. Walt was the tenant before me, who won the lottery. He has, well had, a half-brother, Jim Snyder."

"Walt told me the brother was a no-good son of a bitch. He always had some scheme. His last, as it turns out, was to come to the house where Walt picked his winning ticket, and find a way to win, himself. Was Jim a lottery ticket buyer?"

I thought about the other night when he broke up the game to go get a ticket. I went to the game box, opened it, and found a ticket for tonight's drawing.

"He did buy a ticket. Maybe we should call Walt and give it to him?" I asked - hoping Don would say no."

"Walt said after his most recent visit his mom completely disowned his half-brother. They were both finished with him and did not even want what was left in his checking account. They asked it be used to bury him."