The Gamble

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Is it worth it to gamble your marriage?
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Oh My God!

What a note to receive on Friday after work.

Dear Joe,

I will not be home until after ten on Sunday night. I am leaving you with four options.

  1. When I come home Sunday, you do not ask any questions. We resume our everyday relationship. I promise that nothing will happen this weekend that will change it.
  2. That you ask me precisely what I did and why you may not like the answers, I am asking you to trust me and take the first response.
  3. You will be angry and leave without an explanation. You will either disappear with one-half of our assets or file for a divorce. There is not any positive reason for this course of action.
  4. You will listen to me and take the third option. I do not believe that you will take this option. We have a great life together. Nothing will happen this weekend to change it.

Remember, I love you, and I will love you after this weekend. There isn't any reason not to trust me.

I will not answer my phone this weekend.


I got home from work Friday afternoon. Reading Brenda's note left me shaken. I called her just in case she might answer. No luck.

I also wanted to keep busy this weekend. I called my twin grandsons teenagers and asked them if they wanted to go fishing at a rented cabin. They agreed. I decided I would think about it all weekend and make my decision at the last minute.

I should describe the relationship that exists between Brenda and me.

Brenda and I met in a college class.

When she enters a room, Brenda is always checked out. She was a beauty, still is. We immediately clicked and started dating. We shared many traits. We were compatible in every way. Once we started dating, we were exclusive.

We were both intelligent, attractive students. She and I hit it off instantly.

Neither of us came from money. To have enough money to live on, both of us worked part-time.

When our sex life started, it was dull. We both expanded our talents in a short time, and it became hot and unique. All went well.

We graduated and married immediately. In four years, we had two sons. We worked hard and made good money. We spent what we made. We were both earned an excellent salary, and neither of us was a saver. We did not worry about the future. The years moved on. Both sons went to college, and we were broke.

Retirement was closing in. We worried about how much we would have in retirement. Both of us put what we could into our 401Ks. A financial analyst said we could have a happy retirement but not with traveling or expensive toys if we were careful.

Our life was enjoyable. Occasionally we would go to a good restaurant. As long as we controlled our spending, all would be good.

Brenda worked for a wealthy older man Charles Davidson as his assistant for ten years. Charlie was ill. No one knew what the illness was, but all knew it was terminal.

They had lunch every day, and she had spoken of her of their money shortage.

Charlie often thought of Brenda's problems. He felt if he tried to give her a lump sum of money, she would not accept it. Charlie knew his time was short. He sat down and came up with a plan. He was in love with Brenda but never indicated it in any way. She was at the top of his bucket list.


I decided that the best approach was to speak up. Tell Brenda what I wanted and tell her about the rewards.

In the morning I called her to my office. Brenda, "Would you like a weekend in Las Vegas? Only the two of us would go. We would eat in the best restaurants. You could gamble Saturday afternoon. At night we could have supper and go to one of the big shows on the strip. Sunday morning, we could check out the Grand Canyon. Sunday afternoon, we could catch another show. We would leave at six on a flight out. We would get home around ten."

Brenda responded," Charlie, it sounds great, but I could not have sex with you. I have never cheated on Joe in thirty-eight years. I couldn't now. "

Well, I did not mention it. I don't even know if I can perform. I do know you are the most attractive woman I have ever known. I will give you ten thousand to spend on Joe when we arrive home. He doesn't have to know it came from me. I will also give you ten thousand to gamble in Vegas. If there are winnings, it is all yours. Losses I will absorb.

You can tell him it's a business trip that I require to clear up some issues before I die.


That was an exciting offer, and we could sure use the ten grand. I could not lie to Joe. The best I could be either telling him all about the trip or telling him nothing. I thought long and hard. I did not want to risk my marriage. I did not want to tell him ahead of time because I was sure he would object.

I did not care about the sex part. That would be with an older man who I am not sure would have an erection.

I liked the idea, but I had to develop a risk solution.

Charlie suggested that I not inform Joe. I should leave a note and discuss it when I get home.


I got home from work Friday afternoon. Brenda's note had shaken me. I called her just in case she might answer. No luck.

I wanted to keep busy this weekend. I called my twin grandsons teenagers and asked them if they wanted to go fishing at a rented cabin. They agreed. I decided I would think about it all weekend and make my decision at the last minute.

I picked them up Saturday morning. We stopped for a hardy morning breakfast then left for the cabin. We arrived, and the boys rushed to get fishing. I stayed and set up the place. Then I did some thinking and then made lunch. The boys came back empty. We ate hamburgers and salad. We talked about everything then they returned to fishing. I stayed back to think of my options. I grabbed a fly rod and joined the boys. In one hour, I caught three big trout. The kids were very impressed.

We cooked the trout for supper. The trout was delicious. After supper, we played penny poker and told stories. I talked about Brenda's happiness that the boys turned out so well. We were proud of them and were sure that they would lead successful lives.

Sunday, I said, let us go to church. An immediate whine went up from the boys. I told him about a small camp for young people seven or fewer years old. They came for nothing from the inner city. Their counselors were all teenage girls who went to this mass. They decided to sacrifice themselves and go.

The priest was a young fellow whose sermon was for the young ladies. When choosing a partner for life, he said to skip the good-looking bad boys. Find someone who is a friend who empathizes with other people. Who is particularly empathizes with you. Whoever you marry can share a great sex life. The other part of your life requires a compatible person who can compromise. You can go to counseling for sex, which can improve, but improving a person's character is tricky.

He went on for quite a while. The counselors all looked interested.

After mass, they had coffee and buns in the basement. The boys mixed in with the counselor and loved it. They got phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

We left. The rest of the day, we fished. The boys had never fly fished. I taught them as much as I could in the limited time we had. We all caught fish. We cleaned them and packed them in ice. They bought them home.


We landed in Vegas. A limousine took us to one of the best hotels in the city. When we settled in our room, we ordered drinks and relaxed. I decided to make it as memorable for Charlie as he did for me.

I put on one of my sexiest nightgowns. Charlie loved it. Charlie said he had not had sex in the last ten years. Not since his wife died. He had a box of blue pills to help him.

We lay in the bed and cuddled. We started necking. I found I was attracted to Charlie. He never did get an erection but offered to help me get an orgasm if I wanted one. I just wanted to hold him and relax. I then thought about Joe. Joe would never approve of this. If he took the second option, I doubt he would not divorce me. It was my mistake to come here.

Saturday morning, I woke up. I felt a small amount of guilt. However, I decided if I blew my marriage, I might enjoy this weekend. We had a great breakfast in our room. I dressed in a sexy summer dress with great cleavage. Afterward, we walked the streets and checked out all the sites. We had lunch.

I was to return for supper at about three. Charlie gave me the ten grand and told me to enjoy the casinos. Earlier, if I wanted company, he was taking a nap.

I was not a great gambler. The only game I knew was roulette. I went to the table and bought fifty, one-hundred-dollar chips. I would play four chips at a time, each on one number.

I got lucky immediately. I just went into a hot streak. In one hour, I realized I had won forty-four thousand dollars. I quit. I wanted that money for Charley and me. I would be going home with fifty-four-thousand dollars.

I walked the strip for an hour. I looked at the characters that Vegas attracts. It was fun.

Then I joined Charlie in our room. He asked me to put on a semi-formal dress. He has a surprise for me.

I did not have a dress that he had in mind. He took me to a store in the hotel and picked what he wanted me to wear. It was a tight black outfit that radiated sex.

We dressed in our rooms and then went to one of the hotel's small ballrooms. In it were one hundred people with at least twenty celebrities. Charlie knew most of them. He was a major charitable contributor.

I shook hands with people I had admired on the screen, politicians I liked, and some I did not.

I danced with two big male movie stars. I loved every minute. When Charlie said, " We must leave." I honestly did not want to go.

Of course, we did. We went to a fantastic show. A famous singer was the star. I think I was the loudest applauder in the house.

Charlie and I went backstage and met the singer.

She joined us for supper. The food was beyond belief.

Our conversation was great.

That night in bed, I told Charlie this was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

He asked," If you lost Joe would it be worth it?".

Brenda, " Never, Joe was the most important person and experience in the world to me. I am amazed that I took the risk and came. If I lost Joe, there would be nothing left to live for."

Charlie felt bad. He told me he would do whatever I wanted to make sure Joe stayed with me.

We cuddled and went to sleep.

Sunday, we again had a great breakfast in our room. We then drove to the Grand Canyon. I was not impressed.

We went back and had lunch. Charlie said that perhaps we should return home. He was concerned about Joe, and maybe an early return would help the situation.

When we arrived at our town's airport, I caught a cab home. I was alone.

I was apprehensive as I approached the house. II opened the door. I called out, but he was not present. I went to our bedroom. Luggage was on the floor. I did not realize it came from his fishing trip.

I showered and put on a sundress. One hour later, Joe arrived. I gave him a kiss and a hug. He did not respond.

His first comment was that " We had been married thirty-eight years, and this was the first stunt I pulled." He had worried about me all weekend. If it ever happened again, he would be gone when I returned.

He then asked, "Why did I leave?". I told him that I had found a way to make some money for our retirement. I decided to take it. I did not want him to know because he might disapprove. The weekend served its purpose. I have made some cash. The weekend would never occur again because I would not do it. Circumstances' to cause it to happen would never happen again.

He said," I am in a quandary. If I do not find out what you did to make money, my mind will invent reasons for the weekend. I will get sick over the basis. On the other hand, if I listen to what you did. I have to believe it and that you told me all. I might find it unacceptable and have to leave. I do not want to go. "

The most important question is, "Did I have sex with anyone?" I said part of the deal was I would tell all or just some of what happened on my trip. I will only answer if you choose option 2. I recommend that not be your option.

Joe said, "That answer indicates you did have sex. If you did not, you would have answered no."

Joe said," I think I should leave. You having sex with someone else is unforgivable.

Brenda responded, "If you understood the entire situation, you would forgive me. It was only once, and it was an old man who is dying."

Joe said, " maybe I should help him along. I am leaving. Let the old man take care of you. I will find someone who likes men my age."

I called Charlie and told him Joe's response. He asked that Joe stays for a movie of our entire trip. I pleaded with Joe to wait for the film. Joe agreed.

Charlie came over with the movie. He had edited it but told Joe he could see the entire film anytime he wished. The editing was to get rid of the boring parts.

The movie started showing as Charlie, and I was entering our stateroom. The room was incredible, with a huge bed, beautiful paintings, and an exciting view.

We both removed our clothes. I put on a sheer nightgown over my naked body. Charlie looked like a fragile skeleton when he took off his clothes.

Charlie tried little blue pills to help him get an erection. The drugs did not work. I wanted to help him, but it was hopeless.

Charlie and I cuddled in the enormous bed. He told me just holding each other gave him pleasure. We then went to sleep.

The next day, the movie had a short sequence where we had breakfast and went for a walk.

Charlie handed me the money, and I went to a casino. Joe got interested as soon as I started to win. I was smiling and laughing. When you are winning, it is always fun. Joe's face had a huge grin when he found out I had won forty-four grand.

I returned to our room. Charlie was delighted with my win. He bought me a new gown to wear to the charity ball.

Charlie commented on how great I looked.

At the ball, I chatted with several celebrities. I agreed when asked to dance with a glamorous male star. While we danced, we talked. He mentioned, "Charlie wouldn't mind if I went to his room for a drink."

I responded, "I am married. I love my husband. I would not cheat.".

The star asked me, "Where is your husband?"

I answered, "Not here physically, but spiritually in my heart."

The star responded, "I rarely get refused. I promised you a time you will never forget."

I replied, "You have a reputation as being an incredible lover, one of the best in Hollywood.

My husband does not have your reputation, but I am sure he matches your talents." Anyhow I will never know because I would not cheat on Joe."

A second dance with another male star was similar. The star made a move, and I rejected it.

There was another show to see. Charlie asked me to leave with him.

We went to watch a singing star give her all. Then we had dinner with her. The movie showed how just how much I was impressed with her. I enjoyed every minute of our conversation. She and Charlie had a fling many years ago. They broke up because both were building careers and spent all their time away from each other.

We returned to our room. Charlie asked me if I enjoyed our trip. I told him, " it was one of the greatest experiences of my life." He asked," If you lost Joe would it be worth it?".

Brenda, " Never, Joe was the most important person and experience in the world to me. I am amazed that I took the risk and came. If I lost Joe, there would be nothing left to live for."

Charlie felt bad. He told me he would do whatever I wanted to make sure Joe stayed with me. We cuddled and went to sleep.

The film concluded with our trip to the Grand Canyon. We had a long discussion about Charlie's and I's relationship over the years while traveling to the canyon. Nothing we said would have upset Joe.

Our relationship had always been above board and not anything to be ashamed of.

Charlie now handed the entire film to Joe. He had not left anything out of his digested version that caused Joe grief.

Joe said," Thank you for the film. I also want to thank you for the memorable experience you shared with Brenda. I am glad that cuddling was the limit of your sex with her. I would have had to leave Brenda if it was any more significant. I can tolerate what happened. I am assuming that the relationship will return to what it was before the trip to work. "

Charlie and Brenda agreed. Charlie left.


Joe and Brenda got over the pain they had experienced, and their marriage survived. Both were happy with the outcome.

Charlie died two weeks after the trip. He left money for Brenda and a separate amount for Joe.

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MisterMordinMisterMordin9 days ago

Very unlikely storyline, very unlikable characters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Joe must be a Chuck any women that takes off on her husband and spends the weekend in bed with him is a slut and should be dumped in the trash

moultonknobmoultonknob4 months ago

With all the mistakes I assume English is not your language, if it is you should have spent more time at school. A pathetic attempt at a story and just a load of bollocks.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What The Bear said.

26thNC26thNC5 months ago

Money soothes hurt feelings.

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