The FO Officer Ch. 03

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Freddy’s comments to Elizabeth still haunted my thoughts.
13.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/07/2023
Created 05/21/2023
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My thanks are many, to my technical friends who are always offering very helpful advice, I thank you so much. My Beta reader who is always showing me the end result of his work is so impressive. To my editor, thank you so much for all your hard work, even at the unsocial hours I'm sending you stuff to work on, many heartfelt thanks for getting your hands dirty on my behalf.


Bang in the middle of nowhere Ville somewhere in Africa ...

The birds were still singing, that was a good sign, even the animals ignored me and I was grateful about that with some of those critters living around here. I was now just on my second hour following these tracks, it's amazing what you find when you're not looking. My original remit was to secure the advanced area while the Unit rested up, ready for when we got the green light on our own target.

I was in my allocated advance area of the Units holding position and feeling that everything was as it should be. Now I may be a healthy 'cup half full' type of guy, but that doesn't stop me attaching a healthy dose of paranoia to it, so out of habit, I took a knee. Sometimes I held my breath for a moment, my hearing adapted to the changes and analyzed every sense, from smell to sight. Feeling comfortable with my surroundings, I placed my hand on my knee and went to stand.

I glanced down at the edge of the track I was using as I did. Boots... I paused and then knelt down once again to get a closer look. I had read the intel report on this area before we came here, we were supposed to be alone in this area, and yet these tracks were relatively recent.

Following the tracks was going to be inevitable, unless the boss gave specific orders not to, but there were too many unanswered questions about what I was seeing. After twenty minutes I took a knee again and was 'figuratively speaking' scratching my head once more, these tracks had no real direction to them. They may as well be on a Sunday stroll, none of this made any sense. The boots were definitely British army issue. Yet they were, like the Unit was, way behind this country's enemy lines and yet these prints were not heading back towards the safety of our own people.

I knelt down and checked one more time, more out of total confusion rather than thinking I had made a mistake. This puzzle had already gone way beyond my own curiosity, all this needed fresh orders.

My hand went to my mike, even now I paused, I sighed once again and told myself that none of this made any sense. "Control this is Seven (Brendan). I have eyes on three sets of boots, our issue and heading in no real direction. Requesting information on any souls in, on, or around this location."

With Freddy on the radio, I got the standard, "Wait out."

Taking a knee since I wasn't sure how long this was going to take. My hand reached into my pouch and I munched on a candy bar while I waited.

I was about done with my candy bar when I got. "Seven, this is control. Confirm three souls."

Over the course of my following these boots, I had already surmised a great deal. It was time to put it all into words as I once again stared down at the tracks in front of me. Instinctively, my self-proclaimed paranoia meant I was also once again scanning the area as a matter of my own security before I made my report.

"Control, this is Seven (Brendan). I confirm three souls, one female; she's limping and has been assisted by one or both of the others. Two males, at the moment they are following the direction of the sun."

Freddy knew where I was. Or rather I was within a mile of his thinking were I was. It also felt like moments before my radio became active again.

"Seven this is control. Estimate how long to get eyes on souls?"

My hand extended and touched the soil, my fingertips ran along the impression the boots made in the mud.

"Control this is Seven. Estimate ten mikes at present speed and from current location."

Freddy's answer was almost immediate. "Seven, this is control. Urge eyes on three souls. Have one report of ambush, no survivors assumed, since no bodies found at your general location almost two days ago. Have had request from above to confirm eyes on souls to establish help needed."

Well, this was getting interesting. Not only the intelligence reports, but our own national papers were loaded with stories of this country that was also part of the commonwealth that had been having trouble with a faction that wanted to move the country to a more far right view. The majority didn't, so the leader of the government called on Great Britain to help. Our Prime Minister dispatched an infantry regiment to help with intelligence gathering and training.

Since the area of operation for us was only fifty miles from this regiments camp, we were taking things easy around here. Each day our own target moved closer to the British base, each day JoJo had to decide if she needed to make our presence known to them.

So now I'm looking at three sets of British boots and thinking I'm so glad I'm not my boss right now.

"Seven be aware, One (JoJo) has sent Three (Chad) and Five (Bradley) to assist you. ETA one hour. Confirm over."

Once I had coded my current position over to Freddy, I went in search of the owners of these boot prints. I also made a few clues for Chad as I went, so he knew he was on the right path.

It took twenty minutes at my own speed to get a visual, no point in accidently walking into an ambush. The woman was the worse for wear, her combat trouser leg had been torn up to her thigh, she had been bandaged but couldn't put any real weight on her bad leg. The shorter one of the two guys had his arm in a makeshift sling, he was holding the woman up via his good side.

The third one only seemed to help when requested to. He clearly didn't want to be here and yet gave little in the way of valuable help, what made things interesting was that he was also the one holding the map.

My comms clicked so I stopped once again and took a knee. Chad and Bradley caught up with me a few minutes later. Knowing the boss as I do now, it wouldn't have surprised me if these two hadn't been shadowing me for some time. We sat and watched all three for a moment, then looked at each other and shrugged.

Looking into the eyes of my friends we all seemed to have the same opinion, 'what the fuck?'

Two things were certain, we would help, after all, these were our people. But we had no intention of being shot by accident by any one of these people either. I sent Chad to one side of the track they were on and Bradley took the other. I simply walked behind the three of them as they walked towards the guys, not once did any of the three look behind them. All I got to hear was the guy with the map telling the others that he was given the wrong map.

As a matter of course, all three of us were masked up when we made our presents known, the woman didn't scream, the guy with the map made up for it though. Chad walked up to him and stuck his weapon into his chest, the urge to continue to scream came to a really abrupt halt. The guy holding the woman up gently lowered her to the ground, and then placed his good hand behind his head as he rested on his knees.

When the screamer recognized the uniforms and stopped, (screaming that is) he also became a little more belligerent. It seems the officer decided to take command about then and demanded that Chad remove his mask. Chad's answer was to place his weapon under the lieutenant's chin and in a voice that had a Texas drawl to it, Chad, told him in a whispered growl to sit down and shut the fuck up.

I knelt so I was eye height with the woman, this time taking a really close look at her. In the short time I followed them, she seemed to be the one holding onto common sense around here. "Name?" I asked.

She glared at me but said. "My name is Corporal Sharon Macalister; my number is..."

I held up my hand and stopped her there, then turned to her friend and said. "Name?"

This one was smarter. "Private Leverson, sir."

I shook my head, he nodded in his understanding. Rising from my kneeling position and walking passed the screamer must have pissed him off no end, he went to stand, then found Chad standing in his way and resumed his position.

They were waiting for me on the radio, I coded up both the names of the woman and her friend, I added there was an officer amongst them but wasn't about to listen to the screamer to get his name.

It all went nuts minutes after I sent my coded message.

"Seven, this is control. Be aware your presence is known in the area and movement towards your location has increased. Help is on its way, strongly urge you to move to this location."

Freddy codded a grid reference and by my map we needed to walk about an hour to get there. It made sense of course, the terrain around here was either too heavy with trees and other plant life to effect a helicopter landing, or the bad guys lived on most of the clear areas. I went and talked to Chad and Bradley, of course that pissed the officer off as well because we used sign language rather than keep this idiot informed. I handed out candy bars while Chad got busy hacking at a couple of useful looking bits of tree with his combat knife, so we could then turn them into a stretcher for the corporal.

I knelt down in front of her, also making sure that what I said could be heard and understood by the other two.

"We need to leave this area and fast. Your regiment believed you were all dead since they found no bodies at the wreckage of your vehicle."

That's when she glared at the officer. "I told Lieutenant Sherwood that we were better off by the vehicle until help arrived, but he overruled my suggestion and we've been walking native ever since."

"You're actually walking towards a village that has just under fifty bad guys billeted in it."

Corporal Sharon Macalister stared open mouthed at me for a moment and then glared at the officer. Through gritted teeth, her question to the officer was. "Whose fucking side are you on?"

The officer seemed to bristle at the tone and the question.

The stretcher was finished. We put the corporal on it and Chad and Bradley took the ends and set off at a pace that Private Leverson could keep up with, the officer tagged along, leaving his map where he had been sitting as he did. I sighed and then bent down and picked it up, folded it and placed it into one of my pockets.

My radio came to life again, with. "Seven, this is control. The village local to you has woken up and have sent enemy souls in the direction of your location. Transport and support are heading towards the designated collection point. Suggest you make haste. One (JoJo) and the rest are on route to you, but it's going to be close Seven."

I looked at Chad and said "You know the collection point. I will do what I can to slow them down."

He nodded his head. "We'll be back after we drop these people off; we'll know where you are by the noise you're going to be making."

We both smiled. Then the officer stuck his unwanted opinion in. "I order you to stay with us as protection."

Leaning into him caused him to take a step back. "Might I suggest you take that shinny side arm out of its holster and keep it close, in case one of the souls following us gets past me."

Waiting around for an answer wasn't on my list of things to do, so I waved at my friends and left.


The game of cat and mouse went on while Chad and Bradley got the head start they desperately needed. I started killing the people that stood out as leaders, when they dropped, the men went into a huddle and elected a new leader. Needless to say, the newly elected leader lasted a few minutes before he met his maker.

The rest of the Unit got to me first, Chad and Bradley turned up minutes later. Once we had the line in the sand as it were, it gave those at the collection point time to get their people back to safety. When Freddy sent the all clear over the radio, the Unit did what it does best, we disappeared.

Of course upsetting the neighbors nullified our original task. On the positive side, we kept three of our soldiers from being captured. JoJo simply informed General Brownlow that we would resume our task when the dust settled, since the bad guys hadn't got a really good look at us, they would have had to assume we were part of the regiment that the three stragglers came from.


Home again...

We had been back at Kenton Barracks a few hours, weapons were once again cleaned and in the armory, both JoJo and Freddy were in the office cleaning up the remaining mess and speculating on if our involvement with the three souls had any side effect on our own mission.

It was also then that I was pulling stuff out of my combats pockets, getting ready to wash my kit. My eyes went to the map the officer left on the ground, I shook my head and went to see Freddy.

"I picked this up from the ground after the idiot officer left it there, so he could catch up with the stretcher Chad and Bradley were taking to the rendezvous point."

Freddy opened it and at first, he casually looked at it, then his eyebrow raised and he looked even closer. That's when he stood, picking up the map as he did and walked over to JoJo who was just replacing the office phone to its cradle.

"Brendan just stopped this regiment from having a really bad day. Take a close look at this map."

The idiot officer had added locations of his regiment and the strength of the country's forces we were in, on either side of them; he even named them and added the strength in numbers of each, also ringing with a pen the towns and villages locally that were friendly. A good reference tool for any young officer, but that map should never have left his room at his regiment's location.

JoJo picked up her phone once again. "It's all in his own hand writing as well. Such a short career this dipshit had."


I text Elizabeth that I was back, her answer came about an hour later. She was on a case and would see me at home later in the evening. That's a way of telling me it's my turn to cook as well.

She texted that she was leaving the station. Elizabeth blew through the door just after seven that evening, she made the distance between us in about four paces and I was hands on her arse and her arms around my neck as we both tried so hard to suck each other's tongues out of our heads.

She parted us first, I was all for staying that way until we both passed out.

She had that hungry look, both for food and for sex. "If it wasn't for the fact I haven't eaten much today and I'm starving, I would say let's fuck first. So how about we eat first and then you can do me over the table. I will even offer to do the dishes if you choose option two."

Option two became the outcome, the incentive came from Elizabeth when she stripped naked before we sat down to eat. Being the gentleman that I am, I had to follow suit. We tried to eat slowly like we were taught by our folks, the naked body of our partner across the table and what the table was going to be turned into after food, wasn't allowing for that to happen.

The only pause in our sex fest was getting the cutlery out of harm's way. Neither of us could see the point of wrecking good cutlery. Our first session was brutal to the point of almost violent. As Elizabeth went to bend over the table I grabbed her tits and pulled them down to the table. She groaned and placed her hands onto her ass and pulled both cheeks apart so my solid cock rested against her soaked pussy.

"I've been leaking ever since I got your text. Please leave my tits alone and just fuck me. My vibrator can always take the edge off, but I miss real meat back there."

She wasn't joking either. When I let go of her tits she let go of her ass, folded her arms in front of her and rested her head on them as I slowly eased into her soaked pussy. She groaned as I entered her and all the way to the hilt, that damn smile never left her lips either.

"I always have to thank the wives, you know. They told me welcome home sex was the best, I never believed them until we got into this. Fuck this feels so good."

Being gone for only a few weeks still meant we lowered our inhibitions to almost animal level. When I reached a steady rhythm, Elizabeth insisted that I went faster, I held the prize of her orgasm and she wanted it. I had to push her body almost into the table, such was the force of her orgasm, her back arched as she felt me pour my cum against the back walls of her pussy.

Thankfully she never got to see me smile when the air seemed to leave her and she deflated onto the kitchen table. I carried her to bed, she even managed to stand on her own while I pulled the covers off, and Elizabeth then leaned into me for a kiss. We made love then, I made it my life's mission to kiss every inch of her.

She groaned in approval and said "Marking your territory again stud?"

Her legs parted that bit more just then and she pointed between her legs, her eyebrow arched in that 'you missed a bit' manner of hers. Being the dutiful boyfriend I corrected that error and gave her another orgasm in return.

I love to listen to Elizabeth sleeping, I sometimes pull those memories back and listen again as she does. It calms my thoughts, brings me back to the here and now, when I steal those moments to look at her and try not to wake her, she smiles, even in her sleep she knows what I'm doing. Every day we are together I thank the stars that I was at the right place at the right time and my reward was the unconditional love of this woman.


Some months later...

Her desk phone rang, Joan picked it up and answered it as she always did. "Joan Carmichael speaking."

"Hello Joan. It's Colonel Fredrick's over at Hereford."

Automatically Joan looked at the desk phone, slightly at a loss for words. What was the Colonel of the SAS regiment doing calling her she wondered?

"Good afternoon Colonel Fredrick's, what can I do for you this fine day?"

The Colonel roared with laughter. Being a typical day in England, it was raining.

"Joan, a woman came to the gate and asked to see someone. She produced a military ID and was passed up the line, my RSM interviewed her but she was very scarce with details. So, do you know a Corporal Sharon Macalister?"

JoJo felt her hand tighten just a little more on the receiver.

"Yes I do Colonel. Did your RSM get anything else out of her, other than a name I mean?"

"Not much, other than she was wounded in action, she refuses to say where. Her group were rescued from possible capture by natives and she wanted to speak personally to the man who saved her and her friend."

The urge to throw said telephone against the wall was becoming her favorite option at the moment.

"Colonel, I know our paths cross on occasions and you have been patient. If you wish I will bring General Brownlow into this conversation as well. It's obvious from the fact that the Corporal turned up at your door that she got the impression that my man was SAS. I can assure you Colonel; at no time did he identify himself by name or even regiment."

Joan knew the Colonel was reading between the lines on everything she was saying.

The tone of his voice didn't change one bit and for that she was grateful. "I'm good Joan, just tell me what you want me to do with our Corporal."

She took a moment to breath. "Please get your RSM to tell Corporal Macalister that she is to return to her regiment and someone will contact her when possible."

"Will do Joan, it's good to chat with you, and welcome back."

Joan felt a lump rise in her throat. "Thank you Colonel, that means a lot to me."

"Always welcome Joan, chat again soon. Bye now."


The next morning...

I made it as far as the office door this morning, that's when JoJo called me in, Freddy closed the door behind me.