The Fate of Terra Ch. 15


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In their state of mind, it was better to die in a massive explosion in space than be at risk of capture again. Michael was moving pieces around like he'd always done, setting up situations that would provide him the most advantages. Kat knew he'd just picked up some of the best experts in their fields and they'd be tremendous assets in the days to come. She supposed most would call him conniving or heartless for exploiting them. She just rubbed her legs together and couldn't wait to get back to their suite to ravish him. Or perhaps she'd do it here and now. It's not as if she'd ever been big on restraint before...

* * * * *

The next week flew by more or less uneventfully. Construction on the Intrepid progressed according to plan and there was a furious bustle of coming and going as people took leave to say goodbye to friends and family, or to see that one place or do that one thing that they'd always wanted to see or do, but had never gotten the chance. The raids continued, though they occurred less frequently.

Marcus was sending out troopers instead of the cybernetic assault units so they'd get some more field experience in before they shipped out. Every news station and politician seemed to be asking why Michael's forces were allowed free access to go wherever they pleased. The general interpretation of the Council's silence on the matter was that in a few days the Intrepid would be gone and they wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. It was simply easier to ignore it, since it wasn't harming 'them,' rather than make an issue out of it when they had no trump card to play.

The Council of Terra would be sending a delegation along with Michael as he'd allowed them to take the lead forming the treaties (with the provision that if he didn't like what was presented he could overrule them, of course). There had been a big debate as to what the delegation would be allocated. The Council hadn't liked the idea of depending solely on Michael.

They had wanted to match the amount of ships he was taking along with a fleet of their own. He wasn't having that... their ships weren't self-sustaining. It was too great a distance to stretch supply routes and they couldn't do what Grant or Sherman had been famous for and survive off the 'land' or captured vessels. They didn't even know if what they took in terms of food and supplies would match their physiology.

It also meant that if he had to resort to guerilla warfare, they wouldn't be able to hide out in an asteroid field or patrol the outskirts of a solar system, hitting trade routes; they would instead be forced to rely on others. Nor was it very diplomatic to make demands of a people and then have to beg or steal food from them. The last nail in the coffin, and what finally convinced the Council, was that their ships couldn't travel as fast as Michael's. Having to delay their arrival because they were waiting for the slower ships to catch up was something they just couldn't accept.

Yet, as they pointed out, it was impractical to come running to Michael every time they needed to travel to a planet's surface to attend a meeting. His concession was to allow one of the four destroyers the Intrepid would carry to be provided and operated by them. He didn't bother mentioning that this would still require them to ask to leave the hangar each time they went out, or that their reliance on him was undiminished...

Finally, the day of the Christmas party arrived. The modifications for the Intrepid had finished just ahead of schedule and the ship pulled out from the spaceyard and hovered between Earth and the Moon. Those that looked up in the night sky could actually see it silhouetted against the bright lunar glow. The ship was taking on a large number of transient new passengers that would leave after the party.

At that moment, Michael was currently in the conference room with the Council and they were discussing last minute plans. It was decided that he would leave the next day at 1600 hours. Superluminal fields would surround their ships and it would take roughly a month and a half to reach their destination. Due to gravity wells along their planned route, they would need to come down from faster-than-light speeds three times during the course of their trip and travel a short distance around the celestial body before again activating their fields.

In addition to the Intrepid, he'd be taking along 250 dreadnoughts, 500 battlecruisers, and 1,000 destroyers. There would also be a total of 3,000 pilots flying shuttles, fighters, and the atmospheric carriers that would hold the cybernetic assault units, as well as a new kind of scout ship he'd developed with the latest sensor arrays.

One of the things he'd held off telling them until the last minute was that he planned to take along factory vessels and construction droids. They would set up and deploy a ship-making facility whenever they found a suitable metal-rich group of asteroids or decided to form an outpost nearby captured territory. The Council didn't like the sound of him expanding his power base by such a degree. However, they were semi-accepting so long as he stayed away from Earth and out of their sphere of influence.

Michael laughed at that. It felt like they were the Roman senate banning him from having an army close to Rome in fear he might take it over and declare himself emperor one day. He'd also allotted a set of factories in their solar system that would be sending 500 ships of varying design to him every two weeks as they were produced which would be used both to replenish losses and to help hold the territory they conquered.

The main concern of the Council was the trail Michael would be leaving. There would be a constant stream of probes and ships traveling along the route he took that would be made up of the information and aid he was receiving as well as the updates he was providing to them. There would also no doubt be alien ambassadors, traders, and other visitors coming to Earth in the future and its location would be essentially broadcasted to the galactic community.

It was a considerable risk they were putting themselves at, given they still didn't remotely know just what was out there, but it was deemed necessary if they wanted to advance at all. Besides, as Councilmen Matsushita pointed out, much of the galactic community already knew of their existence from when they used to transmit their television signals.

Finally, the meeting was concluded and Michael welcomed them all to the Intrepid and wished them a good time during the party. He and Kat walked out of the room and they took the lift down one level, arriving in the middle of a plaza that was surrounded by restaurants, bars, and even a decent-sized holo theater.

The celebration was in full swing and they saw Christmas decorations wherever they went. Aki had ordered a staggering five hundred Christmas trees -five spread out along every level on the Intrepid- and enough lights, flashy baubles, and fake snow to fill twenty shuttles. The skating rink was always packed and the amusement park had a winter theme going for it.

The couple joined the rest of his girls in a crowded bar. The large holo projectors were showing one of the new low-gravity sports that had started up when an entrepreneurial business organization had decided to construct a stadium on the moon (Matsushita Industries had been delighted to take that contract).

The girls greeted them as they arrived. "Where's Stacey," Michael asked, taking a seat.

Aki giggled. "She'll be back. Her dad called her away again."

Rin almost snorted her drink. "Yeah," she laughed after she recovered. "He's probably still trying to convince her to stay behind. He sure hadn't planned on this being a permanent thing when she wanted to stay with us."

Kat shrugged, unconcerned. "She's one of us now. Whatever bullshit story she has to weave to get the councilman to accept that is irrelevant."

Michael used the table's tablet to order another round of algae-based hot wings and beers. They had actually cultivated habanero peppers down in the farms and he was curious to see what kind of sauce they used. Looking up, he spoke to Sun Mi, "And you? How did your father take your decision to leave with us?"

She blushed. "The good admiral... accepted my decision," she answered hesitantly.

"Really?" asked Aurora.

Sun Mi shook her head. "No, he screamed bloody murder when I told him and then tried to lock me in my room." She sighed. "But I think I got through to him at the end when he realized I would never be happy if I remained behind."

Aki patted her hand. "You're one of us, too." Those simple words seem to have a profound effect on the woman trying to find her place in the world. Sun Mi blinked tears out of her eyes, but looked up startled when she heard Kat's statement.

"And why haven't you moved into our suite yet?" The fiery girl with dark red hair was looking at her with a predatory gaze.

Sun Mi sputtered, "W- well, I just-"

"And how come I haven't tasted you in over a week," Kat pressed. "It's almost as if you don't consider yourself one of Michael's chosen."

"I just didn't think that-" Sun Mi tried to get out.

"Oh, I see," Kat stated, nodding. "You were feeling neglected. Well, I think we need to remedy that tonight." Sun Mi's eyes widened and her mouth opened and closed in an attempt to make some kind of argument, images of the last night they'd all been together filtering through her mind both terrifying her and turning her on. Just then the appetizers arrived and the issue was put off as they all dug in.

They talked, they laughed, others stopped by with greetings and the party moved on into the night. At one point Tanya and Mara arrived and attached themselves to the group. They were soon joined by Merrick, his family, and Marcus, who brought along an elegant-looking woman named Sophia. She was older than Aurora but had that ageless quality about her men like to brag about. She also had a wicked sense of humor that reminded Kat of Michael's mom.

Eventually they broke up and Michael and his girls approached one of the long line of lifts in order go back to their suite. Aki and Rin appeared on either side of Sun Mi and deftly maneuvered her into the same lift. They arrived and stepped out into the lobby. Michael laughed and cupped the back of girl's head and kissed her soundly, leaving her breathless. In an amused voice he said, "Quit looking so scared. Kat might tease you a little bit, but you aren't going to be whipped or anything if that's not what you're into."

Sun Mi looked bashful and admitted in a soft voice, "Well, maybe a little..." They all laughed and Dejah hugged her. Sun Mi broke out of her shell a little and initiated a kiss with a Felician. It was quick and chaste and afterwards she blushed and looked away.

Dejah's tail snaked out and caught her cheek, moving her head back. "Honey..." she said, staring into Sun Mi's eyes. "That's not a kiss. Let me show you what I mean." She leaned forward and captured the other girl's lips, wrapping her arms around her and grinding their bodies together. Sun Mi felt heady at the explosion of sensations she was experiencing and lost herself in the embrace.

Kat smiled and hugged herself to Michael. "It looks like she's in good hands," she whispered in his ear. He grinned and the hand that was draped around her waist somehow found itself down between her legs, rubbing the inside of her thigh.

"Dejah is entirely too educated," he murmured jokingly. "I blame Aki for showing her what you taught her." Aki looked decidedly nervous at the ravenous looks the two gave her.

As she made to escape, Rin wrapped her arms around her and whispered gleefully, "Payback's a bitch."

Sun Mi raised her head to see the three of them carrying a screaming Aki out of the room. 'Lucky- err, poor girl,' she thought before she was sucked back into what she'd been doing by Dejah's inviting tongue. Suddenly, she felt two sets of arms wrap around her from behind as the others added their bodies into the mix.

Stacey brushed her hair back and murmured into her ear, "I was mean to you earlier. Let me make it up to you..."

"I still haven't gotten to taste you yet," Aurora told her in a husky voice. Sun Mi felt her heart fluttering and knew she was in very capable hands. If she survived the night, she could definitely get used to this...

* * * * *

Aki pouted from her bindings atop the bed. She had actually managed to get away from them before Michael had synced with Pandora to make the nanites in her body stimulate her pleasure zones. One minute she'd been free and in the clear, and in the next she'd been on the floor in a screaming, squirming puddle of ecstasy. When she'd finally recovered she was naked and they'd already trussed her up like a stuffed pig.

Michael laughed and hugged the pitiful-looking girl. "Aww, I'm sorry, baby. But I'll make you feel good," he whispered in her ear. He rolled Aki onto her back, which took a bit of effort since her legs were bent at the knees, splayed wide. Lowering his head, he took advantage of her exposed state and began a slow tease, kissing up her thighs. Her body shivered at the sensations he was causing and moaned when he got to her dripping slit.

Taking the time to spread her lips open, he dove in and tasted her nectar and smiled as he felt her shudder in response. He leisurely worked his way up to her nub and circled it slowly. Every time he nudged it with his tongue her body jerked as a spark of electricity shot through her. He began petting her tiny rosebud with his thumb and she strained against her bindings in anticipation.

Closing his teeth gently around her love button he began flicking his tongue back and forth. At last, he felt her start to spasm in release and he jammed a finger in her ass and sucked hard on her clit. She screamed and twitched uncontrollably as he took her over the edge and continued to pleasure her overly sensitized parts. As she came down and was starting to fear he wouldn't stop, he laughed appreciatively and backed off.

Working his way up her body he locked his lips onto hers. Aki blushed as she tasted her own juices. The image of her flushed face panting from exertion and excitement had him hard enough to cut diamond. Chuckling, he told her, "You were very impressive, little bird. Have a good night." With that he got off the bed and started towards the door, his cock bobbing as he went.

Confused, Aki stared after him wonderingly. Then Kat came into view wearing the largest of her collection of strap-ons and she gulped. A light, devilish laugh came from behind her and she leaned her head back to see her sister with her own attached phallus. Her eyes grew wide at the implications and she shouted, "N- n- no -ulp!" Rin stuffed her open mouth with the double-ended dildo and sighed in satisfaction.

Kat pushed her legs apart and thrust herself into her squirming captive. Leaning down, she stared past the dildo into Aki's eyes. "Let's see how many times we can make you squirt in the next hour or so," she growled lustily.

* * * * *

Entering the other room, Michael saw that Aurora and Stacey had tired themselves out and were spooning on a couch. Dejah however, was having her pussy eaten by Sun Mi who was lying on her back on the air mattress. He walked over, not being particularly sneaky as Dejah blocked him from view, sitting on her face as she was. He went to his knees and simply pulled on the tuft of hair between her legs to get the girl to raise her hips, drawing a surprised squeak from Sun Mi.

It soon turned into a gasp and then a long, heated moan as he sunk his still-raging hard-on into her pussy. He gave an answering moan as his length was squeezed on all sides. Dejah giggled and reached back to play with the girl's nipples, tweaking and pulling. Michael buried his face in Dejah's long mane and started driving into Sun Mi at a steady pace. "Merry Christmas," he murmured dreamily.

* * * * *

Finally, it was time. The Intrepid was leaving the solar system and making for new worlds and new adventures. Michael sat in his chair, Kat on his lap, as the last images of Earth shown around the various screens of the bridge. Soon the faster-than-light fields would go up and they'd be out of contact until they dropped again far, far away.

He could feel the sense of anticipation and eagerness, along with a good deal of nervousness. Aurora waited for his order. A small grin formed on his face as he looked out into the vastness of space. He turned to his chosen commander, confidant, lover, and said, "Punch it."

* * * * *

As the Intrepid and the nearly two thousand ships that surrounded it fired up their superluminal screens, Hassan Akbari turned the key that unlocked the front door of his house in a small, quaint suburban neighborhood in the United States. Already he was making plans on how to capitalize in the absence of those black demons. His ranks had been gutted, his production lines destroyed, but in the reprieve that followed their departure, he would rebuild. He would make sure the whole of this misguided world recognized the evil that aliens represented.

He stepped into his office attached to the living room and quickly crossed to his terminal so he could begin sending messages. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard from behind him, "So, you're Hassan Akbari, leader of the Advent Brotherhood." Hassan whipped around and was met with the most stunningly attractive woman he'd ever laid eyes on. She gave a delightful laugh. "I thought you'd be taller."

He simply stared at her agape. He wanted to ask how she got in, what she was doing here, how she'd known who he was, but at the same time he didn't want to scare her off for her beauty was such that it could blot out the light of a thousand suns. Slowly, sensuously the magnificent creature rose from the couch and walked towards him with unparalleled grace, each movement awakening a fire of lust within him.

She leaned into him, stopping just before their lips touched and, in a soft, breathy yet stilted- almost... mechanical voice, he heard, "Because of you, I failed." He looked up into her face in confusion and his insides squirmed at what he saw. Her eyes glowed red menacingly. Her voice dropped its silky warmness when she stated, "You killed my master."

The android that was Pandora shot out an arm and raised the smaller man off of his feet by his neck. "And now," she declared, cold and malevolent, her words filled with malice, "I'm going to kill you." She shook him violently and he desperately flailed his arms, trying to get air. His blows rained down on her ineffectively, as if he was trying to move a building. "It will be slow and mindbreakingly painful so that I can be assured you realize the agony I felt when I saw his fighter disappear."

She brought the quaking man close and spoke into his ear, her speech devoid of human emotion, and he wondered how he could have ever thought she'd been delightful -the devil had come to claim him. "Then, after I'm through with you, I'll hunt down every one of your miserable little followers and wipe them from the planet." His frantic hand found a letter opener on his desk and he desperately thrust the tip into her eye. The blade broke off. He stared at her in horror and pissed himself.

As the machine began her bloody work, she thought of her master amidst the hoarse screams. She hadn't told him about creating a body to download her consciousness into. Bodies, she corrected herself. In the greater scheme of things, she hardly told him a fraction of what she did on a daily basis, but this was different. This, he'd almost certainly want to know about. She sighed, hoping that he wouldn't be mad at her. For she was his, and now she could truly serve him by his side.

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bigurnbigurnover 1 year ago

WOW ! What an ending ...

ranec1ranec1almost 3 years ago
Mean As!!

chur m8 awsum story


ranec1ranec1almost 3 years ago
Mean As!

absolutely fukn awesome story best on this site exactly how I'd want it to be if i had the opportunity,NANITES 1st to make self improvement,ie making1self better,stronger,self healing,replicating,improving THEN taking on any alien incursion that might come our way and not only defeating but absorbing there technology and adding it to our own data base an GROW as we CONQURE and affiliate programs that lead to our betterment and overcoming and overriding all before us as we as HUMANS stake OUR place amoungest the spacial race THAT WE HAVE WON!!

gordy3gordy3almost 5 years ago
Where are you? We need more of your great stories.

Excellent writing. I hope you haven't quit writing or something has happened.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I knew it!

It just had to be only a matter of time before she made herself a body. Now she can join the brood!

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