The Divorce Attorney

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I should be burning effigies of her in the town square.
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I have to thank my editors, for the look of this story. It sure wasn't this good when I gave it to them.


I had been at my favorite restaurant less than twenty minutes; hell, I still had the menu in my hand when Josie strolled up and dumped the world onto my lap. It wasn't her fault; she wasn't to know.

Josie owned the place, and it's probably the only place I would go across town to eat. She had admitted to me some time back that I was amongst the first people to eat there when she opened. It seemed that not a week went by that I didn't go there at least once, either for lunch or, depending on my work load, dinner.

I got on well with Josie; she ran the place so well that you just felt at peace there and never rushed. Josie could tell a story better than most and once she left your company, you always felt like you made a friend for life in Josie.

"Mac, can you do me a favor? I know you like to eat alone but I've got a lady I double booked and this place is going to be full in the next ten minutes."

Had it been anyone but Josie I would have said no, but then again, she did actually own the place and that woman had squeezed me in to eat here even when the queue was three-deep at the bar before, so I felt I owed her. My nod earned me a hasty thanks and a few moments later, with my mind still deep in thought over what I wanted to eat, I heard a chair being pulled away from the table.

As I put the menu down to get the pleasantries over with so I could go back to my decision making, I came face to face with—if this had been eighteen months ago—the second woman in this world I would have gladly pushed under a bus and even paid the driver to reverse back over because he had missed a bit: my ex-wife's lawyer.

"Oh crap," escaped her lips and her eyes went wide with the shock. She quickly regrouped though; I will give her that.

"Good evening, Mr. McMillan."

The slight nod of my head was all this woman was going to get at the moment. I watched the discomfort she was feeling of me sitting across from her.

"Ms. Johnston, a very pleasant evening to you."

I'm still not even sure why I actually disliked her. So she acted for my ex-wife, someone had to, I suppose.

"I'm a Miss, Mr. McMillan," was her only reply.

Although I was tempted to try to continue to spin her wheels for a while longer, the need to eat soon took priority. Josie came over to take our order and noticed the air was a little frigid over here.

Josie was about to leave when she said. "Mac, as a personal favor to me, be nice and cut this lady some slack. It was me that double booked her so look on this as me owing you one."

Now having someone like Josie in your back pocket was well worth putting up with a lawyer sitting across from you while you eat. As I said, Josie owned the restaurant and who knew when I might need to bring a client down there? I looked up at my new table companion and at Josie, who was expecting the right answer, and nodded my head. The smile as she left the table was worth it. I sighed and decided to get it over with, although partially on my terms. After all, it was my table at which she was sitting.

"Okay MJ, I will be nice just as Josie asked me to."

My new-found friend looked at me quizzically for a moment, then her blue eyes started to sparkle slightly; her lips, although together ready to frown, soon spread to a smile I had never seen from her before.

"My name is Mandy, although I suspect you already know that. MJ does have a ring to it and I must admit to never being called that before."

I can only assume it was the lawyer in her, because she seemed to analyze what she had just said as another smile replaced the last one, this one even cuter. Dinner was actually fun after that and, although the conversation never stuck on one subject, I found her company pleasant. Okay, I lied: as a human being and not a lawyer, I liked her. She was smart and it didn't take me long to discover MJ had a quirky sense of humor as well. In what seemed like a blink of an eye we were drinking coffee when my phone rang.

A quick look at the name on the screen made me panic and get my apology in first. "Hi Tanya, I'm sorry I'm late picking you up for the show." My last statement was actually the truth. "I didn't realize the time."

"Don't fucking worry about it, I gave up waiting and who is the whore you're sitting with?"

MJ must have heard the shrill voice down the phone because we both looked out the restaurant window to see a car parked at the curbside, the driver's window down and Tanya looking at both of us.

The calmness in my voice should have warned her. "You need to back up from calling anyone a whore, Tanya."

Mandy and I both seemed to wince. Hearing me say that word brought on a fresh tirade from Tanya, who finished with, "And fuck you and the tramp you're with."

Both of us watched her throw her cell across to the passenger seat of the car and speed away. The sound of a taxi skidding to a stop as it narrowly missed sideswiping her car only seemed to emphasize her anger.

The chaos outside proved to be good entertainment for those sitting by the window, that was for sure. As for me, I was embarrassed that this whole thing had happened. Tanya was history, if not by her own choice then by her actions this evening. It took me a moment to finally look at MJ, an apology already forming on my lips.

"I'm assuming I won't be representing her in your next divorce then?"

The laughter was genuine and a huge pressure release of the tension that seemed to build between us. Her eyes told me that she understood and I was incredibly grateful she did. We talked for a few more minutes before I plucked up the courage to say, "Well MJ. Since I've had such a good time this evening how about we repeat it again next week? I will, of course, keep the side show dramatics to a minimum the next time around."

I thought it best not to be tactless and ask her take the place of Tanya for the show tonight and, to be honest I wasn't in the mood anymore. Tanya's antics and weird behavior, without even letting me explain myself, just made me grateful that we weren't anything more than friends with benefits. Both the smile and relief on MJ's face was tangible; she nodded her head and agreed: same time, same place and I paid the bill for both of us before leaving.

Tanya phoned over the rest of the week, both in anger and regret over the incident, dependent on what mood she was in. Five days later she must have realized it wasn't going to happen and she just stopped calling. At least we hadn't got to the stage in our relationship where I had a drawer or a chunk of closet to empty out and send back.

My phone call for a reservation proved to be more interesting. When I phoned Josie, she laughed down the phone at me, telling me MJ had already booked the table and time, the night after our first meeting. I guess it was my turn to be surprised.

"Mac, be good to her. We go way back, like college way back, and I'm kinda trying to look out for her and, in her profession, that isn't always easy."

"Josie she was my ex-wife's lawyer. I should be burning effigies of her in the town square. However, I like her, she's good to talk to and easy on the eye, and that, my dear Josie, is all I'm willing to admit to at the moment."

The sound of her laughter was the last thing I heard as she put the phone down on me that afternoon.

Traffic was a nightmare in my part of town the evening of our dinner; I was pissed because I hate being late. Josie couldn't help herself and looked at her watch and then proceeded to tap the glass face, shaking her head as I passed her. My only response was to throw my coat at her, and listen to her laugh as she hung it up.

MJ looked just as good as the first time we sat here. I gave a dignified apology for my lateness and even thought I did a good job of it, as well. I even ignored the banter between both the girls as they decided if it was dignified enough. In a desperate attempt to come out even on this I did point out that MJ's office was actually at the end of the block and not seven blocks away like mine was.

This, of course, I quickly regretted as they set about discussing time and distance allowed, and what would constitute a polite time with regard to keeping a lady waiting.

"Josie, this is your restaurant, go pull some chairs out for some customers, maybe even clean some glasses or something. I'm almost sure I heard your chef say that the ladies' bathroom is backed up again."

Both of them looked at each other and another bout of laughter ensued.

"Be back later to take your orders folks; keep it polite and at least clean until I get back."

We exchanged ideas on what to eat for the next five minutes. It wasn't until I put the menu down that I notice an envelope in front of me. Confused, I looked towards MJ who simply smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Am I being served again?"

Her smile widened—even her eyes seemed to smile—and she laughed, shaking her head at the same time. Feeling braver now, I tore the envelope open and two tickets to the show I was going to take Tanya to fell onto the table. Now I was really confused.

"I could read you well enough to know that, for a second, you considered asking me to join you that night. I watched as you screwed them up and dumped them in the trash. You took my feelings into consideration and didn't ask and for that, I thank you. So, unless you're some sort of feminist hater, I bought two tickets and I'm asking you to come with me to the show tonight."

The smile on her face never faded and there seemed to be an aura of self-confidence around her that I hadn't noticed before. I know in the space of our first meal together she went from being the lawyer for my ex-wife to someone I would happily spend an evening with. The lawyer in her seemed to disappear, to be replaced by this sweet, intelligent and well-spoken young lady, who I had no doubt could hold a conversation about philosophy in a dumpster and make it sound interesting.

There was still one doubt in my mind, so I asked, "MJ, is this going to be some sort of conflict of interest? You were, after all, my wife's lawyer."

Josie came and collected the menus and took our order. She seemed to understand we were in the middle of a conversation and departed as soon as she had our order. I continued to watch MJ, the sweet smile never seemed to fade from her lips, even when she tilted her head ever so slightly to think about what I had just said.

"None at all, your wife's case was settled and to my recollection she is now married again. You, on the other hand, are still single. Care to share with me why that is?"

I could feel the heat of embarrassment rise up my neck. This conversation wasn't going anywhere near where I wanted it to go. Josie saved the day when she came back with fresh drinks and commented on the tickets still on the table. She even asked if we had both decided to go or sit and stare at each other for the duration of the evening. We both quickly looked up at Josie at that point.

"Well, someone has to break the standoff that you two seem to have got yourself into." Her words were meant for us both when she said she would prioritize our food order. "Eat and go to the show."

She then looked directly at me. "And I fully expect you to behave like a gentleman, with the exception of a goodnight kiss when you take my friend home."

Both of us were speechless as Josie left us to our meal. Although we did catch each other at sideways glances, each waited for the other to break the silence. It also seemed each of us was as stubborn as the other. As if by magic, our meals arrived and were placed before us. I suspect MJ and Josie had been in cahoots over this evening. With the meal finished and Josie standing over us waiting to find out if it was dessert or the show, I blinked first. But only just.

"Dammit MJ, cut a guy some slack here, okay?" My hand sought hers and held it gently. "I would be honored if you would allow me to accompany you to the show."

Then both my hands moved to a surrender gesture. "There, I said it, okay?"

MJ looked up at Josie, who said that the cab was waiting outside for us. My only response was to look at Josie, who shrugged her shoulders and smiled saying.

"We go way back. She's been itching to see that show since she got the tickets. I just got things ready for you guys to stop being so stupid."

With as much dignity as I could muster after just being gracefully 'managed' by two women, in cahoots with each other, I helped MJ put her coat on and glared at Josie who just smiled right back at me. Even during the journey across town MJ just couldn't help smiling to herself. I was just grateful that the show lived up to expectations and both of us left the theater in high spirits. Ever the gentleman, after I collected my car I walked MJ to the door of her apartment block. I suppose the nervousness of the occasion started to creep up on us.

"I want to thank you, MJ. I had a great time, made better with the company that came attached to it and, without making it look like I'm pawing you, may I end this evening with a kiss?"

Something crossed her face, almost panic. My first instinct was to back off but instead I reached for her hand. It was then she seemed to grow in stature and her arms came around my neck and she slowly moved in to kiss me. Her lips tasted sweet and we both groaned when our lips finally parted.

As our eyes came into focus and we looked once again at each other, I watched her more intently now. So many emotions crossed her face leaving me as confused as I had ever been about her.

MJ smiled and lowered her head until it rested onto my chest. "You're a good man, Mac, and I'm counting on that so much at the moment. I'm not asking you in, but I am hoping for a second date."

It wasn't so much her words, but the feelings she placed on them that I understood perhaps more than even she was hoping. I gave her one more squeeze, gently kissed her lips once again and we parted. We exchanged phone numbers and I drove home and for the first time in many months, more content with my life.

Due to work commitments and travel on both our parts it was close to two weeks before I managed to see MJ again, although we talked on the phone almost daily. The museum was having an opening and I asked her if she wanted to join me. She laughed down the phone and commented on the fact that we would be seen together in broad daylight. I did, of course, get us reservations at Josie's restaurant for an early meal when we finished at the museum. Josie spent most of our time there wanting to know what we did at the museum.

We did the courtship dance for weeks; we had spent evenings at our respective apartments and MJ sure could cook. As for me, I always go traditional and recipe books came in really handy. Still, other than some heavy-duty kisses, and some real cases of wandering hands on both our parts, we always were ending up with us kissing at her doorstep and wishing each other goodnight.


Josie seemed to be pivotal in the growing relationship between MJ and me. Her ability to sometimes cut through the crap that we both seemed unable to get past helped pave the way in our relationship.

"Mac, have you slept with her yet?"

The sound of MJ dropping her knife on her plate stopped Josie from saying more, we both stared at Josie.

MJ may have spoken just above a whisper yet her voice cut through the distance between them just as sharply. "Don't do this, Josie."

Something seemed to pass between them and I struggled with what was going on. Josie placed her hands on the table and leaned on it, looking directly at MJ before apologizing and saying, "You're my dearest friend Mandy, but hon, it's time."

Josie looked directly at me and said, "Mac, you have been a lovely partner up until this point, and I truly thank you for looking after my greatest friend like I asked you to, but honestly Mac, a girl does need throwing on a bed from time to time, slow and passionate would be a nice start. Take my meaning, Mac. I'm off to the kitchen to see how dessert is going."

We both watched Josie depart, and only stopped when she disappeared into the kitchen. Finally, I looked at MJ who, in turn, had turned crimson. Her eyes had watered to the point that I thought it wise to give her one of the napkins off the table. I'm not totally stupid: these two had talked to each other and, perhaps, now it was time I put my cards on the table and saw what would happen next.

"I won't lie to you, MJ." My hand found hers and her grip told me she was terrified over what I was going to say.

"Just lately there haven't been all that many moments that I don't think of you naked. Two things have made me take a step back: first Josie watches over you like a mother hen, which, to me, means something bad happened in your life to make you wary of men."

Josie re-appeared collected our plates and left us alone telling us that dessert would be ready in a few minutes. I, again, looked at MJ, her manner telling me she was simply waiting for me to finish.

"The second thing is that I don't want to scare you away, MJ. I like you more than you realize and if it means waiting a little longer then I'm okay with that. You seem to fit into my life better than any woman has, and I don't want that to change."

The firmness of her grip became mirrored by mine since I felt I needed to emphasize my next words to her. "I want you in my life, MJ, and the thought of scaring you away worries me to the point I haven't wanted to take this relationship any further until you are ready."

Once again, Josie seemed to time every trip to perfection. Just as MJ's lips parted to say something, desserts were placed in front of us. The silence as we ate was close to unbearable and I have to admit to shifting in my seat from time to time. I had laid my feelings on the table. It was now up to this wonderful sweet woman. I just wondered if my own tattered nerves could take much more, but the silence that had followed my statement spoke volumes on its own.

Even when I paid and went to my car she still seemed deep in thought. It was only when the key went into the ignition that MJ said the two words that changed our relationship forever.

"My place."


It was the shower running that woke me. The temptation to join her was close to overwhelming, but I waited and was well rewarded for doing so. MJ strode out of the bathroom in nothing more than a towel over her hair. Her nipples stood proud on those wonderful, and for her size, ample breasts. The small runway of pubic hair proudly guarding her pussy lips still had that dampness to it and showed her to be a true brunette.

It was the first time I had seen her naked and in daylight. Last night she took the lead and dimmed every light she had on; she wasn't ashamed of her body, but I sensed some history and something she wasn't willing to share just yet.

My heart truly skipped a beat. She was as stunning in the daylight as my hands, lips and tongue told me last night.

Mandy Johnston watched my eyes wander down her body and even provided a gentle sway of her hips as she strode towards me, still in bed. She gave me a smile that would have lit up the building and threw in a twirl for good measure.

"Like what you see, Mac? You seemed to spend most of last night getting very intimate with it all."

We both smiled, MJ seemed to be so naturally at ease with her own nudity, no hesitancy at all, but it was daylight now and I did wonder if that had anything to do with it.

She had been just as active a participant last night, not to mention very vocal, but her actions with the lights and that feeling from the moment we entered her bedroom had me thinking we were walking on eggshells. Then something changed about Mandy; her nerves or whatever it was she was hanging on to seemed to evaporate and I got my MJ back.