The Bachelorette Party


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It was 11:30 when I paid the cover charge and walked into the MC Pub. My racing heart slowed a little when I saw the girls sitting at the same table they had occupied the night before and when I looked around the room there was no sign of Kate's friend.

The girls got up to dance several times as the night wore on and to my relief Kate didn't dance more than two dances with any one guy. The funny thing is even I danced. I was standing watching the band when this woman spoke to me. She looked to be about 40 years old but she was still quite attractive. She told me that she was there for her daughter's bachelorette party and was feeling left out because all the young girls were dancing and she wasn't. Then she asked me if I would dance with her.

Dancing with her made me wish that Kate's mother had come with her. If she had Kate would certainly have behaved much better the previous night. I was deep in my thoughts when I became aware that Kate was dancing right next to me. It was then that I had an awful thought, 'What if my nose was to fall off now?' It didn't and Kate never even noticed me. After the dance I walked the lady back to her table and then resumed my post at the bar.

I was beginning to feel good again. The music was great, the beer tasted good and it was 1:30 AM and Kate's friend never made an appearance. I was home free. I figured the girls would probably do what they did the previous night and head back up to their rooms around 2:00 AM so all I had to do was wait out that last half hour.

I had just ordered a beer to help me kill that last half hour when he walked in. This time he was by himself and he went straight over to Kate and sat next to her. Brenda and Sherry happily joined in the conversation with Kate and her friend but I noticed that Pam gave him a dirty look and seemed to be upset.

They talked for a while and then they all stood up. Kate was talking to the girls and it looked like Pam was getting really pissed about something. They all left the table together except that Brenda, Sherry and Pam headed for the door and Kate and her friend headed for the dance floor,

I was going crazy now. Why didn't Kate leave with her friends? What the fuck was she up to?

Kate and her friend dance three fast dances before the band played a slow song. Kate immediately melted into his arms and I could see him grinding his crotch into her like he had the previous night. I was sure that he probably had an erection this time too. His hands were on her ass again only this time she didn't make him move them.

I thought that it might be time to break things up. I hated the humiliation I would have to go through when I pulled off my disguise. I am sure it would be an entertaining show for the other patrons and that's what held me back. I was confident that I would have no problem handling Kate's friend if it came to that. It was dealing with Kate afterward that would be the problem.

That's when the crushing blow came. They were still dancing when Kate's friend took her head between his hands and kissed her. Rather than resist his kiss Kate went back for more and for the next minute they were locked in a kiss that must have been curling his toes. The only thing it did for me was make me want to puke.

I don't know what happened inside of me right then but I made a decision I never would have believed I would make under those circumstances. I decided to let Kate do what ever she wanted and I would make no attempt to stop her. If things ended between them there on the dance floor and Kate returned to her room I would try to get past this and use the photo I was sending her to make her feel guilty and maybe get some answers. On the other hand, if she left with him it was over. I would document things as best I could by following them to see where they went and when Kate got home on Sunday I would confront her with the evidence and break off the engagement.

With that decision made I went over to the older woman I had danced with earlier and asked her to dance. On the dance floor I managed to maneuver us around the floor until I was standing right next to Kate.

Just as the song was ending I turned to Kate and said, "Somebody told me that you were getting married in two weeks. Is this your fiancé?"

Kate's mouth dropped open and she stared at me but she didn't answer my question. Her friend looked at me and then at Kate and took her hand and pulled her off the dance floor. They went and sat down for a while and I tried to find a different place to watch them from so they wouldn't be aware of my spying on them.

Kate seemed to be a little disturbed but I couldn't be sure if it was because of what I had said to her or if it had nothing to do with me at all. The two of them ordered another drink and sat at the table talking and then he kissed her again. Kate must not have been to upset by my comment because she was kissing him back.

I needed my camera and a change of disguise if I was going to be able to document Kate's activities any further. I realized that if I left the bar they might not be there when I got back.

I decided that if they were gone when I got back I would wait twenty minutes and then call Kate's room. If Kate answered I would talk to her for a while without letting on what I knew of her activities. I would have to wait till later to figure out how to deal with her behavior. If Pam answered I would ask her if Kate was back yet and if she was I would talk to her but if she wasn't I would have my answer and I would end the engagement.

I went with the loser disguise, because that's the way I felt. With the wig, nose, glasses and teeth in place I was ready. I picked up my camera and headed back to the MC Pub.

I was just coming out of the elevator alcove when I saw Kate and her friend coming toward me. Kate was holding his hand and the look on her face wasn't one you would expect from someone who felt guilty about what they were about to do.

I quickly stopped next to a slot machine and dropped a couple of quarters in. They passed me without a look and I followed them into the elevator alcove. I got on the elevator with them and moved to the back so I was standing behind them. When Kate hit the button for seventeen I was hoping that her friend would push a different button but he didn't.

When the doors opened on seventeen, Kate and her friend got off and I followed but not too closely. As they turned to walk down the corridor toward Kate's room she peeked over her shoulder at me but finding me completely uninteresting she ignored me. When they were fifty feet away I pulled up my camera and took a picture of them walking hand in hand. Then I used the zoom to get an extreme close up of their hands. In that shot you could clearly see Kate's engagement ring. I wanted to follow them all the way down to Kate's room and take a picture of them going into the room but was reluctant to do that because it was too risky. I thought about it and then said to myself, "Fuck it," and I followed them down the hall. There was nothing that could happen to me in that hall that was worse than what was already happening to me.

The two of them never once looked back at me as we paraded down the hall. They were a little too full of themselves to care about me. When they got to Kate's room there was no question about whether they were both going in or not. Kate opened the door and when the two of then stepped in I quickly snapped a picture. I heard Kate calling Pam's name to see if she was there as the door closed behind them.

I was left alone in the hall with my misery. I walked slowly back to the elevators. I knew I could have pounded on Kate's door and told her it was me and that she had better get rid of her friend but it was already too late for that. It didn't matter what she did from there on. I had found her guilty by intent. All I had to do now was find the right way to confront her and break off the engagement.

I guess that I wasn't completely sold on the idea that it was over so when I got to the elevators I called Kate on my cell phone. I hoped that when she heard my voice she would realize what she was doing and toss her friend out of her room. The phone rang several times before she answered.

"Hello," she said sounding a little out of breath.

"Hi Kate,"

"Why are you calling so late?" She asked.

She sounded annoyed.

"You're in Vegas. I didn't expect you to be in bed already," I said.

"I'm tired. Can't this wait till I get home tomorrow?"

"I guess. We are going to have a lot to talk about tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

I guess I got her attention.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow. I hope you've been a good girl in Vegas."

"What does that mean?"

"Easy, I'm just teasing you." I said.

"I'm sorry. I guess I am just tired. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I said, "Okay. I love you, Kate."

"I do too."

"What? Are you embarrassed to say you love me in front of Pam? I think she knows, after all we were supposed to be getting married in two weeks. Come on. I want to hear you say it," I said.

As I waited for her response I wondered if she noticed that I had said, "We were supposed to be getting married," instead of, "we are supposed to be getting married."

"All right. I love you too, John," she said.

It didn't sound very convincing. I could almost picture her friend laughing at me. Thinking how gullible I must be. The thought made me want to run down to her room and beat the crap out of him but I took the elevator to the seventh floor and retreated to my room. This was certainly an ignominious ending to my relationship with Kate.

I thought over everything that had happened over the two days and realized that there was no point in my hanging around so I packed my things and took my bags down to the lobby. I was going to buy stamps to mail the roller coaster photo to myself but suddenly there didn't seem to be much point in that so I stuck the envelope into my suit case and headed for check out.

I had my receipt and was headed for the exit when I looked into the casino and saw Pam sitting by herself at a slot machine. I turned away quickly so she would not see me and just then an idea struck me. I took my camera out of the bag and then checked the bag at the porter's desk. The porter gave me a claim check I headed into the casino in search of Pam. She was still sitting at the same slot machine and I walked over and stood next to her for a moment before she looked up. At first she smiled and seemed happy to see me and then the smile changed to a look of fear.

"John. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I am here to surprise Kate. Where is she?"

Pam was very upset and I could hear it in her voice.

"I don't know where she is," Pam said. "We got separated so I am hanging out here hoping the others would find me. If they don't show up soon I'll go back up to the room to wait."

"Do you think Kate might be up in the room?" I asked.

"No. I'm sure they are in a different casino," Pam said.

I leaned in close to Pam and very quietly I said, "Pam, give me the key to your room so that I can go talk to Kate."

Pam looked like she was about to faint.

"I told you she's not up there."

Again very quietly I said, "Then Pam, why don't you call her on your cell phone and ask her where she is?"

I guess Pam saw that as an opportunity to save the day. She could call Kate and in the guise of asking her where she was she could tell her that I was there looking for her. That would give Kate a chance to get rid of her friend and come down to meet me like nothing happened.

Before Pam could press the speed dial for Kate's number I took the phone out of her hand.

"Pam, I know Kate is in the room and I am going up there now so just give me your key," I said very calmly.

"I can't. Kate is sick and I know she wouldn't want you to see her like that. She has had way too much to drink today," Pam bluffed.

I grabbed Pam's shoulders and gave them a hard squeeze, much harder than I had intended. Pam winced in pain.

"Pam, give me the fucking key."

Pam looked into my eyes and finally said okay. As she pulled the key out of her pocket she said, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry Pam; I am not going to hurt her. I just need to deal with this now. We have been friends for a long time so I hope that I can trust you to not call Kate to tell her I am here."

Pam looked down at her hands and then back up into my eyes and said, "I won't warn her John. The room number is..."

"I know the room number," I said.

That surprised Pam but she didn't say anything.

"I'll talk to you later," I said as I got up and headed for the elevators.

When I got off the elevator on the seventeenth floor my heart was pounding. I was angry and excited. I was going to get a chance to release some of my anger and get a small measure of revenge. If I had done nothing Kate would have been able to enjoy her little fling and have no worries on her trip home to LA. Now I was about to ruin all that for her.

I stood outside her door for a moment listening for any sounds of movement. I heard none and wondered if maybe they were asleep. I slipped the key card into the lock and when the green light came on I opened the door as quietly as I could. The room was completely dark except for the light coming in from a small opening in the drapes and a small light in the bathroom.

I stopped in the hallway in front of the open bathroom door and again listened for any sounds. I heard something that sounded like it could have been someone moving around in bed. Then I heard Kate's voice.

"It's just my roommate Pam" She said.

"Then don't stop," I heard her friend say.

This made my anger flash. I had to force myself to go into the bathroom and close the door and wait until I got myself under control. There was a small night light built into the hairdryer hanging above the counter so I didn't have to turn on any lights. I splashed a little cold water on my face and then just for my own entertainment I filled three of the drinking cups with water and then slowly poured then into the toilet bowl one at a time. It sounded like someone taking one hell of a long piss. Then I unplugged the hairdryer from the wall to kill the night light so that I could open the bathroom door without casting any light into the room.

I opened the door slowly and stepped into the entry keeping my back against the wall and peeked around the corner into the room. The little bit of light coming in through the window was shinning directly on the bed and I could see Kate's friend sitting up with his back against the head board. I could just make out Kate lying with her head in his lap. I couldn't see what she was doing but I had a pretty good idea. His head was bent down as though he was watching her.

The shadows in the room were the deepest along the wall opposite the beds. I could just make out the shape of the lights on the wall above the dresser so that was where I hoped to get before they noticed me. I was hoping that they still thought that I was Pam and that because they hadn't heard the toilet flush that I was still in the bathroom.

I got down on the floor and crawled out into the room to a point on the floor just under the lights. I was getting ready to stand up when I touched something on the floor. Even in the dark I recognized that it was a woman's panties. The anger began to build again.

I got myself into a squatting position and made sure the flash on my camera was charged and ready. I took one more look to make sure I could quickly find the light switch and then I stood up. As soon as I was standing I pointed the camera at the bed, closed my eyes and turned my head away so I would not be blinded by the flash and then I pushed the button. As soon as I heard the camera go off I opened my eyes and turned on the lights.

It was just what I had suspected only the reality was worse. Kate's friend was sitting up and Kate was doing what just a couple of days earlier she told me she would never do for another man. She was sucking his cock.

Her friend must have looked up just as the camera when off because he was now holding his hand over his eyes and seemed to be disoriented. Kate on the other hand was still sucking on his cock and her eyes were closed. She must have thought that the flash was the lights coming on.

Kate let his cock slip from her mouth and as she started to look toward me she was opening her eyes.

"Jesus Pam, turn the lights...." Kate was saying as her eyes focused on me. Then she let out a scream that I am sure would have been heard in rooms all the way down the hall.

All at once Kate was trying to push her friend away from her and cover her body with a sheet. In her struggle to get her friend to move her legs separated and I could see that the two of them had already had intercourse. Some semen was still leaking from her pussy and her pubic hair was matted and sticky looking.

In a panicked voice Kate said, "John, what are you doing here?"

"I guess I don't have to ask what you're doing here. Your friend here must have fucked someone and now you're sucking his cock clean for him." I said in as calm a tone as I could.

"Hey, who the fuck are you? Get out of here and leave us alone," were the brave words from Kate's friend.

"I am here to talk to my fiancée. So far I am giving you a free pass but if you open your mouth one more time I'll put your lights out," I said with as much venom as I could.

My words seemed to have had the desired impact because he closed his mouth and moved farther away from Kate.

"Kate, I just came up to tell you the wedding is off."

"No. Please John. Let me explain." She said as she starting to get off the bed and move toward me.

"This would take an awful lot of explaining and I just don't have that much time or the desire to listen," I said.

Kate looked down at herself and realized she was standing in front of me completely naked with another man's semen running down the inside of her thigh. I think that was when she realized that she couldn't explain anything.

"What's that matter? Don't you have anything to say now? I thought you would be defending your right to fuck this little weasel because 'what ever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,' right? I guess you forgot that only applies if you don't get caught.

"Who are you calling a little weasel? I was more of a man to her than you ever were," Kate's friend said.

It was time to make Kate say something. I looked at her and said, "Is that true? Was this little weasel a better man than me? I guess he must have been because you did things for him you never did for me."

Kate looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, "What do you mean?"

"When I came in you were sucking his cock and it's obvious that he had already fucked you. You never sucked my cock after we fucked."

Kate was beginning to cry harder but the weasel was smiling. I guess he thought he was winning the argument.

"Didn't you tell me just the other night that you would never suck another man's cock?" I asked.

I could tell my words were stinging her but Kate was hanging on to the hope that there was a way out of this mess for her.

"Yes, but I can explain that," She said as her sobs intensified.

"There that proves it. You can't be a man because Kate would never have done that with another man. So you must be a weasel. What you really are is the kind of ass hole that doesn't care how much damage he causes in other peoples lives as long as he gets laid," I said.

Still trying to get to me he said, "Come on. We both know that if you were man enough to satisfy her she wouldn't be with me now."

That did hit pretty close to home but I didn't let on that it bothered me.

"Kate, it's time for you to tell us the truth. Why did you invite this weasel up to your room?" I asked.