The Amazing Wedding

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Wife submits to wedding guest.
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The bride and groom sat beside each other at the top table, flanked on either side by the usual wedding entourage of bridesmaids, best man and close family members. Under the table the groom's hand rested gently on his new wife's thigh. It would be a couple of hours until they were alone on the dance floor for the first dance and his wife would tell him in a whisper that the lacy white panties she put on that morning and that should be moulded to her pussy at this time were in fact in the pocket of his best man. Until then his fingers stroked her thigh feeling the tops of her stockings, just inches from her naked pussy. Her husband's touch was causing her to become more wet than she already was and she hoped that a wet spot wasn't noticeable on her dress.

But this story isn't about them, nor is it about the groom's mother, who had just returned from a trip to the toilet during which her cunt had been pumped full of the largest load of cum she had ever received. She too was concerned about wet spots as she felt sure the delicate silk knickers she had on couldn't hold back the hot seed in her.

No, our story involves three of the guests currently sat on a table of eight in the far corner of the room. Janet married Richard almost seven years ago and the bride at this wedding was an old school friend of hers who she didn't see much of these days. Hank, who was single and attending the wedding alone, knew the groom through work. Despite sharing a similar group of friends, he had met Janet and Richard only once before at another wedding. All three of them were of a similar age and at that time in life when it seems that every month another of your friends marries. Whilst recollections of these weddings tend to merge into one mono-typical party with strangers, uncomfortably dressed in morning suits, getting inebriated at someone else's expense, Hank clearly remembered the last time he had met Janet and Richard.

On this occasion they had also been seated at the same table. Hank had been instantly attracted to Janet as, in an elegant, understated way, she was easily the most beautiful of the four women at that table; he had always had a predilection for blondes. Hank quickly learnt that she was married to Richard, the rather loud bore also sat at their table. Over the course of the evening Hank discovered to his delight that Janet was interesting and intelligent as well as beautiful. They spent a long time discussing life and, as the evening progressed, their conversation became more intimate and flirtatious. Meanwhile, Richard, the bore, drank and with it became louder. Janet seemed unaware of this, however, the flirtatious conversation with Hank had obviously not completely passed Richard by and his obnoxious loudness became outright rudeness directed at Hank.

"Okay, I think it is time I went to bed." Janet said to her husband, "Honey, do you remember where our room is? Do you think you could show me, I always get lost in hotels, the corridors all look the same?"

With that they both got up, Richard stumbling slightly, and turned to leave. Janet looked back at Hank and shrugging, mouthed the word "Sorry," before walking out of the room. The next morning, despite taking longer than usual to eat his eggs and bacon, Hank didn't see either Janet or Richard at breakfast or before he left to return home.

Hank didn't see either of them again until a few months later at this wedding reception. The wedding was like all the others, the only real difference being the location of the reception, a county hotel with sprawling lawns, flowerbeds and even its own maze. He approached the table where they had all been seated. As he sat down, Janet's eyes met his and she seemed to perk up with interest and smiled at him. As Hank greeted the other diners at the table, Richard either didn't notice him, being absorbed as he was in proclaiming his views to the gentleman sat next to him or, as Hank suspected, chose to ignore him.

During the meal Janet and Hank made polite conversation with themselves and the others sat at their table. However, when the dancing started and people circulated to talk with friends on other tables, Janet moved to the seat next to Hank. Their conversation became deeper, flirtatious and more intimate. Janet, laughing at some comment Hank had made, brought her hand gently to rest on Hank's thigh; an innocent gesture, had it not been that it remained their several seconds longer than could be deemed appropriate and that at the same time they both looked, silently, deep into each other's eyes.

Meanwhile, Richard was doing what he did best. His opinionated views and love of his own voice had, some time ago, emptied the table of all but the poor straggler he was now preaching to. His loud voice was now being noticed by those sat an neighbouring tables. Richard lifted his glass to his mouth and his victim used the opportunity to make another escape attempt, mumbling something about getting a refill he all but ran from the table leaving a near full glass of wine. Snubbed, Richard turned his attention to Janet and Hank. Janet was expounding on the delights of an art exhibition she had recently visited.

"Stop boring him by going on about that bloody art exhibition, will you." Richard snapped at his wife.

Embarrassed for Janet, Hank retorted "It is quite all right, I was actually enjoying listening to what Janet was saying."

"Oh, were you." replied Richard accusingly.

The atmosphere at the table had changed considerably and Janet apologised to Hank and explained she was tired and it was probably time she went to bed. Turning to Richard she again used the ploy of being unable to find her way to the room to persuade him to leave.

Hank was woken the following morning by the sunlight streaming into his room. As be drew back the curtains he felt the first heat of the day hitting his body, it was going to be a beautiful summer's day. He looked out at the hotel's grounds and maze laid out beneath his window. Absent mindedly, he traced a path through the cool dark gulleys between the maze's hedges before turning to shower and dress for breakfast.

The dining room was fairly empty and hushed by the delicate movements of those guests present who were feeling slightly worse for wear. Hank helped himself to a selection of the food on offer and sat at a table by himself. He hoped that Janet might come down for breakfast but suspected that he had seen her for the last time. He opened the paper he had picked up on his way through the lounge area and settled down to eat a leisurely breakfast.

Engrossed in an article, Hank didn't notice Janet approach with a reluctant Richard in tow.

"Good morning."

"Ah. Good morning." Hank said, rising from his chair and folding the paper shut. "Please sit down."

"Thank you." Janet said, as she and Richard sat down at the table.

"Did you make it back to your room without getting too lost?" Hank enquired, directing the question to Janet.

She smiled and with a chuckle replied, "Yes, eventually, thank you."

"Well it's probably best you stay clear of the maze they have in the garden here. It's surprising how easy it is to get confused, even in a small maze."

Before Janet could answer, Richard turned on Hank, "Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that solving a maze is a simple process. If anything, the smaller they are the quicker they are to complete."

Jokingly, Hank replied, "Well we might have to put your theory to the test."

He had meant it to be a throw-away comment to diffuse the underlying disdain he sensed in the tone of Richard's voice. However, Richard took it as a challenge.

"Okay, how much do you want to bet I can beat you to the centre?"

"I don't bet money on anything." replied Hank.

"That doesn't surprise me. All you're interested in is talking about art with my wife."

Hank seized the opportunity, "Very well, if that is your stake for this wager, I accept. I suggest that we both enter the maze at the same time and head for the centre. Janet will accompany me, that way, on reaching the centre, we can spend time together until you find your way there." He looked deep into Janet's eyes as he said this.

"Er...okay", Richard blustered, somewhat surprised.

Hank rose from the table, having now finished his breakfast, "Good, I will met you both at the entrance to the maze at nine o'clock."

Standing by the gap in the hedge that was the entrance to the maze, Hank could see that, by the clock on the turret of what must have been a stable block at one time, it had gone nine. Just when he was thinking that Richard would not honour their challenge or that Janet might have persuaded him out of it he saw them crossing the lawn towards him from the hotel.

Janet was wearing a white cotton summer dress. It was tight around her breasts, which bounced alluringly as she walked, but flowed freely around her legs so that only an approximation of their shapely figure could be seen. They stopped when they reached Hank. Richard glanced at the bag slung over Hank's shoulder with, what appeared to be, a Thermos flask poking out of one end.

"I see you have brought supplies for when you get lost. So, are you ready to do this?" he asked.

Hank smiled and nodded, "So that you don't accuse me of following you, I will give you a thirty second head start."

"Fine by me." Richard replied and set off into the maze.

Hank watched intently as Richard headed down the first corridor, at the bottom of which he reached his first choice of directions, either left or right. Richard paused before disappearing off to the right. Seeing this Hank smiled. Janet noticed this and wondered what secret Hank knew.

Hank took Janet by the hand and lead her quickly into the maze. At the first junction he confidently turned left and then, with equally sure movements, on through the maze. The paths were narrow and the leaves of the hedges still covered by a thin glaze of dew. Hank, still holding her hand, was almost pulling her along, determined to reach the centre. The dew soaked her dress and it clung to her legs. With the rapid pace, she was aware of her breasts rubbing against her dress, each step grazing her nipples causing, them to harden.

They continued on turning left then right, each turn revealing another identical path bordered by hedge, until they turned right and the hedges gave way to a circular space, empty but for a stone bench in the centre. Janet, slightly out of breath, was surprised that they had reached the centre so quickly, this feeling was quickly replaced as she felt her stomach knot with anxiety, anticipation and just a little excitement as she realised what the empty space meant.

Janet turned to Hank trying to read his face, how serious was he about the wager?

"Well, well...we appear to be the first ones here," he said.

"Yes", she responded still looking into his eyes.

"Does that mean that you are mine to do what I want with?"

Janet face flushed and she couldn't look Hank in the face. "Yes", she replied weakly. A shiver of excitement went through her body starting at her breasts and culminating with her pussy. Images of what Hank might want her to do flashed through her mind. She felt incredibly turned on but didn't want Hank to know this. She surprised herself, she was still nervous but now it was worry that Richard would find the centre before Hank had a chance to do what he wanted to her.

Janet looked back up at Hank. After what seemed to be a long pause Hank glanced down at Janet's chest. Her nipples were straining against the thin cotton of her dress and the shape of her legs were now clearly visible. He broke the silence.

"I can see you are not wearing a bra. Are you wearing panties?"

"Yes," she replied sheepishly.

"What sort?"


"Take them off."

Janet hesitated, then, bending down, she grabbed the hem of her skirt. She ran her hands up her legs to her hips until she could hook her thumbs under the waistband of her panties. The bunched material of her dress preserved her modesty. She slowly eased her panties over her bottom and down her legs. As the crotch came away form her pussy she became aware of how wet she was. Lifting one leg at a time she stepped out of them and stood upright, her dress falling back into place. Standing with her legs slightly parted, the cool morning air circulating under her dress made her acutely aware that there was now only the thin cotton of her dress separating Hank from her pussy.

Hank held out his hand. Janet knew what he wanted. As she handed Hank her panties she balled them up, hoping he wouldn't notice how wet they were. Hank briefly held the bundle of lace feeling the residual warmth of Janet's body before unfolding them and holding them in front of him. Janet could see the damp gusset from where she was standing as was certain therefore that Hank could also. Hank rubbed the gusset between his figures feeling the slickness of Janet's juices on the lace. A wave of embarrassment passed through Janet starting at her head a finishing with a wave of excitement flooding her pussy. They both now knew that she was finding this situation stimulating.

"Unbutton your dress."

Janet, her fingers shacking with excitement, slowly undid the top button and then with more hast undid the second and third. Hank watched as Janet's actions revealed the curve of her delicate breasts beneath the now loose fabric. Janet's fingers continued down the dress until, freeing the last button, she stood with her hands by her side, her dress hanging free revealing a strip of naked skin from her neck down her stomach and to her thick blonde bush.

"Sit on the bench."

Janet moved to the stone bench in the centre and sat facing Hank. She didn't cross her legs as she usually would but held them together allowing the dress to fall to either side, leaving the sides of her breasts and her thatch of pubic hair on display. The bench was cold beneath her.

After briefly admiring the view Hank took the flask from the satchel he had been carrying and placed it on the bench beside Janet. He then drew out a bowl and a small towel and also placed these by the flask. A shiver ran through Janet as she watched.

"Sit forward, closer to the edge."

Janet moved forward until she was perched on the edge of the bench keeping her legs together. She thought she knew what was coming but wanted to hear Hank tell her what she wanted. There was a sound of footsteps coming from the hedge behind her.

"Open your legs."

"God...had her husband heard Hank ask her to open her legs? Did he know they had reached the centre?" she thought. The footsteps moved away further into the maze.

"Wider...that's it. Now learn back slightly."

She placed her hands on the stone behind her and leant back causing her dress to fall from her breasts, exposing what of her body had remained unseen by Hank. Hank moved between her splayed legs and, having taken a pair of scissors from his bag, ran his hand through her bush. His first touch, in an area untouched for such a long time by anybody other than her husband or herself, sent an intense rush through her whole body causing her pussy to feel as though it had been flooded. Hank swiftly and methodically trimmed her of as much hair as he could with the scissors. Hank poured hot water from the Thermos flask into the bowl and soaked the towel before applying to Janet. Returning the scissors to the bag he drew out a can of shaving foam and razor. Removing the towel from Janet he applied shaving foam, working it around her now stubbly pubis and in long strokes down each side of her vulva. She felt her hips raising involuntarily to follow his hand as he moved it away. Next she felt the blade of the razor pause at the top her triangle of pubic hair before being slowly drawn down towards he now aching pussy. She looked down at herself and was surprised at how erotic the inch wide strip of hairless skin looked amongst the white of the foam. Hank continued with shaving the pubis before moving further down to her labia.

The first stroke of Hank's blade along her labia coincided with the return of her husband's footsteps.

"Janet, this is very tedious. I'm close to the centre, where are you."

Hank looked up at Janet holding a finger to his lips signalling for her not to reply. She said nothing and wouldn't have. Hank slid one finger down her vulva parting Janet's labia so he could shave them completely. This action caused Janet to moan. The footsteps paused, everyone held their breaths, listening. The footsteps moved away with determination. Janet's heart was racing and so to must have been Hank's for he quickly finished shaving.

Hank rinsed the razor, emptied the water and refilled the bowl hot water from the Thermos. Taking the small towel he soaked it in the hot water, squeezed out the excess an laid it on Janet's pussy. The sensation of heat on her now hypersensitive pussy was overwhelming for Janet and she felt herself falling into a mini orgasm, her hips raising to add the feeling of pressure against Hank's hand against her to that of the heat from the towel. Hank pulled the cloth over Janet, wiping away the remaining shaving foam, before removing it completely. The cool air on Janet's now damp pussy added yet another sensation, she felt herself flooding with her own juices taking her closer to orgasm. Her eyes closed, she leant further back, legs spread and her hips raised, opening her self up, hoping for the added sensation needed to push her over the edge.

Hank gazed at Janet's cunt, hairless, swollen and glistening. Lowering his mouth to her he ran his tongue slowly along the length of her labia, probing deep within her warm folds and then up to her clitoris which was engorged and aching. With the firm tip of his tongue Hank gave her clit a couple of swift flicks. With this slight movement Janet's whole body spasmed and she let out a guttural moan as she fell over the edge into the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced. Her hips collapsed back down on to the seat and she rested as she regained consciousness of her surroundings.

"Button up your dress."

Janet stood up uneasily, her legs quivering, and, remembering her husband quickly fastened her dress. She had just reached the last one when Richard rounded the corner and entered the centre of the maze. A brief flash of uncertainty crossed his face as he looked first at Hank and then at Janet. They were standing apart from each other but there was something about the scene in front of him that made him think they hadn't reached the centre just before him.

"That wasn't very challenging." he said to Hank and turning to Janet "Come on let's go."

Taking Janet by the hand they walked out of the centre of the maze. Janet eyes met briefly with Hank's before she followed her husband around the corner; too briefly for Hank to read her expression. He smiled to himself, Richard would have a surprise tonight, assuming he was sober enough to see her undress for bed.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A surprise that she was still married!

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

Hate men like the hubby. He deserved that

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 3 years ago

5ive!!!!! Screw the naysayers!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Just another selfish slut story

She is terrible and a narcissistic slut. But of course sluts never face negative consequences in these type of ridiculous stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
its amazing how the guy looking to fuck another mans wife

categorizes him as boorish and loud

Maybe he is an asshole, maybe its because he is shackled to a lying fuck slut

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