That's What Sibs are For


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"It's good you came along," Kara said cheerfully. "You can be my boyfriend for the day."

"I... what?" Leif asked stupidly.

"I mean you can carry my bags, silly," Kara said with a giggle and a teasing grin. "Why else would we ever bring boys along?"

"Oh. Right."

Celia, however, wasn't going to let it drop there. "Hey, he's my brother. If anything, he should be my 'boyfriend'."

Kara stared at her, still with an amused expression. "Whoa there. Don't be saying that too loud."

Celia grabbed Leif's other arm and started walking. "You know what I mean."

"Sure I do. But other shoppers might get the wrong idea. And we wouldn't want that, would we?"

Leif remained deathly quiet between the girls as they argued back and forth. He didn't care about anyone overhearing Celia call him her boyfriend. Not nearly so much as he worried that it'd clue Kara in that something wasn't quite right.

Well, that and the implications for him. He and Celia definitely, definitely were not a couple. No way. She'd just been playing along. And yet, it was one of those jokes that meant something to him, even if it didn't actually mean anything at all. It was fuel for the fire of his already confuzzled brain.

Things didn't get much better when the girls started browsing for clothes. They seemed to sense weakness, and made sure to keep asking him how he thought they'd look in certain skimpier outfits or underwear. Luckily, they didn't go so far as to model anything inappropriate for him.

Celia took Leif aside when Kara had disappeared into a changing room to try some things on. She glanced around, then spoke in a low voice.

"Hey, you doin' ok?"

Leif shrugged. "I dunno. It's kinda just a lot of teasing for me right now. In my mental state and all."

"Oh. Is that all."

"What's that s'posed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. It means I think you're being silly. We're only picking on you 'cause we love you. And 'cause it's fun."

Leif gave his sister an annoyed and disbelieving look. "Yeah, that doesn't really make it better."

"Sure it does." Celia looked around again, then stepped closer and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was soft, and only lasted a moment, but it was enough to stun Leif into silence. "I want you to enjoy yourself too. We'll lay off if you're really not having a good time, but just try and see the good side of it all."

It was Leif's turn to glance around wildly. "You can't do that here," he hissed.

"No one was watching."

"You don't know that."

Celia grinned and tried to move in again. Leif stopped her, holding her back while she giggled and tried to worm past his defenses. She didn't really get anywhere.

Instead of continuing to try for a kiss, she slipped her hands to his waist and up under his shirt. Her gentle touch on his bare tummy was both pleasant and anxiety-inducing. He gave up and stopped fighting, finally allowing her to kiss him again on the basis that getting it out of her system might actually be the safest bet.

"You know, you're acting just as weird as me today," Leif said. "Except, you know, in a different way."

Celia nodded easily. "Guess I probably am." She flipped her hair back casually. "Just in that kind of mood."

"Couldn't you at least wait until we got home?"

Her smile widened. "You mean you want to-"

"No! No, I didn't say that. Just... if you had to... like..."

Celia leaned in and brushed her lips on his cheek. She whispered in his ear. "Yeah, you want to."

Leif flushed warmly. The way she was pressed against him didn't help anything. Her body was becoming so damn interesting to him. It was hard to remember that she was his sister and her boobies were not meant to evoke such feelings in him. Not in public, at any rate.

Kara popped back out of her changing room, which bought Leif some much needed space. Celia darted back over to her friend so they could go over the minutiae of her outfit. Leif took the opportunity to wander off and pretend to be shopping the men's section for a while.


Leif jumped slightly and whirled guiltily toward Kara, who'd managed to sneak up on him while he'd been idly browsing.

"Uh, hey," he said. "What's up?"

She nodded her head back toward the change rooms. "Help me for a sec?"

"Uh... sure?"

Leif followed Kara back to her change room, totally unsure what she could possibly need his assistance for. He was unprepared for being dragged right in with her.

"No, hang on, wait," he said. "I'm not allowed in here with you."

"Why not?" Kara said as she locked the door behind them. "Do you see any clothes police watching?"

"No, but... I'm not, though. That's all."

She gave him a look. "Whatever. Don't be a wuss. Help me with this dress, would you?"

Without any more warning than that, Kara pulled off her shirt, then wiggled out of her bottoms. She still had underwear on underneath, but Leif automatically averted his eyes, only to discover that looking at the mirror in the room didn't actually help, it just gave him a different angle while she disrobed.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"What does it look like?" Kara sighed. "Don't be a baby. I'm not naked or anything."

"You know what I mean. You have never, ever pulled shit like this before."

"Yeah, no, you're right." Kara started working herself into the dress she'd selected. "Seriously though, give me a hand, here."

Leif found himself holding the dress awkwardly, then zipping up the back. He tried not to let his hands or his eyes actually touch Kara's bare skin, but there was a limit to what he could do.

"So, uh, yeah," she said as she examined herself in the mirror. "Here's the thing. If you and Cel are gonna be all kissy kissy in public like that, then-"

Leif went bright red. "We didn't... I wasn't... don't..."

"Go on. Tell me it's a misunderstanding. I dare you."

Leif stayed quiet.

"Thought so," Kara said, still adjusting herself in the mirror. "What do you think? Not enough cleavage?" She shifted her boobs a bit with her hands.

"I, uh... what?"

"Nevermind. Anyway, I think it's good Cel's getting over Brian. All I really wanted to say is I think it's important that you consider what you're getting into."

"You think I haven't? That's basically all I've been doing is thinking about this stuff."

"I suspect you've been worrying more than thinking. You're a worrier."

"Seems like the correct response to me."

"Maybe." Kara shrugged. "You may find that just thinking about stuff without assuming all of the bad things might be more helpful, though. And I think it'd be better for Cel too. I don't want you hurting her."

"Me?" Leif was so incredulous that some of his embarrassment faded instantly. "I haven't done anything. None of this is my fault."

"Never said it was. I am, however, saying that your sister needs you right now. You don't need to react a certain way, I'm not saying that, but I am definitely saying that you need to consider her feelings no matter what path you choose. And I'm including this 'lack of decision' when I say make a choice. Because that's a choice all on its own, weirdly enough."

"I don't know what that means."

Kara gestured back toward her zipper, then started sliding back out of the dress once Leif had pulled it down for her. "It means that Cel might just want a bit of fun, or she might want more. You might just want to keep being the hapless brother caught up in some emotional nonsense, or you might want to actually step up and actively help her out, whatever she needs."

"But what if she needs, like, you know..."

"More kissy kissy? Or something more than that even? Then I guess that's up to you."

"She's my sister. I can't do that. Not more. Not even what we've already done."

Kara rolled her eyes and pulled her shirt back on. "Obviously not true. You can do whatever you want. You're both agents of your own lives."

"And you think that makes it ok?"

"Nothing to do with what I think. But yes, I do." Kara gave him a shy smile. "Trust me, I know what can happen."


"How d'you think, dummy?"

Leif's eyes widened. "You and... no, Cel said you only... but she wouldn't know if..."

"Don't you be telling anyone," Kara warned him. "What me and my brother do is just for us. Got nothing to do with anyone. I wouldn't even tell you, except Cel needs you right now, and I need you to stop worrying about the wrong shit."

"But how far did you-"

"None of your business. For real. Just like I don't ever expect to know what you and Cel get up to. Other than kissy face stuff, obviously. 'Cause good lord, apparently that girl doesn't understand subtlety."

"I knew that was a bad idea," Leif mumbled. "In a store. I mean come on."

"She knows it too," Kara said. "Don't forget she's the same girl she's ever been. If she's acting out a bit, that should tell you something."

"Yeah. Maybe it does. I dunno."


Somehow, Leif had even more on his mind than before. He'd already been looking at his sister in entirely different ways thanks to their more sexually charged relationship, and Kara had dumped even more considerations on top of that.

He'd already known that Celia was looking for something from him as a result of her break up, that she'd been acting weird, and that she was possibly doing things they'd both regret later. Kara had added a few twists and managed to make everything more complicated. That really wasn't what he'd been looking for.

Leif didn't want to have to figure out his relationship with Celia. He wanted it to be simple and easy. The same as it ever had been. Not this emotional minefield with sporadic sexy times thrown in.

Although the sexiness wasn't bad, exactly. Not unpleasant in any physical way. Just... what the hell.

Leif watched Celia more closely than before. He examined her expression for clues while she rifled through racks of clothes, or sipped a drink at the food court, or even just idly perused store windows as they passed. He had no idea what he was looking for, and he sure didn't find it.

It was only later, once he'd mainly stopped worrying about it, that he able to achieve some peace on the matter. He managed to slip away from the girls for a while and into the relative seclusion of a games store. It was a little more his speed anyway, and it offered very little in the way of romance, sisters, or a combination of the two.

Celia still managed to find Leif and snuck up on him as he was exiting the store. She slipped right up beside him and took his hand before he could raise his defenses again.

"Hey there," she said. "Gettin' tired of girly shopping, huh?"

"Kinda, I guess," Leif said.

"Or tired of me?"

"No. I mean, not like that. Just..." Leif paused and made sure no one was close enough to easily overhear. "Kara said some stuff, and there's been stuff between us anyway, and it's all just, like, a lot."

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry about that." Celia squeezed his hand. "I appreciate everything, though. It's been really nice having you around. Doing stuff. Feeling like I'm not a total mess."

"You don't need me for any of that, do you?"

"I dunno. Maybe not. It's made things easier, though."

Leif shrugged. They kept walking with no particular destination in mind. He found he didn't mind holding hands with Celia, though he was very conscious of it, in a low-level kind of way.



"Is this real?"

"I don't know what that means."

"Like, is this a weird-ass rebound that's going to end badly one way or another? Or is it for real?"

Celia bit her lip. "That's not an easy question answer."

"No, it isn't. But, like, nothing about this has been easy for me either. You know very well I don't know what I'm doing."

"True." Celia mulled it over for a few moments. "Lee, I don't want to hurt you."

"I know."

"This whole thing has been pretty selfish of me."


"But I kinda, like, don't want to stop." Celia gave Leif a sidelong glance. "I know that's not really an answer."

"No. It kinda isn't. But I get it."



"And you're gonna be ok?"

"I think so, yeah. You're my sister."

Celia frowned slightly. "What does that mean in this context?"

Leif squeezed her hand. "Nothin'. Just that you are, is all."

She nodded slowly. "Ok. I can work with that."


In a weird sort of way, Leif found Kara's acceptance and advice becoming kind of helpful instead of troubling. It eased some of the mental pressure over the next few days and let him concentrate more on what he wanted to do and how Celia was feeling than on his fear of the potential consequences.

He found he was able to deal with stuff pretty easily that had previously been odd and complicated. Letting things happen with the understanding that they didn't fundamentally change how he and Celia felt about each other made the days go much more smoothly.

His new attitude also meant that it didn't bother him at all the next time he entered Celia's room to retrieve their shared laptop and found her sitting entranced by the screen with her hand down the front of her panties.

Celia looked up at Leif and pulled out one of the earbuds she was wearing. "Oh, hey, need the computer?"

"Kinda, yeah," Leif replied easily. He sat on the bed next to her. "It can wait."

Celia was a bit surprised, but smiled at him as he joined her. "Whatever you say."

She offered him the earbud she'd removed, and he accepted it. Only after it was in place and he'd settled in next to her did he start paying attention to what manner of porn she'd been watching.

"Aw, come on. Two guys?"

Celia chuckled. "Well I wasn't expecting company. 'Sides, they're cute together."

"Still, though."

"Alright, alright. We can change it. Any preferences?"

"I dunno. Something with more girls and fewer guys, anyway."

"Picky picky." Celia tapped the laptop with her fingertips as she considered, then brightened and began typing for real. "Ooh, I've got an idea."

"Yeah? What is it?"

"I thought you didn't care."

"I don't. I just wanna know, is all."

"Well... you know how porn sites are all filled with those incest roleplay things these days..."

Leif groaned. "Oh no."


"Isn't that a little too on the nose for us?"

"I dunno. We haven't really, like, done anything. You know? We could live vicariously through them."

"That's so weird."

"Too weird?"

"Um... maybe." Leif sighed. "I'm not sure, really. Queue it up. Let's see how it feels."

Celia got a video playing, then snuggled back with Leif to watch. "This is a good one. I think you'll like it."

"Are you seriously telling me you've already watched this stuff?"

"How is that a surprise? I mean, we made out, dude. This is like a step down from that."

"Yeah, but-"

"And honestly, I had to see how I felt about seeing this kind of thing before I ever really did anything with you."

Leif turned toward his sister, but she was still watching the start of the video. He was a bit surprised by her admission, though perhaps he shouldn't have been. It made sense that she'd have insecurities about it just like he did. She must have gotten a head start on dismissing them, was all. That would explain a lot about why it seemed like nothing about it bothered her.

"Did you watch a lot of these videos?" Leif asked.

Celia smirked. "If you ever checked the browser history-"

"I tried not to."

"Fair enough. Let's just say yeah, I've seen a few."

"It's not gonna be gross, is it?"

"Gross how? They're attractive porn actors doing sexy things. They pretend like they're sibbos, is the only difference from other porn." Celia gave Leif a funny look. "Do you think making out with me was gross?"

"No. Not at all."

"Then this should be fine."

Leif remained unconvinced, but he was willing to give it a shot. He tried to focus on the video, and not the subtle motions of Celia's fingers in her underwear.

The acting was passable. Better than one could usually expect from a porn video, but not as good as in a real movie. The pretend brother and sister hung out in a bed for a while, just talking a building the scene. Gradually, they started touching a bit, and kissing, then taking clothes off.

"They're good together, right?" Celia said.

"They're ok," Leif said.

"Uh huh. Don't act like you don't like it. I see you getting hard."

Leif squirmed. "Well she's got her tits out," he said defensively.

"Yeah. And she's got her brother feeling her up and kissing her and shit."

"Fake brother."

"Still though."

Celia was clearly entranced. Leif wasn't sure if she just really liked the actors that much, or if it was something else. Like, perhaps, if she was imagining the two of them doing similar things.

Leif finally got over his initial hesitation and joined his sister in masturbating. He had to take his pants off first, which attracted her attention, but after that the two of them had hands busy down their underwear, even as they sat cozily together on her bed.

"You can take 'em off if it's more comfortable," Celia said.

"No thanks. I'm not ready for that yet."

"Didn't think so."

Leif and Celia snuck glances at each other while ostensibly masturbating to their porn video. Their eyes met occasionally, and they exchanged shy little smiles.

Leif found the video helpful for getting him going, but his sister interested him more on a slightly different level. She was real, for one, not just set in front of him for the purpose of getting him off. Plus there was their whole relationship change of late. The hornier he got, the more he thought about the things they'd done, and what they might still do.

"Oh god," Celia whispered. "Look at the way she looks at him."

The girl on screen was, indeed, making some very big eyes at her 'brother' while giving him a slow, deliberate blowjob. Leif had to admit that it was pretty hot, even if she was only simulating the emotion behind her smoldering facade.

Again, Leif turned to Celia, trying to gauge exactly what was going on in her head. She was focused on the screen, hand moving frantically on her unseen pussy. She bit her lip as she watched, then only belatedly seemed to realize she was being stared at.

The turn of Celia's head was what did it. Her eyes were big and full of emotion and lust. It wasn't the same purposeful gaze the girl in the video had used, but it was similar in its effect. Leif was drawn to her by an intangible, but irresistible force.

Their lips met softly at first, then with growing insistence. Leif's hand came out of his boxers as he went for his sister instead. She reached for him at almost the same instant, and they fumbled at each other with a passionate lack of coordination.

Leif's hand ended up on Celia's breast, with his other trapped awkwardly between them. She went for his hair, pulling his mouth firmly to hers, then down his back to grab his butt.

They wrestled around a bit, grabbing and fondling wantonly, lips locked together all the while. Leif groaned into Celia's mouth as his hard cock pressed against her soft, welcoming body. She grinded back against him, encouraging his noises of pent up sexuality.

Leif, with the last of his presence of mind, popped out his and Celia's earbuds, kicked the laptop closed, and scooted it to the corner of the bed, out of the way. He rolled on top of her, cock pressed against her pussy, separated only by their underwear.

Celia growled eagerly and dragged her fingernails up Leif's back, pulling his shirt up along the way. They had to break long enough for her to remove the article of clothing, and Leif took the opportunity to flip Celia's shirt up over her boobies. She laughed as he dove head-first into her cleavage.

"Mmm, yeah. Get right in there," she giggled.

Her giggles turned to soft moans as Leif nuzzled and sucked her tits. She tangled her fingers in his hair and caressed his cheek while he orally toyed with her chest.