Telemarketing Turnabout Pt. 05


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About two weeks later, I came home from the office, wondering what I would find. I now knew not to just burst out into the backyard unannounced, so I took my position upstairs this time, in the spare room.

They were all still doing their laps. Naked. My cock immediately stood up and tried to look out itself.

I watched them swim for about fifteen minutes more. They used a variety of strokes. I only used one, a straight forward back and forth, jerking one, as I saw a spectacular smorgasbord of big tits, firm asses, and long legs, play out below me.

Finally, Janya stopped. She was in the deep end, so she moved along the end wall into the corner, where there was a small shelf that allowed her to stand, dropping the water level down to just under her nipples. Lizzie finished next, and moved over to Janya's corner. They chatted, and Janya made room for Lizzie to stand with her. The limited real estate on the shelf forced them to press closer, and their breasts touched each others.

There was a pause, and then Janya put her hand behind Lizzie's neck, and pulled her into a kiss. This time, the kiss was more than just lips pressing together, as I saw them open their mouths and admit each others tongues.

Becca swam over, treading water a few feet away, until Janya saw her and reached out her hand. Lizzie wedged into the corner, behind Janya, and wrapped her arms around her sister-in-law. The water obscured my view, but I just knew that Lizzie was fondling those huge globes. Janya pulled Becca in closer and kissed her in the same manner she had Lizzie.

Janya was now the buxom meat in an F-cup sandwich. She had both arms wrapped around Becca's neck, making escape from the passionate sapphic kiss an impossibility. Lizzie had two handfuls of Romanian breast.

Suddenly, Janya threw her head back and moaned. The ripples emanating from Becca's right shoulder indicated a rapid, repeating motion, which was probably happening between Janya's legs, based on the moans which were getting louder.

Janya's right hand dropped from Becca's neck, and she put her knuckle in her mouth, a clear indication that she was getting close. It took about another minute for Becca's fingers to push Janya over the edge, and she came with a low grunt and a groan. She took a deep breath and grabbed Becca's head, kissing her with a feverish need.

That's about when I shot my load on the wall of the spare room. I had to sit for a minute. When I stood again, Janya was making her way from the pool to her lounge, teetering slightly. She flopped down, breathing hard still, and took the glass of wine offered by Lizzie.

Nothing further happened that day. I cleaned up my mess, and they sat nude in the sun, drinking and talking about nothing in particular.

A few days later, I arrived to find Janya sitting on the coping at the corner of the pool. Becca was behind her, arms wrapped forward and cupping Janya's breasts, while nuzzling the side of her neck. Lizzie was in the pool, with her face mere inches from the gaping, wet pussy between Janya's wide spread legs.

While I watched, Lizzie extended her tongue and flicked it gently over Janya's clit. I could hear the moan from inside the house. Janya wilted, surrendering completely to the whims of Becca and Lizzie, who took advantage immediately. Lizzie buried her face, while Becca started to twist and tug on her daughter-in-law's nipples.

My girls took turns making Janya cum, over and over again, until she was a train wreck, barely conscious and gasping for breath on a poolside lounge chair. Lizzie was still licking Janya's cunt, but Becca was wiggling her hot little ass in my direction, so I went downstairs to meet her.

"Hi Sweetheart," I said taking her into my arms after she turned to greet me. I kissed her, tasting strange pussy on her lips. "Mmmm, she's pretty tasty."

"Oh, yes... that's the truth. How are you..." she glanced down at my crotch, "... handling... this so far?"

"You mean 'how am I not racing out there to join you?'... Believe me, I'd love to, but she's not ready for me yet, is she?" I asked quietly.

"Not unless you want her to run screaming to my son and blabbing everything. We just got her willing to receive our attention. Now she has to be willing to give it back. Once we have her totally hooked on pussy, then you can join us. Until then..." she giggled, patting my bulging crotch, "... you'll just have to be satisfied with your hand while she's here."

I pouted, and she walked back outside, patting her sexy ass as a way to say goodbye.

Getting to the next stage took about a month, during which Janya showed up for every exercise day and eagerly shed her clothes. After their workout, she would present herself willingly for as much oral pleasuring as my ladies could provide, which turned out to be more than she could handle. On at least two occasions, Janya had so many orgasms she actually passed out from bliss.

I was just about beating myself raw. Then it happened. Becca was busy munching Janya's pussy, with Lizzie straddling her belly and kissing her. Janya's hands were on Lizzie's ass, and when Lizzie sat up from her kissing position, Janya pulled her body higher, and higher still, until Lizzie was standing over Janya's face. Janya caressed the pussy overhead, and probed it with a few fingers, tasting the resulting moisture.

I knew exactly what she was tasting. The ambrosia from her sex had quickly converted Lizzie's own Mother to a willing lesbian, or at least bi-sexual, so Janya had no chance to resist.

She grabbed Lizzie's hips and pulled her down onto her tongue. Maybe all women learn cunnilingus quickly, since they have the advantage of knowing the topography, and what they themselves like. Whatever the reason, Janya's tongue soon had Lizzie shrieking with glee, while Becca was making her cum as well.

For about the next three months, Janya would show up, get naked, swim for a while, and then the three of them would disappear into the guest house, where they would either take turns eating each other, or daisy chain in a team 69.

I, of course, was watching every lick, unbeknownst to Janya.

At last, the day arrived for me to introduce Janya to my cock. I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

The only change today would be that Lizzie would 'suddenly realize' that they would be more comfortable on our bed, which is much bigger. That led to three naked women squirming around in our bedroom, while I awaited my signal in Becca's bedroom. Lizzie gave me the okay signal on the camera, and I headed upstairs quietly.

I stood in the doorway, fully clothed, leaning against the jamb for several minutes. I could hold out no longer.

"Um, hello?" I said. I expected a rush to cover up, at least from Janya. I was surprised.

Janya's head came up from between Becca's thighs quickly at the sound of my voice. She should, at least, have questioned me seeing her naked, if not Becca as well. The only one I was supposed to have knowledge of, as far as she knew, was Lizzie.

"Oh, thank God... I really need a man right now!" she gasped, leaping off the bed and racing across to me. She kissed me hard, then led me over to the bed. She sat on the edge and began to undress me as fast as possible. When my cock sprung out into her face, she turned to Lizzie.

"Oh my, Lizzie! You are such a lucky girl to have such a huge cock to fuck! Is it okay if I use it?"

"Please... Help yourself!" Lizzie responded. No further encouragement was necessary.

Janya opened her mouth and swallowed my dick whole, something I wasn't quite expecting. I thought Lizzie was a deep throat queen, but Janya made it look even easier. Thankfully, she was just prepping me for her real desire, because she could have made me cum easily. She released me and laid back, spreading wide.

"Please, please, please... Fuck me now!"

I cast a quick look in the direction of both Lizzie and Becca, who were smiling. It was now up to me, to seal the deal. No pressure.

I rubbed the head of my cock across the slippery lips of Janya's pussy, and slipped into her, sliding in deep.

"Oh, Doamne! Deci, mare! La naiba, e asa de bine!" she moaned. Seeing the confused look on my face, she blushed. " Sorry, I sometimes slip back when I get excited, and your big cock definitely is exciting."

I felt Becca's hand on my ass, urging me to get a move on. We only had about an hour before someone would need to pick up Jessi, so there wasn't a lot of time for conversation.

Well, she did ask me to FUCK her NOW, so I started to do so, giving her a volley of long, firm strokes. I could immediately see that Janya was going to be a welcome addition to our merry band. Not only was her pussy a snug, wet wonder, but her breasts had an incredibly attractive wiggle and wobble to them, and felt very lovely pressed against me. Then there was her vocalizations, which were absurdly cute, consisting of a series of 'eep's,' peep's, and 'hut's, between the usual directives.

The girls had her all warmed up, and Janya had orgasm number one, with me at least, about three or four minutes in. She squirmed under me and clawed at my shoulders while she cried out, and I slowed down a little to watch.

"Oh, yeah, that was good!" she hissed. "More please!" More it is.

I dragged her out towards the edge of the bed, so that her bum was just on the top. With her legs hooked over my upper arms, I started to plough her furiously.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..." she moaned in time to each slamming stroke. "Oh fuck, yes, yes, yes, yes,... Uhn... YES, YES, YESSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screamed, cumming again, but I didn't break my rhythm this time. She kept screaming as another orgasm hit her. She was arching her back, twisting and squirming, forcing me to chase her across the width of the bed, but I kept up, and she kept cumming.

Finally, the sight of her big tits jiggling and feel of her pussy milking me proved too much, and I flooded her cunt with my hot cum. She stared directly into my eyes as I exploded inside her, and stroked my face gently with her hand when I finished. We were both panting hard and sweating from the exertion. When I pulled out, Becca was there to clean and soothe Janya's puffy pussy with her tongue.

Now we had time for a short conversation. Becca and Lizzie explained the whole situation to Janya, who nodded and smiled the whole way.

"Obviously, this all stays between us, yes?" I added, when the girls had finished. Janya patted my exhausted dick, and smiled again.

"Of course. As long as I get to play, your secret is safe with me. Not a word to anyone, especially my husband."


Everything remained status quo for quite some time, except that Jessi was now in public school all day, giving the three of us plenty of time to play. Lizzie had put her practice on hold, but now went back to work, which meant I was alone with Becca, except for the days that Janya came to visit. Occasionally, when I was needed at my office, Becca and Janya were left to make use of each other and Becca's toy collection. Everyone involved was happy, getting laid often enough to stay satisfied. I got the impression that Janya was happier with us than she was with Clay, but I guess that was to be expected.

My daughter was growing up fast. She was the spitting image of her Mother and Grandmother, other than the blue eyes, apparently my only contribution to her genes. Lizzie, Grandma Becca, and Auntie Janya took her shopping for her twelfth birthday, before the party we had planned. They also gave her a makeover, and she came home looking even more like Mommy.

The party wound up being a massive turning point in our lives.

Since Janya was already at our house, Clay arrived on his own, and late as usual. At first, he seemed fine, or at least as fine as her ever was. He wished Jessi a Happy Birthday, and took his usual position on the couch, watching TV.

Janya asked him if he would like to be sociable with the rest of us. With that innocuous comment, the fuse was lit. Clay started a fight with Janya, who didn't back down. Becca tried to play mediator, but Clay was in rare form, turning on her.

"Clayton Wellington, stop behaving like your father!" she retorted.

"Yeah, sure Mom... Just like you to blame him for everything!" he barked back

"What?!" Becca gasped, taken aback by his comment.

"lf you hadn't pushed him away, we'd still be a family!" he sneered.

"He cheats on me, and that's my fault?! You really are just like him! Sometimes I wish you weren't my son!" she said, turning away.

"Well, at least he's found someone who loves him, and you're still all alone, sixteen years later. I guess that shows who's really difficult to be with, doesn't it?"

I had heard enough, and stood up, intent on putting the little weasel in his place, or the hospital, whichever came first. Lizzie stepped in front of me.

"You just hold it there, Sweetheart," she whispered, "leave my asshole brother to me." She walked over to Clay.

"You can't talk to our Mother like that!" she spat. "Apologize now!"

"Why, if it isn't my slut sister? You think I don't know that you got married because you had to? You were pregnant! I can add, you know. I know everything that goes on with this family!" he bellowed.

Really? I thought. If you only knew how much you don't have a clue about. Like the fact that your Mother has been part of a committed relationship for as long as she's been single. You are such an idiot.

Becca had tears in her eyes, and so did Lizzie. Janya was trying to console Jessi, who was watching her birthday party get destroyed by her dickhead Uncle.

Lizzie had been looking down, but now she glared back at him. I saw the anger in there, even if he didn't, and knew what was coming.

Lizzie slapped him, so hard it rattled my fillings. A red, hand shaped welt appeared immediately on his cheek.

I was far enough away to see his right hand ball up into a fist, but close enough to do something about it. As his arm began to move, so did I, and I caught him by the wrist just as he was starting forward.

"You want to try that with me, or do you only insult and punch women?" I warned him. He struggled to free his hand, but I had a firm grip. I was at least eight inches taller and fifty pounds heavier than him, so I had no problem pinning him to the wall and conveying malicious intent with my gaze. He tried again to wriggle free, so I dropped my right shoulder into his throat, leaning hard against him.

"It's your choice," I said evenly, "you can walk out of here now, or be carried out unconscious." I leaned harder, pressing into his throat more and choking him.

He opened his hand in surrender, since he couldn't talk, and I slowly released the pressure. I didn't release his hand, however, and wouldn't until he was safely outside.

"Fine," he answered, rubbing his neck, "Come on, Janya... we're leaving!"

"That's okay. I'm staying here with my niece to celebrate her birthday," Janya replied.

Clay huffed. I pushed him towards the front door, opened it and directed him through, still holding his wrist tightly. Lizzie threw his shoes out into the front courtyard. Only then did I let go, but I watched him as he collected his shoes, got in his car and left. When he was outside the gate, I was finally able to relax.

Back inside, we tried to salvage as much of the party as possible, but Clay had done a good job dampening everyone's spirits. At night's end, Janya went home.

Two days later Janya was back, along with two suitcases and a black eye. The predictable had happened, and we gave her sanctuary in our spare room. Jessi was thrilled to have her Aunt staying in the next room, and I was happy to point her in the direction of a good lawyer, who started the divorce proceedings immediately.

Clay didn't put up much of a fuss, and everything was finalized before Jessi's thirteenth birthday.

So, our little trio was now a quartet, with no guilt. We hadn't caused the end of Clay's marriage ; his own stupidity had.

I had a little talk with my wife. At almost 43, I felt like I could still satisfy her needs, and her Mother's as well. Becca still enjoyed sex, but her frequency was reducing a little, down to only five or six times a week. She was almost 63, but looked more like Lizzie's slightly old sister. It was Janya that had me concerned. She was an insatiable 31 year old, jumping me every day, at least once. At the very simplest, I thought some pharmaceutical assistance was called for, and my wife/doctor agreed.

I was right to be concerned about Janya. My youngest bedmate loved to make me cum. Not only was she the undisputed champion of deepthroating my cock, she also knew of my weakness for big, bouncy breasts, which she was amply qualified to provide. A sexual athlete, when she would take the top position, Janya had the ability to squat on my cock, rather than just straddling me on her knees.

She would then put both of her arms up, behind her head, while pounding herself up and down. Putting her arms up like that pulled her fabulous breasts up and apart, which made them bounce even more enticingly, and that really got to me. She would smile at me with a lascivious grin every time she did it, because she knew I would soon be basting the inner walls of her cunt with hot cum, and she was almost always right. At least I was able to stay hard, thanks to my 'little blue friends'.


My ladies had this little tradition, where they would sit around the table out by the pool and have their morning coffee or tea. It was their special girl-talk time, and I wasn't invited, which was fine with me. They did invite Jessi, however, when she turned 16. Yes, my little girl was 16 years old now, and had become a very beautiful young woman. She was so proud that her Mother, Grandmother and Aunt had included her in their world.

I would watch them out there, sometimes wondering what they were talking and laughing about, but knowing it was not my place. I just felt lucky. Who would have thought that such a perfect, happy life could have hinged on something as ridiculously simple as answering the phone and being polite?

Then one day, my world changed completely. I came home from the office to find a police car in the driveway. Two officers were talking to Jessi, and she was crying.

Oh God, please, no!

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FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 3 years ago

Yeah this was a good story until they ruined the brother's marriage, terrible people to do that to their own family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Breast milk

One of the comments about breast milk not tasting of anything is not correct. My wife has big breasts and when lactating she was very large. At first too much for baby. I used to suckle her to reduce the swelling and relieve the tension and it did taste nice. One reason why we did this was to keep her milk ducts open which blocked up from time to time. It always turned her on when I was nursing.

Great story and good read.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 4 years ago
Breast milk

It does not taste really like anything. There is nothing sexual about it, and more often than not the moms nipples are sore. Really took away from story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good twist

I liked the twist of not always being perfect

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

The story kind of turned downhill after the mother and daughter decided to cause trouble in their son/brothers marriage......he did seem idiotic....and the implied reason that followed seems contrived........did he deserve that... Not really convinced....dropping the story here

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