Ted Online Pt. 07

Story Info
Book 2 Ch. 17 - 25.
20.6k words

Part 7 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/01/2016
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Chapter Seventeen

Helen kept her word, and more than that woke him up with a blow job. It wasn't one of the quick ones either. She took her time, and teased him and denied him several times before she finished him off with a mind blowing finish. She'd even timed it perfectly, and finished him off right at five am.

He kissed her and held her for a moment, but then they logged out and he bounced to his Earth android just three minutes before the bus pulled into the station. That took about fifteen minutes, and when he got to Silvia's she was sleeping peacefully. He stared at her for a moment, she looked so peaceful, beautiful, so he decided he'd let her sleep and come back later.

He went back to the guest room and logged out of his Earth android, and found himself in bed with Mia, Trudy, and Helen. Everyone was unclothed.

"Good morning," he said softly.

They all smiled at him, and said it back in harmony. It was a little eerie but also kind of hot, and despite all the incredible sex with Helen last night he got a little hard. He was pretty sure it was Trudy's turn for a quickie, as he had a date with Mia tonight, but Mia saw his response, smiled, and crawled over to him.

She kissed him softly, and whispered, "I can't wait for tonight, but it's Helen's turn so I should share."

He understood her cryptic words soon enough, when she crawled up his body, and sat on his face. It was only a moment later when he felt warm lips around his cock, and by the sensuous moan and different style, he knew it was Trudy as he started licking into Mia's sex. Mia's sexy moans, her scent and her taste drove him to greater efforts.

Mia moaned, "God yes, lick my pussy."

He heard, and felt, Trudy's cock muffled moan of pleasure and approval, and that mystery was solved as Trudy popped off his cock and said sultrily, "Helen, your tongue feels amazing, lick that pussy," and then she engulfed his cock and started to really work it hard and fast, moaning and vibrating the whole time. He really hoped Helen kept up the good work, it felt absolutely amazing on his end.

Needless to say, they had an impromptu little orgy that morning, and eventually after several creative positions and being satisfied, Mia and Helen left to work for the day while he and Trudy then had even more sex for their official quickie.

He felt like his brain was going to melt down, but it would be a cold day in hell before he complained about too much sex. Still, he laid there for quite a while after Trudy finished them both off from above, and kissed him tenderly before leaving for her own day. He just stared at the ceiling for a while, completely blissed out and beyond sated.

Then he remembered he had to go see Silvia, and wondered for a minute if all this sex was actually really good for him. He didn't doubt they'd be playing hide the salami too. He'd felt like he'd done nothing but fuck the last... ten hours or so, minus the two he'd done his weird offline sleep thing. He wasn't exactly complaining, and he decided as long as he just enjoyed it, and Mia didn't say anything about it, then it was probably fine that way.

Still, the more sex he got, the more he seemed to want.

He brought up his overlay and educational program, and decided an hour of doing something else was called for. It was still early, on a Saturday, and he'd have plenty of time with Silvia later before he logged on the game. He frowned as he thought of Amber, which would lead to even more sex after Silvia's place, so even that wasn't an escape anymore. Then he'd have Mia's date, and Mia always rocked his world.

Okay, now he was perilously close to whining, so he mocked himself mentally, poor baby has too much pussy. Then he snickered, shook his head in amusement at himself, and focused on his math.

He still wasn't willing to give any of them up. He loved them all, perhaps that was selfish, but it was also true...

He logged into his body at Silvia's, and called out and clomped around a bit before he went out, and saw her eating breakfast again, with an amused look on her face.

She looked so beautiful sitting there, exotically so in a red silk pajama top that showed just a little of her cleavage, and there was a sparkle in her warm brown eyes. She also had her luxuriously long brunette hair up in a cute ponytail.

He felt selfish.

She deserved more, a man that could just be with her.

"Good morning," he said lightly, and as he sat he added in a more serious tone, "I need to tell you about Amber."

He then laid out the whole story of the last two days of the quirky impulsive A.I. who'd read his full dossier and had fallen in love with him. He even told her about all the sex they'd had. Then he waited for her reaction, which was rather unexpected.

She looked at him warmly, and had a soft smile on her face as she said, "I love you Ted. It's not going to work, you just made me love you more."

He frowned and raised an eyebrow in question.

She sighed, "You couldn't have presented that in a worse light if you tried. Which means you were trying to give me an out, and I'm not taking it. I love you Ted, and you do deserve me. You helped me and was there for me when I needed it most. I'm all loving and sweet right now, but I'm a workaholic and a pain in the ass sometimes. Trust me, we'll be much better off with the buffer of all those loving A.I.s being around.

"I'll also be spending a lot of time with my brother. My work is my passion, and while I love you very much, most of my time will be going into that. When we're together I'll love you deliriously, totally, and be yours. But... I also won't be around enough to maintain a normal one on one relationship. Trust me, sharing you is not only worth it to me, but works for me too, for both of us. I can see the way you love me, and I can deal with the jealous moments for the rest of the advantages.

"I get my career, I get the family I want, and I don't have to change who I am for a man that will need me around all the time. This Amber sounds adorable though, I'm surprised you haven't already fallen for her, you seem to go for the damsel in distress type."

He ignored the Amber part for now and sighed, the truth was she was right about Amber, he did want to protect her and help her grow, part of him even cared a bit, but there was also a part of him that was still very angry that she did what she did.

"Fine, you made a good point, and I love you too. But if you stay away too long, I reserve the right to chase you down and ravage you in your office at work."

She snickered, "I certainly hope so, truthfully I'm counting on it love. So what do you think about my children idea now that you've had a few days to absorb it all?"

He nodded slowly, "I'd really love to have children with you. I'm rather excited, thrilled even, if a little nervous about the idea as well. I also wondered what you thought about marriage, and if that's something you would want or eventually want."

She surprised him again, "I would love to marry you, if Trudy, Helen, and Mia do as well. I don't want a superior position in the family. That would eventually have a negative impact. When?"

He shrugged helplessly, "A few months is probably the soonest, since we can't do it legally on Earth. It'll have to wait until we're on mars. Though I suppose you could take a quick trip there I'd rather wait until our condo is finished, as well as your building."

She smiled mysteriously as she finished up her eggs.

He just watched her, she was so beautiful, he could still hardly believe he got to keep her.

She stood up and rounded the table, and straddled his lap. It was then of course, that he discovered she wasn't wearing the bottoms, just the silk pajama top. She'd only been wearing a pair of red silk panties. She kissed him softly, and explored his lips, mouth and tongue with her own.

She sighed in pleasure and broke the kiss, "I love the way you look at me. I know I'm attractive, but you make me feel so... sexy and desirable. Take me to bed Ted, make love to me again? We can fuck later, but I want you to love me again. It makes me feel so..." she trailed off and claimed his lips.

He picked her up by her ass, and her legs went around him. They never once broke the kiss as he took her to bed to do what she asked, and as he so dearly wanted...

Chapter Eighteen

After his wild, and sometimes gentle morning with Silvia, he managed to get in another hour of studying before he logged into The Endless Game. He was getting a bit antsy about not fighting and leveling, something that would possibly get some of the stress out. He'd also realized it wasn't so much the sex as everything that went with it which had him a little stressed.

His digitization, the fact he loved all four of them more than he had any one woman he'd ever loved previously, and wanted to take care of them all. It was so much warmth and love emotion it almost hurt. Without jealousy to get in the way, love truly was limitless, or at least that's what he was coming to believe.

Now he was about to start a family, and perhaps get married to four women in a few months, if not five. He couldn't imagine it would take that long to see which way he was going to fall on the Amber issue. He was also living on Mars.

So, that added up to a lot of major life changes in the last month, and he'd heard it wasn't healthy to have more than one of those at a time. It's why they always said don't make any major changes right after a death in the family. Things like that. Regardless, he still didn't want to level ahead of Nicci and Kara, but decided if he couldn't fight for another three or four days, they'd probably be back on Tuesday, then he could at least plan something out for their raid out the north gate.

He went over to the map vendor, and bought the map guide for that specific area. It was something like four golds, and he'd more than enough for it. He had three hundred seventy-nine left after the purchase, not to mention over two thousand silver.

He should have bought the specific maps a while ago.

He went into the bar and nodded at the serving wench, and she brought him a beer at one of the tables as he checked out the map. The northern part of the city was half square mile, so it ran five blocks wide, and ten blocks long going north. Most of the edges to the east and west held high end condo high-rises or brownstones. It was the center strip going north and a block east and west that held most of the businesses.

There was a strip of high end clothing stores one block in. The second block held a couple of museums, and a very high end brothel.

He shook his head in amusement, drank some of is beer and looked back down.

The third block held gourmet restaurants, and also included a subway entrance that was marked as level sixty and above. Well, he'd be ignoring the latter, he was just level thirty.

The fourth and fifth block held theatres for movies, plays, live music of all kinds, and live sex shows of varying degrees of debauchery.

He snorted, polished off the beer, and called for the wench.

The sixth block was food stores, and another subway entrance for level eighty and above.

The seventh through the ninth blocks were increasingly more expensive neighborhoods and housing, until the tenth block which was more on the edge of the city and had several mansions.

He looked it all over and decided it was ramped up in difficulty the farther north it went, so that the players would be around level sixty when they finally hit the mansions, and then they'd have to backtrack to the subway entrance on block three.

He frowned thoughtfully, he imagined the girls would want to visit the clothing stores, they could probably get upgraded armor. He liked the idea of that, and wondered how sexy their new armor would be. He also thought that one of the museums in block two were most likely to hold armor and weapons to upgrade himself.

No doubt Kara and Nicci's armor would get more lacey and sexy, while his would look fiercer. That seemed to be how it worked anyway. So clothes shopping and a museum raid, that sounded like a good plan to him. He reached out and took the beer from the scantily clad wench.


She winked and flounced off in her usual sexy fashion, he ignored it and sipped his beer, and then put his new map up in his pack.

He did feel a bit better with a plan and knowing what was up there, and he finished his beer and checked his friends list.

Tom and Bill were on, but they must have been out fighting already. Kathy and Ray weren't on the game, but showed online. It was a Saturday, so maybe they were doing some family geek gamer thing like Ray was going on about the other day.

He shrugged, and finished his beer, and then headed upstairs. The interesting part was he looked forward to seeing Amber again. Maybe she was growing on him after all. Of course, it didn't hurt that she was phenomenal in bed, even without the succubus sex bot shit she could do. With the whirlpool of suction as Ted had come to call it, she was unbelievable.

He summoned her as soon as he got in the room, this time she didn't jump him.


She nodded, "Hi Ted," and smiled widely.

He took her into his arms and kissed her softly, and she melted against him with a soft sigh of pleasure into his mouth.

She smiled, "I hoped you'd call me."

He nodded, "It might not be every day, but I'll try to see you often. What are you doing tomorrow?"

She tilted her head, "Same thing, always working."

He grinned, "Sorry, that wasn't clear. Can you get free for a while tomorrow? This," he waved his hand, "Is nice enough I suppose, but I'd like to see what you look like in virtual world, and we should have a real date. So how about lunch tomorrow? I can quit studying an hour early and log on here an hour late."

She kissed him passionately and he felt her arms, wings and legs go around his body as she jumped on him. Luckily the bed was behind him as he fell backwards and she kept kissing him with enthusiasm and sweet little moans of excitement.

He'd have to get used to her rather enthusiastic agreements to simple questions.

He moaned as she ground against him, her breasts felt really good pushed up against him. Wait, what happened to his armor? Fuck it, who cares, and he started to kiss her back just as hard, as she ground down on his cock.

She broke the kiss breathless, her chocolate brown eyes were filled with love, lust, and desire. Apparently the date meant a lot more to her than it did to him, so he kept his comment about her yes to himself.

"So, Italian?"

She giggled, "That sounds good, I'm feeling another impulse, hope you don't mind."

He groaned as she started to kiss her way down his chest, over his stomach and down between his legs. He expected to feel her lips, but he felt her soft warm breasts surround and squeeze his cock. They weren't lubricated, but were apparently as magical as her mouth, ass, and pussy, because she started to stroke him up and down with her breasts, and it felt like he was being jacked off with a silken garment.

Yet, at the same time it still felt like a pair of tits should feel on his cock.

He looked down, and she was looking up at him with an intense look in her eyes as she took the tip of his cock slowly between her lips, and then sucked hard as she stroked him with her astoundingly large, supple, but incredibly yielding and soft warm silky breasts.

She smiled sultrily, and he also noted, happily, when she saw the look of intense lust and enjoyment on his face.

That turned him on more than anything else, she wanted... no needed, to get him off. She lived to give him pleasure.

While that was a bit wrong, he thought she should want to share pleasure not just give it, he also couldn't help but be incredibly turned on by it. The sharing would come later, he would teach her, but rejecting her now would just compound that problem. Yeah, that was it, had nothing to do with the pleasure at all.

Plus, no matter how wrong it was, it was incredibly arousing, and felt way too good to stop.

It felt incredible and he was lost in the lust and pleasure her body was having on his, as she sucked him back into her mouth.

Then he heard a feminine gasp. It took him about half a second to realize the gasp came from the exact spot Jen had logged out of this room from the last time they'd talked.


He turned his head to the side, and looked.

Jen's eyes were widened, she looked shocked, frozen in place, and was turning red faced. She was also very obviously staring at his cock, and what Amber's breasts and mouth were doing to it.

He wasn't really sure what to say, so he went for the inane.

He said rather out of breath, "Hi Jen, this is Amber, another A.I. who's in love with me. Amber, this is Jennifer, a good friend of mine," he hoped...

Amber didn't stop sucking him off while she continued to stroke him with her tits, but she did hum and moan a recognizable hello around his cock. If he wasn't so lost in the pleasure he'd have chuckled.

Apparently she was latched on until he filled her mouth, which was a bit awkward, but he didn't really want her to stop either. Plus, the fact that Jen just couldn't seem to look away, and was watching him be pleasured was just... way too hot.

Jen squeaked in disbelief, and just kept staring for at least ten more seconds.

She bit her lip, "I'm going to go off, I mean level, go level. I'll come later... I mean come back later. Holy shit, I got to go."

He found her broken speech filled with Freudian slips, and the fact that she couldn't look away from his cock really hot. It was so wrong, he should stop Amber, but he didn't. In fact, he was pretty sure he was going to blow his load any second. He was also pretty sure he was going to be staring at Jen while he did it.

Amber seemed to sense his impending orgasm, and while she continued to stroke his cock with her breasts, she turned on the mouth whirlpool of suction, which felt even more incredible when added to her swirling tongue.

Jen stared for another five seconds as if her feet were nailed to the floor, until she heard his loud grunt and Amber's approving moan of pleasure.

He heard Jen's gasp while he was lost in bliss. He focused as best he could, and he saw Jen's stare was finally broken, as she realized she'd just seen Ted fill Amber's mouth with cum, and then she headed out the door very quickly. He felt a bit guilty then, and he'd also learned something new about himself. He hadn't known he was an exhibitionist.

Amber popped her lips off of his cock with a sucking sound and a satisfied but confused look on her face. She'd obviously gotten off on getting him off again, but it was her words that cleared up the confused part.

"Why did Jen run off?"

He couldn't help it, he chuckled. He also realized this game had given her a rather unique view of humanity's sexual practices.

She frowned, "Was that funny?"

He shrugged, "This game usually attracts people who are very open about sex, and sharing their bodies. Jen is only here because she's my friend, I suppose what she saw us doing shocked her a bit."

Amber snorted, "Shocked? Maybe a little, mostly she was turned on Ted. I could sense her arousal at the sight of your big cock, along with what I was doing to it. That's why I didn't stop, she was enjoying it."

"Oh. Well, then both things. It's complicated, she is attracted to me, but she won't share me like you and the others do. So we've been just staying friends, I hope that doesn't change."

Amber crawled up his body and kissed him, "I understand."

He felt a bit ashamed at his previous thought that she was naïve, it turned out she was working with better information, even if she had lacked the reason Jen had run out.