Taking the Plunge

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Male stripper gets an enticing offer.
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Remember when you were 10 or 11, and your buddies double-dog dared you to jump off the high diving board at the local swimming pool?

Well, something like that happened to me recently, and it was the most incredible erotic experience of my life. I still can't believe I did it, but I guess if you climb up on the board often enough, eventually you'll throw caution to the wind and make that jump.

My name is Dale, and I'm in my late 20s. I'm single, although I usually always have a girlfriend. I don't have movie-star looks, but I'm not ugly. I've got a thick mustache and brown hair that I like to wear fairly long. I'm of average height and weight, but I do work out quite a bit, and my job involves a lot of heavy lifting, so I'm pretty well toned.

My day job is in construction, and while it pays pretty well, I know I can do better for myself. So I'm saving money to go to college. A year or so ago, my girlfriend at the time suggested that with my physique I could make a little money on the side as a male stripper.

This girl knew that I'm a closet exhibitionist, and I took to the work like a duck to water. I'm strictly an amateur, in that I don't work clubs, but rather do parties and such. You'd be amazed how many horny women get off on watching a guy strip naked, you'd be flabbergasted to learn how many of them want to watch a man masturbate, and you'd be absolutely dumbfounded to find out that they get off on watching a man fuck himself with a dildo.

So that's what I do, if that's what they want. I charge $100 for a straight strip show, $150 if they want me to masturbate and $200 if they want to watch me use a dildo or butt plug (or both) on myself while I stroke my thick, 7-inch cock. It's all cash, up front, so the host knows what's coming. That's to prevent anyone from causing a scene when things start getting hot.

My girlfriend got my first show together, I put an ad up on the Internet, and word gradually spread that I was some real hot entertainment. You want to spice up a hen party or a bachelorette party, and I'll definitely give you your money's worth. Usually, the ladies will tip me quite generously in addition to my fees, and some have slipped me their phone numbers, which has led to some very nice encounters.

One day, however, I got a call from a man who sounded as if he was in his 30s. He identified himself as Curt, and what he wanted made me pause. He was gay, he had heard about my show, and he wanted to hire me for his partner's birthday party. I had never done a gay party before, largely because I wasn't sure how I would react.

You see, in addition to being something of an exhibitionist, I've had a strong desire to experience sex with a man. I don't know why, but it's been there ever since my high school days, when I'd be in the locker room shower after football practice, and size up the other players' cocks.

I had never acted on this desire because, well, I was afraid I'd like it too much. I love women, everything about them, the softness of their skin, the curve of their breasts, the wet heat of their pussies, and I've never left anyone unsatisfied. I've just never found one yet that I loved enough to want to spend the rest of my life with, and when most of them find out I'm not going to commit myself to one woman, they usually drift away. But even those relationships usually end amicably, and I currently have about a half-dozen girlfriends I see who don't mind being one of the crowd. There's no deception involved; they all know up front that I see other women. I can only think of a couple of relationships that ended bitterly, and those were more the woman's fault than mine (honest).

Nevertheless, I always wondered what it would feel like to suck a man's hard cock, to feel him shoot cum down my throat or all over my face. I discovered early in my teens just how sensative my anus is, and the fantasy of taking a man's throbbing erection deep in my ass and letting him fuck me until he fills my bowels with hot cream always sends my arousal soaring. That's one reason I incorporate dildoes with my act, to stimulate my arousal.

Anyway, I kind of hemmed and hawed, then decided, 'what the hell, why not,' so I told Curt I'd do it. He wanted the whole $200 show, and promised I'd make at least that much, if not more, in tips. He said he had invited about 20 men to the party, but he didn't expect all of them to show. He assured me that they were all professional people, and that they would behave. We made the deal, and he gave me directions to his house.

When I got to his expensive suburban home that Saturday night, there were 17 men at the party, including Curt and the birthday boy, whose name was Bob. There were men of every size and sort: three blacks, two Asians, two Hispanics and 10 whites. They were all in their 30s, most of them were well-built and looked like they had money to spare. I knew I was going to do well that night.

Curt was a fairly large man, with a cheerful demeanor, while Bob was about my size and slender, with a gentle expression.

After the group had had a few drinks to loosen up (except for me, I don't drink), the group descended to a cozy downstairs den that had seats enough for everyone. I brought my props in, a bag containing the tools of my trade, and a padded mat. This mat folds out to an eight-foot square "stage" that protects my knees when I start to get into the "meat" of the show, and to protect the host's floor from flying cum.

I retired to an adjoining bathroom to change into my costume. I wore a black leather vest and a pair of black leather pants that resemble bicycle shorts. Underneath my shorts I had on a cloth g-string. I like the way the strap of the g-string stimulates my ass when I'm doing the full show. I had dropped a Viagra earlier, just to give me an extra boost. Later on, I would be damn glad I'd done it.

Before I left home, I had scrubbed my butt real well and given myself an enema to clean out my insides. I was ready.

From the host's sound system, loud dance music began to play, and I made my entrance. The room was semi-dark, with just a line of three soft floodlights hanging from the ceiling that Curt had thoughtfully trained on my mat. The room had a real sexy, seductive glow to it that turned me on.

I danced suggestively, giving each guy a close look at the bulge in my pants. After awhile, my vest came off, and I made an exaggerated show of squeezing and lightly pinching my rock-hard nipples. I don't have a lot of chest hair to begin with, and I shave what I have. In fact, I shave off all of my body hair right before a show. I find it highly stimulating when I run my hands over my hairless body.

The crowd was really getting into it, and I could see a lot of the men were squeezing their cocks, either with their hands or legs, trying to suppress their hard-ons, and the lust in their eyes was quite apparent as I danced real close to each man.

Of course, I paid extra attention to the guest of honor, rubbing my chest against his face and lightly running my tongue down his cheek. As the music continued, I danced back to the center of the room and asked them what they wanted, and they quickly chanted for me to take my pants off. I teased them for a few minutes, showing them my perfect buns before I peeled the tight pants off and let them drop to the floor.

The room went silent as they watched me dance erotically around the room. My cock was throbbing hard, and the front of my g-string was wet where it had come into contact with the leaking tip. I was as charged up as I had ever been, and I really got into it. I bent over, squatted down, spread-eagled, everything. As I danced, a slick sheen of sweat had built up all over my body, and I was ready to go a step beyond.

I stepped up to Bob and got up on the sofa, where he was sitting goggle-eyed. I straddled his hips and gave him my very best lap dance, grinding first my cock, then my ass all over his crotch, where his dick was making a tent of his pants. I put my hands on his shoulders as I dry-humped him, and bent my face down until we were practically touching. My tongue slithered out of my mouth and I licked my way down his nose until I reached his lips. He couldn't help himself. He opened his mouth and kissed me, full with a lot of tongue. We kissed just long enough for him to get into it, then I pulled away.

Mesmerized, he reached in his pocket, peeled a $50 bill off a roll of cash and slid it in my g-string, getting a good feel of my iron-hard cock as he did. Well, that sent everyone in the room reaching for their wallets to pull out bills, and for the next few minutes I worked my way around the room, giving all of them a lap dance and letting them cop a feel. By the time I'd gotten around to everyone, I had almost $400 hanging off my g-string.

By now, I was beyond aroused. I could tell I was going to shoot an absolute fountain of cum, I was so turned on. As the crowd started up a rhythmic clapping, I started to peel the g-string off my cock. I gave them a couple for teases before I finally pulled the material down. My cock bounced out of its confines like it was on springs, wobbling wetly before their eyes. I quickly dropped my last piece of clothing to the floor and tossed it into my bag.

I felt a rush roar through my body the way it always does the first few moments when I'm completely naked in front of a crowd. It is so liberating to be nude and aroused with people watching you. I shimmied my hips and waved my iron-hard cock as I danced close to each man in the room. Occasionally I ran my hands over my cock and balls, but I refrained from any serious stroking. I knew I was too turned on, and that if I fondled myself too much I'd cum prematurely, spoiling the show.

I did everything all strippers do, splits, spreadeagles, bending over to show them my pink butthole, raising my legs high over my head, giving them a real good look at everything I had.

At last, I returned to my mat and prepared for the climax. I spread my legs as I stood in the center of the mat, took one hand and got my cock covered with my slick pre-cum. With the other, I reached back and began to finger my ass, not really penetrating, but just rimming the hole. That alone sent spasms of lust through my body. With only my sweat as a lubricant, I pushed a middle finger in and worked it around, all the time lightly jacking my cock. I couldn't suppress a groan of lust as I slid one finger and then two fingers into my sweaty ass.

I worked them in my butt with some difficulty, then pulled my fingers free. I danced to my bag and pulled out a bottle of baby oil, my dick waving seducively in front of me. As the crowd clapped and whistled, I poured oil all over my body and sensuously ran my hands all over to make sure every inch of me, except my face and hair, was covered. I dropped to my knees as I worked my cock with my hands, sometimes one, sometimes both. Reaching back, I resumed finger-fucking myself, and now it was much easier. I had three fingers pumping lewdly in my ass as I stroked my cock slowly, evenly.

Looking around the room, I could see the wolfish looks and the agonized expressions as they fought the urge to pull out their cocks and join me. Little did I know...

Gasping with lust, I crawled to my bag and pulled out my dong, a medium-sized, 7-inch rubber dildo. Usually, I start with a butt plug to get my ass accustomed to insertion. But not now. I was too far gone.

Kneeling on my mat, my ass pointed directly at the guest of honor, I pushed the fake cock into my ass, groaning loudly as I did. I worked it back and forth with one hand while my other stroked my cock more briskly than ever. Every nerve in my body was straining to hold back the tidal wave of cum that was boiling in my balls.

I swiveled around, so my cock was aimed at Bob, and lowered my body until the dong was sitting up on the mat, then I took both hands and worked my cock as I rode the rubber dong.

Up and down, up and down, I was in a frenzy of lust as I worked my body on the rubber dick while masturbating my throbbing, purple cock. My body was a live wire as I strugged for control. Gasping, I asked the crowd what they wanted to see.

"Cum, cum, cum..." they chanted, and I was ready to accommodate them.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the electric tingle in my scrotum. With a choking cry, I fisted several really hard strokes and felt a volcano roar through my cock as I exploded in as violent an orgasm as I could remember having.

My first shot arced a good five feet in front of me and for the next few seconds I kept spewing out my white cream, until it was oozing out my cock to cover my hands. My chest heaving, I dropped my hands to the floor, then gingerly slid the dildo out of my ass, as the crowd erupted in applause. I bowed weakly as my host walked up to me while I pulled a towel out of my bag to wipe my hands, and to clean off my mat. He handed me a big glass of ice water, which I drained.

"Great show, man," Curt said. "Really great."

Curt's den opened to a back patio with a large swimming pool that he generously offered to let me use, so that I could cool off. After I stowed my stuff in the bathroom with my clothes, I walked out, still naked, to take advantage of the offer. As I did, members of the crowd, now mixing and mingling as they refreshed their drinks, shook my hand and thanked me for a great show. But the way they looked at me was a little disconcerting, for they all plainly lusted after me. I felt a strange chill run down my spine as I walked to the pool.

The water was cool, but not too cold, and it was most refreshing on my super-heated body. I swam a few laps just to limber my muscles, then I sat in the shallow end of the pool and rested. I had just completed another leisurely lap when I noticed that Curt had come out and was standing by the side of the pool, gazing at me. When I reached the side of the pool, he squatted down, and I couldn't help but notice a very large bulge at his crotch.

"Dale," he began. "That right there was just about the hottest thing I've ever seen a person do, and I've got to tell you that every man in there was stiff as a board. I know, because I certainly was, and I got a chance to look around at everyone else. Anyway, we've been talking, and we have a proposal for you."

"A proposal?" I asked, my heart in my mouth.

"Yeah," he answered. "We're willing to pay you a very large sum of money for something extra."

"How much is a very large sum of money, and what would I have to do?" I asked, although I had an idea what was coming.

"Two grand, cash," he said in a low voice. "If you'll let all of us fuck you."

It's a good thing I was in the water, otherwise, my cock might have given me away. Here was my opportunity to finally experience gay sex - in mass multiples. This was way beyond anything I'd ever really contemplated, but the truth was, I had occasionally fantasized about doing just that, having a roomful of men fuck me and cover my body with cum. And $2,000 was a lot of money. I could do a lot with that kind of cash.

Still, I had reservations, so I raised them.

"If I do this, how do I know things won't turn rough?" I asked.

"You have my word as a man of honor," Curt said. "None of us is into pain or bondage or any of that shit. We're all about pleasure, always have been. It's my house, and I set the rules."

"OK, what about the possibility of disease?" I continued. "I don't want to leave here with some sexually-transmitted disease." Curt frowned a little at this.

"Dale, I know every man here, and I can vouch for them," he said. "If any of them have anything, I would have heard about it. Like I said, we're about pleasure here."

He knew my resistance was cracking, from the questions I was asking. And, despite the coolness of the water, my cock was growing at the thought of being their cum whore for the night.

"Give me a couple of minutes to think about it," I said, and he agreed, returning to the house. I really didn't need to think about it, but I wanted to compose myself. Then I climbed out of the water and dried off. My heart was pounding as I walked into the den. The room went silent as I entered, all 17 men looking at me expectantly.

I just smiled and ran my tongue sensually over my lips.

"All right, I'll do it," I said. "Just remember that I've never done anything like this before, so be nice."

At that, the crowd erupted in hurrahs, and began to gather around me. However, I excused myself to retire to the bathroom for just a minute to pee and prepare myself, while Curt passed the hat to collect my money. In the bathroom, after I peed, I looked at myself in the mirror and wondered what I'd gotten myself into. I was about to become a real-life whore, a paid sex provider, and the prospect was a little intimidating.

But I had told them I'd do it, and frankly I got a thrill out of the thought that I had so aroused them that they were gladly willing to pay me a lot of money to relieve them. And I knew that if I didn't do it then, I'd never do it, and then I'd always have those what-ifs.

Just then, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, and Curt came in with a wad of cash. I noticed that he was naked with a very big, very fat cock waving in front of him. Before he handed the money over, he looked me dead in the eye and asked me one final time.

"Are you OK with this?" he said. "If you're not comfortable, we can still call it off, no hard feelings. We'd be disappointed, but we all understand how it is with guys who think they may be bi."

My answer was to reach up with both hands, grab the sides of his face and give him a big, deep kiss. Our tongues jousted as our lips locked, and our hands roamed over each other's torso. Then I broke the embrace, took the cash from his hand, put it in my wallet and headed out the door.

"Let's do it," I said with confidence I didn't entirely feel.

You could almost hear the hum of satisfaction when I walked out naked, my hard cock already wet and throbbing. They were all naked, and I walked among them, touching and caressing their bodies as they were caressing mine. It was about the most sensual thing I've ever experienced, a relaxed feeling out of sensations, sort of the calm before the storm. Some of them I kissed, some of them I wrapped my hands around their cocks to get used to the feel of another man's dick.

I learned that cocks are like snowflakes, no two are exactly alike, and that thrilled me somehow. At last, I found Bob, the man of the hour. The crowd sort of parted as we came together. There seemed to be an unspoken decision that he would be first. We kissed deeply, ravenously, exploring each other's mouth's with our tongues as the rest of the group began to find places to sit to await their turn with me. Our hands roved over each other, until we found each other's cock, literally at the same moment. We were both bursting hard, and wet at the tip.

I ran my hands over his chest, rolling his hard little nipples, then I bent down and licked them. I licked and kissed my way down his chest, until I was on my knees staring at his cock in front of my face. I took it in my hand and softly stroked it, as Bob moaned in acute arousal. As I watched, a big ball of pre-cum flowed out the tip, so I took my index finger and lightly rubbed the lubricant all over the head of his dick.

My mouth was literally watering. Bob had a perfectly-shaped cock and nice-sized, not too long, not too fat, but just right. I inhaled his manly aroma seconds before I swiped my tongue up the underside of his dick. I licked all around the shaft, then brought my mouth to his dick and sawed his length between my lips, lapping all around it with my tongue as I maneuvered it over my mouth.

When I had his cock covered with my saliva, I opened my mouth and slid his cock past my lips. I sank my mouth on Bob's hot cock until he hit the entrance to my throat, and I began to work my mouth over his tool.