Sunny, Barbara and Ev

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An unexpected threesome.
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My name is Ev Michael Nacht. I don't know how the hell I got the name Ev, it was my father's, for who I was named, and he was named for his father, and grandfather. But that is what I was called. Where the hell it came from I don't know, but there have been days when I rained curses down on whoever came up with this name way back when. I tried to have people call me Mike, but for some stupid reason, they kept calling me Mick, which I hated even more than Ev, so Ev I am.

My wife's name is Glo, or Sunny, depending on who you are. Really close friends call her Sunny, but to everybody else she is Glo. I have never found out quite why her parents named her Glorious Sunshine Day, but I will admit that they are a bit odd. They should have been teenagers in the early sixties, but they were almost a generation too late. The Day part is easy, that is her father's last name, but the rest of it you should probably attribute that to the fact that they smoked pot, probably daily, at least as long as I have known them. An example of their oddness, as Sunny told me, was that she was absolutely forbidden to have vaginal sex with anyone until she was 18. But her parents were absolutely okay with her having oral sex, or even anal sex, just not vaginal sex. Apparently this was a lecture that was delivered on her 16th birthday, along with a how to book on sex. Like I said, strange parents.

Sunny is a bit odd herself, which is a major part of why I love her. Possibly because of her name, or possibly because of her parents, she is quite the extrovert; maybe exhibitionist is the proper word. I on the other hand, am pretty much the introvert. Sunny blooms at parties, I sit over with the weeds, and am very quiet. Both of us were teased quite while we were growing up about our names, and I apparently grew one way while she grew the other.

When we got married, Sunny just flat refused to take my last name, saying that being Glorious Sunshine Day-Nacht was ridiculous, (For those who don't know German, Nacht is German for night.) The other choice was equally ridiculous. So we are Ev Nacht (think Ev as in Everett, but most people think Eve Night) and Sunny Day. Perhaps that fits our personalities. Of course that has also caused more than a bit of comment from friends and acquaintances, but you know, if they don't like it, they can just go away. I'm not really shy, I just have my opinions, and I will voice them if I think it is appropriate, but I don't make a big deal out of it. Sunny will tell you to your face what she thinks.

Maybe that makes us both a bit odd, but you know, that is what makes the world go around, and we are completely happy with each other. We really don't like to be separated from each other, but I do admit that Sunny's sense of propriety is considerably different than mine.

When we went on our honeymoon to Tahiti a few years ago, I was, at first, a bit surprised when we went to the beach on Raiatea. As we were dressing to go, Sunny put on a very brief bikini bottom, and slipped a t-shirt over her top.

"Don't you expect to take that off? It will screw up your tan if you don't."

"Of course I am going to take it off. We are in Tahiti, women go topless here all the time at the beach – I'm just going to cover up while we are in the hotel."

Three or four years later we were at the beach with her college roommate, Barbara. Barbara's husband was supposed to come with us, but a last minute business problem arose and he didn't make it. We hadn't realized until we got to the beach that it was a clothing optional beach.

Sunny didn't make a big deal out of it, she just got undressed and sunbathed in the nude, making sure she wasn't burning in hurtful places. Barbara was a bit more circumspect, not pealing down until she saw that most of the people on the beach were nude. Even at that she didn't do more than take off her top.

I stayed in my swimsuit. Men have a whole lot bigger problem than women do. Our thoughts are a whole lot more apparent, especially nude, than women's are. Besides, I didn't see a single man who had taken off his swimsuit.

Barbara and Sunny were close to inseparable. They had spent four years in college as roommates, and then moved to the small town we lived in, for totally different reasons. I had found a wonderful job as an engineer, and Sunny had gone into human resources (read personnel). Barbara had gone into HR herself, and married an engineer I kind of vaguely knew from various meetings. I didn't really like him, but I liked Barbara, so I accepted him as part of Barbara.

It was a Friday night, and we had just finished dinner, and were drinking the last of the wine, when Sunny got a thoughtful look on her face.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"So do many men fantasize about their wife's having sex with another man?"

I almost choked on the wine. After I cleared my throat, I told her none that I knew of.

"I had a strange conversation at lunch today with Barbara. Chuck has been into that for several weeks, perhaps several months, and he is just gaga about her fucking a strange man while he is watching."

I almost spewed the last of the wine on the table.

"He's lost his mind."

"Is this something that most men would want to go into?"

"No damn way. Hell, I'm pretty sure that I couldn't even get it up if I knew Chuck was watching while I screwed Barbara."

"Oh – so you want to screw Barbara?"

"Oh bullshit – you know what I meant. I'm not sure I could screw anyone if her husband was watching. Besides, I really, really don't want to go to bed with anyone but you!"


It took me a few minutes to calm Sunny down, but I knew that she was just playing with me, which helped a bit, even though I had apparently stepped into the deep end without knowing it.

"Just so I know, what are your fantasies?"

I thought for a minute before answering, I didn't want to go into the deep end again, at least without knowing it.

"Depends on what you mean by fantasies. If you are talking pure fantasy, then I would suspect that most men, myself included, would vote for having sex with two women at the same time. If you are talking about realistic fantasies, then probably a shaved pussy, and perhaps anal sex."

"You think you could handle two women at once?"

I laughed.

"I most likely couldn't, and I don't see myself trying. I have enough problems making sure you are completely satisfied."

Sunny smirked.

"So now I have told you mine, what about yours?"

"I think women are a bit different than men."

She paused for a second, and I interjected, "I noticed."

Sunny ignored me.

The only real fantasy I have is being watched while we have sex. I don't mean I want to have sex while someone is in the room, I think it is more the idea that someone could see us, not actually see us, but could potentially."

As I mulled that over in my mind for a few minutes, we talked about a couple of other things, nothing that I can remember now, but they were sexually related.

"What about a video camera? Would setting up our video cam on a tripod satisfy your fantasy, the idea being that no one could see us, but if someone got ahold of the video, they could."

Sunny got a far away look in her eyes.

"You know, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Such a good idea, I want you to go get the camera set up in the bedroom, while I put away the last of the dishes. Then we will see how that works, I want to build the idea up in my mind before we start."

I dutifully got the camera and tripod out, setting it up in the bedroom, and figuring out where to place the tripod so it got the best shot of the bed. I had it set up, and had run a bit of a clip of the empty bed to make sure that focus and all was set up properly when Sunny came in. I directed her over beside the bed, got a good focus on her, then told her to do a strip tease.

Sunny was all for it. She tossed a jazz CD in the player, then started taking off her clothes, more or less in time to the music. She had completely stripped, and was just getting ready to jump onto the bed when she stopped and looked down at herself.

"If you are giving me this, I ought to give you something you would like."

With that she marched into the bathroom, telling me to bring the camera. It didn't take me more than a minute or so to undo the camera from the tripod and follow her in.

She had started hot water running in the sink, had a towel on the countertop, and was sitting there with a pair of scissors in her hand.

"Let's see what a bald pussy looks like. Make sure you get this."

She waited for me to get the cam started, then smiled at the camera, spread her legs, and started trimming her bush with the scissors. When she had everything down as short as she wanted it, she picked up the washcloth beside the basin, ran the hot water on it, and placed it over her pubis and vagina. She picked up her razor, grabbed my shaving cream, and waited for a few moments. Then removing the washcloth, she tossed it aside, sprayed a bit of shaving cream in her hand and rubbed it over all the areas that had hair on them.

The next part was the tricky part, shaving a most sensitive area without cutting herself. She seemed to do admirably, taking all the hair off, including the hair that grew just on the edge of her pussy lips, until there was nothing left but a few streaks of shaving cream which she cleaned up with the washcloth.

During this whole process I was filming, occasionally zooming in to catch her pussy, particularly when she pulled the skin tight to make sure she got a clean shave.

When she finished, she cleaned herself with the washcloth, jumped off, climbed into bed, spread her legs so I could get a good shot of her pussy, then told me to take the damn camera and put it on the tripod.

Sex that night was wonderful. Sunny seemed to be released from any inhibitions, not that she had many to start with, and I certainly loved the feel of her smooth clean pubis, particularly when I started sucking on her clit.

Sunny loved the idea of the video cam, and it became a relatively regular part of our sexual playtime. Certainly not every time, or even every other time, but often enough to keep Sunny very satisfied. Most of the videos we just recorded over, never even bothering to look at them, but for some reason the very first one we kept, and in fact I transferred it to DVD, and we would play it every so often.

Three or so months later, Sunny told me that Barbara had filed for divorce from Chuck. It seems that they had gone out dancing at some bar, and Chuck had really been on Barbara to pick out some guy to take home and fuck. She was supposed to tell him that she had a live one, then he would run home first and hide in the closet so he could watch. Barbara told him there was no fucking way she was doing that, but he kept persisting. Finally Barbara told him to stick it in his ear, said she was going to the bathroom, and instead went out to the car, using her second set of keys, and went home. She did leave a note with the waitress, to be given to Chuck ten minutes after she left.

Barbara was home asleep, when Chuck and some jerk from the bar got there. The jerk, supposedly called Tom, had apparently been told that this was all a game that Chuck and Barbara played. He was supposed to go in, strip, get into bed with Barbara, hold her down and fuck her.

God knows what Chuck was thinking, but he went through with it, probably because he was drunk.

In any event, Barbara woke up to find some guy she had never seen before trying to spread her legs. Barbara kicked him in the nuts, bashed him with the bedside table lamp, then called 911.

The upshot of it all was that the cops took Tom and Chuck away. Tom was initially charged with attempted rape, and Chuck with conspiracy to commit rape. Barbara refused to drop the charges against Chuck, although she did against Tom – I'm not quite sure why, perhaps she believed his story.

Chuck was thrown out, and the divorce filed the following week.

The next several months were interesting. For some weird reason, Chuck changed completely. Now he didn't want anyone even close to his wife. Even when the divorce was final, Chuck would follow Barbara around, despite several restraining orders. When she went to dinner with a man, or even a couple, Chuck would appear, almost frothing at the mouth, telling the man to stay away from his wife or he would shoot him. Sunny told me that Barbara had had him arrested several times, but he would make bail, and be back at it within a couple of weeks.

Chuck eventually pled guilty to some sort of reduced charge, which resulted in him only having to serve weekends in jail for a couple of months. I have no idea what the judge was thinking, but given the nature of the community we lived in, I suspect that he thought deep down inside that conspiracy to rape your wife really wasn't that much of a crime.

Ultimately, Barbara moved out of her apartment, and bought the condo next to ours. The selling point that Barbara was interested in most was that we had a security guard on duty at all times, and Chuck couldn't get in.

It had been kind of rough on Barbara, and on Sunny, as we all worked at the same company. Chuck would make excuses to go to HR, and of course no one but Barbara could answer his questions. Barbara made several complaints, and finally Chuck was fired for sexual harassment. Unfortunately Chuck was still around, and he would show up at the oddest times. Needless to say this put quite a crimp in Barbara's social life.

She had dated a few men, but after two or three dates, Chuck would show up on the scene, and the guys would lose interest. One of them even told me that he enjoyed being out with Barbara, and would have liked to pursue it further, but it just wasn't worth the possibility that Chuck was serious.

Sunny and I took Barbara out to dinner one night, and sure enough Chuck showed up.

"Ev, you stay the hell away from my wife. If you don't then I am going to make sure that something happens to you or your wife."

I looked at him for a minute, then:

"Chuck, you don't have a wife. You haven't had one for months. Now go the hell away and leave us alone."

I reached up and grabbed his collar and pulled him down to my level. With my other hand I put my thumb on one side of his windpipe, and my fingers on the other side and tried to see if I could make them meet behind his windpipe. Chuck tried to talk, which he couldn't, and turned all kinds of interesting colors. When I let go of his windpipe, he coughed and tried to talk.

"Chuck, one more time; leave us alone. If you ever even think of coming near Sunny or I again, this will be just a taste of what will happen to you."

Chuck nodded as best he could.

"I want to hear it, Chuck. And while you are at it, I want you to apologize to Barbara for interrupting her dinner."

Chuck stammered out an apology to Barbara, and acknowledged that he had to leave Sunny and me alone. I shook him one more time, then told him to get out.

That was the last time I saw Chuck, at least up close. If I saw him in town, he would immediately turn around and go the other way, which suited me just fine. Sunny told me that the same thing happened to her.

One of the side effects of this is that Sunny and Barbara got even closer. Barbara went shopping with Sunny as much as she could, because she knew that Chuck wouldn't come anywhere near her with Sunny around.

Several months later, I went on an extended business trip, which lasted for an entire month. It wasn't a major deal; it was just that there were some problems that needed to be taken care of. It was initially supposed to only last a week or maybe ten days, but problems arose, and I wound up staying for a month.

When I finally got back, Sunny met me at the airport, drove me home, and practically raped me before I could get my clothes off.

We had sex that night; we had sex the next morning, then again after lunch.

By Saturday evening we had at least gotten ourselves to the point that we could talk and do things without sex being foremost in our minds.

During dinner Sunny had seemed to be a bit pre-occupied, but I couldn't figure out what it was. She wasn't distant; it was just like she was mulling something over in her mind.

"Ev, I've got a something I want to tell you, but I want you to wait until the end before you start asking questions."


"When my parents gave me that stupid lecture and book when I turned 16, I had already decided that I wasn't going to give up my virginity at some drive-in, or at some parking area in the woods."

"I knew what the girls were like at my high school. Anyone who was spreading her legs for her boyfriend was considered a slut. Tales were made up about sluts, so it didn't really matter if you had done it once, or a hundred times, you were going to be thought of as a round-heeled pig, that would take on anyone, anytime. I knew one girl who had gotten a bit drunk at a beach outing and given her boyfriend kind of a combination hand job and blowjob. The word got around, and she wound up spending the rest of her time in high school not dating because all the boys were demanding that she do the same to them."

"By the time I got to college, I had decided that it just wasn't worth the bullshit I would have to put up with, so I wouldn't go to bed with anyone. I had decided that unless I felt I was truly in love with someone, it just wasn't going to happen."

This all made sense to me, more or less. When Sunny and started dating, it was in her senior year, and we dated for six or seven months before she was willing to go to bed with me, and she had been a virgin when we finally did, or at least she certainly acted like a virgin.

"That first year at college, I dated several men, but nothing past a few kisses, and letting them feel me up a bit. Of course when I got back to the dorm, I would be horny as hell. So I would play with myself."

"One night after a date, I came home, and Barbara was already in bed. I was particularly horny, and I guess I was a bit noisy also. When I finished coming, I could hear panting from Barbara's bed, and then she came also."

"I was embarrassed as hell, but didn't say anything. After all, what the hell do you say? Did you get off on hearing me come?"

"A few nights later, Barbara and I got back to the dorm room about the same time, got undressed and got into our respective beds. I was horny again, and trying to figure out how to get myself off without Barbara knowing about it. Then Barbara whispered to me, 'the other night was very erotic, knowing you were doing the same thing I was. Would you like to do that again?'"

"I was stunned, and didn't say anything for a few moments. As I lay there in silence, my hand kind of drifted down between my legs. Without thinking about it too closely, I told her that we could try that again."

"It was really mind-blowing. I was playing with myself, and Barbara knew I was. She couldn't see me because the room was dark, and I couldn't see her. But I knew exactly what she was doing."

"We both had orgasms like we had never had before."

"The next time we were both horny, we tried it again, and it worked just like before. One thing led to another, and before too long we were physically satisfying each other, including oral sex with each other."

"So why are you telling me this?"

"Hold on, I'm not finished yet."

"When I met you, and finally went to bed with you, I discovered that I really didn't have any interest in continuing sex with Barbara. Barbara was a little put out at first, but then she found a guy she really liked, so it didn't become a problem."

"Last week, Barbara came over for dinner, and as neither one of us was driving, we had several martini's before dinner, and then some wine with dinner. Somewhere along the way I let slip about the videotaping we do sometimes. Nothing would do but that Barbara had to see the video."