Subjects 0 Ch. 03


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Pure liquid fire sprayed into her, and she felt her climax reach a whole new level of bliss.

Shelly opened her eyes, and realized she must have feinted. She felt odd, and exposed. Looking under her, she saw one of her students grinning stupidly at her. And she was on top of him... Nearly naked...

She pushed away from him, and felt something leave her pussy. She suddenly felt very empty inside, and not because of what she had just done with a student.

The facts were a little fuzzy, but she could remember enough details to know that it had been her that had come onto him, and not the other way around.

She started to straighten her undergarments and getting dressed, not saying a word, as she watched Adam do the same. Why was it that even now she wanted to drop to her knees and take his penis in her mouth? That was a disgusting and vile thing to desire, not the least reason of which was that it had been inside her not that long ago.

She groaned at the horror of the situation she had put herself in.

"Miss Shelly?" She glared at him, daring him to say another word. The sooner he was out of her class the better, and if she could get that accomplished without having to talk to him, all the better.

OBSERVATION NOTE: Noticed this same behavior in another cage. As a test, we introduced both cages together into a new cage. I'm curious to see what happens.


Carol had been in a panic all day. She couldn't understand her inability to step in and stop her children from committing the heinous act of incest yesterday, and then had gotten off to two great orgasms, just thinking about it.

She tried to devote her mind into her work, but it continued to wonder back to yesterday afternoon.

"Are you okay, Carol? You've seemed distracted all day." She turned to see Harold, one of her co-workers, standing next to her. He was probably the last person she wanted to talk to. He was usually vulgar or rude, and she knew that he liked her. Truth was he wasn't her type. Problem was she was beginning to fear her only type was Adam.

"Yeah," she told him off-handedly, "Just some issues at home. Nothing major." But it WAS something major.

"Don't you wish families were as easy to figure out as chemicals? I mean, in a way, they control everything about us."

Carol froze. Could it be that simple?

She jumped up from her station, and headed outside and to her car, ignoring whatever Harold was saying to her. It couldn't be that easy, but then again, maybe it was.

Whatever it was, it couldn't be her; that much she was certain of. It had to be their father. He had come into her life only twice, and both times left her with a child. She barely even knew his name. She had never even hungered after another man after him (until now), and figured it was because of the way he had left her. Now she wondered.

She screeched to a halt in her driveway, and fumbled with the keys at the door, nearly dropping them in her haste. She had to know.

As soon as she was inside, she ran to the laundry basket. The first set of socks she found were empty, as were the second, and the third. What had happened? She had gone over a month, finding nothing but her son's crusty cum soaked socks in the laundry, and now she couldn't even find one. Then she found one, near the bottom. She yelped in triumph as she examined it, and noticed that it was indeed dry cum in it.

She ran to his room, and grabbed his sheets and pillow case. His sweat should be on these, she figured. With everything in tow, she dashed back out to her car.

She was actually pulled over by a cop for speeding, but luckily the cop let her go with a warning.

Back in her lab, she cut up the sheets, and started soaking them in a chemical mixture. She took some of the dried cum, and ran a DNA test on it. As the head chemist, she was easily able to put her tests to the front of the list.

A few hours later, she was stunned as her test results started to come back. She hadn't gotten all of them back yet, but what they were saying was simply astounding.

Her son, and perhaps her daughter too, were natural pheromone factories. Not only that but the levels on which they were producing could easily overpower someone's willpower. This explained so much about her own behavior lately.

Then it occurred to her. If she could somehow bottle this up, it would put the perfume market to shame. And what might it do for animals on the endangered species list?

The real question was, would it work for other men, or only the person the pheromones came from?

She called and left a message on her answering machine. She was going to be working well into the night, and wouldn't be home. She didn't dare actually call Adam directly. She didn't know what she would tell him.

* * *

She didn't realize how long she had been working till Harold came in the next morning. She was normally the first person in, but Harold was generally the second. His work ethic was the main reason she kept him hired here.

But she had done it! She had separated the right chemicals, and synthesized a few of her own, and based on how the rats were currently humping away in front of her, she had done it!

"You didn't work all night, did you?" Harold's voice behind her startled her, and she watched in horror as the plugged glass vial she had held in her hand fell to the table and shattered. The contents, recently under pressure and in liquid concentrated form, now vaporized into the room.

She knew there was no way to escape the vapor, and could already feel its effects on her. She turned to look at Harold, afraid of what this meant, but saw that he just had an apologetic look on his face. He didn't in any way seem attractive to her. Was he immune to its effects?

"I'm really sorry, let me help you clean that up."

"No!" She nearly shouted, as he reached for a rag. "I mean," she moderated her voice, "I can take care of this. I'm sure you have work to get to." She knew he couldn't miss the dismissal in her voice.

Harold turned sullenly away, and Carol began to clean up the glass. The longer she worked on it, the hornier she felt. There was an itch deep inside her that was going to need to be scratched really soon. She was thankful that she hadn't felt the urge to jump Harold right then, and also relieved that Harold hadn't felt the same instincts either.

By the time the mess was cleaned up, Carol was nearly frantic with need. If she left for home now, she should just miss her son, and be able to use the vibrator, to get her off.

She made it home in record time, and had actually had two orgasms while driving. She could feel her juices leaking down her legs, and glancing at her watch, she was thankful that her son should have left for school by now. She wasn't certain she could contain herself if she was confronted by him right now.

STATUS REPORT: The separate groups from different cages seem to ignore one another. They are neither hostile, nor aggressive in any way. The females cater exclusively to their male, ignoring the other group. This is not typical mouse behavior. What can it mean?


Adam knew he was going to be late. He had had to sleep on new sheets last night, and couldn't figure out why his mom had torn off his other ones without replacing them. He had tossed and turned, worrying over Miss Shelly's reaction yesterday after they had screwed and hardly slept at all, until he finally did sleep right through his alarm.

Forgetting that he had parked in the garage last night, he reached for the front door, only to have it opened for him.

His mother stood frozen before him, still in her work smock. Her eyes were large, and she had that deer in the headlights look.

"I know I'm late, mom. I'm trying to get to school." He tried to squeeze past her, but her arm shot out and blocked him.

He looked at her, and watched as her face slowly turned to face him. Her outstretched arm pulled back, and grabbed the front of his shirt at the same time.

"Mom?" was all he had time to say before her lips were mashed to his. He could feel himself getting dragged into the house as his normally aloof mother kissed him passionately.

Whether it was from the lack of sleep, his lack of time to rub one out this morning, or the fact that he really did have an attractive mom, Adam found himself returning the kiss with ardor.

"I'm sorry son, but I really need this right now. Just this once and we'll never need to talk about this again." Her hands were fumbling with his pants, and tugging them down as he removed his shirt. He just nodded his head to her, unsure what had gotten into his mother, but afraid to say anything and break the spell.

He helped her out of her work clothes, and then followed her back to her bedroom. The memory of him covering her up a couple nights before flashed through his head, and he looked at her pussy to see how wet she was. Despite only having laid down a few seconds before, he could already see her juices leaking out of her. The light brown patch of hair was still there, and there was no mistaking the smell of a woman in heat coming off of her.

Seeing her leaking pussy he decided he wanted to taste her. He didn't feel the rush she did, and decided to take his time. He kissed her inner thigh, and loved the way she moaned. "Oh, Adam, please hurry. I need you inside me." He ignored her request, as he reached her labia with is tongue, and sucked them in. He was rewarded with a flood of juices from her, as she grabbed his head and tried to shove his whole face into her.

Adam swallowed all that he could, before she grabbed him by his ears and hauled him up to her. "I said I need you IN me! Now fuck your mother, before I tie you down, and do it myself!" She mashed her lips back to his, and he knew she could taste herself on his tongue.

He lined himself up with her heavenly hole, and started to press in; only to slide up, bumping her clit in the process. She was tight. Tighter than any of the women he had been with lately, and too tight to just slide right in. He realized that she probably hadn't been with a man in many years, her small vibrator her only companion.

"This might hurt, mom. Are you sure?" He lined his cock back up to her, looking into her eyes, and waited for her answer.

She threw her legs around him, and pulled him to her. The change in the position of her pelvis plus the grip he had on himself must have done the trick, as he felt his head break past her labia.

She screamed, and Adam wasn't sure if it was in ecstasy or pain. He figured by the way she kept frantically thrusting her hips against him, it was the former rather than the latter.

He pressed harder into, and felt her tight grip slowly let him slip in. If she hadn't been so wet, he never would have made it this far, this fast. She felt like fire around his rod. All the other women, April, Minnie, and even Miss Shelly had felt hot, but his mom felt like she was either going to burn him up, or squeeze him off.

"That's it, baby. Get it in there deeper. Oh, Gawd that thing is huge. No don't stop! I want it all. I NEED it all!" His mom was like a woman possessed, and he couldn't deny that it was turning him on even more.

He hunched his back, and lifted one of her smaller breasts to his mouth. It felt like his mom was having one non-stop orgasm after another, as he continued to thrust into her, until he finally felt their hips meet.

The feeling was too much for Adam, and he began to blow his load deep into his mother.

"Sorry mom, I couldn't pull out."

"Oh, I'm doomed!" She wailed beneath him, and he was afraid she was going to have another reaction like Miss Shelly had had.

"Mom, I really am sorry!" He tried to tell her.

"Wait, you're still hard." He tightened his muscles down there, and realized that he was still pretty stiff. The movement made his mom moan. "Just keep fucking me till I tell you to stop, son. I still need it."

Adam had a feeling he was in for a long Tuesday.

OBSERVATION NOTE: The nearest I can speculate is that this is some form of mouse love. This substance seems to induce an immediate and uncontrollable urge to mate with the one using the substance, and then afterwards, want to remain with and care for that one.


Harold watched bemused as Carol practically ran from the lab. Even in her lab coat, he thought she looked sexy. He had lusted after her for years, but she had never returned his advances for some reason. He thought he was a decent enough looking man, and he was ambitious enough. He rarely ever had a problem picking up women at the bars.

He shrugged Carol's behavior off, as she had been acting odd lately anyway, and turned to look at what she had been doing. Carol was a genius when it came to chemicals, and he wasn't above stealing from co-workers. He noticed a piece of the vial she had missed cleaning up, and stuck it in a little baggy. He started to shuffle through her notes still left on the table, and became really excited.

If what he was reading was accurate, and from the way Carol had fled from here, it just might be, Harold was going to become a very rich man. All he had to do was synthesize some more of these elements...

PERSONAL NOTE: Will have to see what happens when we spray the substance on a new male, and introduce it to the cage.

My only other question at this point is: what are we going to do with all the extra baby mice running around?


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linnearlinnearalmost 5 years ago
Still Looks Good

I'm glad you added mom to the group.I'm a big fan of mom, daughter and son stories.

ZekeNoScooter_8ZekeNoScooter_8about 7 years ago
For Nobilist

Very much enjoying your tale, and, I imagine you'll probably never read this since it's been so long, but...

Dude! Nobilist! Why can't ya just read the story and enjoy! I totally "got" that Carol was already overwhelmed by her own libido not to mention the exhaustion of pulling the all-nighter. If you watched this scene in a movie, you wouldn't have blinked. But this movie plays in your head. You pick it apart because you're the director. Give these writers and editors a break. They are talented amateurs and don't enjoy fact-checking departments. If you go ahead and suspend you're disbelief, you will enjoy the movie even more!

NobilistNobilistabout 8 years ago

It's sounds like she works in a very high tech lab to reproduce everything like that. I would think a scientists would know how to handle a vial. That he wouldn't randomly pick one up without knowing what it is before hand. Let alone drop it. Plus being under pressure as a vapor wouldn't they use a metal canister? Also there should be emergency procedures for situations like a contamination released in a lab. For example, emergency venting, decontamination sprinklers, even a simple decon shower. Also being a high tech lab, notes wouldn't be laying around and everything would be on secured servers. Simple opsec(operational security).

Besides that I am enjoying this story and how it ties into the others.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Adam's one fearless motherfucker!

This is an excellent story of hot motherfucking by a highly talented writer. Young Adam's sporting a really big fat prick, and lots of cunts are desperate for him to use it on them. He pounds away on his sister's cunt and that of her friend, but, like all young males, the cunt he aims for his own mother's. Lucky for him, his mom's gotten a good look at her boy's huge prick in action, and her motherly twat keeps dripping at the memory. Adam's been happily spreading his potent seed in all the cunts around, and now his own mother's in for it. The boy shoves his big baby-maker up the same twat where he was once a baby and empties his big balls up the wonderful hole between his mother's legs. His large doses of creamy semen are what his mommy's been aching for. The old saying is, "A mother's twat is her son's playground," and Adam'll be making big boyish puddles in his playground from now on.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago
Enjoying alternating POV s

thats the only new thing I have to add except I hope the rats and mice escape en masse and consume every bit of Harold except his blackberry and pocket protector.

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