Stranger Than Truth Ch. 05a


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"Fire away."

"Have you ever used Susan to release your feelings towards someone else?"

"Yes, usually anger. Why do you ask?"

"I came home madder than a hornet last night. Sally's first thought was to offer herself as a release mechanism. I was going to chastise her for it, but there was need in her voice, like she had to be that release."

"Susan, why don't you tell Valerie how you feel about being my whipping post."

"Yes, Master. Mistress, I hate it when he does, because I'm being punished for someone else's infractions. But I would never want him to not use me that way."

"Why not?"

"I want to serve him. I need to serve him. That's one way to do it. I'm not sure I can explain it better than that. Sometimes I wish he would make me into a true object, something that he simply uses and then puts away. It's not what he wants, though. Master wants a slave that will find ways to please him"

"So, you think that even though Sally was pleading for the paddling to stop, she wanted to be used that way?"

"Oh, yes Mistress. If she's feeling anything like I do, she was happy to be used by you to vent. It's so hard when Master does, but I feel so fulfilled by it."

Valerie thought to herself, "I just can't see Sally and I going this way. I'm not Calvin. I need to find my own way in this ownership thing." Out loud she asked, "So, what's happening here today?"

Calvin smiled. "Discipline. Susan will be here all day with this in her cunt." He held up a vibrator. It had an attachment that would stimulate her clit as well as her pussy. "She can cum as much as she wants, in fact more times than she wants, but she can't make any noise. Eight hours of repeated orgasms with no noise."

"Oh my God! I could never do that."

"Susan's made it to six hours in the past. She asked for this today. I think she's feeling a little cocky."

"Yes, Master, I am. I think I can do it. Plus, the orgasms will be incredible. Even if I fail and am punished, Mistress, all those climaxes will be worth it."

"See what I mean? Cocky little slave. I love it."

Calvin inserted the vibrator into her already wet cunt and turned it on. Valerie saw that this was no mild mannered battery powered toy, but a full strength AC model. There would be no slow down later in the day as the batteries died, but full power vibrations for the entire day. Valerie was feeling both envy and relief that she was not in a similar position.

"May I check in on her progress sometime?"

"Be my guest. I will be taking her down at 5:00. Now," he chuckled as he reached into his pocket to pull out a blindfold, "the last preparation. No fair peeking." Calvin put the blindfold on Susan and closed the door.

"A blindfold in a dark room?"

"Oh, I will be opening the door occasionally and she won't know who is watching. A little mind fuck."

Valerie chuckled to herself, remembering how insidious Calvin's mind fucks could be. The one he pulled on Sally and Valerie at their hand fasting was notorious for the couple. Sally had endured over half an hour of spring loaded clover clamp tension on her breasts out of fear that giving in because givng in before that would leave Valerie with singed nipples. Valerie found herself fantasizing about being under Calvin's control again. The dichotomy between knowing she could not be him and wanting to be under him did not escape her.

Valerie's morning was packed with appointments, forcing her to delay making her call to Milton. As the morning progressed, she realized that she needed to talk with Francine. With Sally's deepening submission having no end in sight, the temporary arrangement that Charles had set up was not going to be enough. After her third meeting was over, she buzzed June.

"June, will you call Francine Traline at her work place and ask for a meeting, lunch maybe, in the next day or two?"

"Yes, Ms. Burbon. But isn't Francine your roommate?"

"Not right now. Long story."

While June was making the call, Val dialed Milton Freeman's number.

"Hi, you've reached Milton Freeman. I'm busy right now. Leave your message and I'll get back to you. Beep"

"Milton, this is Valerie. Barry Gaskin is a jerk. He plans on making a cautionary tale to reveal the evil that is BDSM. He is planning to lock me off the set. Do something!"

Valerie took a few deep breaths to calm herself. It shocked her, how much just talking about the director angered her. She tried to focus on just why this seemed so personal. Then it came to her. "Of course, I ordered for you," he had said. He had taken submission from her! This wasn't like Calvin ordering the pizza to save time. Barry had assumed that he had the right to order for her because of her being a submissive. He took submission from her without her consent and was a hypocrite.

Pushing the issue to the back of her mind until Milton had time to deal with it, she returned to work. June reported that Francine could see her for lunch tomorrow. The rest of her day was mostly normal. As she was preparing to leave, she remembered Susan. With a smile, she walked down the corridor to Calvin's office. Mary looked up and smiled.

"He said to send you in if you showed up. She is looking very beautiful right now."

"You've taken a peek?"

"Oh yes. I find everything about their relationship fascinating."

"Yes it is, even for me. Thanks."

Valerie walked in. Calvin stood, smiling with his finger on his lips. Pointing to the closet, he walked over to the closetand opened the door. Inside, Susan was still hanging. Her body was shuddering, though Valerie could not tell if it was in pleasure or pain. Val could see the muscles in her arms twitching from the strain of supporting her weight. Sweat was pouring down her body. Her mouth was hanging open and she was breathing deeply. Her legs were soaked in a mixture of pussy juice and sweat. The buzz of the vibrator droned on. While Val watched, Susan jerked as an orgasm hit her body.

Valerie turned to Calvin and mouthed, "Wow! How much more?"

Calvin held up two fingers and pointed to the clock. It was two minutes before five. The pair watched the slave writhe slowly as she recovered from her last orgasm only to start heading for the next. 5:00 arrived to find Susan on the verge of another orgasm. Calvin reached down and pulled the vibrator out of Susan's cunt.

"Oh. Master, not yet, please, I'm almost there. Let me cum, please Master."

"No, I will not. Mistress Valerie is here. Perhaps if you beg nicely, she will let you have an orgasm."

"Mistress, please let me cum. I was so close, I need another one so badly. Please Mistress, let me cum again."

Valerie looked at Calvin who nodded in return. She walked up to Susan and brushed her hands against the woman's slick breast. She shuddered and moaned.

"Please, let me cum Mistress."

Val looked back at Calvin, pointed at her own mouth and Susan's cunt. Calvin nodded with a smile. Valerie knelt beside the bound submissive and pressed her face against Susan's hairless pussy. Her tongue snaked out and licked at the sopping cunt in front of her. Susan moaned at the contact, shuddering and bucking her hips. Val sucked Susan's clit between her lips and the girl cried softly and tensed. When Val brushed her teeth across the clit, Susan's mouth opened and Calvin's hand covered it, stifling the scream of her last orgasm of the day. Valerie stood up and licked her lips, using her fingers to gather the fluids on her face.

"Thank you Mistress, thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure Susan. You are quite a slave. How are you feeling?"

"I hurt a lot. My arms feel like they are being pulled out of their sockets."

Calvin spoke up. "It feels that way, but I've put her at just the right height to avoid injury. There's just pain. Susan loves it, don't you, you little slut."

"Yes, Master. I love everything you do to me. I just don't like everything you do to me."

Calvin laughed. He reached up and released the ropes holding her suspended. The sore and exhausted submissive collapsed into his arms. Valerie turned towards the door.

"I'll leave you two to recover. I have a slave of my own to see."

Valerie left and headed home. When she entered the house, Sally was lying on the couch, her ass raised up. She started to climb down from the couch.

"No, Sally. Stay right there. I want to look you over."

"Yes, Mistress."

Valerie gave Sally a thorough going over. Her ass had turned a deep purple with dark red stripes beneath . The marks on the rest of her body had started to fade. When Valerie prodded the purple, Sally could not help but cry out in pain.

"You, young lady, are on restriction. I want you off this ass until it heals."

"But, Mistress, I want to serve you."

"Sally, you silly slave. You don't need your ass to serve me. Have you done your chores?"

"Yes, Mistress. The house is clean and the chicken is marinating in the fridge."

"Good. I want you masturbating while I cook dinner, but no climaxes."

"Yes, Mistress. Mistress, will I be able to cum later?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided. I, however, will be. Several times."

Once dinner was finished, Valerie sat on the floor and fed both herself and Sally. They spent the evening cuddling on the couch, Sally's head resting in Valerie's lap, gently licking at her pussy. Valerie let Sally bring her to three orgasms before they went to bed, Sally chained on her stomach.

* * *

Sally was strung up by her wrists, thin cord cutting cruelly into her flesh. Her feet could not reach the ground and Valerie could see the muscles in her arms and shoulders twitching in agony. Tears were running down her face and her mouth was trying, unsuccessfully, to form words to plead for mercy. Her back was red with marks from the whip that was repeatedly striking her.

As the next blows hit, cuts appeared, made by the shards of metal that had appeared in the strands of the whip. Soon, blood was dripping down Sally's back, making small puddles of red on the floor below her. Valerie's voice was crying out in heart rending despair. "Stop! You're killing her! Take me instead. Please don't hurt her any more."

Valerie looked around, desperate to find the fiend who was killing the woman she loved. There was no one else present, yet the blows continued to land with increasing fury. Ribbons of flesh were being torn loose, hanging off the muscle and bone. Sally was gasping, barely able to fill her lungs. As her breathing stopped, Valerie reached for the whip, only to see that it was already in her hands, the very hands that were bringing it crashing upon Sally. Val screamed in terror.

* * *

Valerie woke with a scream, a heart rending scream of terror. Sweat was covering her body and her breath was coming in short gasps. Sally, beside her, woke too, and rose to her elbows.

"Valerie! What's wrong?"

"The nightmare. It happened again."

"It's okay. It was only a nightmare. Dreams can't hurt you."

"I remembered it this time. My God! Sally, I was doing to you what Francine did to me, only worse."

Sally's hand slipped to grasp Valerie's. She squeezed it tight. "Val, Mistress, you would never do that to me for real. That's why the dream is so horrifying to you. I trust you, Mistress. I trust you with my entire being. Are you seeing Dr. Gloush today?"

Valerie nodded.

"Good. Tell him about the dream. Tell him about being my Mistress 24/7. He will be able to help and the nightmares will go away. I'm certain that you're being able to remember is a good thing, a healing thing."

"God, Sally, I hope you're right. What if my owning you is making things worse?"

"Then we will do what it takes to make things stop getting worse. If you can't own me, then we will find someone who can. Sir Calvin, perhaps?" Sir Calvin was Calvin's dominant name.

"I…I don't want to give you up. I want to do this for you. I managed to spank you hard Monday. I felt like shit afterwards, but I was able to do it." She left unsaid that she was beginning to doubt that it was the right thing to do.

"I know and I was so happy you were able to. The spanking, it was the pits. I wanted it to stop from the first blow. But, I was so happy that you could. We've still got three hours. May I cuddle with you the rest of the night?"

"I'd like that."

Valerie unchained Sally and the two fell back to sleep in each other's arms. There were no more nightmares and the usual beeping of the alarm woke them at 6:00 the next morning. They showered together, Valerie teasing Sally a little. After giving Sally orders for the day, Valerie left for work. June gave her the abbreviated appointment list when she arrived (between lunch with Francine and her appointment with Dr. Gloush, she would not return to the office after lunch). Midway through the morning, Milton Freeman called.

"Valerie. What's this I hear about you and Barry getting into an argument?"

"I wouldn't call it an argument. He went out of his way to antagonize me. He told me to my face that I and everyone else who plays BDSM are sick perverts and he intends to use the movie to warn the world of the dangers of our kind of people. He's going to ruin the film, Milton."

"That's not what he told me. His story is that you told him that you were going to do the directing through him, that creative control was in your hands, not his."

"That lying, two faced, sack of shit! That's not true Milton. I don't want to direct. I've seen what directors have to put up with. I have been responsible for TV spots. You couldn't pay me enough to take on that job. He's trying to get me out of the way."

"Listen, Val, I don't have time to sort through who is lying about what. I'll tell him the same thing I'm telling you. You two are to work together, each in their own capacity. I don't want to hear of this kind of fight again. You will have access to the set. In fact, I want you there tomorrow for the initial rehearsals. I'm having a pass sent over to your office."

Valerie sighed. Barry had covered himself well. With no witnesses, Milton had no reason to trust Valerie over Barry. In fact, Milton had worked with Barry more than he had with Valerie. "As long as he doesn't turn this into a propaganda piece, I'll be fine"

"That's not going to happen. It is my film, after all."

Valerie arranged for her work calls to be forwarded to her cell phone for the next several days. She knew that she would not be in the office while she was on the set of the film. She let the president of Degrasi know that was happening. Originally, Val had planned to be on the set for only the BDSM scenes, but with Barry's hostility, she felt she needed to be there the entire time to prevent him from painting a bad picture of the lifestyle.

Just before she was to leave for her lunch with Francine, June buzzed her.

"Ms. Burbon. There's a Charles Vanquil on line one for you."

"Thanks June." She picked up the phone. "Master, what can I do for you?"

"Valerie. Come to the mansion tonight, no later than 6:00."

"Yes, Master. Should I dress in any particular way?"

"Not beyond the usual requirements. I hope you're feeling particularly submissive tonight."

"I want that more than anything, Master. I look forward to serving you tonight."

Valerie dialed her home, where Sally answered on the second ring.

"Hello, this is Sally."

"Sally, this is your Mistress."

"Mistress! It's so good to hear from you. How can I serve you?"

"Master requires my presence tonight, so I won't be home until late. Will you be okay for the day?"

"I should be Mistress. Do you want me to save you any dinner?"

"No, I'll grab something on the way to the mansion. I do want you to shut yourself into the kennel at 9:00 and stay there until I return. Don't lock it though."

Valerie could hear a hint of excitement in Sally's reply of, "Yes, Mistress."

"I love you, slave."

"I love you, Mistress."

Valerie packed up her office and headed out to meet Francine. The two ladies met at Carlos' Place, a local Greek eatery that was midway between their respective offices.

"Francine! It's so good to see you again."

"Val. How have you been?"

"It's been hard the last week or so, with Sally's changes and all."

"Come on, we can talk over lunch."

They asked for, and were given, a small booth in the corner of the restaurant. After ordering, Francine looked into Valerie's eyes.

"So, how are you handling being a dominant full time?"

"I think I'm doing okay, but it's really hard. I had no idea how much effort you and Master put into being in charge."

"Yes, it is hard. It's also very fulfilling, if you are inclined towards domination. I didn't think you were. Has that changed?"

"Maybe it has, I've always been able to dominate Sally for short times, though there was no pain involved. Now? It's even more than Master told you when he warned you I would be dominating Sally full time."

"More? How so?"

"I've taken her safe word away and ordered her to quit her job."

"Valerie! That's…Why?"

"Short version? She needed me to. Something has changed in her. Did you know that she has not used a safe word since the hand fasting?" Francine shook her head. "She begged me to take it away. Having one frightened her."

"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Valerie. You could hurt her, hurt her badly."

"I know. I'm being very careful. I know it's what she needs. I'm still struggling with the pain stuff but I don't want to let her down. In fact, that's part of what I needed to talk to you about."

"This is going to go on for quite some time, isn't it?"

"Yes, I think so. It might even be permanent. Are you up to being around intense submission these days?"

Francine teared up and shook her head. "No, I just can't handle it. I tried visiting Mephisto's last night to sort of put my toe in the water, as it were. I had a panic attack."

"That's what I was afraid of. I know the house is yours and I feel bad that we are essentially keeping you from living in it."

"Don't be. I have every intention of giving it to the two of you eventually. I think that time is now. It's been long enough that it won't cause any problems."

"Francine? Are you sure? Can you handle living by yourself?"

"Yes. That much has improved in the last six months. I have hope and a reason to live, several in fact. More important, can you two afford to live there on just one salary?"

"Yes. I've been putting a lot of money away each month with there being no rent or house payment. That's not a worry. My worry has been for you. I don't want to kick you out."

"You won't be. I was always planning to move out and let you two have your own place. This just tells us that now is the time."

"You've been a good friend for so long. I can't imagine what my life would be like without you. Have you looked for a place yet?"

"No, not yet. I'll start next week. I'm a little busy at work right now. I've even thought about having my own house built from the ground up, though that would take longer than buying one."

"If you need any help looking, let me know."

"I will." After a hesitation, Francine asked, "Can I give you some advice?"

"Yes, please."

"Don't let yourself confuse intensity with depth."

"What do you mean?"

"Deep submission doesn't need extreme intensity."

Val wanted to ask her to explain, but needed to leave if she was to be on time to her appointment. After lunch, Valerie drove to Dr. Gloush's office. While she was waiting, June called her from the office.

"Ms. Burbon, this is June. Harmony Anders from Yara's Leather Emporium called in response to your letter. She would like to see you presentation as soon as possible."

"That's great, June. I should be done here by 3:30 at the latest. Call her back and see if she has an opening at 4:00. Otherwise, fit her into my schedule for the rest of this week. If she can see me at 4:00, text me. Also, e-mail the Yara folder on my desktop to my personal e-mail address so I can put it on my laptop."