Stargate 01: Leap of Faith


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He moved as swiftly as possible along the passageway, grateful that Teal' C had lit the torches as the Jaffa had passed them. Sounds of fury behind told him each time his unseen pursuers reached illumination, but although it slowed them, it did not stop them. It occurred to Jack that these creatures had probably never lost their prey before. The villagers clearly avoided the pyramid and so if someone fell into the creatures' clutches, they would be regarded as lost to the tribe.

"Hurry, Colonel. Light's fading," Sam's voice carried down the passageway as Teal' C raced past her.

A few minutes later and she and Jack were following the Jaffa to the safety of the trees. They watched as the warrior effortlessly swarmed up one of the ropes despite Daniel being a dead weight around his neck. As one they turned and fired a salvo at the first wave of creatures that defied the waning light and came after their stolen prey. Then they were ascending the rope themselves.

Jack glanced at Teal' C. The warrior had seated himself and gathered Daniel into his lap. He could see the Jaffa's mouth moving and guessed Teal' C was concerned that Daniel might be able to hear and not know what was happening around him. The tenderness the big man showed spoke more eloquently to Jack than many words. Teal' C looked up and met Jack's eyes unwaveringly.

"If you need anything, just holler," Jack said, giving a nod. At the brief nod he received in return, Jack went to join Sam at the edge of the platform. The creatures were all milling around their tree. He hefted his gun. It was going to be a long night. "Get some rest, Carter," he ordered. "I'll take first watch," he said aloud, whilst silently adding 'And if you critters try getting up this tree I'll blow you apart.'


As soon as it was light, everyone descended as usual. All the night creatures had gone along with the bodies of those killed. Heading back to the pyramid, Jack enlisted Teal' C's assistance in toppling a large stone carving over the slab the creatures used to leave their subterranean world. Then they departed for the Stargate. Jack was concerned that Daniel was restless, fevered and delirious. They needed medical attention for him.

They called through as they entered and a team of medics were waiting as they emerged. Jack felt a pang of sympathy for the Jaffa as he stood as if uncertain what to do, clearly bereft without the young human he had so faithfully carried.

"Let's go clean up and head to medical, Teal' C," he said softly. "By the time we get there, they'll have some news for us." Jack gave a gentle push as Teal' C nodded but did not move. "He's in good hands," he added, the words intended as comfort as much for himself as the warrior.


For the next forty-eight hours, Teal' C barely left Daniel's side. The archaeologist he sat beside had reacted badly to the drug given and the bites had become infected. He stoically declined to rest, taking only the minimum of breaks from his vigil and then only when either Jack or Sam was present. All three kept up a litany of small talk, each hoping that Daniel's fever would finally break.

Teal' C started as the monitors attached to Daniel began to bleep ominously. The young man's heart had begun an erratic beat and he tossed and moaned. Fear suffused the Jaffa. He could not, would not, lose Daniel now. He grasped thin shoulders and shook the slender form.

"Do not give in, Daniel. Please. Fight for me, fight for us. I love you, Daniel, I love you. Come back to me, please. Please." The last word was a heart-felt plea.

Daniel's world had been darkness and pain for so long and he was so tired. Occasionally he heard voices he knew and loved and he ached to be able to reach them. One voice was almost always there and it was to that Daniel clung most tenaciously. Only he was so very tired. It was tempting to give in to the insidious lure of the beckoning blackness instead of fighting to reach the pale, pinprick of light that remained so distant. Almost immediately the voice was there clearer than ever before. He could not make sense of the words, that was too much effort in his weakened state, but the sound...the sound was one that was out of character with the voice. There was fear and there was begging. The owner of this voice needed him as much as he needed them. With what seemed the most tremendous effort of will, Daniel stalwartly faced the light again. This time it seemed to get closer. It was still a long distance, but Daniel knew he had to reach the voice. He was wanted, he was needed.

The doctor, along with Jack and Sam, flew into the room. To their relief, Daniel's life signs had stabilised and Teal' C was rocking the still unconscious young man, crooning into his ear.

"He will come back," the Jaffa said, his eyes glittering. "He will."


"I tell ya, Danny-boy, you had us spooked for a while there," Jack grinned at the still pale-faced younger man. Daniel had woken up just a few minutes ago, just missing Teal'C who had gone to take care of personal necessities. Jack was sorry the warrior's devotion had not been repaid by Daniel awaking when he was there, but the older man could not help but be pleased to see tired eyes open and know the sharp mind was undamaged.

"I heard you calling me back just when I thought I couldn't go on," Daniel said softly. "I could hear you were worried and afraid.

"Danny," Jack said quietly. "That wasn't me. I know I'm asking you for a leap of faith here, but it was Teal' C who called you back. Although all I have to go on is my instincts, the big guy loves you, Danny. And I think you love him."

"I do. I have for a while, but thought it was useless. What do I do?" he asked plaintively.

"When Teal' C gets back I'm outta here and you need to tell him how you feel. Be honest, Danny, it'll work out you'll see."

"I don't know what I'd do without you, Jack," Daniel smiled tiredly. "I love you, you know?"

"Love you too, kid," Jack grinned. It was true. Daniel was like a beloved little brother... and just as infuriating on occasions.

The door to the sick bay was slightly ajar and, from where he had stopped at the sound of voices, Teal'C's head dropped. He had missed what had initially passed between Daniel Jackson and JackO'Neil but he had clearly heard them declare their mutual love. He had lost Daniel to the one rival he had always feared might win the heart of the man he loved.

Turning sharply away he pushed sightlessly past Carter. A team was going through the Stargate in the next few minutes and if he hurried, he could ensure he was part of it. They were one man short due to unexpected illness and he could volunteer. He could not stay knowing he would have to watch Daniel and O'Neil become lovers. He needed some time to armour his heart.

Sam had no idea what was wrong with Teal' C but hurried after him as he headed towards the briefing room where a team were preparing to head out. Something was very, very wrong and she determined not to leave the Jaffa's side until she knew exactly what it was.


Teal' C silently allowed himself to be checked thoroughly by the Doctor. He was not badly hurt, more his pride than his body. His mind had still been distracted by thoughts of Daniel and O'Neil and, as a consequence, he had been careless. It was bad enough he was somewhat battered and bruised, but it had nearly cost others their lives. They had only just made it to the Stargate in time. He glanced towards the door at the sound of a familiar voice. Only the voice sounded...he cocked his head listening assiduously, scared and worried?

"Sam, is Teal' C ok?"

"See for yourself."

The words reached Teal' C's ears and the Jaffa found himself inexplicably tensing as if something momentous was about to occur. A soft sound of distress escaped his lips at the sight of the young human as Daniel rushed inside and then stopped. He looked almost as wan and fragile as when Teal' C had left three days before. He stared, taking in the shaking body, the trembling lower lip and the tear that slid down a too-pale cheek before his eyes met that of the younger man. What he saw there almost took his breath away. How had he not seen? How could he have missed what lay there, so open, so obvious?

Praying he could be forgiven for hurting Daniel, Teal' C slowly stood, ignoring every protesting muscle. Putting things right was far more important than the few insignificant injuries he had attained. Letting everything he felt for Daniel show in his eyes, the warrior opened his arms.

"Daniel," the single word contained all his secret yearning uttered in a reverent tone. Even as the other man took a single step towards him, Teal' C was already closing the distance. As Daniel's arms wrapped around his neck, Teal' C's hands slid to cup his buttocks and lifted. He rumbled his approval as Daniel's legs wrapped around his waist. Using one large, broad hand to help support Daniel, he used his other arm to crush the smaller form to his chest. He could feel Daniel's tears and hear the soft sobs.

"Forgive me, beloved," he crooned. "Forgive me. I love you, I love you." Teal' C continued the litany until he felt the shakes and sobs slow and cease. He smiled as Daniel eased back to look at him with wonder in his eyes.

"You love me?"

"I love you, Daniel. I am sorry I hurt you."

"I love you, Teal' C," Daniel husked. "I love you, too."

"About time you got back, Teal' C," Jack drawled laconically from the doorway where he stood with a grinning Sam Carter. "Now maybe Danny-boy will behave himself and do like the Doc says; eat and rest. I tell ya, Teal' C you got your work cut out there."

The Jaffa nodded, the words might be casual, but there was no mistaking the implicit warning in Jack O'Neil's eyes.

"I can assure you, Jack O'Neil that Daniel will indeed take heed of the Doctor's orders. I will make sure of it personally."

Daniel thought briefly about pointing out that he was still there, but he was quite content held protectively in the arms of the warrior he had been afraid he might never see again. He nuzzled against the powerful neck and smiled as Teal' C drew back to regard him with love in the dark eyes. Slowly Teal' C moved forward and Daniel closed the distance to seal their lips in their first kiss. He moaned softly, opening his mouth to allow the tongue licking at his lips to surge inside and entwine amorously with his own.

"Ok, guys," Jack said, catching hold of the Doctor and Sam and pulling them from the sick-bay. "I think we need to give Teal' C and Danny some time together."

Teal' C was vaguely aware that he and Daniel were now alone. He moved to the bed and laid his precious bundle down. He lay beside Daniel, noting the shadows beneath tired eyes. He pulled the young human back into his arms, kissing and whispering words of love and devotion until he felt Daniel lose the fight to remain awake. He curled protectively and possessively around the smaller form. They both needed time to rest and recover. His heart soared as he held his mate.

"I love you," he whispered tenderly.


Daniel wriggled enticingly as Teal' C strode into their bedroom. The Jaffa was naked and hard and Daniel did not think he had ever seen a more glorious and arousing sight. They were about to consummate their love and he was nervous as well as excited. He glanced at his own slight form.

"You are beautiful. You are perfect. Now I will show you just how much I love you," Teal' C said in a voice like dark honey.

A warm, tongue licked a path from Daniel's navel to his chin.

"You are mine, Daniel. Never again will anyone else be in your bed," Teal' C growled possessively.

Daniel murmured his agreement and tried to thrust up against the large body that crouched over his hips, but he was effectively pinned down. Helpless in the stronger man's grip, he moaned his appreciation of what Teal' C was doing to his body. The tongue encircled his erection and then lapped at it. Teeth gently scored his length leaving him shuddering in their wake as yet more moans spilled past his lips. He tried to buck and cried out as he was engulfed in warm, wet suction.

Daniel rocked deeper into the eager mouth as the pressure pinning his hips eased a little. Then Teal' C folded lips over teeth and began to work his erection in earnest. Daniel groaned as the big man sucked hard, hollowing his cheeks with every upward motion making the blond cry out the Jaffa's name in pleasure. Fingertips teased Daniel's nipples, stroking over them, scraping them with nails, and coherent thought finally splintered. He wanted to concentrate only on sensation, not wanting to miss anything his new lover did to him.

There was a whine of protest when Teal' C abandoned a nipple, which became a gasp as his finger dipped to slide into the crevice between Daniels cheeks, circling the tight rosebud. He pressed against the furled flesh. It was enough. Teal' C gave a rumble of approval as Daniel spilled into his mouth. The Jaffa's throat muscles massaged pulsating flesh as he swallowed every drop of his lover's essence that he could milk from the smaller man. Slowly he raised his head to regard the sated, boneless blond looking at him with love shining from his eyes.

"Are you willing to take me inside your body?" Teal' C asked. "Once we take this step there will be no going back, Daniel. You will be *mine* and only mine for the rest of our lives.

"Yes, Teal' C, please," Daniel begged. "I want this, want you." Daniel writhed and squirmed to get his legs free and hooked his knees over Teal' C's broad shoulder to leave himself exposed, vulnerable and completely at the big man's mercy in a way he had never done with another. "Make love to me."

Before Daniel could draw breath to protest, Teal' C flipped him onto his belly and parted his buttocks. He stared, his dark eyes glittering with a mix of love, lust and desire at the tiny, quivering portal. He bent forward, his tongue washing eagerly over the tight muscle that guarded the intimate opening. He then began to press relentlessly against it, alternating with broad wet licks and insistent hard jabs. Finally his amatory siege was rewarded as Daniel's body ceded, allowing him entrance and he dove inside.

A soft keening spilt from Daniel's lips as he felt Teal' C's slick, agile muscle breach his defences. It delved deeply in a single smooth thrust and found that spot that electrified the blond. He wailed shamelessly as Teal' C managed to tease his jewel with his tongue whilst his fingers stroked over the skin behind Daniel's ball sac. He shivered and shuddered from the stimulation and begged for more. He cried aloud as the Jaffa cupped his balls rolling and squeezing them gently. It was indescribable; Daniel had never experienced anything like it before.

Eased up onto his knees, Daniel briefly felt even more vulnerable before the dark warrior who carefully thrust lube-slick fingers into his relaxed opening to complete his stretching. However, that quickly passed as Teal' C massaged his sac, stroked his eager erection, or pinched and rolled his nipples as fingers worked assiduously inside him. The blond, already dizzy with a heady mix of love and desire, was further dazed by the way Teal' C's hands seemed everywhere at the same time. He moaned, pushing back, instinctively riding the fingers inside him. Soft cries of need accompanied each electrifying touch to his prostate. He whimpered as he finally felt the blunt tip of his lover's long, thick shaft press inexorably against his anus.

A muted gasp passed Daniel's lips as he was stretched and filled beyond what he thought was possible. Yet at the same time he felt completed in a way he had never known. As Teal' C slid relentlessly deeper, something seemed to click into place and Daniel was certain he had finally found a piece of himself he had never realised was missing. Then the Jaffa's shaft nudged Daniel's sweet spot and he screamed. His mind was ablaze with lightning bolts and shooting stars.

Purposely, Teal' C pulled back until only the tip of damson-hued flesh remained in his lover. He growled approvingly at the soft sounds of need and want from Daniel.

"You are mine!" he rumbled, thrusting forward to stroke over Daniel's prostate again. "Say it!"

"I am yours," Daniel affirmed and then began to whimper as Teal' C thrust rhythmically and relentlessly into his channel, burying himself deeply each time. "I have always been yours," he murmured with sudden clarity and certainty.

"Yes, yes," Teal' C groaned. It was true. He had found his soul mate. For all the times he had shared his body, even when he was certain it had been with love, nothing compared to the rightness that being a part of Daniel engendered. He ignored the wail of protest as he eased from his lover's depths. He wanted to see his beautiful life-mate as they made love for the first time.

Unresistingly Daniel allowed the dominant male to roll him onto his back, the bigger body immediately taking its rightful place between his widespread thighs. His legs were braced by his lover's muscular forearms. Daniel could see Teal' C's smooth, dark skin glistening with sweat. Then the blond arched his back as Teal' C's shaft buried itself back inside him. Sweat slicked his own body, and the Jaffa's hard muscles rippled against him, trapping his erection between them.

Long, slow deep strokes gave Teal' C time to commit to memory how beautiful Daniel looked when they made love. The blond hair was bed-mussed. The blue eyes were darkened with desire and glowing with love. His lips kiss-swollen and so delectable, Teal' C could not resist claiming them once more. His tongue thrust into his lover's mouth to match the temp of his hips. All too soon Teal' C's movements changed, the big man unable to continue to deny his body's needs. He began to speed up, both men moaning as they spiralled to their shared zenith.

It became almost painful for Daniel as his shaft throbbed and ached between their bodies. His head tossed restlessly and he whimpered his need. His hands clutched desperately to broad, muscular shoulder, hoping Teal' C knew what he needed.

"Come for me, little one," Teal' C whispered, his voice a moist breath at Daniel's throat. He slid a hand between their bodies to squeeze his mate's neglected shaft. He then drew back to watch his lover transported by bliss as his orgasm swept through him. He continued to thrust, relishing the sight, sound and sensation of the blond's release as Daniel came over their chests.

The climax was as none Daniel had ever known, seemingly longer and harder than any before. He was aware that Teal' C was watching which added an extra dimension of eroticism. His eyes were heavy-lidded but he forced them open enough to be able to watch Teal' C come to glory. The pistoning hips began to falter in their rhythm and the Jaffa locked gazes with him.

"I am coming," he whispered hoarsely.

The heat of Teal' C 's semen flooded Daniel and he moaned and trembled at the sensation of being filled by the Jaffa's living essence. His mind greyed out overwhelmed by the maelstrom of sensation washing over him. When he opened his eyes once more it was to find Teal'C had slid from inside him and the big male was bathing his body with his tongue, lapping enthusiastically at Daniel's seed.

"I love you," Daniel husked. The smile from the warrior seemed to permeate every cell with its warmth.

"And I love you, Daniel." Teal' C resumed his cleansing, urging his lover to roll onto his stomach to lick at the excess of his own semen that slid free of his mate's body. Finally satisfied, he gathered Daniel into his arms,

"From now on you share my tent, not that of Jack O'Neil," the Jaffa said in tones that brokered no argument.

"Yes, Teal' C," Daniel murmured. He angled his head and was rewarded with the kiss he craved. "Although we owe him a thank you," he added.