Sometimes Nice Guys Finish First

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Was it a betrayal or a misunderstanding?
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This was another odd little idea I had. Another "What if?" story premise. It's not a stroke story but there is some sex. It's not really a great fit for LW but it's not really romance or erotic couplings either so I put it here.


The seventh annual end-of-summer neighborhood bbq was going well. It was our year to host and we had gone all out. The host family was different every year and everyone tried to outdo each other when their turn to host came up. My wife had planned every detail and had given me specific instructions to follow to prepare for the event. She is like that, a meticulous planner who has no trouble assigning the hard work to me. I don't mind though, pleasing my demanding wife gives me joy. I love her assertiveness and confidence. She is a take charge kind of woman and I am a guy who is happy to let her make the decisions. We are a perfect match.

As I stood on the deck I surveyed the crowd. There were about thirty people from the neighborhood in my back yard and deck area. Bill and Judy Wilson from two doors down were arguing, as usual. Sally Washington had gone home but her husband Bob was still going strong on his tenth beer. Julio and Amanda Rodriguez were making out beside the shed. The alcohol was flowing and all of our neighbors were having a great time. I was on the deck working the margarita machine and drinking one of the many beers I had consumed when I saw my wife Julie coming around the corner of the house heading for the patio doors to go inside. Feeling drunk and uncharacteristically bold I grabbed her as she rushed by me and planted a big kiss on her.

My heart stopped. I staggered away from her in horror, leaned over the rail of the deck and vomited. Not knowing what was going on I heard a few people laugh and Bob yelled,

"Easy there John. Time to cut back a bit."

My wife reached for me.

"Get the Fuck away from me!" I screamed at her.

"You don't understand." She cried. "I can explain."

"You can explain cum on your breath?" I screamed at her. "I trusted you!"

She collapsed at my feet and I turned around and put my fist through a plate glass window. Between the shattering window and the gasps of the people who had been close enough to hear what I had said, I had all eyes on me. My sister-in-law Lisa came around the corner, took one look at Julie on her hands and knees, saw the blood on my hand and screamed,

"How dare you hit her. It was just a joke you Bastard."

She rushed to her sister's side as I turned and walked into the house, away from them.


I've always been a bit of a shy guy. I am somewhat meek and mild and I've never been very assertive. I didn't know my father very well and he had very little influence on me growing up so my mother was the one who raised me. She hated all men but especially my father. I guess I reminded her of him and this resulted in a very difficult upbringing. She was very emotionally abusive and never let an opportunity pass by to remind me of how worthless I was.

To say I had self-esteem problems was an understatement. High school was especially torturous. Living with my mother's abuse made me very reluctant to even try to date. Girls intimidated me. It wasn't until I went to college that I got the nerve to approach women at all. I was 20 years old before I lost my virginity.

I have always been attracted to strong forceful women. The type of woman who will tell you exactly what's on her mind and will dominate your life if you allow it. And all too often I did allow it. In some ways that was good. I was eager to please. It made me a very considerate lover; a very good lover. I wasn't the best at being an alpha male who took what he wanted from a woman like some kind of animal. I was however, good at delivering orgasms with my fingers my tongue or my dick. I learned how to read a woman's body and her reactions. I learned how to give her what she wanted and what she needed. A love making session with me would usually result in multiple orgasms for my partner for every one that I got myself.

Unfortunately, a lot of the times a strong independent woman, the type of woman I liked, was also the type of woman who thought that if a man wasn't aggressive, it was ok to treat him like crap . I suppose most of the women I dated in my early years never really respected me. They all cheated on me at one time or another. Sometimes I found out and split up with them, sometimes I found out long after the relationship ended. It was a low point for me.

Meek and mild women just didn't do it for me. I like dominant women. They get me going in a way that nothing else does. Being away from my mother's influence did wonders for my confidence. I made friends easily and for the first time in my life I was popular but it never seemed to help my love life. I figured I would always be miserable if I dated the type of woman that I wanted. Women say they want a nice guy but nice guys finish last.

Then she came into my life. It hit me out of the blue. I was completely and totally head over heels in love with her within hours of meeting her. I was at an engagement party for my friend Tim and talking to his fiancé Sally when I saw her across the room. She was a tall, stunning brunette who was surrounded by a group of hopeful looking guys.

"Who is that?" I asked Sally.

"Julie Bowman," she replied. "But don't get your hopes up. She only dates athletes."

"I gave up on women," I laughed. "Remember?"

"You'll find the right girl someday."

Sally left me alone to mingle with some other guests and I had a pretty good time chatting with various people but my gaze kept returning to Julie. Something about her seemed to captivate me. I didn't think she noticed but as I was mixing myself a drink she walked up and said,

"Are you gonna get up the nerve to talk to me or are you just gonna stare at me all night?"

"Probably just stare at you," I replied nervously. "Sorry if I was being creepy."

"Not creepy," she said. "How about aloof and mysterious?"

"How about nervous and intimidated?" was my reply.

She laughed and from then on she was with me, despite the attempts by her fan club to win back her attention. We talked till the party ended and I gave her a ride home. As I walked her up to her apartment door she turned and kissed me. I felt like my whole body was on fire. After an eternity of bliss she handed me her card and said

"Call me soon."

Heading home I was on cloud nine but that night, in my bed, my insecurities came rushing back. Why in the world would a Goddess be interested in me? It must have been a mistake. Even if she was interested in me it wouldn't last. She would find someone better and break my heart. The intensity of my feelings for her scared me badly. I didn't call her.

Somehow though, she kept turning up at places I happened to be. As soon as I would see her I would beat a hasty retreat. Finally after a week or two of trying to avoid her she confronted me about it. I was at a bar with some friends having a good time when she walked in. I got up and started to make my way to a darker area of the bar so that she wouldn't see me and I could make my escape but my plan failed horribly. When she walked in, she scanned the room and spotted me almost at once. She walked straight up to me in front of my friends and said,

"You're not getting away from me this time. You have two choices. You can introduce me to your friends and we can sit here and have a beer or two before you take me home and fuck me senseless. Or you can look me in the eye, man up, and tell me to leave you alone. But you will not run from me. You will not hide from me. You will not pretend that we didn't feel what I know we both felt when we met."

I was incredibly turned on by her boldness, but not nearly as turned on as I was petrified of what I was feeling. I bought a drink for both of us and amidst the laughter of my friends, took her to a quiet table in the back. After several drinks for me and one for her, I had told her my story. Explained why the fact that I was insanely attracted to her and felt a connection when we met was why I was so scared. It was why I had avoided her.

"I have had my heart broken before," I told her. "I'm not sure I want to try again."

She was very understanding. She had been hurt before as well. She explained that not many men have been able to handle dating a woman like her.

"I used to date athletes and rich guys. They come after me because I will look good on their arm," She told me. "They don't think I am a person, just a trophy. Every guy I have dated in the last 2 years has tried to control me; has tried to make me into the air-headed little bimbo they want me to be. I don't want a man to be in charge of me. I like to be in charge."

"Maybe you are dating the wrong kind of guys," I told her.

She then looked me in the eyes and said "You are adorable but if you break my heart I'll kill you."

"Deal," I replied.

We left the bar and went back to my house. My plan was to see just how many times I could make her cum. As it turns out, that was her plan as well. She attacked me as soon as we got in the door. By the time we made it to my bedroom she had me stripped naked. She shoved me onto the bed and engulfed my cock with her mouth. I was in heaven.

"Let me taste you," I gasped.

"Not yet," she said as she went back to work on me.

I shot off like a rocket. She swallowed it all down with a grin and then took off her jeans and thong. She climbed up onto the bed and straddled my face.

"My turn," she said as I went to work with my tongue.

When the Sun came up we were still going at it.

We were in exclusive couple from then on. Julie was perfect for me. We had fun no matter what the activity. In the bedroom she was a dynamo. She considered a day without an orgasm a wasted day. Nothing was off limits. Once night after an exquisite blow job I kissed her before she had swallowed all of my cum. This seemed to energize her.

"That was so HOT!" she exclaimed. "I can't believe you did that. It didn't bother you?"

"No, not really," I replied. "It just seemed like something I wanted to try."

"Would you..." she began. "Do you think you could..."

I had never seen her be this reluctant.

"Would I what?"

"Eat me out after we had sex," she said in a rush. "After you cum in me? It's always been a fantasy of mine."

"There's nothing I won't do for you Baby!" I said.

With a giggle she pushed me back on the bed and took my revived cock back in her suddenly swampy pussy. I couldn't remember her being this wet before as she climbed aboard in reverse cowgirl position. Usually I ate her out to at least one orgasm before penetration. Usually when she rode me it started out as long slow strokes, slowly building up speed until her first climax. Not this time. She rode me hard and fast right off the bat, slamming herself down on me with such force that the bed frame was creaking ominously. I tried to hold out but it was no use against her onslaught. I came with a roar, deep inside of her. Before I even began to recover she had slid off my cock, backed herself up, and planted her messy pussy on my face. I started licking her with gusto. She was cumming almost immediately, over and over.

""Yes!" she screamed. "Eat my dirty cunt. Eat my nasty hole. Fuck yes! Do it."

Afterwards we talked it over.

"I have never cum so hard," she told me. "I was sooooo turned on."

"I could tell," I laughed. "I've never heard language like that out of you."

"I just felt so dirty," she said a little sheepishly. "I fantasized that I was forcing you to do it against your will."

This led to a discussion about BDSM. Before long she had incorporated snowballing and creampie eating into our sex life, usually with me restrained in some way. I found it kinda kinky but it really turned her on. I let her tie me up on a pretty regular basis. She loved nothing more than to have me at her mercy. Her domination of me outside of the bedroom was fairly constant as well. I had no objections to this, in fact I preferred it that way.

After 6 months I asked her to move in with me and she did. Problems arose soon after she moved in though. I had managed to keep my jealousy in check most of the time as we dated but once we moved in together it started flaring up more and more. Anytime she was late coming home I quizzed her. Any interaction with male friends or co-workers resulted in an argument. I could see that what I was doing was wrong but I couldn't seem to stop. I loved her and I knew that if I didn't get my act together that I would lose her.

I recognized that the problem was my self-esteem. I just couldn't seem to convince myself that I was good enough for her. I was convinced that at any time, some great guy would come along and take her away from me. Her sister Lisa seemed to agree and never missed a chance to point out my shortcomings compared to all the great guys Julie could have if she dumped me. Her attempts to convince Julie to ditch me caused them to fight but I wasn't helping by giving Lisa so much ammo to use against me. I overheard them once coming in after a night out together.

"Marty never called you ten times to check up on you when we went out," Lisa said.

"That's because he was off fucking other girls behind my back." Julie replied. "John wouldn't do that."

"John COULDN"T do that." Was Lisa's nasty reply.

"Don't be a bitch." Julie said.

"I saw Ricardo yesterday," Lisa replied. "He asked about you."

"Fuck Ricardo!"

"I'd love to. Was he any good? I heard he is huge."

"He is a huge asshole."

I decided I had heard enough.

"Hi ladies!" I said walking into the kitchen. "Have a good time?"

"Yes Baby." Julie said as Lisa chimed in,

"We would have if someone hadn't called a hundred times to interrupt us."

That's how it went. Lisa picked up on every insecurity I had and pointed them out to Julie. I finally decided that the problem was one of commitment. If we were married she wouldn't leave, so I bought a ring. I planned it out. On the one year anniversary of the night we met she came home from work to a house full of lit candles and rose petals. I had made her favorite dinner. She seemed somewhat distant during dinner but I hardly noticed. I was extremely nervous. When dinner was done I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. With tears in her eyes she told me no.

I was shocked. I was stunned. I stood there with tears rolling down my face and a ring in my hand wondering what the hell had just happened.

"Why?" was all I could say


"Why would you want to marry a woman you don't trust?" she replied. She was crying as well but her tears seemed to be from anger.

"How can you expect me to marry you and live my life always explaining everywhere I go and who I talk to?"

"But, but" I stuttered but she was on a roll.

"When are you going to figure out that I am NOT like the girls that hurt you before. When are you going to learn to trust me?"

"I can't help it," I replied. "Lisa is right, I don't deserve you. I guess I've just been waiting for you to realize it and leave."

"Lisa is just jealous."

She got right in my face and said

"When are you going to figure out that I'm the one that doesn't deserve you? You treat me like a Queen. I can see how much you love me every time you look at me. You rock my world in the bedroom and out. When I'm bitchy you calm me down. When I'm hurt you make me feel better. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But you hurt me again and again with your jealousy. Do you have any idea how insulting it is that you don't trust me? I can't keep letting you hurt me like this. I can't spend my life with a man who has so little respect for me that he thinks that I'm a cheater and a liar. If you can't trust me, I can't marry you."

She tried to walk past me to the door but I stopped her.

"Wait!" I said.

She was right. And in that moment I realized what I had to do. I took her in my arms and I looked into her eyes.

"You are absolutely right. This is my fault. And I promise you that from this moment on I will always trust you. I will never check up on you. I will always give you the benefit of the doubt. I have been terribly unfair to you. I don't blame you for telling me no. Please give me a chance to prove to you that I love you and that I will trust you. Please give us another chance."

With tears in my eyes I handed her the engagement ring and said

"Keep it somewhere safe. If I show you in any way that I doubt your word, you can give it back. If you decide that you do want to marry me, just put the ring on and I'll know your answer."

She flung herself into my arms and said

"You'd better get it together Honey. I would have left already if I didn't love you so much."

For the next year my love and respect for her grew. It wasn't easy to get rid of the feelings of jealousy I had, and I never quite reached the point where I believed that I was good enough for her, but I did learn not to show it when I felt that way. I also learned that it was a relief to not worry about her anymore. It turned out that trusting her was better for my peace of mind then checking up on her had been. I know she was testing me. Her work hours became erratic at times and I could tell she was waiting for the questions but I refrained and every time I showed that I trusted her it made her smile. As time went on it got easier, and as I trusted her more, my confidence in her grew. My confidence in our relationship grew. My respect for her grew. I no longer wanted to marry her to make sure she stayed with me; I wanted to marry her because I could not imagine life without her.

Lisa was still a sore point. I knew that she hated me. Julie had opened up to her about some of our sex games and rather than impress her, it convinced her that I deserved no respect whatsoever. I knew that she wanted someone better for her sister. In front of Julie we were at least frostily polite but whenever Julie wasn't around she and I mostly communicated with dirty looks. It got worse when Julie started wearing the engagement ring. She didn't make a fuss or a big announcement. She just put it on one morning after getting dressed and left for work. I got sent home from work that day because I couldn't concentrate. My head was in the clouds.

Our wedding was a simple affair. Julie planned the whole event. All I had to do was show up and pay everyone. Lisa got drunk enough at the reception that she even hugged me. Tim delivered the Best Man's speech and it was hilarious. He ended it with the phrase "And we all know who wears the pants in THIS family!" and got a laugh, but not as big as the laugh I got when I responded, "But her ass looks so good in those pants!"

Over time, life settles down. We bought a house in a cul-de-sac and made friends with the neighbors. We were the odd couple because we didn't have children. Julie was infertile and it was upsetting to her initially, but I convinced her that it meant we were made for each other because I never wanted kids. Our sex life went from once or twice a day to three or four times a week. The kinky side never changed though. We both loved for her to dominate me. When we were alone and she was feeling frisky she would call me her cum boy or her little bitch boy. I never cared because I knew it was all a game and it seemed to rev her up better than anything else we tried in the bedroom. I sometimes worried that she would think me less of a man because of my submissive behavior but in public she was always respectful of me and despite being a little flirty, she never crossed the line. She never acted inappropriately or embarrassed me. Everyone knew she ruled the roost but they also knew how much in love we both were with each other.