Snow White


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"Well," continued Grelda. "With this toy it gives even more pleasure. Touch it to your G-spot, and push the button, and it will give you more pleasure than you have ever known. And it will give pleasure to your man, or men, too, because it will make your pussy wetter than it has ever been. You will be able to service more of your men, and more often, than ever before."

That seemed like a good thing to Snow White. Lately, she had been musing about increasing the sexual trysts with the dwarves from three a day to four a day, but, frankly, she wasn't sure if her body would hold up. She had been a little bit sore at the end of the day on a few occasions. The idea that a device could ease her ability to have still more sex excited her.

"Why don't you give it a try?" said Grelda.

"OK, I will!" said Snow White. She put her feet up on the sofa and splayed her legs wide, unconcerned that she was showing off her pussy to the old woman. She peeled the lips back with the fingers of one hand and pushed the dildo inside her body with the other.

And, oh, it felt delicious! Like a cock, but different. It was silky smooth, and it entered her effortlessly. The bulbous tip was thick enough to exert a delightful pressure against the walls of her pussy, which, she noticed, already were becoming unusually wet.

"Twirl it around inside you, dear," said Grelda.

Snow White did, and the pleasure was magnified. In the weeks since she had begun having sex with the dwarves, Kinky had on several occasions inserted a variety of kitchen utensils in her holes, but none of them had felt this good.

She twirled the dildo inside her, pressing it more deeply, until she felt the tip touch her G-spot.

"Oh!" she cried. The feeling was wonderful.

"Now, my dear," said the old woman, a queer, nervous tone in her voice, "push the button! You will never have felt a better feeling, and it will prepare your body for the greatest sex you and your companions have ever known."

Snow White, excited, pushed the button.

At first, she felt nothing. And then she did: a warm pulsing and vibrating, stimulating her G-spot. The warmth spread, enveloping her pussy, spreading throughout her pelvis, and soon suffusing her entire body. The arousal she felt from it was intense. The pleasure was so exquisite it was almost too much, like pain. Snow White lay back and lifted her feet into the air. She forgot the old woman. All she could think of was the overwhelming vibration against the wall of her pussy.

Her body felt transported and lifted to a place she'd never been, to a pleasure she had never known. Within minutes, the orgasm came. Her body shook uncontrollably, and she cried out in pure ecstasy.

Then she blacked out.

* * * *

The old woman laughed, but not in Grelda's voice, but the queen's.

"Ha!" she cried, triumphantly. "I got you! Greatest fuck indeed. Well, you'll fuck no more, Snow White. I put a spell on you, in your moment of greatest orgasm. You will never awake. Your heart will slow down, and your body will fail, and soon you will die."

She picked up her basket, left the house, and hurried away, through the forest, back to her palace.

She observed something strange, however, as she walked away. Many of the birds and animals that had been in and around the house followed her, and called after her, in a noisy, angry clamor. The queen had never seen such behavior in animals, and it worried her. What sort of magic was this? In her current form, as an old woman, she could not move quickly, and she could not regain her real form until returning to her chambers in the palace, which she intended to enter through a secret passage. But she would have to get there, first, and it would be difficult to do unnoticed with all the cursed animals following her.

She redoubled her effort to get away as fast as possible.

* * * *

At the mine, the dwarves toiled away. It has been a good day so far, and they had discovered a new vein of silver. Biggie and Loady chipped away at the rock walls, and Gently and Kinky loaded the rocks into the ore car. Once loaded, the ore car was ridden and directed by Quickie along the track to the outside of the mine, where it was dumped. Doc and Gropy sifted through the rock and sorted it into piles. Later, the dwarves would further chip away at and process the ore to separate the silver from the rock.

Doc was distracted from his duties by the frantic call of a lark, which appeared out of nowhere and fluttered around his head in frantic circles. Doc, who was a very old and wise dwarf and had, over the years, accumulated some unusual skills and bits and pieces of magic, was no expert at bird-talk, but he knew enough to gather what the lark was trying to tell him:

"Snow White. In danger."

"Gropy," Doc cried. "Go into the mine and tell the others. Snow White is in danger! We must go."

Minutes later the dwarves spilled out from the mine entrance and gathered around Doc.

"Snow White's in danger! It's the queen."

Doc looked up, into the air. Other birds had joined the lark and they swirled around the dwarves in a desperate murmuration. Doc struggled to understand what they were telling him, but he understood them at last.

"Biggie, Kinky, Loady, and Gropy: follow the birds that way!" He pointed into the forest. "The queen is trying to get away and you have to stop her. Take what tools you can as weapons. Gently and Quickie, come with me! We must get back to the house to save Snow White."

Doc and his two companions ran as fast as they could back to the house, along the winding path, while the other dwarves plunged into the forest, following the birds, in hopes of catching the queen.

Running was not Doc's specialty, but he moved as fast as he could, desperately hoping they were not too late. After what seemed an eternity, they reached the house and threw the door back.

Snow White lay on the floor, unmoving, a strange object lying on the floor between her legs.

Doc looked at it, and he checked her pulse. She was alive, but her pulse was weak and fading. Gently and Quickie looked from Snow White's face to Doc's, wondering what he would say.

"She doesn't have much time, but I think I can help."

Gently and Quickie watched Doc retreat to his office. He returned a minute later, clutching a small bottle with an amber liquid sloshing inside. He opened Snow White's mouth with one hand, and he poured a few drops of the liquid into her mouth with the other.

"The queen is a trained witch," he said to the others. "Her magic is far more powerful than mine. But this should delay her magic's effect."

"What did she do?" Quickie asked.

"This . . . toy," Doc said, pointing to the thing on the floor. "It put a spell on Snow White. She fell into a sleep that will grow deeper and deeper, until she dies. But I can slow down the process with this." He held up the bottle in his hand.

"Is there nothing we can do to save her?" asked Gently.

"There's nothing WE can do. But there is something SOMEONE can do. Snow White can be awakened and healed by love's true fuck."

"Well, I love her," Quickie said. "Let me try."

Doc put a hand on Quickie's shoulder.

"It doesn't work that way," Doc said. "To awaken, Snow White must be fucked by her one true love."

"Who's that?" Gently asked.

"I don't know," Doc said. "The one person I can think of is the first man who knew her, intimately. Remember? She told us about her encounter with him in the garden. Prince Geoffrey. Both of you--get ponies and ride fast to Speerbergen and let him know. She doesn't have much time."

Doc had scarcely finished his words when Gently and Quickie were out the door and on their way to Speerbergen.

* * * *

The queen thrashed her way through the forest's underbrush, hobbled by the form she had taken as an old woman. She had to get back to the palace, but she still had a long way to go.

She felt nervous and giddy. Snow White, her nemesis, would be dead soon, victim of her own sexual desire. The queen laughed as she ran, savoring the delicious fit of the punishment for Snow White's crime. Hussy. Slut. How dare she challenge the queen? With Snow White out of the way, the queen's rule would be secure.

A drop of water hit her face. It began to rain. Far in the distance, thunder rumbled. Curses. To make things more difficult than they were already, she would have to brave her way back to the palace in a storm. But that was OK. Knowing that Snow White would be dead soon outweighed everything else.

Soon the rain fell hard, soaking her. But the queen ran forward, implacable.

Over the steady patter of rainfall, the queen suddenly heard another sound: birds, clamoring. They appeared out of nowhere, and they swirled around her.

"Shooh!" she cried. But her words had no effect.

"There she is!" she heard, from someone behind her. The queen turned, and she saw four dwarves, holding axes, drawing close to her.

"Stay back!" she cried. "I have many powers. Do not hinder me!"

But the dwarves kept coming.

The queen ran, knowing that she had few if any powers over dwarves. She saw a path up a hill, and she thought she could take it to escape their pursuit. The dwarves followed her, close behind. A bolt of lightning hit nearby. The queen realized with dismay that the path she had taken would end at the top of the hill. But she had no choice other than to continue upward. She looked back, and saw the dwarves, with grim faces, pursuing her.

The path came to an end, at a stony ledge on a cliff, hundreds of feet above the forest. The queen had nowhere to go. She turned around. The dwarves, with their axes, ran up the path to confront her. All around, the storm engulfed them. The rain fell hard.

"Do you know who I am?" she asked the dwarves. "I am the queen, and I am a powerful witch. Challenge me and I will destroy you!"

"You hurt Snow White," one of them, the biggest of the bunch, said. "You won't get away with it." He held up his axe.

"Just watch me," said the queen.

But as she spoke, a bolt of lightning struck the rock ledge on which she stood. It cracked, and the ledge fell, and the queen fell with it, hundreds of feet. The dwarves ran to the edge and looked down. The queen's body lay broken and still on the rocks far below. She was dead.

* * * *

The morning sun streamed through the forest canopy, dappling the scene below. Snow White lay, still and naked, on a raised bed of flowers. The dwarves were gathered around her, heads down.

"Will she die?" Gently asked Doc.

"I don't know," said Doc. "She doesn't have much time. She has only one chance."

The dwarves heard the hooves of a horse hitting the ground. Prince Geoffrey, riding a great stallion, appeared out of the forest. He jumped off his horse and ran to Snow White.

"Is she still alive?" he asked.

"Yes, but barely," said Doc. "She will die, unless she receives the only cure for her curse: she must be fucked by her one true love."

The prince nodded and drew closer to Snow White. She lay perfectly still, flower petals strewn all around her. Her body was pale and nude and perfect. The prince beheld her pale skin, her rosy nipples, and the sweet cleft of her pussy.

He pushed his breeches down and his princely cock sprang forth. He pushed Snow White's thighs apart. The lips of her pussy parted, and Snow White lay open for him.

Prince Geoffrey grabbed his cock, now hard and straight, and he put its tip against Snow White's lips. He pressed forward. The lips gave way and his cock entered her without effort. He pushed and pushed until the shaft was buried inside her. Prince Geoffrey was desperate to save Snow White, but he could not help but enjoy the slick, wet, glove-like grip of Snow White's pussy on his cock.

He began fucking her in a steady rhythm.

Nothing happened at first, and the prince despaired that he had come too late. But just as his hope almost gave out, a warm, gentle breeze wafted through the forest dell. Snow White's eyes fluttered and opened. She looked surprised, at first, to see the prince, but in moments her visage changed, and she looked at him with love and understanding, as well as lust.

She pushed her hips back at him as he fucked her.

Snow White and the prince fucked hard and fast on the flower bed, in front of her dwarf friends. They clapped and cheered to see her awaken and to watch her fucking the prince. She flipped over, and the prince fucked her doggy-style. Then the prince climbed atop the flower bed and lay down and Snow White rode him in a reverse cowboy position. She rose and fell on the prince's engorged cock while the dwarves watched her sweaty body undulate and her pale breasts sway and rock. The dwarves pulled their cocks out and masturbated as they watched her, and Snow White nodded approvingly.

At last, Snow White and Prince Geoffrey came at the same time. Her body shook and the dwarves spurted their cum into the dirt. When they were all done, the prince embraced Snow White and they kissed.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you, too," she said.

* * * *

Weeks later, Snow White climbed the steps to the queen's chambers. They were her chambers now.

She carried a hammer.

She entered the queen's bedroom. She approached the mirror, framed in gold, on the wall.

With a swing of the hammer, she smashed the mirror into a million pieces.

"I don't care who the greatest fuck of all is," said Snow White to herself. "But I'm going to be the best I can be."

Later, she joined her husband, who was now king, because his father had passed. Snow White was naked, as she preferred to be as often as possible, revealing the full magnificence of her beauty and sensuality to the hundreds of subjects that gathered around to watch her and the king depart. King Geoffrey lifted Snow White with ease onto his massive, powerful horse. She felt the muscle in its back between her bare thighs. Geoffrey climbed behind her, encircling her nude body with his arms and taking the reins.

The seven dwarves stood in a semi-circle around the horse. They waved as it trotted off, and Snow White, astride Geoffrey's horse, turned back and blew them kisses. She had promised to visit them once a year, and she looked forward to her visits.

Snow White and King Geoffrey rode away, back to his castle in Speerbergen, and they fucked happily ever after.


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olblueyesolblueyesalmost 2 years ago

how drowl,,,"her one true fuck" lolol,, i liked it, so different,,a hot fairy tale.. well written and all that..

Norway_1705Norway_1705almost 2 years ago

Perfect. 5/5. thank you. Keep again. And don't listen to those who teach how to use medieval lexicon--the medievals were more vulgar and more precise than we are, and real women always knew where the G-Spot was, even though they may have given it a more fairy-tale name.

If ever, the anachronism is in the "button" mechanism, hehe. ;)

Many 18-year-olds are naive, inexperienced, and head-in-the-clouds.

toupoutsoutoupoutsoualmost 2 years ago

Mixed feelings on this one. I like the premise of twisting the most beautiful to the best fuck in the land. But an adult having the mental behaviour of a 11 year old is off putting. Plus there was the potential for so many adventures before the abrupt ending.

macymadisonmacymadisonalmost 2 years ago

5 stars, I love erotic fairy tales and Snow White was adorable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yeah, zero chance 'G-spot' would ever be used in a fairy tale, or parody of one, either.

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