Slave Camp Ch. 21

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Richard finishes camp, New characters introduced.
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Part 21 of the 36 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/23/2020
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Derek's heart was warmed that each slave commiserated with Wanda, telling her she wished Wanda would get set free. None of the women appeared jealous. He knew each wished she was the one eligible but they also knew they were all guilty of their own crimes. Wanda was the sole exception. He overheard Rhonda say. "God! I hope you get free. I hate to lose you but I want to see you walk away a free woman. You fuck'n deserve it, girl!" Louis Fontenot was working the case with Lou.

Wanda and Bonnie approached him the first night. "If I am not your slave anymore, will you still help Bonnie get through school?" Wanda asked. "I mean at least until I get on my feet. Then I can pay you back."

"Sure, as long as she indentures herself to me for the next five years." Derek said. Then he cracked up at their stricken expressions. "I could not resist. Of course I would not do that to the girl. I will pay for her schooling just like I promised." Then he paused and grinned. "Maybe I ought to think about a good punishment for you for even thinking I might go back on my word. I am considering having you report to my room every night for a week. I'll have to think about it."

"Oh, yeah, take me to me to bed and fuck me senseless. Teach me a lesson, Boss!" Wanda giggled. Then Wanda turned to her daughter. "You know we have sex."

Bonnie grinned. "Yeah. I was just thinking about volunteering to screw him to pay for my education. Especially if he lets me live here. That's not prostitution. It's just working for my keep." Wanda had a brief expression of shock her daughter was even saying such a thing and then laughed when she realized Bonnie was joking.

"I might have to bounce that idea off Sarah and Lou. Playing with the slaves is fine but a free woman, well... they might see that as cheating." Derek offered, going along with the kidding. Privately, he thought Bonnie's comment might have been half serious.


Sarah wanted to go along when Derek picked Richard up Monday. His flight would not leave until late afternoon so they had a few hours to kill. Derek wanted to have a little heart to heart with the man. He wanted to develop an understanding of what he expected and what he intended for Richard's future. He knew Richard would harbor some major anger issues. His resentment was inevitable. Of course, Richard was smart enough to make sure his animosity and especially his future intentions would be well hidden. But Derek wanted to mitigate that a bit. He wanted Richard's cooperation.

Later, before Richard was finally set free Derek would issue a few threats of his own. Like if something ever happened to anybody in Derek's family he would know at whose feet to lay the blame. He also knew that a carrot went a long way to get cooperation.

Richard blushed seeing Sarah standing in front of him as he stood nude in the induction's center modified 'present' position. It was a modified military 'at ease' position. The hands were folded in the small of the back but instead of spreading the feet eighteen inches or about shoulder width apart, "present' required a full two feet or better, completely exposing the groin.

When Richard was first taught the position he wondered who devised it. Did the person just want the groin exposed to maximize humiliation or did the person realize one could easily kick the exposed person in the groin. Nobody could shift their weight to cover his groin fast enough for at least the first full blow to the balls. It certainly made him feel vulnerable whenever he was ordered to assume the position.

Derek motioned to have Richard follow them to the lobby where Richard was allowed to dress. He was given the track suit he had worn to the facility. That told him they would go somewhere else before he was taken to the airport for his return flight home. He was not wrong. Derek intended to take him home for a while.

"Tell me about your experience." Derek said before they got to the car.

"I'm sure you already know." Richard said sullenly. "They beat my ass, fucked me over and made me suck cock several times. Ms Dubois told me she was gonna punish me for screwing with you years ago. I had to ask the washroom guys to use a bigger nozzle for my enemas. They did, giggling at my pain the whole time. I got my asshole stretched wide and my guts washed out three out of the four days I was there. I was taken to what they called the staff break room every evening to suck cock there too. I can't tell you how many of the guards or staff I did in there. That was in addition to the guys in my class. Even when nobody screwed up, the guards would occasionally make us pair off and suck the other. We had to make our partner cum. Cheating wasn't allowed. The first day two guys tried by saying the guy swallowed, and we all got our butts strapped.

"Sounds like you at least got off several times yourself.' Sarah offered. "Beats being in a cage, huh?" Richard did not answer, wondering if the question was rhetoric. "Okay, I have the report about your behavior I asked for. I have not read it yet. Do you think it will say you were a bad boy? You know that means a makeover and getting your butt marked."

"You and I both know you intended to tattoo my ass from the get go." Richard said, sullenly. "And all that other crap, too. What did you call it? ... a full makeover? So let's get on with it."

"Actually, asshole, I ALWAYS make an effort to be fair when I set a penalty." Sarah gritted, now angry. "The mark on our asses is something all the women wear. Me included. Unless you got a bad report, I was NOT gonna do that to you but you had to run your mouth. Now about the makeover, you will get part of that too since you so nicely volunteered. I MAY let you substitute some of it." Sarah tapped her phone. "Yeah, Sue, it looks like I will keep that appointment after all. I'm not sure how far we will go but the boy just volunteered for the tat. Yep. Tell Gloria I want the full tat not the superficial semi-permanent makeup type."

"You mean you really didn't already decide to do all that stuff to me?" Richard asked, querulously.

"Nope, I told you I am fair. So is Derek. But you made your bed so you will lie in it." Sarah said. Richard sat slumped back in his seat knowing his big mouth had written a check his ass had to pay, literally.

A half hour later Richard found himself laying naked, face down on a low table. His right butt cheek was swabbed with alcohol and a transfer was applied. That would give the tattoo artist a template for the design he would likely wear forever. He had thought the emblem cute on Karen's ass, but had NO desire to have it adorn his own buttock. Once the symbol had been stamped indelibly into his flesh, Sarah ordered him to be lathered with hair growth inhibitor from the neck down. "Or do you want to volunteer to have it applied to your whole head and face too?" she asked. "All you have to do is make another comment." He shook his head. He had liked having a mustache and until his head had been shaved to go on the auction block, he had never been totally bald. He had only thought about doing it one time in college when a few of his friends bet their hair on the outcome of a football game.

Sarah was pleased with the results of his treatment. "Okay, Richard. How about we open this report? Want to make a little wager? Like nipple rings for a bad report? Or do you want to tell me I am cruel and gonna do that to you anyway?"

"I'm sorry for my earlier statement, Ma'am." Richard said politely.

Sarah nodded. She opened the envelope and began to read. She got to the conclusion Rachael had written. She read part of it out loud. "Richard was surprisingly well-behaved. He made an effort to be compliant despite his obvious humiliation. I even ordered him to request a larger enema nozzle like I did for a few of Derek's other slaves. The report I received was he asked the tech immediately and politely."

"Wow! Richard. I am impressed. Had you not run your mouth earlier, we three would be sitting drinking beer.. Well you and Derek would be drinking beer. I can't. Instead you have a new tat and a smooth hairless body for a few months." Sarah grinned at him.

Instead of going home Derek decided to go to a bar. He chose the Rhino's Horn. Steve greeted Derek with a hug. Derek returned the hug suspecting by Steve's smirk, the man was purposely trying to make him a little uncomfortable especially when he held the hug longer than necessary and made a little extra effort to rub up against him. Steve grinned then broke out laughing. "Well you DID take my assistant manager away from me." Steve said. "With Darren running his lawn service company, MY job has got one hell of a lot more difficult." His grin widened. "But Sandy says she could not be happier. She is thrilled to manage your Florida connection. That is MY take not hers. She just said she was thrilled with your offer." Derek introduced Richard as one of the slaves Sandy was managing in Florida. Steve already knew he had been sent over to go to slave camp. Drinks were served. Steve told the bartender, "Whatever they want. On the house."

"Darren's business is going gangbusters!" Steve gushed. "Thanks to you, largely. You helped him out tremendously at the beginning. I mean we had some cash to get him started, but you taking him to that slave sale and giving him the advice you did. That just made everything so much easier."

Sarah wanted to talk to Steve a few minutes. She turned to Derek. "I'll leave you to talk with Richard for a few. You know we sort of have a LGBT coalition going. Helping each other in business." Steve escorted her to his office.

"Okay, Richard, let's get down to brass tacks." Derek said. "I'll put it out there in a nutshell. You fucked me over years ago. I know you were behind seeking the court decision that basically had me paying for everything when Karen and I divorced. And I did. It was tough. Child care, travel, the whole works. I made it, though. Steven realized what you did years later. It took a while but he reconciled with Karen before he got killed in that plane crash."

"I know Karen and you were plenty pissed I was his beneficiary instead of you." Derek added. "But I would rather have not got that blood money at all. I wish I had my kid as my partner. I had all but forgotten about you and Karen."

"Karma is a bitch. Suddenly she comes back into my life. But this time I am top dog. Then I give her back to you. Okay, I SELL her back. The really stupid thing is you two could have gone on living down there in Florida without a bit of interference from me. I sold her back thinking if you were half the manager you should have been, I would never hear from either of you again. Our only contact would be my monthly check."

"But you had to stay stupid. You exceeded your paycheck all the time, living way above your means. You need to talk to Chad and compare notes. He did the same thing with his wife. You have no idea how to manage money. Well maybe the hospital's but certainly not your own.

"So now we find ourselves in our present position." Derek said. "Where do we go from here?"

"What do you mean?" Richard asked.

"Well, I have a couple options. The first being I keep you and put you to work at the hospital. I collect your net pay, which I know pisses you off. What do you get? You get your social security contributions. You get contributions into a 401k. Both of which gives you something after you finish your tenure as a slave. With your present mindset that money is nothing. But if you fucking LEARN how to manage it properly, you will find you can have a decent life once you are set free."

"Now next option. I sell your ass off like I told you before, to an outfit that is picking produce. You get your social security at retirement but not much else and THAT is reduced because of your income level. To be honest, I do not care if you are "so poor you cannot pay attention", as the saying goes when you retire. That is IF you live long enough to retire. Life in the fields is tough and you are no spring chicken. Statistics are NOT in your favor." Richard shuddered at the thought.

"My main goal here is I want you to fully understand your REAL position." Derek said. "I know you really want to 'man up' now or might in the future. You want revenge on me. You have even thought about getting set free then coming after me. I want you to know if you do, you will suffer. I have already set the events in motion. IF you ever just get NEAR me or mine, you will be the one to suffer."

"Now for the OTHER side of the coin, I am going to be FAIR. Which is something you and Karen were NOT to me all those years ago. My advice is accept I own you for now. I will get most of your paycheck. For me this is not revenge. It is business. I have several slaves. What I have with you and Karen is simply another business opportunity that fell into my lap and I took advantage. I will let you contribute more and more to your retirement fund if you work hard and are cooperative. What I want is enthusiasm not just compliance. I already increased Karen's contribution."

"Now, concerning your property and Karen's slave estate. She and I talked after you were convicted. She already knew the equity in the house might not be much compared to the future value which is why she insisted on the undivided half interest. She'd hoped that when I took over there would be something for her to get for her slave estate. She was distraught you had squandered it all. What I am going to do for her is I am going to give her the value of what she would have got when first enslaved if you had done right by her then. That is not much but she will have that nest egg as a starting point."

"That will be HERS. I've already told her it is contingent upon her working hard. I will deposit the amount over time. She is happy about it. I also told her I might sell you to her for your last year of enslavement." Derek watched Richard's expression carefully. "You realize she will be freed over a year before you. I said sell not give. You both can continue working and I am guessing you will want to after you are free. At least until the full retirement age and you are sixty seven. But one of the things I want you to realize. In that last year of your slavery, as your owner she can have you implanted, just like I could tomorrow. That order stands as long as you are enslaved." Richard's expression turned to horror as the implications sunk in. "So you better be very nice to her. At sixty four that implant might have some REAL bad effects. I have been blessed in that department but I still cannot perform like I could in my forties even. I have faced some slowing down naturally."

"The bottom line is you have a choice. Do what you are told and with enthusiasm and get rewarded. Or be a sullen, self serving prick and suffer the consequences." Derek said. Richard immediately nodded and said he will obey completely. "Even if I tell you to get on your knees right now to suck some cock?" Richard blushed and nodded. He begin to slide out of his chair, thinking Derek wanted him to volunteer. Derek stopped him. "Sit in your chair and finish your beer. If Sarah is not back by then we'll get another. After all, Steve said they were on the house."


At dinner that night Derek said, "Okay, let's hear about how things are going with everybody. Who's first?" He liked to promote open conversation among the group. All knew they could approach him privately as well to voice personal concerns. "I guess I will begin. I had a little heart to heart with Richard. I know you have all heard about the prick. I hope he decides to do what he is supposed to in Florida. I put him on the plane this afternoon and sent him home."

Lou said, "Well Louis Fontenot got a report back from Kansas City. It seems two of the men Wanda got to punish during her restitution each lost a testicle. The docs had to remove them. It is touch and go for another guy to lose one."

"What blow back are we gonna get for that?" Derek asked. "Is that gonna be considered slave abuse?"

"Nope." Lou said simply. "I did not know this, but apparently almost sixty percent of men who are subjected to abuse of their groin during restitution lose one or both testicles. The jury was fully aware of this. They were specifically instructed when they went back to deliberate on what they would allow Wanda to do. They were fully informed and they still voted unanimously to allow her access to their scrotums. They could have done something like restricted her to using a paddle on their asses. They thought she suffered enough that giving her full access was justified."

"Giving access to a man's balls is usually reserved for sexual abuse or EXTREME situations." Lou said.

"And Wanda only had access for ten minutes each." Derek said. "Not a couple hours." He did not say anything else, but all eyes turned towards Rhonda who turned red as a beet.

"I would NEVER have destroyed you, Derek!" she protested. At the looks she got, she admitted, "Okay. I'd have hit them a bunch and screwed you up the butt. I know that would have been excessively cruel. I would have had to do a lot or make the prosecution wonder if I was really traumatized...but..." she finished weakly. "We talked about this before. I'm sorry." Derek nodded and changed the subject.

"Okay. Kat. How is the job search going?" Derek asked. He had told her to begin to look for a new job where they would not expect her to be an easy lay. Everyone knew her reputation at work was mostly her own fault. Coupled with now being a slave, her former job had become unbearable. She had been looking for a decent job for some now.

"Well, you know they let me go when they found out I was looking for a new job." Kat began. "My boss was seriously pissed I did not go to him first about the guys coming on to me all the time. He found out I was looking when he started getting calls about me. The end of last week he called me back and offered me my old job back with a raise. You were gone with Wanda and Lou. He said he realized I did more than he thought. The others have been scrambling to cover my accounts."

"I got several decent offers right off the bat. A couple wanted to know if I was open to sexual services since I was a slave." Kat said. "Uhh, I told them no right away and took them off my list." Derek nodded. "One job I really wanted. It was a little different from what I did before. I mean it looked like a lot more fun. I loved the first interview. They even offered more pay. I wanted it until the guy asked what access they would have to me as a slave. I told him none and even though he pissed me off I have not refused that one outright. It seems a lot of these managers look at a slave employee as a whore. A few companies just came right out and said they would consider a slave to add some spice to a contract so I refused them right away. I have another interview this week with a different company."

Sarah asked which companies were involved. Kat told her. "I have an interview Wednesday with Blanchard Industries doing just about the exact job I had before for just a little above what I was making. Do you want to go boss?" Derek told her to pick where she wanted to work and he would sign off.

"In the long run, you take the job that best fits you." Derek said. "The one you will enjoy doing the most. The one that makes you the happiest. Choose carefully. Do it like you were a free woman doing the best for herself."

Sarah was agitated. "I'm not going to influence you where you want to work. Your decision. You have not met with the people from Blanchard yet. But you know the boss. She is the one who brings the girls with the chrysanthemum tats on their butts. One of those girls works as her PA. The other works in HR. She says she keeps sex out of the workplace. Good company. But I am a little bothered about the one business you said you would have liked but the guy asked you about being available. I want to address that." The two talked a bit. Sarah told Kat to be open and not make a quick decision.