Slave Camp Ch. 10

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Derek takes on more responsibilities.
8.5k words

Part 10 of the 36 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/23/2020
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The problem with writing a very long story is you forget details like last names. Even though I frequently look back at previous chapters, I still miss things. I know some will find those discrepancies and comment on them. In the last chapter I gave Derek the last name of Robichaud, a common name in Louisiana. In chapter 1 his name was given as Thompson... oh well. I'm not getting paid for my stories. I write them for fun. I have based some of my characters on actual people I have encountered over the years. None have been slaves of course.

I realize my stories are not jerking off fodder. They are more character studies with, hopefully, an interesting enough plot. I hope you enjoy my stories, but if you don't, feel free to go read something else.


Derek hustled back to his car. He was glad he had automatically put his keys in his pocket this morning. He had not needed them since he had merely tagged along as Wanda drove to work. He needed to make the trip home, get Karen and return. Lou and Helen both told him to not dawdle. It was half past noon. Lou had one o'clock appointment with one of her clients. Helen was busy working on the paper work to enslave Lisa according to her plea deal. She had a clerk working on the paperwork to correct Karen's age in the system. To save time and effort she wanted to present both cases to a judge this afternoon.

Kat had been given a study guide that covered the basic requirements to pass the written examination to become a slave owner. She was supposed to have passed the test the previous week before she took possession of Cheryl. She had barely passed the exam and apparently had not absorbed the information. Helen pointed out that a person needs to pass an exam to drive a car. They have to learn the rules of the road. Owning another person should be taken at least as serious. Helen said the judge would likely question Kat's qualifications to own a second slave considering the debacle at hand and might quiz her. Kat glanced briefly over at her mother who was now sitting in the corner tearfully regretting her actions.

Kat knew her mother's fate relied on her ability to impress the judge they would be meeting and convince him she was capable of monitoring a slave. Helen had hinted but not said so in blunt terms. Lou took her aside and explained the situation. She had the feeling neither older woman liked her or respected her. They were going through the motions of helping her simply because of contractual duty. Part of her was hurt. She felt isolated without real emotional support. But the intellectual portion of her mind knew she had not shown she deserved their respect either.

Privately, Helen did not care if the judge agreed to award Lisa to Kat. The information the state required for the basic license only covered the basics. But they were important. That idea a college educated person did not or could not learn and retain the basic requirements affronted Helen's sensibilities. The way the plea deal was composed, if the judge deemed Kat was incompetent as a slave owner, Derek would be awarded Lisa. He could then do with her as he desired, keep the bitch or sell her. She did not say any of this aloud. She knew Lou was a good enough lawyer to know the score and it was her job to brief her client. When Derek had groused about did he have a choice in the deal and Lou told him 'No" she had had barely restrained herself from laughing. She suspected there was far more to their relationship than met the eye. She knew Lou. They both were frequent attendees at the local bar where the legal community met to blow off steam and informally discuss past cases. She wondered how a confirmed lesbian in a solid relationship with another woman got this close to a man.

Lou had obviously set Derek up as a leader or at minimum, a mentor. Helen had not seen a bit of communication between the two but Lou had made choices for the old man. He might very well end up with another slave he was not counting on. Helen figured it was toss-up Derek would be Lisa's owner at the end of the day.

Yes, to be sure a lawyer is supposed to have his or her client's best interests in mind. But when dealing with slaves those lines get blurred. What might be best overall, is not always going to make everybody happy. And Kat did state she wanted her mother to be owned locally. She used the words 'if she was a wimp and let her mother manipulate her' but the way the law worked that was the same thing as being considered incompetent to handle a slave.

Derek understood Lou needed the back up plan to keep her client off the public auction block. He had no idea Helen had set him up. His attention right now was split between the road and cell phones. Both Karen and Cheryl had phones but they were not on his account. He did not even know if they were still in service. It frustrated him to not be able to call either slave to tell them what he wanted them to do. They were the only ones left at home at this time. Sarah already left when her tried her number. She said she had some business to take care of but refused to elaborate when he asked. "It's a surprise, Sir" she had said. The coy use of the word 'sir' told him he was involved in some way.

Once more he shook his head, amazed that Sarah and Lou would ever consider including him in their life. He was growing more and more fond of the two women. Despite his trepidation about becoming a father at his age, he was privately pleased. The more he thought about it, the better he liked the idea. He would have an heir if either one or both really did get pregnant. They had both slept with him over the weekend but their sex play had been restricted to oral and manual play at his insistence. Both women had openly stated they hoped they were 'knocked up". Sarah had even laughed speculating aloud about sucking Derek until he came and then spitting his semen into Lou's pussy. "I think your saliva would be spermicidal." Derek had offered, laughing. Sarah had pouted a bit and then did what she had proposed. A little later after Derek recovered, Lou did the same thing to Sarah. Both women had giggled and suggested he just do the deed the right way.

Derek drove through his electric gate and parked in front of the house. Sometimes the area looked like a parking lot when everybody was home, but now only the pickup truck sat there. He saw Karen in the garden and called to her. She stood and picked up the small rubber mat she used to protect her knees as she knelt on the ground. Derek enjoyed the sight of her nude body as she walked towards him. Her breasts swaying from side to side. He guessed she might be as much as forty pounds heavier than the woman who divorced him all those years ago. Despite his active sex life, he still felt a little twinge for the woman he had married forty years ago. He had no love for her anymore, but the reaction was automatic. He had spent fifteen years of his life married to her.

She was sweaty and dirty. She had smudges of soil on her knees and a few streaks on her arms and torso where she had scratched or rubbed herself with dirty fingers. "Go inside. Take a fast shower and get dressed in the outfit Caroline left you." he ordered. "You have ten minutes. You can brush your hair in the car." Karen gave him a quick 'yes, sir" and hustled inside. She had no idea what was going on but was not about to question his orders. She had been spanked twice in the past forty eight hours she had been there when she questioned a directive. Neither punishment had been harsh. But submitting to even slaps on the butt was demoralizing. It was the indignity rather than the pain that reduced her to tears. Being the only slave required to stay nude also bothered her.

The other slaves seemed to love Derek. Well, all but Rhonda who quietly admitted to being more than a little unhappy as she had been separated from her husband but still resigned that she was now only an owned slave with no choice. She admitted that her condition could be far worse and expressed her desire to remain owned by Derek instead of anybody else. Karen semi-understood the sentiment after hearing the full story. Caroline told her of course she would have preferred to be a free woman who might have married and had children of her own. But Derek was kind and decent, treating her well. Almost like an equal when he asked her for her opinion. "Yeah, he blistered my ass when he first brought me home. I could not wrap my mind around being a slave. Since then it has been like a big family. He lets me go to school and live sort of a regular life. No social life though. I talk to the other students about class work but they don't look past the collar on my neck."

Wanda seemed to be the happiest. "Of course, I wish I was not a slave." she had said when Karen asked. "But Derek is fair. He let me go to work which makes me feel useful. He even tracked down my daughter to notify her where I was and has invited her to visit. You want to know how I cope? I go to work and come home like most normal people. Just the way I did for years as a free citizen. I can't go where I want of course but my day to day life is pretty normal. In my mind, I put Derek in the role of a friend with benefits. I jump at the chance to have sex with him. I want him happy with me. To be honest, you fucked up by leaving Derek. Unless your husband is some kind of a saint. Derek is a nice guy. I've told him several times I wish I had met him years ago. Oh yeah, he has ordered or allowed stuff I don't like. You'll learn about that. But all in all, I like living here."

While Karen got cleaned up, Derek checked on Cheryl. The open door to the main steel building told him where she was. She was on the elliptical trainer. He watched her for a few seconds. She wore a bra and a tight pair of shorts. Her bruised body was not pretty but her shape was very nice. She stopped when he called out to her. "Hello, Master!" she addressed him. He suspected she had read stories online about the proper address slaves should give their owners. Derek preferred his slaves call him by name. Sarah and Lou used the 'sir' when they were playing their roles as his unofficial slaves.

"I wanted to get in some exercise. Rhonda said light exercise might even help me to heal." Cheryl said. "Caroline told me to make sure I log it. She thinks Karen might claim some of my time on the meter as her own. She didn't. She logged her own time earlier today." Derek knew Caroline was clearly making sure her position of head slave was clear-cut and undisputed by the others. She was working overtime to make sure the household chores were taken care of. He took her aside and told her in private to relax and concentrate on her studies. He knew she was trying her best to keep the household running efficiently. He would help her manage things. She had thrown her arms around his neck and kissed him to thank him.

"I want to thank you again for rescuing me from Kat and her mom. I think they would have killed me before long." Cheryl sincerely stated.

"Oh, you like being a slave?" Derek asked with a slight smile.

"No, sir. But I read all about how slave girls are used as full-blown fuck toys. In the stories their brains turn to mush and they almost forget who they are as they lose their personality. I'm not sure that is possible unless they go crazy. But trauma does weird things. I have seen how you treat the other women. You let them lead kinda normal lives. Well as normal as a slave can live. I know Ms Sarah and Ms Lou are at the top of the heap. Free women but playing slaves as a game. But I beg you to let me show my appreciation. Take me to your bed. I asked Caroline and she said that there is sort of a rotation. But Sarah and Lou jump the line when they are here."

"Relax. Let yourself heal. I have an open door policy. You can express yourself anytime you want. I have no plans to sell your ass, so you don't have to kiss mine. Now I want you to get your cell phone and Karen's. I need to add you to my service. I realized we need to have some way for you two to call me. I thought about pinging your collars but that is useless without a working phone." Cheryl scrambled to obey. Her actions amused Derek.

"How much do you know about your collar, Karen?" Derek asked as he drove back into town.

"Just that it can shock the hell out of me. I heard it has a locator beacon in case a slave runs away." Karen replied. "Derek, can we talk? I mean honestly? Caroline made it clear she will spank me for the slightest reason. She said she is going to train me to be a good slave for you." Derek almost laughed at the juxtaposition. Years ago this woman with her passive aggressive behavior pretty much ran their household. She had almost dictated the terms of their divorce. He had felt helpless in front of the court as she got almost everything she asked for. Fortunately for him she had at least considered their son in the process. Derek got half their community property of course as well as his retirement fund. He felt raped with the other conditions she had imposed. They had shared custody of their fifteen year old son but she made sure he lived with her. He paid her alimony despite her income which was close to his until she finally got remarried and child support until his son turned eighteen. How she arranged to have him pay all the expenses of the boy's travel back and forth was a mystery. Normally those expenses were shared. Not in his case. His love of his son made him suck up the expense. He had his son visit as often as he could despite the expense.

Derek did not mention his aggravation to Karen. He was in a hurry to get back to Lou's office and take care of business. But he knew that with the first word out of her mouth that pissed him off, he would pull over and blister her chubby ass. Part of him wanted her to challenge him. So far he had not touched her. He had let Caroline take care of the discipline. He suspected the other girls knew some of the situation and were closely watching. He wondered what they thought. Not that it really mattered. He owned them all. His word was law. But he sincerely wanted to maintain the 'family' dynamic.

"Derek, can you please let me get dressed at home? It is terribly humiliating to be the only one running around naked. Being in a locker room with nude women is completely different from this. I thought it would be no big deal especially being in the medical field where modesty goes out the window. You saw me naked all the time way back when. I can sort of accept that you see me nude now. Caroline's comments about me being fat and saying how she is going weigh me to make sure I am slimming down is unfair. She is picking on me."

"She is not picking on you. Actually she is treating you far better than I treated her and Rhonda when I first brought them home." Derek said. "I would blister their butts at the slightest defiance or display of attitude. I used an acrylic rod that could welt with a flip of the wrist. I still have those rods. I had them scattered around the house at first. The first day I took them home Rhonda ran her mouth and I ordered Caroline to do the honors. That was difficult for them both to accept. I told Caroline I wanted to see five distinct welts on her mother's butt and upper thighs. If she tried to be too lenient and the stroke was too soft to leave a welt, she'd just have to give another stroke. To spare Rhonda a long whipping Caroline needed to make sure she did the job properly from the start.

Caroline challenged me at first and said I could beat her or sell her but she would not do it. I told her I would give her five and then double her mother's punishment. Rhonda just told her to just get on with it. Both were crying before they were done. And I gave Caroline a stroke with the rod and a hand spanking for talking back in the first place. They started being careful what they said or did. They realized I was serious." Actually, Caroline got into the spirit of things pretty quickly, he thought. "Your little spankings are nothing in comparison. And the short answer to you being naked is TOO BAD. You are barely two days into it." Derek glanced sideways to see Karen's frown. She did not offer another word. Derek parked in front of Lou's office building and told Karen to get out and follow him.

"I want you to be aware of what might happen when the judge considers Lisa's plea deal." Lou said as they walked to the courthouse. "He could refuse altogether to let Kat have custody. He might set conditions. It all depends on his impression of Kat's ability to deal with a slave and her track record is not that good. Judge Boudreaux can be a tough old buzzard. He does not cut criminals much slack. He was an advocate of public spankings for minor crimes along with a fine. Even though in this state public spankings are super rare, if the person in front of him is young, he generally makes sure the paddle is used behind closed doors. But he has a strong sense of justice as well as just following the law.

Our plea deal is a suggestion and he has to sign off on it to make it legal. Generally the judge goes along with the district attorney. But in this case he may feel like Kat does not deserve even a chance to prove herself. He could declare Kat unfit and modify or reject the deal altogether. I explained this to Kat after you left. You have a better than even chance of getting Lisa."

"You're telling me this now?" Derek exclaimed. "I thought I would be the backup only if Kat screwed up! What the fuck are you trying to do? I have limited space at home. I don't need to own every female slave in the parish! Wanda suggested getting another slave or two as a business venture."

"I just wanted you to know the score. You are the one who offered my services to them." Lou said. "Plus we can address some of the solutions I have in mind later."

"I thought they could use a little help to not get totally screwed over." Derek said. "Plus I wanted Cheryl's clothes. And I only suggested you give them a consultation! You could have refused."

"Your suggestions ARE my orders, Sir." Lou grinned at him, reached over and squeezed his hand as they walked. "It'll work out."

Judge Boudreaux read over the brief Helen Leblanc had submitted to the court. He thumbed through the folder of evidence that accompanied the brief. His face remained neutral throughout. "I see there is a statement in the evidence from one Derek Robichaud. I take it this is the same Mr Robichaud you submit to be named the defendant's owner should the daughter be deemed unfit. In his written statement he mentions that not only was the slave beaten, the slave was barely fed. Only a small bowl of slave chow once a day and the defendant had urinated in that most of the time. Refusing to eat was another excuse for a beating." The judge looked at Lisa and shook his head.

Helen asked Derek to step forward. "Mr. Robichaud is well aware of all the facets in the case from the personal and evidential standpoint. He knows the parties involved and has talked to all of them. He now owns the abused slave. As a matter of fact I included a copy of our videoed negotiations. His thoughts on the matter were instrumental in the formulation of the plea deal."

"Ahhh, yes. I recognize Mr. Robichaud from a prior case." the judge said. He inserted a thumb drive into a device on his side desk and watched for fifteen or so minutes. "Well, Mr Robichaud, it seems you have learned a great deal about handling slaves. So I take it you still have the three slaves I awarded you and have added a few."

"I am going to grant the petition with a few modifications." Judge Boudreaux announced. "A court appointed officer will formally review Katherine Richard's ability to safely control her slave at six month intervals for the next two years. He or she may perform unannounced inspections as well. Ms. Richard has already agreed to make Mr Robichaud her beneficiary and turn over the slave to him if she is deemed incompetent so I am going to name him as co-owner. I am also going to ask him to mentor Ms Richard. If at any time before her formal evaluation he thinks Ms Richard is incapable he is to report her to the court and take over full ownership of the slave. I will agree to the term of enslavement and the other conditions."