Slave Camp Ch. 07

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Chad goes to camp.
4.2k words

Part 7 of the 36 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/23/2020
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A short continuation of my saga...If a little male/male sex does not rock your boat move along.


It was deja vu all over again as Derek sat in the waiting room of the men's side of the slave induction center with Chad waiting for his number to be called. Two other pairs of owners and slaves sat waiting. "Can't you give me a hint of what they are going to do, Derek?" Chad asked politely.

"To tell you the truth, I am not sure how men are treated differently from the women slaves. I am familiar with what Rhonda went through during the female slave camp." Derek said. He saw the other two owners perk up to listen. "The females get taught a fair bit about history of slavery, slave laws, and how their life is screwed up but they can make the best of it if they get into the right mindset which is basically to obey. I'm not sure how they change that message for males or if it is the same lesson. I am guessing they tailor it for men who are generally gonna be arrogant assholes until beaten down."

"Did I hear you right? You sent a slave here?" one of the other owners asked. Derek nodded. He had noticed the other slaves smirking at Chad's appearance. He had removed his makeup, but his highlighted hair still showed its pink tint.

"This guy's wife or ex-wife, now." Derek said. "I got them both as restitution but did not want to keep them in the same household. I let him go to live with his son. I thought I was being nice by not sending this guy off to Alaska or some such. I made one simple rule. Do not contact each other. But what did they do? He phoned her not even two weeks after they were enslaved. They both thought they were being sneaky."

"I taught them how I was better at the 'sneaky pete' game and would always learn about somebody going behind my back. And I would nail their butts for trying. They tried to play a fast one on me once and it got them enslaved. The second time it got both of them signed up for slave camp." Derek laughed. The other owners wanted to hear his story, so Derek related the whole thing. Chad held his head low as both the other owners said they would have instantly sold his ass to some work camp in Alaska. Derek chuckled. "That is what I told his former wife. She could be used in a work camp for oil pipe workers. Cook and housekeeper by day, and the reward for hard work at night. I'd rather send this guy up to freeze his ass off. Plus from what I hear some of those work crews don't care if it is a male or female servicing them. My boy here had his hair done. I wanted him ready for the trip if it came to that. You know, look pretty for the guys he might meet." The other owners laughed. All the slaves cowered. None felt good about his plight. Nor did any smirk at Chad any more.

Two hours later Chad found his nude butt sitting on a plastic chair in a classroom after a meal of the most obnoxious slime he could imagine. He had been fed that stuff before, he remembered. He had flushed the contents down the drain in his cell the night he was convicted and again the next morning. At the time he would prefer to go hungry. He found out the hard way he could not refuse to eat here. Like Rhonda, his butt had been strapped as he was told not eating his full meal was not acceptable. Two other slaves suffered the same punishment.

A nice looking woman stepped up in front of the sixteen men who sat nude in the plastic chairs. "Good morning, slaves. My name is Rachael Dubois. I am the senior slave processor here at the induction center. Those you see in charge of you work for me." She watched as the nude men looked at her. As expected, she got a variety of reactions. Several men sat very watchful wondering if a hammer was about to fall. Two cowered, each obviously embarrassed at his nudity. Five men grinned and made no effort to push his erection down between his thighs to hide it from this female. She was familiar with this response. "You are attending what we call 'slave camp,' " Ms Dubois stated. "We also have a female version. The goal of each class is similar. We seek to orient you to your new lives as a slave. The techniques differ. I will not get into what we do with the females. But I will address how you will be treated."

"First off. Why have a slave camp at all? You all share one thing in common. You were awarded to your owner as restitution for the crime you committed against him or her. Historically, less than ten percent of those accepting a male slave in that way still owned that male two months later. Most sold the male within the first month. Retention of a female slave is far higher. Part of the reason is males tend to have some kind of macho attitude that needs to be adjusted to accept his slavery. With the advent of our slave camp program, three quarters of the males are kept by their original owner even at the three month mark which we use in our report statistics as a quarter of the year. It shows a major success."

"We will not brutalize you here. In our experience that only tends to harden a male. We intend to soften you. AHH , now that got some reaction. I can read from the expression on several of your face. You are thinking, 'This bitch is crazy if she thinks she is going to make me less of a man.' I have no intention of making you less of a man. I merely plan to make you a compliant man."

"By show of hands, how many of you have NEVER given another man oral sex?" No hands went up. Ms Dubois smiled."Really? All of you have given another male a blowjob. I think some of you are being dishonest. Dishonesty in itself is a cause for punishment here. Now I will ask that question again. Anybody here never blew another man, never sucked a cock?" Still no hands raised. " Well, we have a group of experienced cock suckers here, then. That will make our job easier. I can tell you that each and every one will get a fair amount of experience sucking off a man. Look to your left and right, at the lap of the man sitting there. Chances are, one of those cocks are going to be in your mouth before long. We use cock sucking here as a punishment. It is more efficient and effective than beating your butt or shocking you with your slave collar." This statement obviously shocked the men. "Of course we do use straps and the shock collars. I know a few of you experienced a strap this morning at breakfast."

"Now let's briefly address your collar. We will get into its full capabilities later. I am sure you have all been shocked several times. Some with only the half shock but a few with the full shock. We use the shock feature here as a last resort. If I tell somebody to do something I expect to be obeyed immediately. I am sure some of you have wondered how a woman would stand up here in front of a bunch of hardened male slaves, macho men and not be afraid. If you look around there is not a single male guard watching you." The men looked around. " I sent the guard to take a break and get a cup of coffee. I don't need him to control you. I am perfectly safe."

"If I touch a button on my sleeve, every slave within fifty feet will be incapacitated. Hell, I grind my teeth too hard and you will all fall in agony. If I give an order, you will obey no matter what that order is. That is the second thing you will take to heart before you leave here. You are slaves. You obey. You have a few rights. Not many human rights and virtually NO civil rights. Once you accept that, your future gets far more bearable. Some of our graduates even get to the point they even embrace their positions as a slave where they are. They realize they can be in far worse conditions. One of the things we do here that we do NOT do with the females is show how men are treated out there in the slave world. People can imagine a female used as a sex slave easily. How many of you have pictured yourself used as a sex slave?" Again no one raised his hand.

"Imagine this. You go to work for a factory. Any mistake or lack of production puts you on the bad boy list. For the next week you suck off the more productive workers. You might even get your butt lubed for the employee of the week. Is that a fantasy? Sorry, it is the NORM. That is just how male slaves are treated in industry. Now my introduction is almost finished. You will be shown a series of videos I have made for your training. I would advise you to pay very close attention. Tomorrow, you will be given a written test. Who knows what this is?" Ms Dubois pulled out a dildo from the back of the podium. She waited.

"Yep, I see from your eyes you know exactly what it is but don't know HOW it will be used. In the morning, you will be given a test on the material in the videos. Should ANY of you miss more than two answers, you will ALL sit with one of these impaled up your backsides while you watch the videos again. I see from your expressions the same variety of reactions we always get. Fear, disgust and a few of you are convincing yourself you will refuse. You might even dare us. Don't. I am warning you now, it will happen. Your ONLY escape is all of you passing the test. Then you get a reward. Maybe a cup of coffee. If you are good boys and we see you are paying attention to the lessons, you might even get some coffee this morning."

Half the men looked nervous. The other half looked scared. They were the ones who suspected this woman was not bluffing in the least. All were realizing there was more to this slave camp than they had previously thought. Her total poise and self assurance had them unnerved. A few were beginning to realize one or two of their fellow slaves might be enough of an idiot to choose to challenge those in charge. One man raised his hand. Rachael called on him. "What if one guy in here is stupid enough to think you are bluffing. You mean we all get punished?" Rachel told him that is exactly the case. "I would guess the idiot would deserve to get his ass kicked later then", the guy grumbled. Several others nodded in agreement.

Rachael was expecting this comment as it happened often. On the rare occasions none of the men brought up the subject, she did. "That would be a major mistake. Violence in ANY form is prohibited. Punishment will be swift. The aggressor will probably be subdued with a shock if he does not immediately stand down when ordered. He might still feel the strap. At the VERY least he can expect to be tasting his victim's penis in a short time as well as those of a series of his fellow slaves. Like I said before, we find that more effective to curtail offensive macho behavior. My advice to you is do as your are told as soon as you are given the order."

"I see your keeper has returned. He has signaled me they are ready for you in the washroom. This will be your first opportunity to be good compliant slaves. You will likely not enjoy what happens." Rachael paused to smile, knowing full well all of them would hate the treatment. "Accept it as inevitable, because it is."

Checking her tablet later, Ms Dubois saw the men had returned to their classroom. If she had not been busy with her group of new women slave camp attendees she would have gone over to visit. She knew from past experience what she would find. Every one of the sixteen males would be still smarting from the humiliating regime of enemas followed by every inch of his body physically scrubbed by one of the young technicians.

"Okay. You saw the video about the value of having a skill." John, the keeper in charge of the group, offered. " Do any of you have a special skill your owner does NOT know you possess? Welding, plumbing, electrician?" The slaves all shook their heads hesitantly. They now wanted to respond to each question without drawing major attention to themselves. They knew that acting like a bump on a log was not the way to go.

When he first began his talk, John had asked how many of them had been in the juvenile corrections program as a young teen. Nobody raised his hand. "337, didn't you spend two years in juvvie for boosting a car when you were fifteen?" John had asked. The man nodded and was told to stand, step forward and assume a place kneeling in front of the group. Three of the others were called forward as well. "786, 718, and 815, you all spent some time in juvvie."

"When I ask you for a response, I expect an honest one. "John stated. "I know more about each of you than you can imagine. Do NOT test me." He told four of the others to stand in front of the kneeling men. "You were told earlier that we use oral sex as an incentive and as a punishment. The four kneeling slaves will suck the cock of the man standing in front of him. You WILL comply. If you refuse to do what you are told, you will be strapped across your buttocks and then ordered again. We will increase the punishment AND the task demanded at each step. Sooner or later you WILL obey. At the end you will wish you had surrendered and obeyed at the very beginning. This is NOT a reduction of your manhood. This is simply an exercise in obedience. Get to it!"

Two of the four reached up and grasped the standing man's penis. Both blushed as they briefly hesitated and then inserted the penis in hand into their mouths. "See, we have two very smart slaves. They know they will have to do what I have ordered anyway and want to minimize their punishments. At the end of the day, they will know they sucked another guy off. That will bother them. But they will also know they avoided the extra punishments the others received BEFORE they finally also sucked their guys." Upon hearing this the third man tentatively reached up and grasped the penis standing erect in front of his face. Tears coursed down his face as he put the penis into his mouth and leaned forward taking it in as far as he could. "Alright!" John declared. "We have three smart slaves and one stubborn one. The goal for those of you on your knees is to get the man in front of you to cum. You don't have to deep throat him."

John looked at the fourth slave who remained on his knees. "Are you sure you don't want to just save yourself some trouble and do what you are told?" The slave arrogantly flipped the middle finger of his right hand into the air. John smiled. He said nothing as he watched the other three slaves suck the cocks in their mouths. Within a few seconds, it was obvious each of the three accomplished his task. One almost collapsed as he choked on the semen shot into his throat.

John had stepped forward in the interim and scanned the recalcitrant slave's collar. He told the other three pairs to resume their seats. "Are you sure you do not want to suck this slave's cock like I ordered?" John asked reasonably. "You are still going to get five stripes for not obeying when I first told you. But you might save yourself extra trouble if you do what you are told now." The slave shook his head obstinately. John ordered him to his feet and told him to put his forearms on his chair, while bending over.

The slave did. "Being a tough guy is not the smartest way to survive as a slave." John offered congenially as he brought his strap back. The bent slave could not help crying out as the first stripe scorched his butt. He only grunted for the next three but gasped loudly at the fifth. John was in no rush to break the slave nor be abusive. "Knees." he ordered. The slave assumed the position. "Suck this boy's cock." John ordered in an even voice as if he really did not care if the slave did or not. The slave grunted a 'fuck you'.

"Then assume the position on your chair." Jon said. The slave told him 'no way' and then convulsed. The other fifteen slaves watched him twitch on the floor. They looked back and forth between the slave and John who stood quietly watching. "Assume your position on your chair." John said in an even tone.

"Please, Sir! I will suck any cock you want!" the slave begged.

"Yes, you will." John said. "AFTER you get another five with the strap for refusing." The slave finally got to his feet and cried as he was striped. Then he dropped to his knees and sucked the cock presented to him while the others watched. "You are fortunate I decided to not select another couple men for you to suck." The man blanched.

"Now do ANY of you think you could have stood your ground longer than this slave?" John asked looking around. The slaves looked at him in awe and fear. John knew that several thought they might have been tougher, but none challenged him. "Good. Because the next time one of my orders is defied, the punishment will be doubled. I am NOT here to punish you. I am here to make sure you obey any directive I give..."

"Okay now, let's start again. How many of you had experience in the juvenile court system?" John asked. Each of the four slaves raised his hand. John smiled and nodded. He continued his lecture about how the juvenile judicial system was designed to prevent future transgressions but actually seemed to be a training area for some to be a better criminal. "We are still seeing part of our past mistakes replicated by the system. Training a kid that crime does not pay is essential. But we still seem to not be able to get that message across. Human nature I guess. Criminals want to think they can commit a crime and not get caught. Which is true for a bit. You might rob a store or two and get away but then on the third you get caught. I notice you four former juvenile offenders are in your early twenties. You did not manage to last long before your life of crime was cut short."

"There are others of you who let alcohol or drug use cloud your thinking. Repeated DUI convictions are a big reason for enslavement, particularly if compounded with another crime. And crime seems inevitable although it is greatly reduced. Okay let's start the first video. I will repeat Ms Dubois' warning about what will happen if you do not learn your lessons here. You WILL be impaled on a big dildo as you watch the videos tomorrow if any of you fail. And the demeaning part of that is YOU will insert the toy yourself."

Each man paid close attention to the video on the value of a slave with a trade, special training or skill.


Derek closed the trunk of his car after putting Chad's clothing inside. He saw a white Mercedes sedan drive past. He recognized the car as Lou's and wondered why she would be going to work so early. He decided to drive the short distance to find out. She was trying to balance a small file box on top of her briefcase when he pulled up. She almost dropped the box when she turned to see Derek. "What are you doing here this time of morning, Lou?" he asked as he stepped out of his car and took the box.

"I have court this morning. I wanted to do a quick review and get some work done on another brief before I go. I'll be taking off a little early this afternoon." she added with a grin. Derek knew Sarah and Lou were going to take all three slaves to one of their weekend retreats. He followed her inside carrying her box. "But I have time to give you a quick BJ if you insist, Sir?" she offered, openly smiling.

"Naah." Derek said grinning. "As much as I'd enjoy it, I don't want to mess your makeup or rumple your clothes. You are looking very nice." Lou smiled sweetly and added a little extra wiggle as she stepped into the elevator. "Keep that up and I might change my mind." he added.

"I'm yours to use." Lou said. "Leanne Waddsworth caught on there was something between us when you signed Wanda's employment contract. I guess I was not as discreet as I should have been when I told you Sarah and I had got our butts tattooed. She overheard me and asked about it. Of course I did not tell her the whole truth. I just said we were good friends. I am guessing she will say something this weekend. Especially when she sees our butts all matching. And thanks again for letting Sarah and I keep some of our pubes. That is one thing the free women all have and I am sure that would have been noticed and we would have been teased. I thought for sure you were going to order us to take it all off. Sarah was so far in sub mode she just ran her mouth."