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Husband finds he can't resist his brother-in-law's new wife.
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Have you ever encountered someone you just couldn't resist? This time the Slutray is aimed at the husband.

My life was going well. My insurance agency had grown to be all I could handle and my income was more than enough to provide an upper-middle-class lifestyle. Mary, my wife of 17 years, had chosen to stay at home and raise our two children. The twins were 16 and rapidly becoming independent as they both had just gotten their driver's licenses. They were good students and had avoided most of the usual teen fuck-ups.

Mary and I had married young-ish. She was 21, I'd just turned 23. Now my 40th birthday was approaching and Mary had invited all our extended family to our house for a party. It was a pretty good-sized crowd. Both our parents, my sister, her two sisters, all their spouses, and kids. I liked all those people and was happy to have them in my home.

The one family member I was not particularly fond of was her brother, Stan. He is six years older than Mary and moved to the West Coast when she was 18. Mary loved her big brother and thought he could do no wrong.

In reality, Stan was a bit of a flake. He had failed at three different businesses and each time Mary had sent him money to help bail him out. Of course, it was money I had earned and deposited into our joint savings account. It was 5K the first time and 8K the last two times.

$21,000 may not be a large sum of money to some people, but it irked me that she had sent the money without even asking me. Our investment portfolio was still quite healthy, and giving him the money did not affect our lifestyle, but I still resented the fact that she did it without consulting me. Fortunately, we never saw him and so I just let it pass for the sake of marital harmony.

Mary had just finished telling me about the party when she casually added, "Stan and his new wife will be coming to the party."

"Stan? Is he in town? He has a wife?"

"Yes, Rob, he's married. He and Sky are moving here. She got transferred here by her work. They are staying with Mom and Dad until they find a new place."

"When did that happen?"

"Mom said she thinks they've been married about six months. When he told Mom he was coming, he didn't tell her about Sky, he just showed up with her two days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me he was coming to town?"

Mary sighed, "We all thought he was just coming for a quick visit and I knew you'd have no interest in seeing him. I didn't know he'd gotten married until Mom called me this morning."

"Wow, Stan married. Holly shit. Well, of course, they're welcome to join us."

Mary hugged me and gave me a quick kiss. "Thank you, Baby. I was worried you'd be upset."

"Hey, he's your brother, of course, he's welcome here. Besides, I'm really curious to see what kind of gal would marry Stan," I said chuckling.

"Be nice! Mom said she's really cute. Stan always did well with the ladies."

By noon Saturday, the party in my backyard was in full swing. Everyone was there except Mary's parents, Stan, and his mystery bride. The kids, all seven of them, were making so much noise in the pool, that I didn't hear the last gusts arrive.

"Rob!" Mary yelled and I spun away from the grill I'd just loaded with burgers and hotdogs. I saw my in-laws and made my way over to them.

"Hello! And welcome, everyone!" I shook hands with Stan and then turned to greet his new bride. She stepped forward and hugged me and then stepped back.

"Hello Rob, I've heard so much about you. Thank you for allowing us to join you today."

Her voice was like smokey honey as it caressed my ears. She was maybe 5'7" and about 120 pounds. She had on a tight teeshirt that accentuated her perky B-cup breasts and left her well-tanned flat midriff bare. She wore a small jewel and chain on her belly button. Her deep blue boy shorts were very short and impossibly tight.

I forced my eyes back up to hers, the pale blue orbs twinkled with excitement. Her thick red lips curled into a broad smile as she gave her long blond locks a slight shake.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Sky, could I get you something to drink?"

She placed a dainty hand on my forearm, bright red nails flashing in the sunlight, "Thanks, but I think Stan has gone to get us something."

Mary grabbed her arm and said, "Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone else."

As they walked away I couldn't help staring at her sexy bubble butt and firm well-defined legs. After a few steps, Sky looked back over her shoulder and grinned when she saw me checking out her ass. Busted!

I quickly got back to the grill and managed to keep the burgers from burning up. As I turned the meat, Stan stepped up and offered me a fresh beer.

"You're looking good, Rob. Have you been hitting the gym or something?"

I laughed, "Thanks, Stan. Actually, I have been working with a trainer for the last year, or so. He's tough on me, but it seems to be helping."

"I'll say, the last time I saw you, what 8-9 years ago, you were a bit of a butterball. Now you look pretty buff. I'm jealous."

"Well, you obviously still have something going on, I mean, you landed Sky, didn't you."

Stan laughed, "Yeah, I think she's all right."

"So how did you guys get together?"

"Truthfully? I picked her up in a bar and two months later she said she was pregnant. We got married and a month later she said it was a false alarm. At first, I thought she scammed me, but I talked to her doctor and he confirmed her story."

"Jesus, Stan, maybe you shouldn't tell everyone that story, she might not like it."

"Oh, well, she told Mom, so I assumed Mom told Mary, so you would have heard it anyway, eventually. I'm still getting to know her, and so far, we're doing okay."

"That's great, man. So she came here for her work?"

"Yeah, she's with Chase and they have a huge office complex here. They were downsizing our local office, so it was to accept a transfer or be laid off. Things are pretty tight for us right now, I just need to find a new job."

"Hmm, I know a guy who's looking for a warehouse manager. If I recall, you used to do that kind of work a long time ago, any interest?"

"Fuck yeah! I loved that job. I should never have tried all those get-rich-quick schemes."

"Okay, No guarantees, but I'll text you his info Monday morning."

"Thanks, man. I know I owe you a lot already, if this works out, maybe I could start to repay you for all your help."

I just nodded, "No worries, now I'd better get these burgers on a platter."

By evening, the weather had changed and it cooled off quickly. I got the fire pit going and the adults gathered around it. I was sitting on a chaise lawn chair and sipping a bourbon. Sky walked up and asked if she could have one. I sat up and poured her two fingers.

She sat on the foot of my chair and lifted her drink to me, "Happy Birthday, to my handsome Brother-in-law."

I clinked cups with her and chucked. I don't know what it was about this woman, but I felt a closeness to her like we'd been intimate for a long time. I stole quick glances at her trim body and I felt a stirring in my pants. Then I saw her shiver. "Are you cold?" I asked, as I spread my legs and opened my arms. Sky scooted her butt back against me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Oh my god, you're so warm!"

"Well the fire will warm you up pretty soon," I said as she pressed her back into my chest.

"Damn, this bourbon is smooth. What is it?"

"Angel Envy Rye. There are some better bourbons out there, all out of my price range, but I enjoy this one. Do you want another?" She handed me her glass and I poured her another two fingers.

"Stan told me you may have a lead on a job for him. He'd already told me about all the times you have helped him out in the past." She put her hands on my arms and hugged them to her body. "Thanks for helping him."

"To be honest, it was Mary who helped him out, I had nothing to do with it."

"But it was YOUR money. Stan knows that and if he gets that job, we'll owe you big time." She snuggled back against me, pushing her firm ass into my crotch, and took a long pull of her drink.

"Well, you two look cozy," Stan said as he sat in the single upright chair next to us.

Sky didn't move. "Baby, you have got to try this bourbon." She offered Stan her cup and he sipped it.

"Nice," He said. I gestured at the bottle, he poured another cup and handed it to Sky.

Sky looked around, "You have a lovely home here, Rob. Mary is a lucky girl."

"You can say that again," Mary said as she stepped into the firelight. She looked at Stan, "Mom and Dad are leaving, do you want to go with them or do you two want to stay here tonight?"

Stan looked at his wife and shrugged. "If it's no trouble for you, Sis?"

"No problem, Mom wants us all to come for lunch, so I'll tell her you guys are staying here and will come with us tomorrow."

Mary walked away and Sky snuggled into my arms and held my hands. "Umm, A girl could get used to this."

Stan chuckled, "Yeah well, Mary might have something to say about that."

I had just enough buzz to think that was funny, but not so much that it kept me from getting up and hustling after Mary to say goodbye to my relatives.

That night in bed, as I spooned Mary, she whispered, "Sky is very cute and she sure seems to like you."

"Yeah, you were right, your brother sure has a way with women. Sky is a nice-looking lady. They make a handsome couple."

She didn't say anything more and we drifted off. A few hours later I heard a noise and got up to check. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Sky leaning into the fridge. The light from the fridge lit the front of her sheer gown and I could easily see her perky boobs and long nipples.

When I got closer she glanced my way. "Sorry, I was looking for another piece of that apple pie Mary made. Do you want to join me?" She snagged the pie and the tub of whipped cream.

"Sure, why not?" I got out two small plates, forks, and a knife. Sky cut the pie and put it on the plates. As she moved, I watched her quite visible boobs bounce about. I caught myself and glanced up at her eyes. She grinned at me.

"They're not as big as Mary's, but I don't get many complaints."

Absently I said, "They're beautiful," and then blushed.

"You really think they're beautiful? I think they're too small."

I swallowed several times as my eyes feasted on her perky tits. Finally, I found my voice, "No, they are just perfect on your slender frame, truly perfect."

"Thanks, you're so sweet," She said and adjusted her gown. She finished her pie and stood. She took my plate and put everything in the sink. She came and stood next to my chair, I could smell her arousal. Her hand drifted across my bare chest. She glanced down and saw the tent in my sports shorts.

She grinned, "Well, I guess you really do like them," she said and bounced her chest. She leaned down and whispered her hot breath into my ear. "Good night, Rob."

I sat there for several minutes as I thought about the vixen sleeping in my guest room.

She seemed to have some sort of power over me. From the very first moment I saw her, I wanted her. I've never felt that way about any woman, not even Movie Stars. She seems to enjoy teasing me and my dick goes crazy whenever she's near me. Fucking hell, I better try to stay away from her if I want to stay married.

I shook off my thoughts of Sky and went back to bed. I slept fitfully. All night long I dreamed about fucking Sky in a dozen different ways. I awoke with a raging hard-on poking into Mary's ass. My arm was around her, and a large bosom filled my hand.

I squeezed her boob and rock my hips against her. She stirred and then slowly realized what was happening. She lifted her leg and arched her back. I slid my dick back and forth across her pussy. She purred and reached down to grab my hip. I pushed at her wet pussy and slid inside her.

She humped against me as I stroked in and out of her. She gripped my hip and pulled me in, arching her back even more. I slammed against her soft ass and she grunted as she pushed back against me. I slammed deeply inside her and held myself there as I shot my cum deep into the woman I loved.

She spooned against me and her pussy squeezed my cock. I kissed her neck and held her against my chest.

"Emm, that was nice. It's been a little while since you've woken me that way. Were you having sexy dreams?" She paused a moment then said teasingly, "I wonder who starred in those sexy dreams?" She then chuckled as she turned to face me.

I must have looked guilty, she said, "It's okay to fuck her in your dreams, just don't get any ideas about doing that little tart for real."

I kissed her on the forehead and we got out of bed. We were in the kitchen for only a few seconds when Stan walked in.

"Morning," I said as poured water into the coffee maker.

"Shit!" Mary said as she slammed the fridge door. "I forgot we were out of milk. I can't stand black coffee."

"I'll go," I said.

"No, I need a couple of things, I'll go if I can use your car," Stan said.

Mary grabbed her keys off the peg board and tossed them to him. "Well, I'm getting into the shower. I'll wait and have my coffee when you get back."

Stan walked out the back door just as Sky walked into the kitchen. She nodded to Mary as she walked past her. Sky looked at me, "Where is everyone going?"

"Mary's on her way to the shower and Stan is running to the store for milk."

The room was suddenly quiet as our eyes locked. I swear I could feel my blood heating up. My breathing grew ragged as I stared at Sky. She must have been feeling the same desires, she bit her lower lip, before turning and leaning across the low counter.

"Please, Rob, please," she said as she pulled her robe up over her bare ass.

My brain went on autopilot as my dick instantly hardened. I was possessed by this woman! Lust fogged my brain as I stepped up behind her and dropped my shorts.

"Now baby, please, I dreamed about this all night. Please Rob, quickly!"

I rammed into her sopping pussy, balls deep in one stroke. This was madness, driven by pure animal lust. I wasn't thinking of anything but her pussy as I drove my hips against her firm ass cheeks. I gripped her hips hard as I jackhammered into her. This was not lovemaking, this was rutting, grunting, driven, savage sex.

I slammed into her and arched my back as I roughly pulled her hips against mine. I pumped rope, after rope into her quivering pussy. The room faded as my knees nearly buckled, I fell forward onto her, crushing her onto the counter.

Slowly my mind swam back to the surface, I raised off of her and she sucked in a huge breath. I staggered back pulling my shrinking cock out of her. I looked at her ruined pussy as my cum began to ooze out of her.

Reality returned, "Oh my god! Sky, are you alright? Did I hurt you? God, I'm so sorry."

"Uhh," she groaned. She slid a hand back and pulled her robe down. She slowly stood and turned toward me.

"Oh my fucking lord! I have never been fucked like that!"

"I'm so sorry, I just lost it there, I don't know what came over me. I'm so sor..."

She leaped at me and kissed me hard! "We have got to do that again!"

I looked at her, stunned, my mouth hanging open. "But, I lost control. I. I..."

"No baby it was exactly how I dreamed it would be. You wanted me and you took me. I don't know why, but I just had to have you inside me."

I looked up at the clock, thirteen minutes had passed! - thirteen fucking minutes since she'd walked into the room. Thirteen minutes from Good Morning to Thanks for the quickie! Holy shit!

She held her robe between her legs, "If I can still walk, I'm going to get into the shower. You might want to clean up in here and then shower too."

I sprayed down the counter and wiped it off, hoping the cleaner would mask any other smells. I walked to my room and waited at the door for Mary to step into her walk-in closet. When I thought it was safe I darted for the bathroom, but I didn't make it. Mary stepped out of the closet and wrapped me up in a kiss.

"Thanks again for this morning, stud." She released me and stepped back chuckling, "You still smell like sex, take a shower, we don't want to gross out Stan and Sky.

I laughed and said, "Yeah, good thinking. I'll be out in a jiffy and join you downstairs."

Standing under the hot spray I asked myself what the hell had happened. I had never cheated on my wife, never even considered it. How did I let that happen? What the fuck is the matter with me? I just fucked my sister-in-law and I've only known her for 24 hours! The guilt washed over me, but my dick began to stir as I remembered the exquisite feeling of sliding into Sky's sweet pussy.

Lunch at my in-laws was uneventful until Sky followed me into the garage as I put away a card table the kids had used at lunch. I had just slipped the table into a slot on the far side of the garage next to my Father-in-law's truck when Sky grabbed me from behind.

"Hey!" I said startled, I relaxed when Sky giggled. I turned to her and she stepped into my arms and kissed me.

"We don't have much time," she said and pushed her shorts down her legs. She pulled one foot out and spread her legs as she bent at the waist and leaned on the truck.

I have no memory of undoing my belt and pushing my jeans down past my knees. My dick was rock hard as I slid into her. She pushed back against me as I bottomed out in her wet pussy.

"Ah, that's what I wanted. Fuck me, Rob, fuck me!"

I didn't think about the noises we were making, I didn't think about the possibility of someone walking into the garage, I didn't think about my wife. All I could think about was the ecstasy I felt as my dick slid in and out of Sky's needy pussy.

"Give it to me, baby, give me what I want.... Oh god yes! Yes, Yes!"

For the second time that day, I pumped my load deep into her welcoming pussy. As I gasped for breath, she pulled her shorts up her legs.

"I need to go clean up a bit. Give me a few minutes before you come back in." And with that, she slipped back into the house.

I fixed my belt. What in the hell just happened? This is crazy! Why can't I say no to her?

For the rest of the day, I stayed away from Sky and nothing more happened. As we were getting ready to leave Mary asked Stan and Sky to join us for dinner Monday evening. I shot a quick look at Sky as she grinned at Mary and promised they'd be there.

On the way home, we passed the warehouse my friend owned. I pulled out my phone and called him.

"Hey, Rob! What's up?"

"Hi, Jim. I'm sorry to call you on a Sunday night, but when I passed your warehouse I remembered you said Joan and the kids went back East to visit her mom. I figured you'd just be watching some old moving and stuffing your face, so I didn't think I'd be interrupting anything important."

"Hey! Eating a pizza with all the toppings I love, IS IMPORTANT! I usually only get cheese, if I'm even allowed to have pizza," he whined.

"Oh shit, sorry to interrupt," I laughed.

"I guess I can let your rudeness slide this time. What can I do for you, my friend?"

I asked him about the Warehouse job and he was excited to talk to Stan. I gave him Stan's cell number and he promised to call him. Forty minutes later Stan called to thank me and said he had an interview at noon tomorrow.

"Oh, Baby, that's great! I hope he gets the job. I'm excited to think about him and Sky living here. I really like her and I think she likes us."

I quickly hugged my wife so she couldn't see the guilt that washed over me. "I hope it works out for him."

At 11:00 the next morning my cell rang, it was Sky. "Hello?"

"Hey, Rob! I am taking Stan to his appointment at the warehouse. There is a park just down the road, will you meet me there at noon?"

"Uh, I, uh, are you sure that's a good idea?"