She Likes Showing Off Ch. 07

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Sara advances the game a step further.
4.2k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 11/18/2009
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I woke the next morning before the sun came up. Sara was still sound asleep next to me purring in a deep blissful sleep.

I knew she had to be tired after last night and thought I should be. We fucked until two or three in the morning after last night's excitement.

I rolled over to look at the clock on the nightstand and it read six am.

It was Sunday and nothing really to do this early so I attempted to go back to sleep. My mind was not going to have any part in that.

I laid there thinking about last night and how exciting it was to see my wife naked in a room full of horny men. However, I was also thinking about Sara's job offer. Would she really consider doing it?

My concern was that I enjoyed watching her but; sometimes I have to go out of town on business. Would it be as exciting being out of town knowing she was naked in a room full of horny men? Somehow, I doubted it.

I mean I trust my wife but, what if someone offered her big bucks to go to their room and fuck them and I was not there?

I also began to think about how our little game of showing her off was going and where it was headed. I enjoy other men looking at and wanting my wife but, it seemed that the further we got into it the closer we were coming to it going further than I had hoped for.

Was I ready for that?

She gets so horny when she is exposing herself that I am concerned it will just go too far. The other night at the poker party, she was drunk and horny. I have no doubt she was ready to fuck all of us in the room before I broke it up.

It is amazing how fast she has taken to showing off. She really likes doing it and now it has become a regular event with her instigating most of it.


I must have drifted back to sleep because I woke again and the sunlight was streaming through our bedroom window. I stretched and looked next to me and Sara was not in bed. I rolled over to look at the clock and it read nine am.

I had to get up because Brad and Dave were coming over at eleven to help me add onto our deck.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. My aching cock was so sore it almost hurt to touch it this morning.

I slipped on a pair of shorts and headed down the hall to the kitchen, to find Sara.

She was drinking coffee on our back deck in her now usual attire, naked.

"Good morning Hon." I said.

She turned and said, "Good morning Sweetheart."

I bent down to kiss her.

"Get some coffee and join me." She said.

I stumbled back into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee then went back to the deck. I sat in the chair next to her.

"Is it not just an absolutely gorgeous morning?" She said.

"It is nice out."

It was nice out for an early fall morning. The temperature was about seventy and not a cloud in the sky.

"What are you going to do when the weather turns cold this year? It's going to hamper your new wardrobe."

"I know. I guess I will have to make a few adjustments when that happens or turn the heat up in the house."

We sat there for what seemed like the longest time saying nothing. Neither one of us I guess wanting to bring up the elephant in the room. She had to be thinking about the job offer as much as I had been.

You know when you have been married for a while it seems you both know what the other is thinking?

"Well what do you think?" Sara asked.

I played stupid, "About what?"

She turned and looked at me with one of those "don't play stupid with me looks."

"You mean about the job offer?"

"DUH!" She responded.

"I'm not sure what I think." I answered.

"You know how quickly we could pay off the house and car with money like that?"

"I know but, is it worth it?" I asked.

"What is the problem? You enjoy it and I enjoy it."

"I just think it might lead to a problem." I said.

"Ok, I know what you are thinking and I had already thought of that. I would only do it when you can be there." She said.

I just sat there not wanting to say anything or else she would think I did not trust her.

"Is that your issue?" She asked.

"Yes." I meekly replied.

"I figured that would be an issue. I would not want to do it unless you were there. The best part of showing off is you being there to fuck after we are through."

I turned to look at her.

She continued, "I mean you have to admit we are having sex like we did when we first met. It did not matter where we were or who was around. We fucked like rabbits."

"I know but, I'm a little concerned about where this is headed. You admitted to wanting to fuck the repairman and at poker night you would have fucked all of us if I had not stepped in."

It was her turn to sit and say nothing collecting her thoughts.

"So, my question is do you want to fuck other men? Be honest with me."

"Ok, honestly. I would be lying to you if I said the thought during both of those instances you mentioned, fucking them had not crossed my mind. During the poker night I was drunk and naked and standing in the kitchen, my fantasies took hold and I could see four men touching, rubbing me and yes fucking me."

I sat there looking at her as she looked at me. I did not know what to say.

"Hon, some things are fantasies and need to stay fantasies. It is just when you put me in those situations my fantasies surface and I think about acting out on them." She said still looking at me.

"Is it too late to slow down or stop this little showing off thing we are doing?" I asked.

"You opened the door and now, yes, it is too late to close that door." She said.

"So, what I'm getting from this is that I should prepare myself for watching you fuck one of these guys?"

"I would only do that if you wanted it. I love you and would not do anything to sacrifice that." She said.

It was silent again as we sat there.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was ten forty-five.

"You better put some clothes on Brad and Dave will be here in a bit to help me with the deck addition."

She got up and I followed her into the kitchen. She got another cup of coffee and I headed to the bedroom to finish dressing.

As I was leaving the bedroom, she was coming down the hall toward the bedroom.

She stopped and kissed me and said, "I love you very much."

"I love you too." I responded.

I went to the garage to gather some tools, straight up eleven Dave and Brad pulled up in the driveway.

I greeted both of them and shook their hands, "I sure appreciate you guys taking your Sunday to help me."

Brad responded, "What are friends for?"

We gathered up the tools and headed to the backyard and to where the lumber had been delivered earlier in the week.

Brad and Dave were a couple of guys I had met at the gym and we played basketball together once a week. Brad was a big good-looking guy who was in his early thirties. He stood about six foot tall and was in good shape. Dave was taller at about six three and was about forty-five years old. Dave was also a guy who had stayed in good shape as he aged.

We began measuring and working out the layout of the deck when Sara came out to see what was going on and bring us something to drink.

Somehow, I knew she would not pass on the opportunity to show herself off.

She was wearing one of my very thin white tank t-shirts with no bra. Her nipples and areola were clearly visible beneath the shirt. The shorts she was wearing were a pair of cut-off jeans that I swear she had cut shorter than they were before. Her ass cheeks were visible from where she had cut them off. They were so short that she had cut through the back and front pockets. She had torn off the back pockets leaving small holes where they had been stitched. The fabric was wedged between her cheeks, sculpting her ass so little was left to the imagination. The front was also short and if she had sat down her pussy would have been visible. She was wearing a pair of high-heeled sandals that accentuated her long shapely legs.

"I thought you guys might like something to drink." She said carrying a tray with beer on it.

I made the introductions, "Brad and Dave this is my wife Sara."

Sara handed them a drink and then shook their hands. Both of them had shit eaten grins on their face and was not looking at her face as they shook her hand.

"We sure appreciate you guys coming over to help. We have needed a bigger deck for years."

Brad replied, "No problem I like working on things like this."

"It looks like it is going to get hot today. Supposed to be unseasonably warm today. About eighty they say. I will try to keep the drinks coming." Sara said as she turned to go back in the house.

"Nice to meet both of you." She said before going in the house.

"Damn man you never said you had such a hot wife. You lucky bastard." Dave said.

"I don't know what she saw in you but you are a lucky man." Brad added.

After the accolades on my wife's looks, we got back to work.

The work did not last long as Sara came back out in her skimpy little outfit.

She asked, "You guys ok with beer or do you need another one?"

"You guys need another beer?" I asked.

"Sure." They both replied.

Sara went back in and quickly came back out to hand each of us another beer.

Once again they guys eyes were all over Sara's body.

Sara sat the tray down, grabbed the garden hose, and began to water her plants and flowers around the backyard and the pool.

We got back to work although I could tell the guys were taking regular glances towards Sara.

Suddenly we heard a squeal come from Sara and we all stopped to look and see what had happened.

Sara had somehow managed to make it look as if she "accidentally" got her t-shirt wet. She turned in our direction and was looking down at her shirt as if she was disgusted with getting wet.

Her already very thin t-shirt now that it was wet was nearly transparent. It clung to her tits, her nipples were rock hard from both the cool water, and I'm sure excitement.

She did not say a word but walked toward the house. Her big tits were undulating as she walked, further enticing the guys and me to watch her.

We were all watching as she was almost to the door and looked at us and said, "Damn hose." She stomped her foot when she did which caused her tits to also jump.

She then went inside. I then noticed that my cock was getting hard. I tried to get my mind off my wife's tits and the fact the guys had seen her basically topless.

I then made a joke of it and said, "She didn't have to change. I didn't see a problem with it."

The guys laughed and agreed with me.

We got back to work and my cock finally subsided from its rigid state.

We had been back at it for about fifteen minutes when Sara came back out. She was carrying a tray of beers again but now she had changed into her tiny little bikini. The one that barely covered her areola and let her full tits bulge from the front and sides. She had on her little yellow g-string bottoms but had a very sheer yellow cover-up wrapped around her waist. The cover-up was almost a waste of time putting it on because it hid nothing.

"You guys need a beer before I catch some sun?" She asked.

Naturally, they said yes and she walked over to them. Again, they scanned her body up and down as she handed them their beer.

"This might be the last day where it will actually be warm enough to get some sun." Sara said.

As they took a drink of their beer, they watched Sara's ass beneath her cover-up.

Sara walked to her lounger and removed the cover-up. She then made a huge scene of applying lotion to her body.

She did look absolutely gorgeous as her tight body glistened in the sunlight.

We had all taken a break from work to drink some beer and to watch Sara. My cock was again stirring in my pants just watching her, and knowing the guys were more than likely having lewd thoughts towards my wife.

Sara was wearing sunglasses so it appeared she was not paying any attention to us but I know she was peering at us through the sunglasses. She turned her ass towards us and smoothed the oil onto her golden brown cheeks. She then turned back around and was spreading it on the exposed sections of her tits and with that suit on most of them was exposed.

She got the oil spread over her body and laid down in the lounger.

"Shit man how in the hell do you get anything done around here with her?" Dave asked.

"It's not easy, most of the time she is naked." I replied.

"Lucky fucker." Brad replied.

"If you guys are done ogling my wife can we get back to work?"

We downed the beers and got to work but the guys were continually distracted any time they saw Sara move.

Sara began to get up and walk toward the pool. All work stopped as we all watched her. She dove in and swam until she got to the ladder. She climbed out of the pool and it looked like a commercial or a scene from a movie. Her wet shimmering body glistened in the sunlight. The cool water had her nipples set on high and the water had made the suit almost transparent. Her suit bottom was wedged between her pussy lips and clearly outlined every detail.

She walked over to us as we all watched.

"I'm sorry guys I have not been a very good hostess. I'll get you some more beer." She said.

As she turned, we all watched her ass and the string that made up the bottoms as it disappeared between her cheeks.

She came back out with the beer and as she was handing them out Brad said, "Sara, your husband tells us you normally run around the house naked. Don't let us cramp your style."

"Dave chimed in, "No never mind us. We are just working away."

"That is sweet of you guys. Because I really don't like tan lines." She replied looking at me.

She walked back over to the pool and on the way; she untied her swimsuit top at her back and slipped it over her head. She was still walking away and the guys were eagerly awaiting her to turn around.

She finally did and Dave whispered, "Damn."

I looked at him and he said, "Sorry man I know she is your wife but fuck those are beautiful. My wife has had three kids and kind of lost the perkiness of hers."

Sara then untied the string that held the bottoms on and let them fall to the ground. All of us now were looking at her smooth pussy.

"Fuck how do you get her to shave? I have asked my wife to do that and she says it's itchy." Brad asked.

"I asked her to do it once for my birthday; she did and has kept it that way." I responded with a shrug.

Sara then got on the lounger and was going to lay on her stomach. She pulled her straightening the towel routine and while doing so flashed her ass and pussy at us.

She finally laid down.

"Ok boys, shows over. Back to work." I said.

They picked up the hammers and saws and we got back to building a deck.

I looked at my watch and it was now four o'clock.

"Guys what do you say we finish this thing next weekend. I'm hot and a dip in the pool sounds good." I said.

We got up and walked over to the pool. Sara was on her back at this time and rolled over on her side to watch us.

I could not believe how fucking sexy she looked. Her golden skin was glistening and her big tits were laying to one side. She was resting her head on her hand.

"Are you boys going to cool off?" She asked.

Brad said, "Would love to but I didn't bring a suit."

Dave said, "Me neither."

Sara then jumped in and said, "Boys if you could not tell swimsuits are optional at this pool. Go ahead. I don't mind if you don't."

"Uhhh." Brad mumbled.

"Go ahead Honey lead the way for the boys. I'm sure you have all seen each other naked at the gym." Sara said.

I knew she was baiting me but the wrong head was thinking and I pulled my shirt over my head and kicked off my shoes. I slipped my shorts off and dove in.

I came up and turned as Brad and Dave were quickly following suit.

Sara watched them strip down and dive into the pool.

When they came up Sara said, "Damn what a show. What more could a girl want other than three naked men in her pool?"

Sara got up and walked to the edge of the pool as we all intensely watched her. She dove in and came up next to me.

"Hi Honey." She said.

She grabbed my cock and began squeezing it then stroking it under the water. She turned around to face the guys but kept her hand behind her wrapped around and stroking my cock.

"Wow, the water feels great on your hot skin doesn't it?" She asked Brad and Dave.

"Yes it does." Dave answered.

I leaned into her, looked over her shoulder at her floating tits and whispered, "What are you doing?"

She replied not whispering, "Honey if after eighteen years you have not figured out that this is a handjob then I'm concerned for you."

I knew I turned beet red as I could feel my face flush with blood.

Brad and Dave grinned.

"What I meant was you probably shouldn't be doing it here and now." I replied.

"Honey don't be so bashful. Brad and Dave I'm sure don't mind, in fact they are probably pretty envious of you right now. I'll bet they could probably use a handjob themselves about now." She said.

I looked at them and they had a hopeful looks on their faces that maybe my wife was going to stroke their cocks.

"Get a little closer boys." She said.

They walked over next to Sara and looked down in the water at her hand stroking my cock.

I looked at them and both of them had hard-ons. Sara also looked down and saw the hard cocks.

"Look Honey, we've got them all excited now." She said as she stroked me faster.

The water was rippling around us from her arm and hand flailing up and down on my cock.

I was not able to hold it back any longer, "OHHH FUCK." I groaned as I shot my cum into the water.

I looked down and like little clouds my cum was floating in the water.

Sara let go of my cock and turned to Brad and Dave. I watched as her hands reached out and wrapped around their cocks. She began stroking them at the same time.

I watched in disbelief as my wife was jacking off two of my friends.

"Sara what are you doing?" I asked.

"Honey, it is my fault they are in this condition so the least I can do is help them out." She replied.

Brad then reached out and placed his hand on one of her floating breasts. When she did not respond, Dave reached out and cupped the other one.

I watched and did not know how to respond but my cock was responding by getting hard again.

As I watched her stroking them, I got harder and harder. Then my cock was ruling my mind.

I stepped up behind Sara and reached between her legs and slipped a finger inside her pussy.

"Mmmmmm." She moaned

Her pussy was slippery from her excitement so I squatted down until my cock was at her pussy and guided it into her. She leaned over so I could have easier access and never missed a stroke on their cocks.

I leaned into her until my cock was buried deep inside her, "Oh yesssss." She purred.

The guys had not let go of her tits as I fucked her.

I could still see her stroking their dicks.

Brad was the first moan, "OHH FUCK!" as his knees buckled slightly beneath him.

His cum shot into the water and floated to the top.

In a few more strokes Dave groaned, "Oh gawd."

I watched as he too shot his load into the water.

Neither of them had let go of Sara's tits so I grabbed her hips and pumped in and out of her as fast as the water would let me.

Dave and Brad stood there fondling my wife's tits while I fucked her.

"OOOOO GAWD!" I groaned as I shot my next load inside Sara's pussy.

I pulled my cock from her and she said, "Well you boys should be a little better off now."

Brad and Dave let go of her tits and she walked to the steps of the pool and walked out while we stood there and watched her. She went to the lounger and grabbed the towel, wrapped it around her waist and went inside.