Sharing the MILF List Ch. 13


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"Laura," I began but then stopped. I needed to be fair. "Annie, go home." I pulled Laura around to sit on the arm of the chair, my arm around her.

Annie sat up, looked at me, got to her feet and found her panties. She looked at them and, with them securely in her hands, after putting on her shoes, she slipped out the patio door and disappeared.

"Damn she is obedient when it's you. I tell her shit and she mouths off and I have to spank her." Chris spoke, his eyes still closed.

"Go clean up. You'll be trying on some clothes." Uh huh. Chris liked her mouthy, liked taking his hand to Annie's tight little ass, I decided. I wondered what was in store for dear Laura when her son got access to her. I wondered what I had started between them. Sex, certainly but what else?

"Shower?" Chris asked.

"That would be good." I said. Suddenly, I knew what had been missing to make this day truly great for Laura Wills. I waited till Chris had staggered up the stairs. Laura made to get up but I held her in place. "Mrs. Wills, is it true that you fuck your brothers?"

I felt her tense and heard her sharp intake of breath. I smiled at her distress, feeling the missing piece click into place. Mrs. Wills needed to feel punished before we fucked her.

"How did he find out?" She asked. "Oh my god, oh no!"

"He has pictures, Laura." I responded. I felt the woman go limp. I maneuvered her into my lap, cradled, her head on my shoulder my arm under her knees. "Tell me. Tell me everything."

"I can't." She said softly.

"But you fuck them?" I asked.

For a while she did not move or respond. Finally, into my waiting silence, she nodded. She turned her face to my chest and would not look at me. I wondered if she was going to cry but she did not. She was mortified but she did not cry.

"I am sorry." She breathed finally.

"Tell me. Everything."

Laura Wills lifted her head and looked at me. "That would take more time than we have, I think." She said, her eyes clear and her voice was strangely calm. "My son knows I fuck my brothers?"

It was not a question. Not really or at least not literally. In fact, it was but with the wrong words. The true question was this: What am I going to do now? I had to help her answer that and quickly. I felt so fucking smart.

"They are coming for Thanksgiving?" I asked. Laura nodded. Her eyes were tight but clear. "Were you going to fuck them?"

She nodded without hesitation. "I always, we always manage to connect at least once or twice when we get together."

"Your ass?" I asked, trying to get a picture of the situation.

She shook her head. "They," she stopped, a smirk on her face. "They have asked since we began in college. If only they knew what you know." She looked at me directly then. She was thinking, calculating. Perhaps she was wondering about a brother in her cunt and one in her ass, considering how that would feel.

"What do I know?" I asked, hoping I knew the answer.

Laura turned her face to look directly at me. Her blue eyes glittered, sharp and alert. "They should just take what they want. I waited for them to, to fuck my ass. I dreamed of having my brothers both in me at once. I have sucked Blake while Jordan is fucking me but never, not the ass." She shuddered. "Yes, I will fuck them when they come for Thanksgiving."

"What about their wives." I asked, working towards my ultimate goal.

Laura had moved her eyes to some distant place, far away from us. Now she returned to gaze into my eyes. "Their wives? Oh, I send Chris with them to shop all day on Black Friday. Blake, Jordan and I stay home to 'watch football' and we, we do it. I suck them both and then they fuck me." Her eyes searched my face. She smiled thinly. "They like to watch me fuck. They like to see their sister fucking." Her eyes were full of suggestion.

I said I was good at poke her and not poker, but this once, the two seemed to have a lot in common. "What about us?" I asked, keeping my face bland and my objective hidden, at least I hoped I was not transparent. This was the most extravagant tease for Mrs. Wills yet.

Laura pulled her head back, shifting in my lap. "Us? What do you mean?"

"You cannot come until it is time. Were you going to just forget about that agreement? Or are you going to tell me that you have fucked your brothers all this time and you don't come with them?"

The light appeared in the distance. Laura could not tell if it was the light at the end of a tunnel or the light of an approaching train. "No." Laura breathed.

"No, what?" My voice was rough, harsh. Above us, the sound of the shower ended.

Laura shuddered. "No, I do come when they fuck me. We lived together in college . . . ."

I held up my hand. "Not now. Like you said, not enough time. So you were planning to come at Thanksgiving? Without telling me?"

Now the end of the tunnel was gone and Laura understood what she was facing. She nodded. "I guess so." She breathed. "Oh no. Oh, no! No please!"

I was not sure what she was thinking but I knew what I was thinking. Miss Laura required punishment and now she knew something was coming and it was her fear that shimmered in her eyes; fear of her own making. "Mrs. Wills, if this is not something you want . . .?"

She shook her head and then buried her face in my shoulder. "No, please! You have no idea what this has done to me. I have never, ah, never felt like this. I have never had orgasms like these . . . . " She faded.

"You are having orgasms?" I felt disappointed. My control of her was not quite so extravagant.

She lifted her head slowly, nodded equally slowly. "With myself, at night, when I cannot stand it any longer. Even those, are wonderful."

"But I denied them to you, didn't I? Does that mean you do not want to play any longer?"

Laura shook her head violently. "Oh no, Sonny, no! I love what you let me have. I love it. If you entered me right now, I would come so hard, so very hard. Harder than I have ever come. I know it. I am horny all the time. I want sex, want it. Before, it was, ah, sort of a chore. Well, I could come a dozen times with myself. I was my best lover, till now. Only with Blake and Jordan did it seem good. Jeb, Jeb is not very sexual."

"With you, you mean?" I pressed. For some reason I felt betrayed. I had this idea that I was keeping Laura from climaxing, building up the pressure and banking the pleasure for some great moment in the future only to find out that she was relieving herself all the time on her own. I did feel a little stupid for actually thinking that a woman would endure all the sex occurring around her and not get some relief somehow. That was a dumb idea, now that I thought about it. Still. A man can dream, right? How much control of a MILF could I expect?

"I mean, yes, he is not sexual."

"Where is he?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

Laura looked frightened. "Out of the country. His work." She spoke in a small voice.

"And you believe he does not have a mistress anywhere else?"

She shook her head. "He is not gay but he is not sexual."

"With you." I said, that being the extent of my capacity for cruelty but that seemed plenty cruel at that moment, because in her eyes, I saw she never considered the possibility that her husband got pussy somewhere else. She had done without, except for her brothers, and she presumed he would. Foolish woman, but maybe she was right. But then I saw something else in her eyes, a sort of shift.

Upstairs, Chris banged his room door closed.

It occurred to me then that the willing Mrs. Wills had been feeling guilty about being turned over to us by the thrill of her orgasms. I wanted to check this thought, to validate it but I could not find a good entree into it. But I felt it, something in her changed. She seemed to relax in my arms, shrinking but relaxing, releasing herself while I held her. I decided to press this intuition to its logical conclusion to either validate it or dismiss it altogether. I seemed to be gaining ownership over the MILFs one at a time, explicitly or implicitly. Temporary to be sure but there seemed to be an emerging theme I did not quit understand but suddenly I felt the pressure to put this whole idea of ownership of a woman's pleasure to the test. Laura Wills would help me. I would demand ownership and make that ownership onerous or absolutely certain. I saw a way to make Laura subject to my sexual whims even beyond what I had attained with my mother or Alissa. A thrill ran through me but I was not yet there. I should celebrate later, after I had bent her to my will. She seemed to want bending. To bend, there must be pressure.

"Laura, we haven't much time. You need to understand something. You owe me something."

Her eyes widened. "What? What can I give you that I haven't already surrendered, Sonny? What else do I have that you could want?" She seemed nearly the old Mrs. Wills; Laura the mother, the older woman with some authority by virtue of age and experience, the adult in a room with me, the child. The question was real and she was puzzled.

"Laura, I need to own you till I give you to Chris. I need you to prove to me that you will continue to serve as you have served. I want you to earn the right to stay part of the MILF list. You have to do what I want today. You have to earn the right to fuck your brothers."

Laura looked at me, her eyes searching, sober. "Sonny, I am not sure . . . "

"I want to buy you some stuff today, nice stuff. We all chipped in and we want to show you our appreciation. But now, now I think you need to earn your way back into the MILF list. Don't you?"

Laura Wills stared into my eyes and suddenly she seemed to understand what this would mean for her. Slowly she nodded her head. "You mean, you mean that I have to do without, without my son till my brothers . . . till I come with them?" Her eyes glittered.

I almost said 'no' but caught myself. I love how people are brilliant if you let them be. I nodded, allowing her fear to become erotically real. "That is right." I said. Chris tramped down the stairs and the moment passed.

"What are you two talking about? Me?" Chris said, rounding the couch to stare down at us.

I nodded. "Of course, Chris. You are the most fascinating person either of us know."

Chris grunted. "If I wanted sarcasm this early in the morning . . . " He tapered off. " . . . I'd unscrew your head and dip it out." He finished, a triumphant look on his face.

I helped Laura stand up and stood behind her. "I think we better go." I said, giving him no love. They both nodded. The day had begun but it was going to get considerably better.

The first place on my list of MILFs was May's Flower. Nine o'clock. A chic boutique. I presumed I would have the ability to twist Laura as I liked. The idea thrilled me. She seemed subdued but attentive, glancing me as we walked to the car. She got into the front seat without instructions. She wore a girl's outfit, a top of pink and lace and a full, pink skirt that swished about her legs and knees but hugged her slim hips, shaped around them but flaring at the top of her thighs, accenting the pubic mound and the plane of her abdomen. She wore a soft, white faux-fur coat about her shoulders. Her breasts filled the little top and under them, a strip of her belly showed clearly when she moved just right. Laura was in great shape. Her maturity in the young clothes made her seem a little desperate. It was a girl's outfit stuffed full of woman, full of MILF, very full of very desperate MILF. I liked that desperation. We could work with that.

We rode in a post coital silence most of the way. I was pulling into the parking lot when it dawned on me that I should have insisted Mom be last so we could be the other couple copulating while Chris did Laura to completion for them both the first time. I couldn't think of everything. Maybe Mom had figured it out and arranged it herself. I turned off the car and we sat there, Chris fidgeted in the back seat. Laura sat staring out the window in front of her.

"Mrs. Wills." I said.

"Yes, Sonny?"

"Lift up your skirt."

She lifted it, lifting it above her knees but up, not along her legs.

"Mrs. Wills . . . " I began but thought better. I reached over and pulled the skirt up her legs. She looked away from me. She wore garters, two white bands showing on the front of each leg. Other than the white belt, she was utterly and deliciously bare. Her blond pubic hair looked like she had combed it. It looked like corn silk. I touched her between the legs, with just a finger. She jerked, her hips involuntarily jumping at the feel of my finger on the pouting lips of her pussy. She wore no panties. She wanted to be touched, invited it in the only way she could.

I nodded. "Get out of the car." I had found a spot around the corner from the entrance of the mall, a line of diagonal parking lines next to the descending loading ramp. It was early and few cars were around. "Stand by your door till I come get you."

For a moment she did not move but then she got out of the car, bumping the door closed with her hips. She stood staring at me, bending to look into the car. I waited for a few seconds. Chris did not speak. "Your mother, she is planning on fucking your uncles just like you said." I said.

"Shit." Chris said. "What are we going to do? "

"Is there a pet store in this mall?" I asked.

"Oh Sonny, really? A leash? Really?"

"She cannot come today, Chris. We have to tease her till she is ready to scream. I want her to watch us, serve as she loves to and I want you to get whatever pussy you can today."

"In the fucking mall?" Chris said asked.

I nodded, then grinned. The fucking mall? What a concept! "It is easier than you think when you have a woman helping. A woman like your mother. We need to get her into some hooker clothes. Show off her pussy and tits. Different make up. Are you okay with that?"

"Thanks for asking." Chris said.

I twisted in the seat and looked over my shoulder. Outside, Laura was stamping her feet. It was cold. "I am really asking."

Chris nodded. "And I am really saying thanks. No sarcasm. What are you thinking?"

"When you fuck Alissa, take her with you. Fuck the other MILFs, make her go, make her watch. Go down on them if you like, if they want. If you have anyone you want to fuck, make sure she knows."

"Mrs. Honeywell. Gosh, Sonny, she loves it when you fuck her. Sammy took her ass and I thought she was going to suck my cock off and that was when it was in her cunt. I envy you, owning her like she says you do."

I glanced at Laura. She was beginning to shiver, pulling at the little fur coat trying to cover her tummy with it. It was too short. "We can discuss Alissa and her magic pussy when Laura is listening. Are you okay with this? I am going to humiliate your mother." I twisted to look at him again.

Chris gazed at me for a while. "What about your mother?" He said softly. "I want to fuck her."

I smiled. "Chris, my boy, give me time and I think I can get you into Tawny's pants."

The guy about choked. His eyes got huge and then he blushed like a virgin. "Jesus Chris, Sonny! Are you saying your sisters . . .?"

I nodded, wondering what I was doing. But I knew. The image of my sisters air tight had gotten rather attractive. But I needed something to trade them for. "Your aunts . . . "

"Clarisse? And Aunt Elizabeth?"

"Your mom's brother's wives?" Chris nodded. "Think we could fuck them while Laura's brother do her?"

Chris goggled again but then nodded. Then he sort of smiled, a kind of grim smile. "You don't have to ask, Sonny. If you can get my Aunt's panties off, fuck them, don't fuck them. Mom's freezing."

I just about got out. I had never met his Aunts. "Are they worth fucking, Chris or is that a stupid idea?"

"Uncle Jordan and Uncle Blake are both rich and on their second wives, what do you think?"

I smiled and got out of the car. Second wives, I was thinking. Fuck daughters, mistresses, honey do's, sugar tramps; second wives were all about pussy. My mind had turned into a porn movie. Chris got out on the other side and was hugging his shivering mother to warm her up when I came around. Her legs looked good in the stockings but they were white and cute. They looked warm, not sexy. I lifted her skirt and ran the edge of my hand down her ass crack and between her legs while she clung to her son.

Mrs. Wills squeaked. Suddenly her shivering stopped. She parted her thighs, squatting a little in her son's embrace. Chris sensed something and released her. I pulled her by the arm, turning her and backing him against the car. "Take out my cock, Mrs. Wills." I said softly.

Laura's fingers trembled as they worked at my zipper and fished through my fly for my hard cock. With some difficulty, she maneuvered it out into the cold. The shock made my eyes water. Plus her hand was cold. I pressed against her, her hand gripped my cock. I lifted her skirt and she moaned. She automatically bent my cock to the entrance to her quivering body. I could not tell if it was excitement or cold. I was still fine, warm even. I felt the head of my cock brushing her silken pubic hair and then the damp kiss of her cunt. I bent as Mrs. Wills rocked her hips forward, taking the head of my cock into her pussy. I pushed until her body clinched around me. I pulled back, put a hand around one of her thighs and pulled her leg high. She locked it around my leg, hooking her heel at the back of my knee. I ran my cock back into her, a slow, hard pressure. Her pussy flowered around me and I sank deep into her.

"Oh Sonny!" Laura Wills cried and her head bent onto my shoulder, her arms lank over my shoulders. "Oh please, no." She breathed.

I pulled back and jammed my cock into her, hard. Her body quaked and bucked once.

"Oh god, oh Sonny, oh god!" She hissed. "No. I'll, I'll come, Sonny, please not like this. I cannot stop myself." Her hips ground against me, stirring my cock in her sodden cunt. She was hot. Her head came up and her eyes were wild. "Oh please, don't make me come." She whispered. "I know, I know I made a mistake. I cannot come and lose this. I want it. I want to do whatever you demand of me. I want it. I do!"

Her voice tightened like she was straining to lift something or to fit into a pair of tight jeans. I continued to thrust into her. Mrs. Wills shuddered and when I moved my hands down to grasp the leonine cheeks of her ass, she lifted both legs, cocking her body forward, tipping us back against the car. Her body flexed and opened and my cock seemed to click into her, locked into her taut body.

"Oh Sonny, no, please don't make me come. Please, please make me come, Sonny!" Her voice mewled at me. Laura Wills flexed back against the car, jamming her cunt hard down onto my cock. I lifted her higher, withdrew and then shoved my cock hard into her. She jerked, she gasped, her eyes widened. "Oh no, Sonny, please fuck me." She was so confused. Her body bucked once. Her head smashed forward striking my chest with her forehead. I gripped her hips, clutching us together. Laura wheezed.

"Fuck, Sonny. Out here?" Chris spoke from behind us.

Laura tensed, she tilted back against the car, straining in my grip. Her legs locked around my thighs. I hitched her a little higher and she moved her heels as high as they would go, knotting herself around me. I released the pressure on her cunt and then jammed it forward, grinding into her. Laura seized, then, her head banged forward, once, twice, three time and then she tensed. Her body straightened, her legs convulsed twice. Her torso lay back onto the car. Her eyes were tightly closed. Her hips began to quake and then they rapped at me, thumping against me at speed, rapidly stroking my cock with her silken cunt. Her hand grappled with my shoulders and her face contorted.