Sharing the MILF List Ch. 10


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Mom put a hand around my cock as she struggled up onto the counter. I moved between her legs. "Yeah, sure." I grunted. Mom's thighs gripped me and her heels pulled at me, shifting her ass to the edge of the counter. Her hands bent my cock and stroked it beneath swatch of cloth covering her pussy. She inserted the head into her pussy. I shoved a few fine inches into her fine pussy. Outside a horn sounded.

"Shit!" I grunted, pulling against my mother's rabid ministrations. "That's the limo." Mom released me, her eyes slightly wild. "Sid. Alissa's sister is in town. I am sending her with Mom. I thought she might be a good addition."

"The more the merrier. I was going to be without a staff at this shindig and well, having all these beautiful women around me will help the deal I think." He guffawed. "Honeywell's sister? Does she fuck you too?"

I ignored the question. "When do you want me there?" Realizing I already knew the answer.

"Two will be fine. Wait in the lobby or close by. Don't come up till I call you. Once you come up it should not take long. I'll take your mother home, if you like."

I had moved away from mom and she and Melissa were at the door. They waved, the door closed and a moment later I watched the long Lincoln limo pull away from our curb. "Sid, Mom's busy this afternoon." I said softly. "But after today, if you want her, she's yours, I think, if you want her." I felt the tension of the statement seethe in me.


I waited.

Finally Sid spoke, "You think she'll be okay with that? You offering her cunt up like that? Cause buddy, if you give her to me, I am going to fuck her every chance I get. Jesus, what a woman!"

"This isn't business, Sid. It's pleasure." Then I had a different thought. "Maybe you are right. Let me work on that. Let's keep that in mind though. I think she liked being your cock sock but she has some stuff to work out." Mom would fuck Sid night and day, I sensed, but I wanted her to help complete the MILF list. I was just stalling. What a selfish prick. Ah well, I'd share later.

"That's fine. I will be out of the country till the middle of January just before the Chinese New Year. So unless she wants to spend a few months in Asia taking my cock, it is just as well. But Sonny, I want you to understand that I want her. If you arrange it, I will make it up to you."

Sid Kingston was gone before I could respond. Just as well since I was speechless. He'd make it up to me? Like he owed me something? I was fucking his wife, right? Giving her what she wanted . . . ah there was the difference. She was sexually satisfied and that could be a real valuable thing to a man that needed to travel as much as he did. I smiled to myself. I could rationalize anything. The reality likely was that he was not having me tortured and killed and canned as dog food.

I had time to waste and tried to study but the whole milieu swirled in my head so I drove downtown around noon. I drove to one of the higher parking decks and parked, finding a level that had fewer cars. I sat for a moment, trying to let my mind settle down. I was trying to get my head around everything that was happening; you know, having one of the moments when everything seemed perfectly clear, understandable? It does not happen but it is cool when it does.

My reverie busted like a dropped egg. Landon Clark walked right past the row where I was parked. I was facing the elevator down into the galleria. I rubbed my eyes and looked again. I found it difficult to believe it. Out of all the places and people to see here. Then I thought he had some idea of what was going down today and wanted a piece of it. I almost smiled.

Landon stopped at the elevator but did not touch the call button. He looked around and then stuck his hands in his pocket. I was about to get out of the car and holler at him but abruptly he pulled out his phone. He punched a button. My phone rang and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Sonny Duncan! What's happening? Whacha doing? What's the good word?"

"Landon." I said slowly. He sounded jocular and that was not like Landon Clark. I watched him talking to me. What a weird fucking feeling. I don't know why I didn't get out of the car or tell him I was watching him. "Where are you?" I asked, curious about his answer.

"Just hanging. Man, Sonny, the weekend was un-fucking-believable."

"Uh huh." For some reason, I was dumbstruck.

"I have never had so much great pussy. You are definitely the man, Sonny my man!"

Landon never talked that way. "Landon, what's up. You never talk like this. You nervous or something?"

Silence. In front of me, he stopped shifting, glancing around. He was waiting for someone.

Fuck me but I had a vision of his mother cruising into the picture and Landon kissing her on the lips. "Landon?"

"Yeah, Sonny?"

Coy, right. "Landon, is everything all right?"

"What are you a woman?"

"What are you, a dick? Something is on your mind."

"Jesus, Sonny. All this pussy is making you more perceptive than you ever were before. It's Mom."

Kyla? I flashed on my cock being welcomed into her full ass, her gasping, gurgling pleasure mounted on her son's cock while I pressed her down onto it with my cock in her ass. "Kyla? Have you fucked her since the opera?"

Silence but not so long. "That, well, that is what I wanted to talk about. See, well, shit Sonny, I have a bit of a problem."

A problem? "Oh?" My heart stopped beating. Was Kyla losing her nerve, losing the feeling of cock and wanted to blow, or unblow our MILF List? No one would go along with it if Landon backed out, particularly before we all got into Kyla. I waited.

"Well, Mom, she ah, well damn a pirate's balls, Sonny."

I waited for him to get to it.

But then a woman appeared in my vision. Not a woman, a girl and something struck me about her.

"Sonny, listen, I have to go. Could you, can we talk about this later?"

Darlene Emerson! She stood in front of Landon, smiling. Her full pink lips glistened. She wore a long light coat that flapped behind her knees but framed her full breasts, the cleavage was full and deep and luscious. Fuck but I wanted to dive in.

"Tomorrow." I said.


"No. I have to take Melissa to the airport."

By the elevator, Landon nodded. "Oh, right. We can talk later in the week." He put away his phone and took the girl in his arms and kissed her like a lover. They melded together into a kiss that made me jealous. Landon cupped one of her ass cheeks in one hand and caressed her breasts with the other, pushing her against the wall beside the elevator. Darlene's coat was yellow, with a white sweater underneath. Landon's hand was under it and the tight lean flesh of her stomach appeared. He pushed her bra over her breast and pulled away from her lips to kiss her breast. Darlene shuddered, turning her head to the side. Her arms snapped over her head and she pressed them against the wall above her. It looked weird with her purse still slung on her shoulder. Her hips pulsed, thrusting at Landon as he licked and kissed her one bare breast. Then I saw the elevator move and the light blinked up from below. By the time the doors opened and three women sauntered out, Landon and Darlene were standing side by side holding hands like any other couple in love. They disappeared into the elevator. For a moment I thought I caught Landon's eyes seeing me through the glint of my windshield before the doors closed and they were gone. I was spooked by the whole thing.

The women from the elevator walked to a car close by, stowed their shopping bags and drove away. I sat, stunned. Landon Clark and Darlene Emerson? Holy shit! That was no $1,000 a whack hooker, either. That was an eighteen year old girl! Suddenly I thought I had a glimmer of what he wanted to discuss and I understood why Landon Clark would stutter. I sat there shivering with adrenaline as I considered the eruption of our little MILF list into public knowledge.

The tinking on my window made me jump like a virgin sitting on a dildo in church. I turned my head and my heart stopped, again. What the fuck was happening. Kyla Clark gestured for me to lower my window. I turned the key and did so, feeling really discombobulated.

"Mrs. Clark." I managed to croak.

"Hi Sonny. What are you doing here?" Her tone was cool.

I rolled up the window, pushed open the door and got out. Talking up to someone like that made me feel like I was five again with my face in everyone's crotch or ass all over again. No wonder kids are cranky all the time, they walk around in a fog of adult farts!

"I could ask you the same thing." I countered after I got my car door shut and locked. Rather than the fierce look I expected, Kyla closed her eyes.

"I suppose you saw it? Landon with that girl?"

"Yeah." I said slowly.

"Do you know her?" Kyla asked. "Oh, forget that. Okay, I followed him down here." She stopped, took a huge breath and looked up at me. "Buy a girl a cup of coffee?" She said finally.

Thankful for the respite, I nodded and we boarded the elevator. All I could think of was what would happen if we turned a corner and came face to face with Landon and Darlene. I was so absorbed in my thoughts I did not notice our mutual silence till we arrived at a coffee spot. I guided us to a back corner table that looked out on the lower levels of the four floor galleria. I got us each a latté. When I was settled, I looked at Kyla and saw only sadness in her eyes.

She shook her head. "Sonny, you cannot imagine what it has been like at my house since the MILF night at the opera."

I could not help myself. I chortled. I was unsure if she was trying to be funny and I should be encouraged or if she was in despair and my laughter would push her over the edge. She was somewhere in the middle.

She smiled a bleak smile. "Landon has not touched me since, since, since then." Kyla stared down at her latté. "I tried but I was so, so . . . oh, Sonny it was awful. I thought, I thought . . . ."

I suddenly had a flash of what she might have thought.

"I was horrified by what we had done." She looked up at me with more of a smile, the barest hint of relief evident in her expression. "Not because of, of what we did. No, I expected him to mount me the next day when he got back but he came home that Saturday night and nothing. I expected him to come into my shower and scrub my back and make me suck his cock. I expected to have him between my legs night after night for the next month. But there was nothing. He barely said two words to me the whole week. Last night, however, he came home smelling of sex, frazzled and clearly completely fucked out. He came into my bedroom and kissed me on the lips. He apologized and said if I could give him time, he would explain everything." Kyla shook her head. "You cannot imagine how fucked up I have been! I felt like I was wearing someone else's skin. I was short with everyone, irritable and filled with . . . you cannot imagine."

She was right. But I had some idea of the intensity of it.

"Now, Sonny, now I understand. He was out late that Saturday that Saturday after, after the opera. He had a date he said and told me to wait up. I did. He came home and went right to his room like he forgot what he said. I did not forget! I had no idea what to do. I am not the one to slip into his room and suck his cock and mount him. Well, not yet anyway. I thought something had happened. Something did, apparently. The next morning he was gone before I got up. I had a little wine to sooth my nerves that night before and it was late the next morning before I roused. I did not see him again till Tuesday and by then I was crazy inside. I had no idea what was happening between me and my son. I was a wreck. My nerves turned into longing and I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted my son to come to my room and take me like I was his mistress. I dreamed of . . . well, I had dreams about sex. I'd wake up wet with it. Gawd, I wanted my own son to use me to make the longing go away! I was crazed with lust and anxiety mixed in equal measure. I almost called you but I heard him talking to one of the other guys and understood that someone was going to be, a, airtight this weekend, last weekend."

Kyla Clark's cheeks turned pink. Her eyes found me and suddenly she looked so fucking sexy. Her brown hair tumbled about her face, framing it and giving her a girlish, shy look. Her eyes were a woman's eyes, though, steady and unblinking.

"I figured you would call me if you wanted a piece of me. I had to just wait. I made up a thousand stories about why Landon had left me hanging. Thursday I was furious with you all day, certain that you had told him to leave me alone so he would be ready to fuck whoever you boys were servicing this weekend. Last night I got that something else was going on and I had could not begin to guess what it was. Now I know."

I nodded. "Landon has a girlfriend."

Kyla Clark nodded. "My son has a girlfriend." She echoed, a little bleakness mixed with pride in her tone.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. I did not know what to say. I gazed out the window and who would believe it? I saw Landon and Darlene walking on one of the lower levels. They stopped to lean over the rail. Landon's hand held her ass and then she turned and they kissed. I glanced at Kyla. She was watching them as well.

"He is in love. I don't know what to feel. I have never seen Landon in love before. Sonny, you were always the nearest thing to a best friend Landon ever had. He is like his father; self-assured and cocky to a fault. He never felt the need to follow anyone and everyone loved following him but I think deep down he admired you. I know he does now. The MILF list, that is all your doing, Sonny and my son knows it. He has had a terrible time this last week and now I know why."

When I looked at her, Kyla was staring at Landon and Darlene, and did till they disappeared into the thin crowd and out of our sight.

I had the distinct feeling that she was not done talking. I was right.

"Sonny, whatever else has happened, this week of anxiety has forced me to think about something I would not have faced otherwise." She looked up at me.

Something in her eyes scared me and I flashed back to the romantic dinner before the opera. I opened my mouth to stutter only to discover the fucking world actually does not revolve around me and my cock. What a shock!

"Sonny, do you know what I have been dreaming of since the MILF night at the opera?" She spoke with a mischievous glint in her eyes. She did not wait for a response. "Your mother's mouth on me. Her taste on my tongue, the feel of your semen swirling inside of her and her orgasm as I ate her. I am haunted by it. I wake in the night quaking with desire to be eaten by her again." She smiled wanly. "I realized eventually that I wanted my son to fuck me to cover up what I was dreaming about; your mother's mouth on my pussy."

"Oh." I said into the little pause. After a while I noticed Kyla's eyes on me and the implicit question in them. "Oh, oh!" I got it, finally. "You, you . . . I see."

Kyla did laugh then. "Sonny, you are priceless." She reached over and patted my arm. "Don't worry, I am not . . . I am not giving up cock. But since I am confessing, you know what I thought when I saw Landon's lips on that girl's bare breast right out there in public?"

"You wished it was you?" I ventured. Even if I was wrong, it was a sexy guess.

Kyla laughed. She shook her head. Then she really laughed. "I guess I am not sure how you meant that, you naughty boy! A different thought. But no, I thought of Landon fucking her and the taste of her after he was done. I wondered to myself, very consciously if I could maybe make her come after he fucked her. If she would like it, if I would like it. Then I wondered if she liked it in the ass, like I do? I thought about sharing Landon with her, the both of us fucking him." Kyla Clark closed her eyes.

Without opening them, she said, "Sonny, can I tell you something? I have fucked around on Tony for most of our marriage, in my mind in response to his fucking around on me. But that is not fair, I have boinked first as often as he has. We were both props to each other's set piece. Landon has suffered because of that, particularly when one of us gets it into our head that our marriage is more than a business arrangement. No, what I want to confess is that I have often looked at this woman or that woman and imagined sharing Tony with her. I have never had the will to do it. I never wanted to give him the break of implying I was in any way okay with his philandering. I hated it but at the same time, several of those bimbos he took up with made me want to touch them. When I looked at them after knowing that she had sucked Tony's cock, I have often thought about them, like that, nude and sated. I liked the idea of undressing them but until your mother, I never imagined anything beyond that moment when their tits come into view as I removed their bra. Now, now all I can think about it having her tongue swirling around in my freshly fucked pussy! Oh, Christ, Sonny! I am so horny right now. Are you busy? Can I ask you to . . . "

My phone rang. It trilled again and I gritted my teeth. "Kyla, I am sorry, I have to take this."

She nodded, resignation and contemplation on her face.

Annie's voice greeted me. "Sonny? Time to fuck Honeywell bitch. Blondie girl wait for you at the front and take you to her office."

"Okay," I responded but she was gone. I adjusted my gaze to meet Kyla's.

She smiled wanly again. "It's okay, Sonny. If you have to go."

I nodded. "I do have to go. I . . . Kyla." I stood. "Things are rarely what you think they are."

She nodded. "You have no idea. Neither does Landon. I followed him down here. I thought he was seeing another woman. Sonny, I thought it was your mother. I thought Cici was doing my son behind my back."

I stood, bent over her and kissed her. Her expression did not change. "No, Kyla. Mom is fucking Brent. I can assure you that Landon is not hung up on my mother."

I left her then. The clock was ticking in my head. Alissa was waiting. On the elevator to the street I called Mrs. Rossini.

"Hello, Sonny." She said, she sounded groggy.

"Hiya, Sasha. How's the ass?"

"I am still sitting light, and sleeping less. What did you do to Brent yesterday. He fucked me before going to school today like an uber mensch."

I grinned. "I am wondering if you would mind if I came by with Melissa and Mom later today?"

"Of course. What do you have in mind?"

"Melissa wants to see me fuck my own mother."

Sasha gasped and then laughed. The guy in the elevator with me looked sideways at me and we walked out together onto the street. I stared at him till he went on. Sasha finally spoke. "You want to do it here?"

"If you don't mind? I thought you might like to see that as well."

"Taking reservations, are you?" She asked. "Don't answer that. Whatever the reason, I do not want to know."

I was just outside the lobby of Alissa's building. "Look, I need a favor. You know Kyla Clark, right?"

"Of course."

"Call her. Invite her over and if Brent comes home, tell her to fuck him for you."

"He is not going to be home till late. And besides why should I be giving away my house cock?"

"Oh, well, then keep her there till I get there. I'll explain it to her." Her question registered. "A favor to me?"

Silence. Finally, "Sonny, are you really going to fuck your own mother in my house?" Her voice quivered.

Fuck me, she was excited. I had no idea. I was just trying to give Annie a rest. What a bunch of twists I was fucking. "I am. I don't know how long before we get there but Melissa's plane is at nine so it will be pretty soon." I hung up and took the fast elevator to the fortieth floor.