Sharing Amy

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Husband shares hot wife with good friend.
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"I don't know what to say J. I'll tell you one thing though, I owe you one. Anytime I can do something for you, all you gotta do is ask." I said.

I was talking to my best friend Joseph. Everyone calls him J. He's a really cool guy, laid back and easy going most of the time. We both work at a local car dealership selling cars. J's been here about three years longer than me, and is in my opinion, a freak when it comes to making a sale. Most months he doubles or even triples my numbers. We work mostly on commission, which adds up quickly.

"It's cool Brad, think nothing of it. Think of it as my gift to you and Amy." J smiled and patted me on the back.

"But this...this is huge man. I've wanted to buy her a real ring to make up for the cheap one I had to get at the time." I replied.

I felt the urge to hug J in front of everyone on the lot, but thought I'd better not. To make a long story short J had buttered up this old retired guy who looked to be very well off. J had him talked into buying the newest model Corvette on the lot, with all the options. Old guy paid just over $85,000 cash. Not only that, but the sale put me over the 20 sales threshold for the month. All told, I pocketed a little over six grand with bonuses. I was going to blow the whole thing on the best ring I could buy my wife Amy. She deserved it for putting up with my ass.

"Just wish me luck on my date tonight. Tenth time's the charm right?" J smiled.

Although J was a beast at selling cars, he was somewhat horrible when it came to women. He's been single ever since I've known him, and it's not for lack of trying. He goes on at least three dates a month. He's not what I would call ugly by any means either. I asked Amy about him one night after we'd had a few drinks and she said it seemed like a confidence problem to her, because it wasn't his looks. I asked her what she meant, and she just smiled and said, if she were single he would have to watch out. From what I'd seen, J was kind of awkward around women until he got to know them. Unfortunately, that was a little longer than most women would give him.

"Sure thing man, and don't forget to come by tomorrow. It's our turn to host the neighborhood party this month." I said

After work that day I drove straight to the jewelry store and bought the best ring I could afford. As I drove home I looked at the ring and a big smile came across my face. Amy was going to have a heart attack when she saw the size of the diamond on this bad boy. I guess I should tell you a little about my wife. She's literally one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I don't know how I got lucky enough to have her. Even on bad days, waking up next to her puts me in a good mood. I did a friend a favor in college and went on a double date. He said his date had a friend and since I owed him one I agreed to go without even seeing this mystery woman. When we arrived at his date's apartment my jaw hit the floor. Amy was a gorgeous package. She was tall, about 5'10 with long straight dark brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. She was perfectly proportioned, nice C cup perky breasts with an amazing ass attached to legs that went on forever. Needless to say, I thought there was no way in hell she would like me. I'm totally average if you ask me. But for whatever reason we hit it off, started dating, and right after graduation we got married. Neither one of us had much money at the time so I had to get a ring that was less than spectacular. Amy loved it, and told me that she wanted me not a ring. I loved her for saying that, but I made a vow to myself that I would rectify the situation as soon as I could.

When I got home I saw Amy's car in the driveway and I knew she must've just gotten there. She works at a dentist's office as an oral hygienist and everyday as soon as she gets off she comes home and gets in the shower. She said that after digging around in people's mouths all day she feels dirty until she has a shower. I laid my things down on the couch and sure enough, I could hear water running upstairs. I crept up the stairs and waited a few minutes outside the bathroom door until I heard the water cut off.

"Hey babe, I got something for you, come see." I said as calmly as I could.

"Hey baby, can it wait a few minutes, I'm soaking wet." Amy said.

"I think you'll want to see this babe. Trust me." I laughed.

"Oh alright, hold on one sec..." Amy replied.

When she opened the bathroom door, with nothing but a towel wrapped around her, I was on one knee with the ring held out with a huge grin on my face. Amy's eyes lit up and she just stared at me.

"Well? Say something babe, you like it don't you? I mean I could always get another...

Amy grabbed my hand, drug me to my feet, and kissed me for a good two or three minutes. Finally she stepped back and let me put the ring on her finger.

"Oh my god Brad, it's gorgeous. How in the world..."

"I got a bonus today thanks to J, and I've wanted to give you a ring you deserve." I said.

"I'll give you what YOU deserve." Amy smiled, as she let the towel drop to the floor.

I lifted her up in my arms and ran to the bedroom. We fucked like wild people for the next hour or so, then made our way downstairs for some food. After a little while we were sitting on the couch talking about the ring and everything. I told Amy how J pretty much gave me a big sale and she couldn't believe the size of the stone. I told her about J having a date that night and she made a sad face. She knew he had major problems with women and I told her I'd invited him to come over tomorrow.

"Well I guess we'll find out how the date went tomorrow. I hope he has some good luck, he's such a nice guy." Amy said.

"Yeah, we'll see. I'm not holding my breath though." I said. Later that night we had sex again and fell asleep tangled together.

The next day Amy and I woke up and started getting ready for the party later that night. Every month the people in our neighborhood would gather at one of the houses and have a little get together. This month was our turn so I decided I'd grill for everyone. Throughout the day Amy would ask me how she looked, and when I'd turn to see she'd be flashing her new ring at me. We split up the errands to make it easier on us. I went and got all the grill supplies and Amy was in charge of snacks and alcohol.

"How much should I get? How many people are coming again?" Amy asked while I was rolling the grill out onto the patio.

"Hell if I know babe, probably going to be 20 something people, so if you have to guess get more than you think." I replied.

Later, after hitting up the store for a small fortune in meat and charcoal, I got back to the house just as Amy was pulling a huge bag out of her car. I walked over to her and laughed. She'd gotten quite a lot alcohol. There were numerous bottles of liquor and wine, not to mention 6 cases of beer. "Better to have more and not need it, right?" Amy smiled.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully and pretty soon it was time to get ready. I cleaned up a little around the kitchen and living room while Amy got ready. It wasn't much longer before I got the first of many knocks on the front door. People were starting to arrive, so I just pointed them to the back yard and told them to make themselves at home. After some small talk, I saw Amy come down the stairs in a tight little orange sundress. It was strapless, and looked really nice against her tan skin. Her hair was done up fancily on the top of her head and she had on these little sandals with a few inches of lift. They made her ass and legs look even better. "Brad my man; you are one lucky SOB..." I thought to myself.

"Well?" Amy asked as she did a little spin.

"Too hot for words baby, you better be careful. You're going to give a few of our older neighbors a heart attack." I laughed.

"Uh huh, I bet..." Amy laughed.

The party went on normally for several hours and everyone was having a great time. We made a sizable dent in our alcohol supply, and there were a lot of smiles. They guys had kind of grouped up around the grill, and the women had retreated inside to the kitchen. I joked with the guys as I cooked and had to endure several jokes about how good looking my wife was. I really didn't mind because I agreed with them, Amy was the hottest woman at the party by far, and she was all mine. I could see through the back windows that Amy and the women were sitting around the kitchen table with about five bottles of wind arrayed before them. These normally upstanding members of society were getting very drunk, and I thought the night was going almost perfectly. I had a pretty good buzz going eventually, and after everyone ate, the party started to wind down.

I said goodbye to everyone and they all complimented me on my grilling prowess. Amy and I stood at the door as we waved to the last couple. "That wasn't so bad." I said as the door closed.

"Yeah, but part of me is glad it's over...I'm drunk." Amy laughed.

"Oh really? How drunk?" I said as it wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. I let my hands slide down Amy's back and grabbed her ass tightly.

"Babe? Are you trying to take advantage of me in my current state?" Amy laughed.

"I don't know what you're talking about ma'am..." I joked as I led her to the living room.

We sat down on the couch and started making out. As we kissed I let my hand slide up my wife's thigh. Just as I reached under her dress, she took a deep breath and spread her legs to make it easier for me. I was starting to get hard, even though I was probably a little more drunk than one should be, if he planned on having sex. Amy reached over and started to stroke me though my shorts.

"Ohhhhhh...god yeah." Amy moaned, as I rubbed her panty covered pussy. The heat I felt on my hand let me know that my wife was ripe for the picking.

"Pants off now...god I'm so horny Brad." Amy hissed as she slipped her panties down her legs and threw them at me.

I stood up, and just as I had unbuttoned my shorts the doorbell rang.

"Who the hell?" Amy said as she stood up and pulled her dress down.

I did my best to arrange my cock and went to the door. At the last second I remembered that I was holding my wife's panties and stuffed them into my pocket. As I opened the door, it shouldn't have surprised me to see J standing there with a half gone twelve-pack in his hands.

"Hey man, sorry I'm so late. Is the party over?" J asked.

I could tell by how he looked that his date must've gone to hell. He was drunk and looked like shit. As much as I wanted to fuck my wife, I just didn't have the heart to send him away.

"It's cool man. Party's over but you're always welcome at Casa de Brad." I said as I showed him in.

"Amy, J's here." I said

"I'll be right there." Amy replied from the bathroom.

J and I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "What's up man? You don't look so hot." I said as J finished another beer.

"Oh the usual, I suck at life. Or maybe not life, but the part that matters." J replied.

"Date wasn't a success I take it. Might as well give me one of those beers and tell me about it." I said doing my best to play the part of concerned friend.

"Nothing to tell man, it just didn't work out. She was hot too man. Not as hot as Amy but still..." J said just as Amy walked into the kitchen.

"Who's not as hot as me?" Amy asked with a smile.

J blushed a little because he was caught red handed. But he took a sip of his beer and carried right on as if nothing happened.

"My date." He finally said.

"Awwww, poor baby. Date didn't go too well?' Amy said with a hand on J's shoulder.

"Don't get me started. I wasn't after a commitment or anything. I would've been happy with anything, even just a...never mind." J trailed off.

I thought I knew what he was going to say and I was drunk and feeling mischievous. So I decided to embarrass my friend just a little.

"With a what?" I asked as I winked at my wife.

Amy blushed, but for her part she played right along.

"Yeah J, happy with what?" Amy laughed.

"You guys are terrible. A hand job, ok, are you both happy now?" J laughed.

We all had a good laugh and the night went on as we talked about J's date and tried to make him feel a little better. Every time Amy would get up to pour another drink I would catch J staring at her ass. At first I thought nothing of it, but as the night wore on and I got more and more drunk, I started to get turned on by my friend oogling my wife. It wasn't anything new, but for some reason, my drunken mind couldn't stop thinking about it.

The night went on normally for a while and many drinks were consumed. I would be lying if I said we weren't all totally fucked up. Amy was slurring her speech and giggling constantly. J was swaying back and forth on his barstool, and I was still very turned on by J's increasingly overt leering at my wife. As the alcohol worked its magic, J started to open up a bit more.

"I mean c'mon, am I that ugly that no woman could find me attractive?" J asked suddenly.

"Don't ask me man; I can't answer that question without calling my sexuality into question." I said jokingly.

J and I looked over at Amy. She was downing another drink at the moment, but when she sat her glass down she looked at us both and was totally lost.

"What?" Amy asked drunkenly.

"J wanted to know if he was too ugly for a woman to be into him." I said.

"Awwww J, you are not ugly at all. You're a very good looking guy. If I wasn't taken I'd jump your bones in a heartbeat." Amy said.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that coming from a beautiful woman." J slurred.

"You hear that Brad? J said I'm beautiful." Amy smiled.

"Keep that talk up J, and Amy might give you that hand job you missed out on earlier." I said suddenly.

The room was eerily quiet for a few seconds as my comment hung there. I don't know why I said what I did, but as drunk as I was, my mouth had no filter.

"I wish man!!" J laughed out loud.

"Yeah! Whatever Brad!" Amy said smacking me in my arm.

I was glad my comment didn't go over the wrong way. I was having way to much fun, and was turned on too much for the night to be over.

"Let's take this party into the living room; this barstool is killing my ass." I said.

J stood up and staggered his way into the living room and I heard him sit down in the recliner.

I put some glasses and a bottle of tequila on a tray and noticed Amy staring at me.

"What's up babe?" I asked knowing all too well.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

"What?" I said playing dumb.

"You telling J I'd give him a hand job, that's what." She slurred.

"I was just joking babe." I said.

"Uh didn't sound like you were joking..."Amy trailed off.

I knew she wasn't convinced of my explanation so I tried to explain myself.

"Babe, I was just...I don't know...I feel really bad for the guy. Every time you get up J stares another hole in your ass." I smiled.

"Real funny, smartass." Amy grinned.

"It's true. He obviously thinks you're hot, he says so all the time. There's no telling how long it's been since he's been with a woman. He's such a good guy, I just thought out loud earlier. In case you can't tell I'm a little drunk." I laughed.

"I feel bad for him too, but what can I do about it? I'm married, it's not like I can just walk in there and jerk him off." Amy said taking another drink.

I almost said why not, but I just put my hand up to my chin and stared at my wife for a second. I was trying to think of something to say that would magically make her understand what I was thinking, preferably without her killing me.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Really Brad?" Amy hissed trying to keep J from hearing her.

"I don't know babe, maybe not that exactly. But could...just flirt a little or something." I stammered trying to keep her calm.

"You want me to flirt with your friend, and then jack him off? Brad...I don't know what to say." Amy said staring at me.

My wife stood there staring at me with her mouth literally hanging open, but I could see her trying to hide a slight smirk. I think part of her thought I was joking, or trying to play a joke on her.

"It'd just be a hand job babe. J would fucking love it and I have to admit, the thought doesn't turn me off." I said.

To my surprise my wife didn't slap me or make a scene. She appeared to be thinking it over. I wasn't sure the drinks had dulled her senses enough so that she would go through with my suggestion, but I hoped it had.

"Just a hand job...that's all, right?" Amy asked suddenly.

I was over the moon that she was even entertaining the idea.

"Yeah babe, you do a little or as much as you want. You're in control here." I said trying to egg her on.

"I do feel bad for the guy...but...are you really ok with this? I're going to watch me jerk another man off?" Amy asked.

"Sure I am babe; I'm just trying to help a good friend out. It's not like you're cheating, I'll be right there." I said.

"I guess...I mean if you're right there...I guess I could help J out." Amy said finishing off her drink.

"I'm glad you're on board with this babe. I know it'll mean the world to J, and I'm kinda excited myself." I said pouring up a huge shot of tequila and handing it to my wife.

"I bet you are you pervert!" Amy laughed before downing the shot.

I watched my wife wince as the tequila went down. It was a huge shot and I'd picked tequila because I knew how it made Amy a little wilder than any other drink I could've given her. I nodded my head toward the living room and Amy bit her bottom lip and adjusted her breasts in her dress.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Amy said as she walked away.

I could barely walk my dick was so hard, but I followed behind my wife. Once I got into the living room I saw J was sitting in my recliner. He obviously left the couch for Amy and me. I quickly called an audible.

"Hey J, that's my seat buddy. You can sit by Amy on the couch. She doesn't bite." I said.

"Oh, sure thing man." J said drunkenly.

"Let's watch a movie or something; it's too quiet around here." Amy said.

"Good idea babe." I said.

I put on a random movie channel and everyone settled in and for the next few minutes everything was normal. Part of me thought Amy might've changed her mind about the whole thing. Just as I was starting to feel disappointed I saw Amy shift a little in her seat. Eventually I could see Amy and J talking to each other as the movie played. There were little touches and giggles coming from them but I couldn't really hear what they were saying. After about fifteen minutes J put his arm around Amy's shoulder and his hand came to rest right above her breast. I thought Amy might say something but she was a trooper and didn't even bat an eyelash. I just stared at my friend's hand for a while. His finger tips were down low enough to technically be touching my wife's breast. I started to feel myself getting hard. I had to admit, it was really a thrill to see someone else with Amy.

A little while later, Amy turned more toward J, and rested her hand on his stomach as they talked. I almost couldn't believe it when J brought his other hand down on Amy's thigh. I took another big gulp of my drink and stared at J's hand. I really wanted him to move it higher. Amy's dress was pretty high up on her thighs already, and J wouldn't have to move far to be close to home base. Just the thought that he might do it, had me breathing faster. Just when I thought I saw his hand start to move, he said something to Amy and stood up.

"Gotta piss like a race horse. Be right back. Anyone need a refill?" J asked.

I waved him off but Amy handed him her glass. As soon as he was out of the room, Amy turned toward me, and leaned over the arm of the couch. "Well? How am I doing?" Amy asked drunkenly.