Seducing Jennifer Pt. 13-14

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The end of the lake house rondezvous.
4.2k words

Part 13 of the 30 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 04/24/2014
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Part 13

I regained consciousness slowly, as if I were swimming upward through thick molasses, searching for the light. Anna was still crouched above me, her head pillowed on my chest. Our bodies were sticky with sweat and come wherever our skins made contact. The head of my soft cock was still stubbornly lodged within her, but slid out when she straightened her legs. I felt an ineffable sense of loss when the connection was severed.

"Ah, Jacky," she sighed. "I hate to move, but I need to pee. Actually I'm not sure I CAN move. Could you help me?"

I rolled over, holding her petite body close to mine, then slid off the bed, gathered her into my arms and carried her to the bathroom. She settled onto the toilet and I heard the trickle of liquid.

"Owee," she said ruefully. "I'm so sore...I think we may have overdone it, Sweetie." She dabbed at her pussy with a piece of tissue, wincing. "I'll let you drain the monster in peace while I go sit in the tub." She reached up and took my sticky cock in her hand. It immediately began stiffening. She dropped it like a hot potato.

"God, Jacky. What do I have to do to put this thing to sleep? You've already logged more pussy time than the little pervert did in eighteen years."

I kissed her and squeezed one delightful breast before she evaded my grasp and slipped out of the bathroom. I sat down and relieved my own bladder. It was hard to get the stream going, but when I did it burst out of me like a fire-hose and felt almost as good as coming. I looked out onto the balcony. The nearly full moon soared high over the lake, lighting everything with a silvery glow. Anna reclined in the hot tub, pale hair floating around her shoulders, breasts bobbing at the surface of the water like twin mounds of vanilla ice cream. I limped downstairs and poured two large glasses of orange juice before going up to join her. I settled into the steaming tub beside her and pulled her floating body across my lap. She sighed and rested her head on my arm. We watched the moon slowly travel toward her rendezvous with her mother in the east.

"Whatever happens, Jacky," she said after a time, "remember this and you'll know I love you." She wound her arms around my neck and straddled my hips. I felt her stiff little nipples against my chest. "Drink, please."

I handed her a sweating glass of juice and she sipped at it, then gulped. "Perfect, Jacky. It's all been perfect." She twisted around, light as a feather in the buoyancy of the hot water, and settled into my arms with her back to me. "There are so many things I feel like I should tell you though, but I don't know where to start. And I don't want to destroy the magic. But I'm afraid time is running out, love. You're going to hear some bad things about me...I hope you won't believe them. Don't trust anybody, Jacky. Except Jennifer and someone I may send to help you...and you'll have to make him prove that he's really the one I sent. You'll know though. Just remember this weekend and you'll know."

"I don't understand. What...why...I guess I just don't get it."

"You will." She giggled. "Like my granny used to say, you'll understand when you're older, Sweetheart. Just have faith in me. And love my daughter."

I stirred uncomfortably. I had scarcely thought of Jennifer for what seemed like months. Not since Friday evening, anyway. Waves of guilt lapped at my conscience.

"I wish I could lie here in your arms until the sun comes up, Sweetie. But there are a few things I really need to do right now. You go brush your teeth and untangle your hair, and I' what needs to be done."

I helped her stand, streaming water, and she daintily stepped out of the tub and wrapped herself in a thick towel. I followed, kissing her shoulders before heading for the bathroom for a quick shower and tooth scrub. When I came out she was seated cross-legged on the bed, clicking on a lap-top computer. I sat on the edge of the bed and swung my legs up, wincing at the stiffness in my stomach muscles. She had exchanged the sticky, stained sheets for fresh ones, and they felt cool against my skin. I curled up next to her and squinted at the computer screen. Lurid images of a group of people engaged in what was apparently an orgy flickered before she clicked a button and the screen went to desktop. "You're watching a porno film?" I said. "That's actually a little insulting –"

She laughed softly. "Not exactly, dear. Well; I guess that's technically what it is. But one of the things I meant to tell you is that everything that happens anywhere in this house is recorded. And has been for years. It's Hymie's little insurance policy. And explains a great deal of his success. Any time he doesn't get exactly what he wants from one of his big-shot friends, he just sends them a little video clip that reminds them how much they should cherish his friendship. Such as it is."

The hair prickled on the back of my neck. "You mean everything we've done may show up on U-Tube if he gets mad at you?"

"I'm smarter than that, honey. I have to admit that I captured some of our special time as a keepsake, just for me, but I just purged his archives and put all the house cams on a continuous loop of the 24 hours just before we got here. And now his insurance policy belongs to me...hope I don't need it, but just in case..." She clicked an icon and a file opened featuring endless rows of large numbers. "I've never been a thief, but it occurs to me that when little Hymie finds that his insurance policy has evaporated, he'll probably have a heart attack and drop dead. So I think it's only fair that I inherit his off-shore bank accounts, don't you? It's not like he has anyone else to leave it to. And I think I deserve something for eighteen years of mostly faithful service. Everything, actually. You know?"

"I guess...I don't know any of the people involved, obviously, but you mentioned politicians, cops, government agents...this sounds awfully dangerous." "Oh, it certainly is. But trust me, Jacky, I've got all the bases covered. And incidentally, if anyone comes around asking, you don't know anything about anything. You've never been here. You only know me as Jennifer's mom. End of story."

I became increasingly uneasy as she quickly scrolled through a series of screens, stopping to paste information into some boxes, and clicking 'execute.' "Well, that's it. Hymie is now officially destitute, except for whatever he has in his wallet. Hmmm...guess I should probably cancel his credit cards...just to protect the banks, you know?" She performed another series of operations, her fingers flying across the keyboard. "And I think he'd want to donate his mansion and its contents to the Salvation Army, don't you? It would make a nice homeless shelter."

"Well, I kind of assumed he was Jewish," I said.

"All the better," she chuckled, closing the laptop and setting it aside. She took my large brown hand in her two tiny white ones and smiled at me lovingly. "I really hate to bring up an unpleasant subject, my love, but we're going to have to leave early in the morning. So let's not waste our special time here. Love me, Jacky. Love me like it's the last night we'll ever have together."

Chills ran up and down my spine. "Is it? The last night together, I mean."

"Of course not, Sweetie. But let's just pretend it is."

She crawled on top of me, sitting astride my hips, and lubricated my stiffening cock with the last of the KY Jelly before sliding my thick rod into her pussy, slowly absorbing it all into her tight little snatch. She moaned as it inched into her. "It hurts so good, Jacky," she gasped. It was slightly painful for me as well, but I wasn't about to complain. "Now lie back and watch me love you. It's going to take a very long time..."

I put my hands behind my head and watched her slender body rising and falling above me. The contrast of my brown cock sliding in and out of her blond nest was mesmerizing. I felt no urgency, just an overwhelming sense of peace and love as she rode me, cupping her lovely breasts in her hands and smiling at me gently. From time to time I even dozed off, but whenever I opened my eyes she was still there, holding me within her sweet body. Loving me.


Part 14

We awoke when dawn seeped into the room. She was still on top of me, still holding my cock within her, but at some point one of us has pulled the quilts up to protect us from the chill air. She brought my somewhat limber dick back to full attention with a few artful contractions of her pelvic muscles, then began riding me, slowly and deliciously. She sat up and threw off the covers when we both began to perspire, proudly displaying her gorgeous body to my avid gaze. "Watch and remember, Jacky-love," she whispered. "This is what a woman who loves and trusts you completely looks like." She kneaded her round breasts and pinched the nipples before lowering her hands to her pussy, parting her labia to show me her protruding clitty. Then she began playing with it languorously, showing me what felt best to her. The room brightened as she prolonged her pleasure, and mine. When golden rays of sunlight reflected off the lake she increased the tempo. "Come with me, Jacky," she breathed. We approached our peak, backed off, approached seemed that our summit was unattainable. She lay against my chest, panting. "I just can't go any longer," she gasped. "Roll me over and finish it for both of us, Sweetie."

I clasped her to me, hooked a leg, and rolled over, keeping my cock lodged in her sweet snatch. Then I fucked her, trying to be gentle in deference to her over-worked pussy, but ending up by slamming into her like a pile-driver until we both screamed in unison, my hot spunk lashing into her molten core as her muscular cunt convulsed around my cock, and she milked me dry with her diminishing contractions.

I rolled to my side, still holding her close against me, until my cock wilted and slipped out of her tired, dilated snatch. "Oh, Jacky," she whispered against my chest, "that was the best ever. I really never knew...but no use crying over spilled milk at this point. I'm just so glad we had this time...glad I had this time...because I never imagined...please don't forget, Jacky. This is what it's supposed to be like."

We stayed like that for quite some time, but when I started to doze off she bit my nipple and I started back into awareness. "I wish it weren't so, love, but I'm afraid the honeymoon is over," Anna said regretfully, sadness filling her deep blue eyes. "No dawdling now; time is of the essence, as the little pervert is fond of saying." She rolled out of bed and stood, her knees nearly buckling. "I have definitely been fucked," she giggled. "And most thoroughly and delightfully, too. Move your ass if you want to share the shower with me, Jacky. We need to get on the road before it all hits the fan."

After sharing a last loving shower together, I dressed in my wrinkled school clothes and limped downstairs while Anna gathered her belongings. I was scrounging in the kitchen when she came down, tired shadows under her eyes, carrying her overnight bag. "What would you like for breakfast, Anna-love?" I asked.

"No time, Sweetie. Grab some bread and cheese and a bottle of juice to take along and we are out of here."

I packed a few food items in a plastic bag as she waited impatiently, fiddling with the gas stove while I dithered. "Go go go!" she said, swatting at my behind with her bag. "Out chariot awaits!" I helped her into her car and stowed the bags in the back seat. Getting into the passenger side, I leaned over and rested my head in her lap as she wheeled out onto the gravel road leading to the highway. I stroked her slender thigh under her skirt as we bumped across the unpaved road, rather faster than was truly necessary, I thought. And she'd put the damnable panty-hose back on too.

A rumbling WHUMP rocked the car and a blast of hot wind swirled through the trees just as we turned off onto the pavement. "What the hell?" I exclaimed, sitting up and looking back towards the lake. A cloud of viscous black smoke was billowing over the spot where I thought the lake house was.

"Down, Tonto," she said, pulling my head back into her lap. "I don't know, but I would guess that Hymie's little den of iniquity just got blasted to hell by a vengeful God. Or maybe someone forgot to turn off the gas...people are so careless these days." She smiled down at me impishly. "Remember, Sweetie. You don't know nothin' about nothin'. And how could you. We were never here."

My heart thumped leadenly in my chest and I forgot about petting her thigh for a few moments. Had she really blown up the lake house? And why? My dreams of spending another weekend in the den of iniquity evaporated like the morning dew on the grassy verge of the highway.

We drove for a few minutes before we heard sirens in the distance, coming our way. She patted my cheek. "Stay down now, Jacky. Everything will be just fine." I stirred restlessly in her lap.

"Relax, dear. I know exactly what I'm doing, and you don't need to know. Best if you don't. Things will work out in the end. Seems like they always have, anyway."

I loved the feel of her slender thigh in my hand. Just above her knee, I could almost span it with my fingers. "I'm just glad you won't be going back to work for the little pervert. I mean, I take it you're not, right?"

She stroked my hair. "That's one thing I do know for sure, baby. And you can't imagine what a relief it is to be able to say that." She reflected for a moment, gazing into the distance. "I guess I have to admit it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to me. Far from it. There I was, homeless with a newborn baby girl, had only enough money in my piggy-bank for a week in a no-tell motel, and the first time out on the street I get picked up by a guy in a fancy limo. I was so hungry I was shaking like a leaf. Scared too. But I knew what I had to do. I'll never forget – he gave me a glass of champagne and a piece of smoked salmon on a cracker and I thought he was a prince. Then he made me blow him. When he came in my mouth I felt honored. I had no technique, but with him I didn't need any. He liked it so much he invited me to his house. I was really scared then, but he seemed kind of nice...I let him put his hand in my panties, and he was gentle with me, and seemed to really like my pussy, so finally I said OK if we could swing by the motel to get my baby. I didn't want to leave her there alone. He said sure, no problem, so we did that and when we got to the house it was this tremendous mansion with iron gates and a guardhouse and all of that, so I figured I was pretty safe. He handed Jennifer off to the housekeeper who seemed nice enough, and then he took me to his bedroom and fucked me. Took about 30 seconds, even though I'd just sucked him off an hour ago. Then he had the housekeeper give me supper and a guest bedroom...we lived there until he got sick of having a baby around. And moved me into the little house where we live now. So now you know my life story. I wasn't too smart, but I took a chance and was damned lucky. And now I'm both smart and lucky."

"What about Jennifer's dad?" I asked. "Couldn't he have helped you?"

"That useless prick," she said scornfully. "Oh, I was in love, or thought I was. A boy from the church my oh-so-righteous parents went to. The preacher's kid, if you must know. I was desperate for love, because I sure wasn't getting any at home. He seemed to really care about me until I gave him what he wanted. Fucked me once and dumped me. Three months later I knew I was pregnant, he swore on the bible that he was not involved, and they locked me in the back bedroom until I had the baby, then kicked me out in the street. Told everybody I had run away, and nobody ever really bothered to look for me, so a few years later they pulled some strings and had me declared dead. End of story." She smiled at me sadly. "Legally, I don't even exist. You just had a sexy weekend with a ghost."

I gnawed at my lower lip. "I'm so sorry," I said. A fire-truck blew past us, siren screaming. It was followed by two more and a string of police cars.

"Afraid they're going to be too late to save Hymie's hideaway," Anna said wryly. "A pity. Some beautiful memories were made there."

"Amen," I said fervently. She giggled. "Seems like I heard that your parents are bible-thumpers too," she remarked. "Ain't it grand."

"Not really. Seems like there are more phony pricks inside the church than out of it. Seems to attract them, actually."

She laughed at that and pinched my earlobe. "Now, Jacky. Doesn't look like it was too bad for you. You survived, anyway, and now you're about to go out on your own and I just know things will work out well for you."

"I guess." I moved my hand up and rested it against her smooth belly, wishing the panty-hose weren't there. "The thing is...they're not really my parents, you know. And if they ever gave a shit about me, they got over it a long time ago."

She raised an eyebrow. "How so? You sure this isn't just teenage angst?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I spent the first years of my life wondering why I didn't look anything like either one of them. They told me it just happens that way sometimes, and showed me a piece of paper to prove it. People were starting to whisper that maybe Mom had got herself knocked up by a black guy, or maybe a Mexican. Then when I went to the hospital with a broken leg they did a blood test and it showed that I couldn't be related to either one of them."

"Your parents are white?"

"As snow. So finally they admitted that I was abandoned as a newborn and they had 'rescued' me. And were able to obtain a phony birth certificate because my birth was never recorded anywhere. Turns out they had been spreading this story around long before they told me, to stop people from wondering if my mom had been doing the nasty behind the shed with a gardener or something. So when they finally admitted that I wasn't really theirs, I wanted to know who the hell I was, and they told me they thought I was Cherokee and my real mother was a young girl who had tossed me in a dumpster and left me to die." I angrily brushed a tear from the corner of my eye.

"Oh, Jacky-love. I don't believe that for an instant."

"Neither do I. A couple of years ago I took off and hitch-hiked to Tahlequah for the annual Cherokee Homecoming. First time I ever felt like I belonged somewhere. Saw lots of people who looked like me. Talked to somebody at the Cherokee Heritage Center and they tried to help me find out who I am, but there's not much to go on. They didn't believe anyone threw me away either. It's almost unheard of in Cherokee culture. But they did tell me how it goes, more often than not. Healthy newborn babies are worth money, and when underage girls get knocked up, they often disappear. Some of these "unwed mother's shelters" keep them until they deliver the baby, tell the girl the baby died, and sell it to the highest bidder. Best thing for everyone concerned, right? Turns out there are thousands of kids like me, from every tribe in the country. Maybe hundreds of thousands. The government was sponsoring the program for a long time. After their outright extermination campaign got to be embarrassing, the official policy became 'Kill the Indian, save the man.' We can be allowed to live if we can act white."

Anna sighed. "The world sucks, Jacky. We just have to play the cards we're dealt as best we can. Guess we both got dealt pretty shitty hands. But like the man said, 'Every hand's a winner, and every hand's a loser, and the secret to surviving is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep.' And while we're on that subject, Jennifer is something you need to keep. She loves you, you know. She's crazy in love with you. Has been since you were both knee-high to a grasshopper."