Sapphic Serenity Ch. 09


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"You bring that thing anywhere near my mouth and I'm biting it clean off," I warned. "Whatever you do to me after that, you'll still spend the rest of your life as a dickless turd."

The dilemma was beginning to wear on ol' Mac. He was getting frustrated. I thrust my bra-clad chest forward. "You can't get at my pussy, and I'll bite your dick off, so I guess that just leaves you with a titty-fuck, hm?"

He was almost shaking in frustration and indecision now. "No... no... I am not settling for a titty-fuck when all those other guys're gonna get to fuck you proper! That's it, I'm getting in that cunt!"

He knelt down in front of me and yanked my bra apart, tearing it before undoing the rope that was binding my legs. He muttered in irritation as he tried to work through the knots. Outside, they were still yelling and arguing, but we needed Mac to think he was running out of time. Mom was practically churning inside her bonds, making as little noise as possible. Mac had forgotten all about her.

"Time's a'wastin', Mac," I said. "That schoolyard squabble out there isn't gonna last forever, and if they come back in while you're-"

"Shut up!" he hissed, looking up at me angrily. "I'm working as fast as I can!"

"Take your time, but I've never been made to wait this long before," I said blandly, trying not to smirk as I saw his ears turn red at my words.

"Ha!" he said finally, managing to loosen the ropes enough to get them down and off my legs. Without so much as a 'by your leave', he roughly pulled my wet panties. Apparently unable to help himself, he now just gaped at my pussy, inches from his face.

"Worth the price of admission?" I asked, keeping him busy. "Wouldn't it've just been easier to pay up front, like everyone else?"

"Wuhhhhh..." he said in response to my query.

"Gee, thanks, I've never been so dry in my life," I remarked. "Good luck getting it in there, after that romantic speech."

"Nothin' a few licks won't fix with a whore like you," he replied, leaning in closer. I squeezed my eyes shut and shuddered in revulsion as I felt his moist breath on my inner thighs and lips.

Mom's eyes narrowed now as she glared at him from behind, having worked her hands free of their bonds. She brought them around and deftly undid the ropes binding her feet and was soon free. Quietly she rose, and the gaze she was giving him seemed almost a pronouncement of doom.

I clamped my thighs shut around his head, pinning him in place. Mac protested and began sputtering as I pissed in his face. I squeezed as hard as I could, desperate to not let him go.

Mom dropped down onto him and punched him in the back of the head. Mac shuddered and slumped slowly from between my legs, out cold.

"Mommy!" I almost whimpered.

"Baby!" she said, trembling in relief as she threw herself against me and hugged me tight. We were both on the verge of tears and she began kissing me almost feverishly. I returned the kisses, but she suddenly pulled back, making a wry face, and her mouth opened, her tongue hanging out.

"Bron, your face really smells!" she said, aghast. "What was that sack they put your head in made of, sphincter leather?"

"Thanks, mom," I said sourly, waiting while she moved around behind and began untying me. "How did you get out of your ropes so quickly?"

"I'd been subtly working on loosening them since they left us in the room," she explained, making quick work of the bonds holding arms in place still. "I got lots of badges for knots and ropework while I was in Brownies and Girl Guides. Whoever tied us up was a total moron."

"That doesn't narrow it down any," I mused, looking down at Mac, still unconscious. "What do we do with him?"

Mom considered. "We still don't know where we are, how many of them there are, or if we even have access to a vehicle. Since we don't know if we can escape yet, we'd better just cause confusion, see if we can keep them off-balance and fighting with each other. Let's tie him up."

I knelt down and intended to proceed with mom's plan, but I felt a sudden surge of fury as I looked at him- this man has struck and abused my mother and meant to rape me. And possibly her! I didn't want to tie him up, I wanted to smash his head into the ground and stomp on his face until-

I felt my mom's hand on my arm. I looked over at her and she smiled at me, knowing what was going on in my head.

"Baby," she said softly. "You're absolutely entitled to feel how you feel, and what you want to do is perfectly understandable. But there's no time, and it may scuttle our plans. Rein it in for now, and let's rescue ourselves first. Afterwards, we'll see what happens. Keep watch at the door, and I'll tie him up. I'm good with knots."

I stood up and walked away, still shaking as I tried to control myself. I'd had stupid high school guys press me for sex, or to let them cop of a feel, but I'd always been able to fight back. This was so unnerving, I wanted to scream. But mom was right. I had to think beyond it for now, beyond my fear, my humiliation, my anger, and just...

"You're not at the door, Bron, I can still smell your face," mom mentioned, not looking at me.

Despite the pounding in my chest, I hung my head and snickered for a moment, realizing my mom had broken through my anxiety. Okay, I was fine for now. I hung out in the shadows by the door, and kept watch as mom asked. I listened to the bickering outside, with guys yelling about who was gonna get the first poke at us. Morons.

"Well, his name really is Mac," mom announced, walking up to me and holding a wallet in her hand. "Not much else of use in there, but I also found his clunky old cellphone."

"Do we call 911?" I asked, thinking that was perfectly obvious.

Mom opened the flip phone up and began scanning through it. She paused upon seeing something, but then Mac groaned, as if he was coming to.

"Bron, call that number I've pulled up," she said as she handed me the phone and then went back to Mac and began stuffing a rag in his mouth before gagging him. We didn't want him being too loud yet. I saw the name attached to the number she'd brought up and hit Call.

"Gnnnnn, dammit," the woman's voice said. "It's five in the fucking morning, Mac! I've told you to never call me ever, or I'll-"

"Eryn, it's Belle," I said, cutting her off mid-grouse. "Can you hear me?"

"Uh? Belle? Like, stripper Belle with the great tits?" she asked, still somewhat groggy. "What're you doing calling from Mac's cellphone?"

"Long and unpleasant story," I replied. "Listen, we have a bit of a situation here. Actually more of an emergency. My mom and I-"


I sighed. "Jez and me."

"Wh- I thought she was your sister?"

"Unimportant right now," I pressed. "Listen, we've been kidnapped."

"By who?"

"That crew that got turfed from the club tonight for trying to roofie me," I explained, trying to keep it together while mom took over listening to the ruckus outside. "Jim, Hal, Mac, and that waitress Sherry's involved too."

"'m not surprised about Sherry," Eryn said, suddenly sounding more alert. "She's Jim's ex, but insanely jealous of any woman he shows an interest in. What can I do?"

"We don't know where we are, but mom thinks we're about twenty minutes away from the club by car," I said, looking down at Mac, who was writhing feebly, but in no danger of getting out of mom's expert Brownie knots. "When I hang up, I'm gonna call the cops, but I have no idea how responsive they are around here. I was hoping you could do the same for us?"

"You bet," she said firmly, and I heard her shuffling around as if she were getting dressed. "I'm willing to bet I know where you are, too. That asshole Jim has a beat-up old cottage outside of town, although I'm not sure of exactly where it is. If you call 911, can they trace your call?"

"I have no idea if this old beater phone of Mac's can do that, and we haven't found our purses or phones yet. Listen, we have to hide somewhere, until we figure more of this out. I'm gonna mute the phone so that it doesn't ring or buzz, in case you call us."

"Okay, honey, take care," she rasped, as if trying to be quiet. "Be careful, we'll see you soon!"

The line went dead, and I looked over at mom, who nodded and indicated I should follow her. I trailed after her into the room that had seen all the arguing, noticing that it was every bit as dingy and ugly as the one we'd been in, except there was a rickety dining table with several chairs around it, and a dangling lightbulb.

"How much of that conversation d'you think Mac heard?" I asked quietly as we stalked through the crappy cottage.

"Very little, I stuffed little bits of rag in his ears," she replied, looking around. "Blindfolded him too. Let's see how he likes it."

"Well, unless he gets raped by a dickwolf, then he's not getting the full deal," I muttered darkly. There only seemed to be one door in and out of the damn place, and the people we were trying to avoid were just outside of it. "What do we do? I gotta call 911 still."

Mom stopped and clasped her hands and pressed them against her mouth, thinking. A light appeared outside and we turned to look- headlights. A vehicle was approaching. Probably Jim coming back from wherever.

Mom grabbed my hand and pulled me along urgently, looking for somewhere to hide. She zeroed in on a small closet in a bedroom and shoved me inside, coming in after me. It was very uncomfortable, since it was jammed full of stuff, but it would have to do. For now, it was our only option. I dialed 911.

"Hello, this is 9-1-1, please state your emergency," a woman's voice said.

"Hi, my mom and I have been kidnapped," I said quietly, wishing I knew what was happening outside. "We're somewhere just outside of-"

"We had a call about two women being abducted just a minute ago, someone named Eryn called in," the woman interrupted. "Are you the ones she called about?"

"Yes," I said with a quiet urgency. "We've managed to free ourselves from being tied up, but we're stuck inside the house with no way to get out, since they're out front."

"Do you know why they abducted you?"

"Their plan was to rape us, I know that much," I hissed, my cheeks burning at the memory of Mac's breath on me. "But things've probably escalated by now."

"Listen, ma'am, please turn down your volume and turn off the ringer," the woman said. "We'll do what we can to trace the call, and we have your friend Eryn's information to go on. Sit tight, the police will be there soon."

"Thank you," I said, almost hanging up, but then remembering her instructions about muting everything but leaving the phone on. I hoped they'd be able to find us. Mom looked at me in the darkness and she smiled at me nervously. She put her hand on mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Courage, baby," she whispered. "We're going to be fine. Remember, these people are morons."

I almost giggled. Despite the situation, and my being completely naked, her words made me feel lighter somehow. I really loved my mom.


Saying things got raucous in the junky little cottage would be an understatement. Once Jim had quieted down the altercation outside (which took some doing), everyone came back in, only to find Mac tied up in the room, and mom and I missing. Lots of yelling ensued, with Jim demanding to know what the fuck had happened.

Eventually, they managed to make Mac confess that he had indeed intended to get the first crack at us and was sick of waiting around for Jim's and everyone else's leavings. For a moment, I almost felt sorry for him, since he was clearly at the bottom of a very trashy, redneck totem pole. But then I remembered how he slapped my mother, at least once, pulled both our hair, and intended to rape me, and I decided he deserved whatever happened next.

Lots of shouting and verbal abuse of Mac followed, but then Jim, somehow the brains of the crew, pointed out that we'd escaped and still needed to be found before we could call the cops. He demanded to know if they'd seen us leave via the one and only door while they were all outside bickering, and it took several seconds before they all said they were reasonably sure we had not. I almost facepalmed as we hid in the closet. This was painful to listen to.

"Then they're still in the house!" Jim said loudly. "Find 'em!"

People seemed to be searching around the house now, but we heard Sherry whining at Jim, asking him why he was interested in anyone else 'when he could have tits like these?'.

"Putcher shirt back on, Sher, we don't have time for this!" we heard Jim grouse.

"No, goddammit, lookit them!" she hissed. "An' what about this here ass?!"

I didn't know if anyone was still listening on the other end of the phone, but I kept it pointing at the door of the closet. The yokels were still calling back and forth to one another, announcing they hadn't found us yet.

Someone barged into the room, stomping around looking for us. I had to not gasp, even though they'd inevitably find us in this dinky space. I steeled myself for whatever came next. A shadow loomed outside the door and it flung open.

Mom splashed foul-smelling perfume from a bottle in Hal's face. He tumbled backward, howling as he clutched his face while mom surged out and shoulder-blocked him, knocking him to the floor before dashing by. Just for good measure, I kicked him in the balls, hard, as I followed.

"Whose face smells now, asshole?!" I shouted as I sprinted out of the room.

We made it into the big central room with the dining table and all the chairs, where we found Mac, untrussed and clothed again, and glaring at us angrily. Mom ran straight at him, but lifted her bra, exposing her tits while she ran. Predictably, Mac gaped at the sight of them, and wasn't ready when mom swept up a chair with one hand, spun, and slammed it into him. The rickety chair broke and down he went again. He was just not having a good day.

With what was left of the chair in her hand, mom dashed toward the door, and I followed her. We made it outside, and were confronted by Jim, and the other guy who'd been at the bar. Mom flung herself at the nameless guy, swinging away with the leg of the broken chair and forcing him to back up. He scuttled backward, while I tried to avoid Jim, who surged toward me.

I kept kicking and slapping and punching at him, but Jim more or less threw and jostled me around until I was almost dizzy. Within seconds, he was behind me, with my arms pinned, his other fist knotted painfully in my hair. I hissed at the unwelcome sting, but he had me now, and there was little I could do.

"Mom!" I gasped.

Mom had just knocked the nameless guy to the ground and was about to start in on him, when she paused on looked over at me. She turned and was ready to come to my rescue, but Jim gave her a baleful glare.

"Take another step, bitch, and I break her arm!" he growled, daring her to approach. Mom stopped, but still eyed him warily. Somewhere in the tussle, I'd lost the phone and had no idea where it is. Hal and Mac both staggered out of the house now, glaring at us. Mac was covered in yet more fresh bruises, and Hal's eyes were bleary and almost blood red, his face was swelling. He was probably having an allergic reaction to whatever that skanky perfume was.

The guy mom had just dropped scrambled up to his feet and pinned her in much the same fashion that Jim had me. We looked at one another helplessly, wondering what was going to happen next.

"I owe these bitches," Mac snarled angrily, glaring at us. "I'm fuckin' going first for a change!"

"Hell no you're not," Jim snapped, turning to scowl at him. "You're the fuckup who nearly ruined all this, so you can go last for all I care. The pigs next door can get a turn before you!"

"The pigs go first!" guffawed Hal as he wiped at his eyes. "Serves you right, Mac!"

"NO IT DON'T!!" howled Mac as he turned and threw himself on Hal, pummeling him in fury. Hal tried to defend himself, but he was clearly almost blind from the perfume, and flailed wildly to fend off the blows.

"Baby, DUCK!" mom yelled suddenly. I dropped my entire weight and Jim lost his grip on me. A split second later, there was a loud, ringing 'CLANG' sound, and Jim shuddered and fell over, his eyes rolling into his head. Behind him, Sherry, still topless and wearing only her panties, was glaring at me, holding a spade, which had apparently been meant for me but missed its mark.

Mom sank her teeth in her captor's hand, and he howled in pain before she jammed her foot backward and nailed him in the crotch. As he doubled over, she spun and slammed her knee into his chin. He swooned and fell to the ground.

"GET AWAY FROM JIM, YOU WHORE!" Sherry shrieked as she charged at me, getting ready to try and hit me with the spade she was holding. "HE'S NOT YOURS, HE'S MINE!"

I dashed in toward her before she could swing, grabbing hold of the handle and wrestling with her. Unable to swing her weapon at me, Sherry screeched and grabbed my hair, beginning to shake me. I pulled back on the spade handle and then jammed it into her ribs, winding her and making her stagger back.

She quaked in fear as I threatened her with the spade, but then I staggered and almost fell over as Hal and Mac crashed into me, still brawling. Sherry screamed and dashed in, plowing into my stomach and carrying me backward. We tumbled into a small depression in the ground, snarling and grappling as mud splashed everywhere. I struggled to get out from beneath her as the slippery muck enveloped me.

I roared and surged upward, trying to throw her off, and succeeded in gaining my balance, but she still held on. Her bony knuckles clacked against my skull and her hand still gripped my hair as she screamed obscenities at me. There was mud in my eyes, and I couldn't see. But I could feel her.

I ignored her punches to my head and rammed my fist directly into her sternum, driving the wind out of her once again. She wheezed, pausing in her assault, and I threw her off me, scrambling to my feet. It was difficult standing, since we were almost to our knees in mud. Distantly, over the pounding of my heart in my ears, I heard sirens approaching. Sherry screamed and charged into me, sending us both back into the mud again.

We rolled and grappled in the slick mire, with Sherry screeching and tearing at my tits while calling me a whore. I rolled her over and grappled onto the back of her panties, yanking fiercely. With a wet tear, they ripped off of her and she howled in protest, trying to get up. I snarled and shoved her hard, sending her splashing face-first into the mud once more.

The sirens were really close now, accompanied by blue and red flashing lights. I chanced a quick glance over at mom- she was standing over Mac and Hal, levelling the spade at a very subdued Mac. Hal seemed to be unconscious. She looked over at me, rather scratched up and haggard, with her chest heaving, but her eyes flashed defiantly, and she was otherwise fine.

Angrily, I held up the remains of Sherry's panties for her to see. Sherry glared at me, staring at them, and then at my tits.

"Jealous, bitch?" I sneered. She screamed and scrambled to her feet, charging me again. I was tired of trying to dodge, of trying to run, and I met her head on. She slammed into me and we punched and wrestled with one another, trying to knock each other's lights out. This woman had put me in real danger, and I was gonna make her pay.

I tripped her and threw her in the mud on her back and lunged in, trying to sit down on her. She thrashed about wildly, and I couldn't manage to pin her. I did, however, get my hands in her hair and then gripped one of her tits with my hand, twisting hard. She screeched and threw me off, scrabbling to her feet and glaring hatefully at me while holding her wounded breast.