Runner's High

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An encounter on a jogging path leads to amazing sex.
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When Kyle pulled in to his usual spot at Brooklawn Park he was glad to see the lot was nearly empty, which meant the jogging path would be deserted. It wasn't a surprise. Sweat was already pouring off his face and neck and he hadn't even stretched yet. Only a fanatic like him would brave humidity like this, which was fine with him. The less people the better.

The heat wasn't too bad, it was only the mugginess making it so uncomfortable. But it wouldn't make a difference once he got going. In fact he liked it. On days like this he would purge every last bit of stress from his body and he never slept as well as after a good sweaty 10 mile run.

His loose-fitting Dri-Fit gym shorts and tank top allowed for maximum ventilation and would keep him as cool as he could possibly be under the circumstances. The only thing that wasn't loose was his jock strap keeping his cock and balls tightly contained, though the stretchy mesh allowed him to breathe. He hated seeing dudes flapping in the breeze on the jogging trail. And with his size, it would practically be a public menace.

Halfway through his warm up his dark curls were already plastered to his skull and rivulets were just pouring down his neck. It was a sauna outside. But he had the afternoon off from work, for once. He wasn't going to let a little heat stop him.

He loved this park. Half the well-trodden path ran through open hills, the other half through forest. He didn't know what they were—oaks or elms or some other kind of huge, leafy trees which provided a canopy of green against the sky. That part of the trail was cool and dark and empty even on a crowded day.

He was just about to get started when he saw a flash of bright color and movement in his peripheral vision, and he turned to his left to see a woman bending straight over, giving him a full view of a pink spandex-clad ass--a sweet, perfect spandex-clad ass that made him freeze in his tracks.

He hadn't had any intention of checking women out on the trail; he was only here to run. But that ass looked at him like a pair of eyes winking right at him. Two tight cheeks curving up on either side of a deep cleft, with just the right amount of jiggle in the center. A sweet, heavenly ass on a toned body. He couldn't help running his eyes up and down. She was gorgeous, and he'd never seen her here before. She got extra points from him for coming out in this heat. It made him curious.

But she took off suddenly, in the opposite direction from how he usually liked to go. He didn't get to see her face, just a high blond ponytail. Aw, too bad. He couldn't stay behind and watch that sweet ass in front of him. But at least he'd see her face on the way around.


Lindsay had seen the guy in the tank top when she'd pulled in, but she hadn't thought too much of it. She was only here to run.

She was new to the area and had only recently discovered this fabulous trail. She liked how it wound through the trees.

She'd planned on running in just her shorts and a matching sports bra, but only because she thought no one would be around. She got too many stares when she didn't cover up. Her breasts weren't huge, but they had a tendency to jiggle noticeably no matter what kind of bra she wore. So she threw on a black tank with teeny straps when she saw the guy start stretching.

She looked at him briefly. He was in fabulous shape, and, she could not help noticing, had a rather big bulge at his crotch. She felt her nipples harden and a pleasant ache throb in her pussy looking at him. Cute. Very, very cute. She had to look again, and surreptitiously check him out at leisure while he wasn't watching. God . . . fantastic thighs. She loved big bulging thighs. Big hands, powerful biceps.

She shook her head and finished her own stretches, laughing at herself. She could always tell when she hadn't had sex in a long time because she found herself fixating on little details like this.

She hadn't been with a guy in months, not with all the stress of her move and not knowing anyone in town yet. But maybe it was time to think about it. Like later tonight, after a shower, in bed.


Kyle took off in the opposite way around the track and at the first opportunity got a look at the face of the blond-with-the-hot-ass.

Oh fuck. She was a sweetheart. So pretty. She had that cheerleader look, blue eyes and shiny white teeth, but she was smart, too, he could tell. And focused and disciplined on her run. He thought he saw her eyes flicker in his direction, but then he decided it was just wishful thinking.

The heat and humidity kicked up a notch, and by the next intersection around the circle, Kyle's entire body was drenched in sweat, from his neck down to the back of his calves.

She was, too, though her sweat, he couldn't help thinking, was adorable. Her straight hair was pulled up and off her face and the few tendrils left curled sexily at the base of her neck. She was covered in a very light sheen, like a spray of suntan oil. It made her taut muscles glisten.

He couldn't help thinking she'd be so . . . slippery. How easy it would be to wrap those slick legs around his hips. How their bodies would slip and slide against each other's.

This time, he made definite eye contact. It was ridiculous not to. They were the only two people around. He caught her eye, and made a gesture that said, "Good job keeping up in this heat." She made a little shrug with her shoulders, one die-hard runner acknowledging the other. "Yeah, it's a bitch, but we wouldn't be here if we didn't love it."

This kind of run demanded so much, physically, at first. It was a struggle. But once the high kicked in, it was all worth it.


The next time they passed each other, Lindsay flashed him a bright smile, and he flashed one back.

The hard part was over, and now they were both feeling damned good. Every muscle, every cell, every deep breath, brain and heart and body, in perfect unison, forming a brand new whole. When their eyes locked they both knew exactly what the other was feeling at the moment.

Lindsay felt like she could go for hours, like she was flying. The only thing that came close to this feeling was sex. Good, hot, passionate, athletic sex. The best sex she ever had was right after a long run, before she'd gotten in the shower, while she was still on her natural high. Her ex would be waiting for her and she would just jump him and they would fuck like rabbits, extending her work-out for another hour.

The memory of it kept popping into her head, only this time she was picturing cute guy. He certainly was, with intelligent dark eyes in a handsome face. And yes, he did have a huge bulge, she could see it. Her gaze flickered that way at each encounter and before you knew it that was all she could think about in her turns around the path.

Her feet pounded out a rhythm of sex. She imagined him fucking her from behind, his strong, powerful hips slamming into her, her lithe muscles so pliant and supple in his hands.

She didn't even bother to hide it the next time they passed each other. She looked right at his crotch and up into his eyes, and she knew he saw her because he broke into a huge grin.

As soon as he was behind her, she reached down and tugged at her black tank top, pulled it off and tossed it into the grass.


Kyle's feet on the dirt path pounded to the same sexual beat.

He pictured her ass stuck up high in front of him as he nudged her thighs open and got between them. He was thrusting up into her wet pussy as he ran and ran, just pounding her, fucking in and out. God he loved to fuck after a run! He could last so long, and enjoy it for so long. He'd make his ex come so many times before he did, he loved it so much. He wore her out changing positions, twisting her around, his cock so hard and pulsing from all the exercise.

When he saw the blond next and her gorgeous tits were jiggling right in his face, he made up his mind to do something.

He turned right around and sprinted to catch up with her.

Lindsay felt a rush of nervous excitement when she heard him behind her, but at the same time broke into a secret smile. She knew he'd come. And she wanted him to.

He lingered for just a few seconds behind her, and she laughed to herself. Cheeky bastard. He was letting her know he was checking out her ass.

"You mind if I join you?" he said, when he got next to her.

Lindsay glanced down at her breasts, at her rock hard nipples pushing out through her thin bra. He saw the look, she knew he did.

"Not at all."

"Oh good, because otherwise I was thinking I'd have to tackle you to the ground."

"You think you could?" she said, doubtfully.

"Oh, no question."

"Pretty sure of yourself."

"Yeah, I am. And I'm sure you're a pretty good runner."

She smiled. She hadn't expected that.

"Well so are you."

They fell into a nice rhythm, their breath coming hard and fast, legs pumping, muscles clenching.

"You know, most people can't take this kind of heat," said Kyle, "But I love it. I can go for hours."

Lindsay tried unsuccessfully to hide her smirk. Yeah, he was a cheeky bastard.

"Is that so?" she said, not dropping a beat.

"You want to find out?"

"Right here?!"

"We're on a jogging path, where else?"


"What, you thought I meant—what a dirty mind!"

Lindsay could only say "Tch," glare at him, and sprint ahead.

Kyle watched her pert, jiggling cheeks and bobbing ponytail as he stayed behind her. God she was cute!

He ran up to her, slowing down to murmur, closer to her ear, "Trees. Right over there. No one would know," before running ahead.

She stayed behind, watching him, wondering if he was serious or not.

He turned around and jogged in place, waiting for her.

"Hi, I'm Kyle. 30. Lawyer. I come here all the time. I'm a certified harmless stranger. And I can't believe I've never seen you here before."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Really? You should be."

"Why's that?"

"Tell me your name, first."


"Because, Lindsay-with-the-amazing-ass, I told you—hours. You don't want to know."

"Is that a dare?"

"If you want it to be."

Lindsay reached up to tighten her ponytail, sticking her beautiful breasts out in the process.

"Well . . . Kyle . . ." she said, "I don't know you, but I think you might want to talk to my ex before issuing a challenge like that."

"Oh really? And what would he say? Besides what an idiot he is for breaking up with you."

"Maybe I broke up with him."


"What makes you so sure?"

"We like the heat, you and I. Most people can't take it after a while."

She glared at him, again. He was spot on.

"So he left you because you were too 'sexually demanding.' I get it. And like I said, he's an idiot."

"Don't tell me—you're just the man for me."

He got in front of her again, running backwards with his arms spread wide, his entire body, his hair and his clothes completely drenched, just like her.

"I'm here, aren't I? We're both here."

"Yes . . . and so does Kyle-the-harmless-stranger have a girlfriend at home?"

"No. They leave me. They always leave me."

"And why's that?"

"Same reason. Well, it's either that or my big cock, I'm not sure."

Lindsay could not help bursting out laughing.

"What? I saw you checking it out. It's not like it's a secret."

"You really are sure of yourself, aren't you?"

"Ah, that's not fair. You are, too. Just the same as me. We're exactly the same."

"Well, not exactly."

"Why's that?"

"Because it's not just how long you can go, it's how high you can get."

She flashed her blue eyes at him before speeding ahead into the forested part of the path.

Kyle was absolutely bewitched! He ran after her, but she was so fast, and he eventually lost sight of her bobbing ponytail.

Ahead of him he saw only an empty trail, and he was puzzled until he saw a flash of pink to his right.

She was there, in a little sheltered clearing, looking at him expectantly.

He crashed through some underbrush getting to her, and when he did, he picked her up and spun her around until she was leaning softly against a tree and he was up close to her, his arms pinning her in.

"You know, it's not good to stop running without a cool-down," he said.

They were both gulping deep breaths and panting.

"Who said we've stopped?" said Lindsay, as she slid to the side and spun around so he was up against the tree.

"Hoh! Feisty wench, aren't you?" Kyle said, turning her around and pulling her back towards him so that her ass was mashed up against his now rock hard cock.

Lindsay pushed her cheeks against him. Then she took one of his big hands and placed it right between her legs and held it there with both hands.

"See? Haven't stopped."

Kyle stroked her through her spandex, finding her hot and wet and open. His middle and ring fingers pushed up into her with rhythmic thrusts as his palm expertly found her swollen clit.

"You mean like this?" He pushed his cock into her ass in tune with his fingers, making her squirm and gasp.

"Mmmm . . . yes . . . oh, god . . . we should not be doing this, we shouldn't, oh . . ."

She whirled around to face him, and Kyle grabbed hold of her silky, bouncy ponytail to bring her mouth onto his.

"I don't care. Kiss me," he said against her lips.

"Oh, mmmmmm . . ."

His hands roamed over every inch of her luscious ass while he opened her mouth wide with his. She pushed her tits into his chest, gluing herself to his sweaty skin, merging and mingling their heat and wetness. His tongue plunged into her opened mouth and found hers as he gently yanked her head back so he could feast on her panting lips.

"Mmmmm, you are good," she gasped under his hot, soft kisses. "Very impressive," she whispered, as her hand traveled down to cup his sizeable bulge.

Kyle growled in his throat when her hand found his dick bursting and pushing and straining at the seams of his jock strap. He clutched her to him, his hands and arms sliding on their slippery skin, seeking out tits, ass, pussy, lips, every single bit of her. He nipped at her throat, using his teeth to lightly bite her neck. He couldn't get enough of her!

"Why have I never met you before?"

"Why have I never met you! But what will you think of me?"

"You? What about my reputation?! Letting a hot blond grope me in the woods!"

Lindsay laughed as she kissed him, deeply, sucking his tongue into her mouth, licking, swirling, tasting their sweat and desire.

She whispered, "I want to get you home, in my bed."

"Oh, you can have me, baby. Later . . . after . . . " he whispered.

His fingers traveled to the elastic band of her shorts. He hovered there while looking questioningly into her wide blue eyes.

She spun around and bent over at the waist. She thrust her round ass out and hissed "Keep going. Don't stop now."

Kyle felt dizzy as he yanked down her shorts over her smooth, slick hips. His fingers slipped in the wetness of their bodies and she cried out "Hurry!" as her hands groped blindly behind her, unconsciously pleading for him to get them down and off her.

He pulled the pink material down over her waist, revealing a sexy ass shining white against otherwise deeply tanned skin. Perfect, beautiful humps, round and tight and firm, were framed by a stretchy pink thong in a tight "T" across her hips and down into her crack. Lindsay arched her back, hands on her thighs, pushing her ass higher and wiggling her hips in anticipation.

Kyle tugged at the thong with one hand, with the other pushed down his shorts. They gathered at the base of his thighs but he didn't bother to step out of them. He frantically freed his cock from his jock strap and groaned, "Oh, fuck!" when he finally burst free into the open air.

Lindsay heard him. She knew he was out and hard and ready, and she waited, each second agony, her pussy aching with need. He was going to fuck her! In seconds she was going to feel him. She shifted her feet in the earth to find a better stance, spread her thighs and bent further over, waiting.

"Fuck!" Kyle gasped. He kept one hand on her wriggling hips, keeping her still. With the other he held his dripping prick, swollen and red, massively hard, sticking straight out at a perfect 45 degree angle from his groin.

"Oh god, yes!!" Lindsay moaned when she felt him parting her legs with his heavy thighs. They were wet and sweaty and had light traces of scratchy hair. He nudged her open, wider, wider.

"Here we go, here we go," Kyle whispered, as much to himself as to her. His fingers found her pussy dripping wet and he probed her gently, preparing her, opening up the lips. He continued to hold her labia wide open as he directed his cock to her hole, and let the head lodge in the opening. He pushed, gently, enough to get a secure lodging in her tight channel, before he let go and grabbed onto her wiggling hips.

Lindsay cried and whimpered in need as he teased her. She pushed back trying to impale herself on his cock, but gasped when she felt how big and thick he was.

"Oh my god!" she cried, in both pleasure and fear. Her womb contracted in powerful spasms of anticipation, sensing the massive tool he had for her, and she got soaking wet. God she needed it! She needed him to fuck her, hard and deep!

Kyle pushed in further, gently, slowly, letting her adjust to his size, seeing her pussy get wetter. Her juices coated his cock and ran down to his balls and he sluiced in and out just an inch at a time, getting her ready.

Finally, he leaned over her, one hand guiding his prick, the other wrapped around her waist and resting right on her belly as he slowly drove all the way inside her.

"Shh, shh, hang on. . ."

Lindsay's gasps and moans were loud and feral as his 8 inches slowly penetrated her to the quick. She was stretched open, each millimeter of contact with his cock exponentially increasing her pleasure and pain, until the pleasure won out and she was a sodden wet mess, stretched on his big cock, pinned onto his hips, gasping like a fish in sheer delight.

"Shh, that was the hard part. Just like today," he whispered into her ear.

Lindsay moaned and moaned. Yes, it was.

She hadn't been fucked in so long he felt huge inside her. But she quickly adjusted to his girth, and before long was pushing back, meeting his tentative thrusts, and urging him to go faster. She let go, went entirely into her body, let her feelings take over, and sunk into the delicious, naughty pleasure. She wiggled her hips backwards, clenching her cheeks, drawing him in deeper and deeper, oh it felt so good!

Kyle was impressed with her ability to take his size. He fit inside her like a hand in a glove, perfect. Her hips roused his aggressive need to just fuck into her, and he, too, let go, ran with it, hard and fast.

He began to fuck her, no holds barred. His hands kept slipping on her slick, slim hips, but he held on, watching his cock flash in and out of her hot cunt, faster and harder. He paced himself, in it for the long haul. He wanted to feel her come a few times before he did.

"I'm so . . . glad . . . I . . . met you today," he said through clenched teeth as he sluiced in and out of her opening. "So . . . fucking . . . glad. You're so . . . goddamned . . . hot, Lindsay! So fucking hot! Oh, baby, do you like my cock?"

Lindsay could only moan, lost to her pleasure.

Kyle kept up the dirty chat, urging her on, watching his cock fuck into her. She arched her back, tossing her ponytail, and he grabbed it and tugged gently.

Lindsay had her eyes closed as she moaned, thinking only, "Keep going! Don't stop! Don't you dare stop!"

They fucked like animals in the forest, with no one to hear their groans. Their perfect, athletic bodies at the peak of their form shone in the sunlight, muscles slick and wet, chiseled biceps against delicate thighs, dark against light, hard against soft, cock and cunt locked into an escalating spiral of pleasure only these two were capable of experiencing.