Run For Your Life

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Man gets between a woman and her boyfriend, and suffers.
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I was lying on my back thinking about how quickly things can change, when they changed again. I had been told on Monday that my company wanted me in Buffalo on Thursday. That meant I'd have to leave Wednesday to attend the morning meetings on Thursday. I didn't travel a lot in my job, but I had come to resent the time away from home and the lonely nights in some shit-hole hotel or motel.

Here it was Wednesday night and I wasn't feeling morose about my lodging. It was quite the opposite. I was in the middle of a king size bed with a rather voluptuous blonde riding me like a cowgirl. I reached up and squeezed her nipples just hard enough to make her moan. I had lucked out this time and I was enjoying every minute and every sensation. This sure beat sitting around a motel room watching reruns and wondering if Kramer really was a racist.

It has been my experience over the years that when my cock is happy, the rest of me feels pretty damn good, too. My cock was in way over its head, but I knew it was happy. Therefore, I was in a near state of euphoria. Then everything changed, and drastically.

I heard a loud male voice and opened my eyes. It took a second for me to comprehend what I was witnessing. A tall, rugged looking guy had my cowgirl by the hair and was yelling.

"You miserable, cheating slut!" he screamed as he pulled her hair down, forcing her face to turn upward to him. "I come back from my trip a day early so we can fuck and I find you've already found someone to take my place!"

I felt it was imperative that I articulate a proper response, but words failed me. My little head had already decided to withdraw and was beginning to shrivel up in preparation. I had been taken completely by surprise and, much to my chagrin, simply watched the scene unfold.

"Once a cheat, always a cheat, you stupid cunt!" growled the stranger as he pulled even harder on her hair. "This is for your own good, Lisa."

With those words, the bastard smashed her across the face with a vicious backhand! She never made a sound as she tumbled backwards off me, and the bed. I heard a thud just after she disappeared from sight.

I had always believed that discretion is the better part of valor. It seemed like my presence in some other location would be better for my health. To that end, I started to sit up when I felt a jarring blow to my right eye. The force of the blow knocked me down as well as to the side. I rolled with the blow and dropped to the floor across the bed from the psycho.

It was apparent to me that he wasn't finished rearranging my features when he started around the bed. I turned and dove naked through the screen in the open window. Sure my back, belly, and balls got scratched some, but my good eye was extremely grateful it had avoided the fate of its mate. Luckily, it was a ranch home. I had to kick and crawl to complete by exit from the window. My hands hit the ground just as my feet cleared the mesh. I tumbled over onto my back and quickly sprung to my feet.

Everything I had done had been on instinct for survival. Now that I was on my feet and able to think, I took a few precious seconds to take in my surroundings. I decided to move away from the front door, where the yard was illuminated with streetlights, as well as a porch light. As angry as the guy was, it was a good bet he'd be out looking for me.

I turned toward the back of the house, where it was dark. In my haste, I failed to see a goddamn wheelbarrow and crashed into and over it. I cursed as pain shot through my left shin. Suddenly the area was brightly lit! I turned to see an elderly lady looking out her back door at me. I gave her a little smile and a wave. She screamed.

I guess she wasn't happy about having a naked man stumbling around her house, crashing into things and just being a nuisance in general. I turned and headed for the last remaining dark area near the house. My fear was tangible as I heard the incensed dude yell as he came around the corner I had just vacated. I just managed to escape the light as he came into view.

I realize, now, that I should have been looking ahead rather than looking back like one of those poor schmucks in the horror movies. I hit the rose bushes at full speed. Even as I felt the flesh leaving my legs, stomach and genital area, I thought of that story about the bear and the rabbit. It was an old Disney animation and my kids always loved to watch it. The gist was the rabbit could escape his enemies because nothing would follow him into the damn briars.

I crawled as far into the bushes as I could and cowered in the dark. I could see the maniac outlined from the old lady's back door light. It looked like he was waving a stick or something. He'd poke into the bushes a little, then he'd take a mighty swing, sending roses and thorns in every direction. It occurred to me he was using a golf club. From its length and the distance the flora was flying, I judged it to be a three iron. His long game appeared to be quite strong. I turned and crawled toward the front yard. I timed my retreat to coincide with his swing. I had noticed a flaw in his follow through that gave me hope. His head was coming up with the club. He wasn't keeping his eye on the ball, or the rose, as the case may be. I dashed around to the front of the house and stopped.

Being naked, I was not carrying my car keys. My chariot was locked and parked in the driveway, next to what I assumed was my assailant's. Then I heard him stomping toward the front of the house! I ducked behind his car, which I noticed was a late model Toyota. No wonder Ford and GM are having so many problems.

I was bleeding from numerous scratches and abrasions. I was out of breath and naked. How much longer could I avoid the wrath of the crazy fucker? I realized that I was destined to get a real ass kicking if I didn't do something, and soon.

The guy bent over to look under his car. I made my decision and rushed him before he stood back up completely. He had partially turned to face my charge. He raised the club to clobber me, but his hands were still over his head when I crashed into him.

We rolled around on the yard for a while. I managed to make him drop the club but he kept trying to knee me in the balls. There's something about fighting naked that makes a man try harder. I think its fear. I managed to get on top of him and land a solid punch to his head. That hurt my hand some, but otherwise, felt really good. I enjoyed the feeling so much, that I gave him another roundhouse. His lips turned to pulp and I felt even better.

I was pulling back for the coup de grace when I felt someone grab my clenched fist and yank me to my feet. Before I knew what was happening, my other hand was pulled around behind me and I felt the cuffs lock around my wrists.

"You're under arrest, you sick bastard!" barked a cop. He was around thirty and looked rather mousy for a law enforcement officer. He pulled me back against the trunk of his cruiser.

By this time, my attacker had managed to get to his feet and lumbered toward the cop and me.

"Stay right where you are, Sir, " demanded the policeman. "I have everything under control."

"Yeah, well so do I, now," the guy grinned through bloody lips.

I saw it coming and managed to turn my head a little. He still caught my good eye, and it hurt like hell. I let the momentum of the blow take me backwards. I felt the police cruiser under my hands and I threw myself back harder. I balanced on my hands as I brought my feet up in one quick motion. I drew my legs back and shot them ahead as hard as I could.

I caught the fucker in the chest and he flew backward as if he'd been struck by a cannon ball. He landed on his ass on the pavement and over he went. His head made an audible thud when it struck the driveway.

"Jesus! You might have killed him!" screamed the cop as he pulled his gun and pointed it at me with shaking hands.

Other cop cars began pulling in as I was pushed into the back seat of the squad car. I just sat there with both eyes now throbbing. My legs and balls were itchy and bloody and my hands were behind my back. The cop conferred with the other cops for a minute or so. I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. Maybe it was the roar in my head that made it so difficult.

Then the cop climbed into the driver's seat and started the car. The last thing I saw as we pulled out was my attacker trying to sit up. Apparently I wasn't going to face murder charges.

The next hour was almost as bad as the previous one. I was dragged naked into the police station. I was allowed to don an orange jumpsuit before I was charged. I had no ID. I gave them my name and asked to call a lawyer.

I was sitting in a cell when my lawyer arrived. It was about four AM and my eyes had turned every color of the rainbow. I looked like a raccoon.

"Dan Black?" questioned the lawyer as he looked into my cell. "I am Attorney Stephen Cross. Do you wish to retain me to handle this.. situation?

"You're quite astute, Mr. Cross. Why the fuck else would we be having this conversation, especially here, and at this time?" I snarled back.

Then I realized I was shooting myself in the foot by antagonizing my own lawyer. It wasn't his fault that I had experienced such a rotten evening.

"I apologize, Mr. Cross. I'm just having a bad day and got a little defensive. I need you to handle this 'situation', as you referred to this fucked-up mess. Then I'll probably need you to handle my divorce. I can't see how I can remain married after everything that happened."

Was it my imagination, or did my lawyer's eyes light up at that prospect? It took a few minutes for me to explain and get him understand how everything happened. It took even longer for him to get it across to the police. I still had to post bail. My lawyer actually had to post it since I had been naked on arrival and with no credit cards up my ass.

The sun was just coming up as I walked up the drive. I noticed something shiny in the grass and looked more closely. Son-of-a-bitch! It was a four iron. I gingerly bent over and picked it up. Then I rang the doorbell. It took a few minutes, but the door finally opened.

"Hello, Lisa," I greeted her. "How are you feeling?"

I looked her over as I asked the question. Her right eye was as dark as both of mine and there was a bruise on her cheek.

"Come inside, Dan, and we'll discuss it privately," she responded as she ushered me in. "It looks like I feel better than you do. Where were you? What happened? I woke up alone an hour or so ago. I was on the floor of the bedroom with a hell of a headache. "

"I would think that you would remember what happened, at least up to the time you hit the floor," I replied calmly.

"I'm trying to, Dan. I remember we were having sex. We were having great sex, in fact. Then I woke up on the floor with a shiner and that's about it."

"Okay, Lisa. I'll refresh your memory. Let me know when anything comes back to you, okay?" I asked coldly.

I continued without waiting for a reply.

"You were riding my cock when some goon grabbed you, called you a cheating whore, and backhanded you. You tumbled backwards and hit the floor quite hard. He called you by name and seemed upset that he had returned from some trip a day early and found you in bed with me."

I saw fear suddenly appear in Lisa's eyes as I plunged on.

He and I had a bit of a tussle. Hence the discoloration around my eyes and the numerous marks on my ass and balls. It's my guess that he'll be laid up for a while, but I'm no doctor.

Lisa groaned and held her head in her hands.

"Would you believe I have no idea who that guy was and why he showed up last night?" she asked.

"Not a chance in Hell, Lisa," I responded. "You know him, and I suspect you know him very well."

"Dan, it was just a terrible mistake. Nothing like this was ever supposed to happen. You were going to be in Buffalo. Then Jeff had to travel to Baltimore the same day. He must have come back a day early. He knew that my husband was supposed to be in Buffalo, so he assumed you were a new lover. He had no idea who you were. It was just a little fling, Dan. We can patch this up. I'll take care of Jeff," promised Lisa.

"Well, therein lies the problem, Lisa. It seems you've already been taking care of Jeff. I took care of him last night, although he did get in some good licks. In my defense, he caught me totally by surprise. You're not only unfaithful, but you're also guilty of some very bad judgment. You've betrayed me and taken up with a sociopath at the same time."

"I'm getting a court order to keep him away from me and from my home. Get your shit together and get the fuck out within the hour. How you deal with lover/psycho-boy is your problem. If he bothers me again, Judge Colt will carry out his sentence," I promised.

"Dan! We've been together 24 years. Don't throw it all way!" pleaded Lisa.

"I'm not, Lisa. You did that. I wanted to destroy him when he struck you. As we fought, it gradually occurred to me what was going on. Now I don't care what he does to your ass. I almost got killed because of your selfishness and stupidity. That's reason enough to jettison you and this marriage. From now on, my health and safety are my foremost considerations. He's just lucky he didn't bend my four iron. Then I would have felt compelled to shoot him. There are some things a man can't tolerate."

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AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Working my way through all your stories and I'm seeing a hell of a lot of the same stuff: wife 20+ years, cheating skank, delusional AF, thinks they can just patch up the marriage and get over the "little fling". Might want to branch out a little.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


Somebody call the waaaaaambulance

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Excellent story. Good plot twist and very well written. BardnotBard

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

The old switcharoo. Wish it was longer.

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