Run Ch. 07


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"Maybe I just didn't think it through! I'm just pulling this stuff out of my butt half the time! I know people aren't going to wait for me forever, but I don't have the vaguest idea how I'm supposed to react about ANYTHING!" Pat was actually trembling.

"I'm sorry," Keith said, moving and wrapping his arms around her.

"No," she said, "don't be." She let herself be held for a moment. "It isn't going to work is it? We can't just 'be friends' and be dating?"

Keith held his friend. He actually felt a little teary. He couldn't love Gail, and now Pat had slipped out of his emotional fingers, so to speak. "No. Damn, a week ago, this seemed like such an easy decision."

"We can blame me," Pat said. "You've been too nice . . ."

"This isn't a blame thing." Keith stroked her hair. "Maybe it works for Gail and Todd . . . sex and everything without . . . IT. It doesn't for me."

Pat sniffed. She was almost crying when she said, "And now my first time was a one-night . . ."

"NO!" Now Keith was looking at her. "I meant it when I said it was an amazing night for me and I'm so damn lucky it got to be me. But I also felt about you . . . I was thinking it could be forever. Now I know it won't be. And with you . . . that's not enough. You shouldn't ever let someone into your bed that isn't going to be able to be there for you in every way."

Pat broke away. "They always talk about the knight riding to the rescue. The story always ends before the knight rides away."

"Pat, that's not what's happening."

"Yes, it is," Pat said. "It was supposed to be a fairytale. You saved me Keith. You saved me from myself so many times . . . and now we don't love each other and the fairytale is rolling the end credits. And it sucks and it's not fair and . . ." Pat had to pause, lest she work herself into another migraine. "But I need a few days away from you," Pat said, looking at him with teary eyes. "I don't know if I'm going to be mad or just depressed or petty, but I need time."

Keith's heart was tearing him apart. He knew he was doing the right thing, but it wasn't making him feel any better. "Just don't do anything . . . rash," he said carefully. "And if you need someone to talk to, don't rule out the gang just because of me."

"I'm not even ruling you out," Pat said. "I just need some time to figure out . . . me." She looked inside. "I should get back inside," she added, wiping her eyes. "I think we can wait until afterward to tell them . . . you know, what happened." She turned around and went back inside.

Keith turned around and placed he heated forehead and the cool marble of the balcony. It had been so stupid. It had just been her not telling him something first . . . hardly a hanging offense. But then he had let it all out. He didn't want a relationship like Gail and Todd had. He wasn't that type of guy. He wanted something more like . . . what he had experience between Dr. Martin and Lola. He wanted something so powerful that it couldn't be ignored or mistaken as anything else. Pat needed someone who was more of a warrior. Keith needed . . . hell, he didn't know WHAT he needed.

"That was a noble thing you just did," came a powerful and level voice behind him. Keith turned and saw Reginald Baker, emerging from the shadows. "Funny thing about learning about teenagers is how to act like one. That includes listening in on conversations not meant for you. And I won't pretend that I don't know things . . . things that I would much rather not know," the former general said.

Keith was justifiably nervous. Reginald Baker was a man who could destroy him. Keith's one punch against the man had been a total sucker shot.

"I've made enough bad choices in my own personal life to appreciate someone making a right one," Mr. Baker said. "And no, that's not saying that I didn't like you and didn't want you seeing my daughter. Far from it. Keith, the hardest thing about being in the army wasn't running a mile in full pack or shooting my rifle or firing my artillery. It was making decisions. When you make a decision that affects someone else's life . . . it's the hardest thing in the world to do. Not a lot of people can do it and live with the consequences. I certainly hope you can. I hope you and my daughter remain friends, because she believes in you a great deal and I can't tell you how grateful she is for all the ways you've supported her."

"She is an amazing girl," Keith sputtered.

"And you and your friends figured that out faster than I did. But at least I'll get that chance . . . a chance I'll never get with my son. But from what my daughter has told me of him, I think I've figured something out. You find the most amazing people in sometimes the least likely places. People like my son, and people like you."

Keith was surprised. Firstly, that things had gone so well. Secondly, when he got punched straight in the kisser. He was sent flying to the ground, his head spinning.

"Fuck!" he said, feeling some blood coming out from under his lip. "You've been waiting for that since the hospital?!"

"No," said Reginald Baker, who offered his hand to Keith to help him up. "I was willing to let the hospital incident slide. THAT was because you slept with my daughter and I think I'm entitled for that reason."

Keith would've smiled if he didn't think it would cause his jaw to break. He let Mr. Baker help him to his feet before finding his way inside.

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Late that night . . .

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The ride home had been eerie and uncomfortable. Keith and Pat had been very stand-offish to each other the entire evening after some random point. Keith had given Gail the skinny as soon as they got to the car, and those who had come in that vehicle found themselves with little to say. Keith had gotten out of the car at his place and went in without saying a word.

Gail was sitting on her front porch, staring just down the street at where she had dropped off her best friend. For the first time, she didn't think she'd be welcome if dropped by. She turned her head when she heard footsteps coming up the drive. She had been expected Todd, but was surprised to see Sally come trekking up the driveway, completely out of breath.

"Baby, what are you doing?"

Sally had just run a mile from her house to Gail's and she wasn't used to such exertion. "I . . . I . . . I needed to know how . . . ooh . . ." She sat down in the driveway with her head between her knees, breathing deeply. Gail rushed down, but seemed confident that her young friend.

"You could've just called me," Gail said, hugging the young woman fondly.

"But . . . the dramatics," Sally said softly. "What's going on?" she asked, raising a sweaty face to Gail. "What's with Keith and Pat?" Sally had been in Todd's car, so she had missed the conversation.

"I . . ." Gail stopped. Todd's car had just arrived.

"Hey baby, I just dropped off Art, so I hurried over . . ." He looked puzzled. "Hey Sally. Didn't I just . . ."

Gail smiled. "Why do you even drop people off if y'all are just gonna drop by afterward? Please, organize!"

"You're telling someone ELSE to organize?" Todd asked.

"Shut up. Being cute only gets you so far with me." Gail turned to Sally. "Keith and Pat . . . they broke up."

"WHY?!" Sally said, using up what breath she had left.

Gail was frustrated. She knew that just a week ago, the two had been content to try continuing their relationship despite the lack of some intangible deep-seated mind-numbing sense of love. Pat had still seemed willing to try, but Keith had backed out in a big way. Gail didn't understand the logic, even as she tried explaining everything to her friends.

"So . . . what happens to everyone else?" Sally asked desperately.

"What do you mean? Why would anything . . ."

"They're the reason we came together," she said hurriedly. "If they're not together, then what . . . what do the rest of us do?"

Gail wrapped her arm around her trembling friend. Sally had gone without anything resembling a circle of friends for a long time. The idea of losing these ones petrified her. "This doesn't have to change anything with the rest of us. Pat and Keith will just have to figure things out between the two of them. We're still friends Sally. No take-backs."

"It was so perfect," Sally said, leaning against Gail. "Why didn't they work?"

Todd sat cross-legged in front of the two girls. "An attractive guy got infatuated with a dark, mysterious and gorgeous girl. Under normal circumstances, they probably would've dated a couple of times and that was it. They just didn't have enough in common, besides being good people. Keith went to the wall for her, but he would've done that for Gail too. I think that the situation Pat was in . . . the drama that is Pat's life . . . he got caught up in it. Now, he's probably mad at himself. He knows that he may have already screwed up a friendship by making it into something it shouldn't have been."

Gail was looking at her boyfriend. "Where did you come from and what did you do with my boyfriend?"

Todd looked embarrassed. "My mom watches a lot of Dr. Phil."

Sally and Gail both stared at him. Then they started to chuckle.

"He's not bad," Sally said with a smile. "For an icky guy."

"He DOES have his uses," Gail replied, wiggling her eyebrows at Todd.

"Speaking of which," Todd said, "I take it that I won't be 'put to good use' this evening?"

Sally blushed. "I'm sorry. I'm interfering," she said, starting to get up. "I'll just head home . . ."

Gail pulled Sally's arm until the girl plopped in her lap. "Todd has gone without for longer than a couple of days before."

Todd couldn't resist the temptation. "Hey! Who's up for a ménage a trois?

Gail was grinning. Then . . . 'Why not?' She started whispering something into Sally's ear. The girl looked shocked at first, then just started to blush from ear to ear. Sally whispered something back.

"Sure. Why not?" Gail said demurely, wrapping her arms around her young female friend. Sally was someone trying to break out of her shell, and being around Gail sort of enabled the process.

Todd stopped breathing, producing mouth-moisture and blinking . . . all at about the same time. "Hunh . . . wuh?"

Gail nibbled on Sally's ear. "Only rule is that YOU don't get to touch HER. You can watch though."

"Watch what?" he asked with an enormous gulp.

"Whatever," Gail started, running her hands around the front of Sally, tickling her tummy.

It took less than five minutes to load all three people back into Todd's car and make their way over to Todd's house. His parents were out of town for the weekend, so they would have plenty of peace and quiet.

But peace and quiet was the last thing on Todd's mind. He had immediately been shoved back on his bad while Sally and Gail made out and got undressed in front of him. It was clear that Sally, while willing, was nervous. She was giggling and blushed a lot as her young body came into view.

Gail whispered, "Listen, if this is too weird, we can always stop."

Sally bit her lip and then kissed Gail. "I'm okay," she said. "I wanna do this."

Todd hadn't breathed for about thirty seconds. His member was trying to rip its way through denim. His girlfriend's hands were cupping a firm little behind . . . a firm little [i]female[/i] behind. This drew Sally up closer, causing the smaller girl to press her delicate pussy against Gail's upper thigh.

Sally's hear was in her throat as she helped Gail pull the blonde girl's shirt up over her head. She had wanted to be more daring. This . . . was daunting. She liked Todd and all, but he was a . . . a boy. But Gail promised that he couldn't touch Sally. Sally realized that Gail was making out like a bandit in this situation.

To help drive the point home, Gail turned and let Sally feel up her breasts as she unzipped Todd's tormented shaft. It seemed . . . harder . . . when it was able to breathe free air. She touched it and was afraid he was going to shoot in her palm. "Hmm, somebody's happy to see me. Aren't you?" she said to his penis. As Sally was peeling down Gail's pants, she leaned in and licked the head.

Sally was on her knees with Gail's beautiful pussy right in front of her. She tried ignoring the fact the other end of this enchanting woman was touching a guy. She spread Gail's round butt cheeks and gently inserted her tongue into the blonde girl's honeypot.

"Mmmh," Gail moaned as she grabbed Todd's cock more firmly and sucked the head into her mouth with a pop. She traced her nails up the sensitive shaft, then grabbed it again and stroked it while sucking on the mushroom-like head. This was a first for a girl who thought she had tried just about everything. Sally was a lot gutsier than she would ever have given the girl credit for. She was a little lickin' machine, and Gail was going to have problems standing up for long.

Sally noticed that Gail's knees buckle a bit. Besides giving her a sense of pride, it also gave her an idea. She got on the floor and turned onto her back. She pushed on the back of her friend's knees, coaxing her downward. Gail picked up on the idea and she sat on Sally's face while giving Todd head.

'Life is good,' she thought happily as she let more velvety flesh slide into her mouth. And there was a mischievous demon between her thighs, dancing around her insides and lighting them on fire.

Sally was trying to get as far in as her tongue would go. Her one experience with Gail showed her that going down on a girl wasn't nearly as awkward as she initially thought it would be. It didn't hurt that Gail was smokin' hot. She wanted to make the girl cum. Even though she knew it was a silly thing to do, she would probably judge her success as a lover by the number of her companion's orgasms. Her soft lips were sucking on Gail's clit while her thumbs caressed the harder flesh to either side of the girl's opening.

Gail slowly . . . very slowly . . . pulled off of Todd's turgid pole. "She's so hot," Gail said, exaggerating her gasp only slightly as she her skin flushed. "I wish you could feel the things she's doing to me . . . this hot, beautiful girl between my thighs," she added, rubbing the skin of his member up and down while caressing the head with her tongue.

Todd wasn't super-human. He was a mortal, and a teenager at that. The sight of Sally's nubile form emanating from between Gail's thighs combined with that whisper-soft blowjob was simply more than he could bare and with a few pulses, he filled her partially opened mouth with cream.

Gail licked her lips once, then swallowed her treat. She was smiling as she looked up at Todd, then her eyes closed. She was getting another treat in the form of a yummy climax brought about by an inexperienced by wholly enthusiastic young Sally.

"Oh . . . oh . . . oh!" she murmured and moaned. She was rubbing her moist mound against Sally's face, enjoying the decadence of the moment. She scurried down Sally's body and kissed the girl. "And before you even ask, you were fantastic!"

Sally blushed. Todd was grinning appreciatively as his icky . . . thing . . . slowly deflated. But then Todd wasn't on her mind. Gail was kissing her . . . hard and . . . and a lot.

"Remember the other night?" Gail asked, turning herself around to get into a sixty-nine position.

'I'll never forget it,' Sally thought happily. Then she was faced again with that beautiful pussy, and thinking was no longer her primary goal.

"Ooh, somebody shaved," Gail said. Gail had cleaned up the kitty a little bit, making things a bit easier and more accessible for her lover. She was able to caress Sally's outer labia with her thumbs like the smaller girl had done for Gail. 'She must have shaved recently,' she thought, licking her way all the way around. 'Still smooth.'

Sally really hadn't expected a repeat performance or her session with Gail so quickly, or at all. She had wanted to feel sexier and so she had cleaned up a little like she had seen Gail do. It was apparently a big hit, as Gail was exploring like a little kid with grown-up desires. Sally felt a finger penetrate her as she licked away at Gail. Then there was another finger, apparently from a different hand as they were pulling her in opposite directions.

Sally was sticking with just using her tongue this time, or at least as far as pleasuring pussy went. Her hands were exploring, caressing Gail's firm behind, her stomach, ribs and breasts. Especially the breasts. She took those warm mounds completely in her hands and rolled the nipples between her fingers.

"Mmh," Gail groaned. She appreciated her lover's interest in breast-play and wanted to reciprocate. She plunged her tongue in deep and then pulled her fingers away, reaching down and toying with Sally's smaller but still perky tits.

Things heated up a bit as the two girls "titillated" whatever they could get their hands on. They rolled over a couple of times, exchanging who got to be on top. Sally was soon treated to an all-too-brief but quite intense orgasm, and Gail kept her tongue moving through the entire delicious ordeal.

Todd had gotten hard again in record time. He normally had to spend at least $4.95 at the back of a video rental store (or $3.95 for the trial membership at an adult site) for this kind of action. But he didn't want to just butt in and possibly spook Sally.

Luckily for him, Gail had a sixth sense regarding the state of his penis. Her head swiveled and saw it standing proudly. "Baby's back," she chuckled. "Now how to best utilize all these resources. I know . . ." She turned Sally onto her back and then knelt between her open legs. "You, back here," she ordered. Todd got on his knees behind her so that when she knelt forward to continue her oral stimulation of young Sally, her butt cheeks spread and her ravished pussy came into view.

"God loves me," Todd muttered, mostly to himself. He didn't waste much time, easing himself into her sex and savoring the moment.

'That makes two of us,' Gail thought, giving Sally a quick smile before wrapping her tongue around that tender clit.

"Ah!" Sally gasped. She wasn't sure what to do with herself, but Gail was making things easy. Lie back and get pleasured. Her small body was awash with pleasure as Gail's tongue poked or caressed anything that wasn't nailed down.

Speaking of nailing, that's pretty much all Todd had on his one-track mind. He was taking his spike to Gail's pussy with a tempo that would have exhausted John Henry. His balls were slamming into her, and any thoughts of NOT scaring Sally had evaporated. He was horny, Gail was willing and . . . and enough said.

"Gail!" Sally said, then actually blushed because she had spoken loudly. 'Kinda late to be getting bashful,' she thought.

"Yes ma'am?" Gail said, pulling her face up as she grunted. Todd was feeling frisky!

"Don't stop? Puh-lease?!" Sally pleaded.

"I wasn't gonna," Gail said with mock irritation. "Then you go calling my name and distracting me." Gail returned to her cunnilingus with a vengeance. Secretly, she wanted Sally to call out her name again. It was going to be a bit harder with Todd wailing away like he was, but Gail was nothing if not determined. "Ooh, found a spot!"

She had indeed found a spot when she curled a finger into Sally's sex. Sally did everything short of thumping her leg like a hound dog when Gail started to stimulate that spot. She was writhing on the carpet, pushing up on the floor with her feet.

Todd never stood a chance. Watching what his girlfriend was doing to Sally was something he normally would've been stroking to, but he had Gail's pussy doing that job for him. And when Gail's sex clamped down in preparation for her own orgasm, he lost his load completely. His cum was soon mixing with hers in a decadent stew.