Reactions 03 - No and Hell no...again

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My wife's boss offers to rent my wife for the weekend.
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Writers note: Okay first of all I don't write long stories, my stories tend to be short and to the point if you want a long in depth story move on. My stories are generally non cuck stories. If cuck stories are your kink then stop reading now.

Reactions#3 No and Hell No..!

I'm Gary Smith, I have been married for twenty years to the love of my life Luisa. I work in a warehouse that sells car parts around the world, I have been there for 12 years I am a shift supervisor.

Before that I worked in a DIY hardware store, that is where I met Luisa, she worked as a secretary to the warehouse manager.

I am 6ft tall strong and broad shouldered. Due to my job I keep fit but even so at my age of 45 I do have to work at it.

My beautiful wife Luisa, is Mexican by birth she and her family left her country when she was 5 years old.

Luisa is 5ft 5inches tall with curves in all the right places she has a beautiful body, beautiful face, beautiful personality. She is the same age as me, but looks younger than her 45 years, most people think she is in her thirties. Think of a beautiful Latina woman and you will see Luisa.

Luisa works in an accounting firm she is a PA to the a General Manager, Steven Jr, she has been there about four years and she likes it there, we often go to work parties and work BBQs with her colleagues and we have been on holidays and short breaks with her bosses parents, Steven Snr and his wife Denise.

We haven't however been on holiday or many social occasions with thier son, for some reason I never gelled with him and he was always looking at Luisa a certain way, but he didn't take anything further than just a look or maybe a comment, at least until recently.

Steven Jr's parents are both in their sixties and we are friends, they both look good for their age, Steven is tall and well built and obviously works out. His wife is also tall and slim and just as obviously works out as well, Luisa and Denise often go to the gym together if I'm busy.

They are both pillars of the community, they both do a lot of charity work and look after their staff. Personally I think they might be slightly to uptight about certain things, but generally we both like them.

Luisa has always been a PA or Secretary to management in some form or other since she left college. She is very good at her job and her wage goes with her expertise, she gets paid very well. My pay is okay but not as good as my wife's but I'm really not troubled by this.

My wife works out twice a week at the local gym, occasionally I will go with her just to keep fit where as she pumps iron, goes on the cross trainer, uses the rowing machine and goes on the exercise bike. I reap the benefits of her keeping fit and looking fit and toned.

We don't have any children, my wife has a couple of brothers and I have an older sister and older brother we often go to their houses for dinner or just family get togethers.

Between our families we have a large extended family with plenty of nieces and nephews.

Because we don't have any children we make love anywhere and anytime we like.

Over the years we have christened all of the furniture. The dining table, the sofa, the recliner chair, the kitchen counter, on the swing chair out on our garden. On the garden furniture, you get the idea.

When we go out we go together, we are a package deal. Our friends and family know this and accept us as we are. We are an adventurous couple and we do like having fun, particularly Luisa who likes to wear clothes that show off her body and she likes to dance sexually but not go over the top.

She only ever does this with me, yes it does get her unwanted attention from men and even some women, however I believe a couple should be able to enjoy themselves together without being interrupted or have anyone interfere with their fun.

Over the years many men and some women have got the wrong impression of us both, especially Luisa. And of course over the years it had to be explained to various people that we have our fun but only as a couple and we don't share.

When we go to nightclubs or bars with friends if Luisa gets asked to dance or drinks are offered by people we don't know, she turns them down, one of those reasons is she doesn't drink alcohol, for some reason when she is asked what is she drinking and replies,

"Water or diet Pepsi."

It somehow puts them off. And my wife only ever accepts dances with me or family or close friends she trusts, she told me this was her choice early on in our relationship. I think men assume if they buy a woman a alcoholic drink they stand a chance of breaking down a woman's resistance.

As for Luisa not dancing with strangers? As she once told me, "Why would I go out with you and dance with other men?"

Yes she likes dancing with me and when we go anywhere we spend time with each other. I know, shocking isn't it? A married couple who actually want to spend time with each other.

Yes we argue about things, but we never let the discussion get out of hand. And we always have make up sex afterwards. Speaking of our sex life, we really like making love, we do it as often as we can.

We have had sex in some risky places, most recently on our holiday in the Bahamas. We indulged ourselves and had sex in the resorts Jacuzzi late one night, nobody was around, but if anyone looked out of their windows they would have seen us, we also made love on the beach as the sun went down, the beach was practically empty apart from another couple doing the same as us.

And we got kicked out of a nightclub for basically fucking each other on the dancefloor. Yes my wife attracted lots of attention from the native and not so native population.

But she gave them all strong but polite rebuttals when asked to leave with them or to dance with them, at some point one or two desperate natives even tried buying my wife's time.

If they didn't take no for an answer from Luisa then I would step in and a stronger but still polite way tell them the lady was not interested. Some didn't take the hint and more direct action had to be taken.

So a few times stronger but still polite actions were taken. Five men ended up in the infirmary for various injuries and various broken bones during our stay.

After the fifth native was taken to the hospital after receiving a kick to their balls, not from me, from my wife, she uses kick boxing to keep fit, I also join her occasionally in keeping fit that way, the local police came by and asked us to tone down our nights out.

They knew why the men were injured probably because it had obviously happened before it appeared other husbands and boyfriends had not objected to the natives borrowing their wives and girlfriends for a couple of nights or weeks during their holiday.

But in our case the natives picked the wrong couple to try and play with. Both my wife I objected in very strong terms.

They did tell us to stop my wife from walking around in a skin tight one piece swimming costumes all the time, apparently it was very distracting and probably causing the natives to try their luck. They for some reason didn't see the irony of telling my wife to cover up instead of telling the natives to stop hassling us.

So on the last day of our holiday Luisa wore a pair of shorts and a strappy top, only her arms and legs were on show, but it was the turn of the non native population to try their luck.

In this case four American tourists ended up in hospital. It seems they were on a men's holiday and thought they would try and pick up some sexy women, they saw my wife and tried their luck.

The fact they were all married gave my wife extra incentive with her kicks and punches. It would be interesting to know how they explained their injuries to their families.

So, that's us, Luisa and me, we are both sexually adventurous and have role played over the years, however, even in our fantasy talk no one else gets involved. Oh and cowgirl is my wife's favourite position, she loves riding my cock as we kiss and touch each other.


As I was driving home I was remembering how after lots of foreplay how we kissed last night as my wife rode my cock our tongues touching as we French kissed, as she raised her body then let it drop on my cock taking it deep inside her, I admit my cock is slightly bigger than average and quite thick.

Luisa has always said it satisfies and fills her completely. While she impaled herself I stroked her breasts breaking our kiss I licked and sucked her nipples as they bounced.

When I was getting close to cumming Luisa doubled her efforts and I took hold of her arse and thrust up into her vagina hard and fast, she climaxed seconds later her juices leaking over my cock.

She continued to ride my cock using her vagina muscles squeeze my cock and after another few seconds I climaxed and shot my load inside her.

As I did this she called out my name and climaxed again. When we were both fully spent we stayed in our sitting position and kissed each other softly and lovingly.

This was on my mind as I drove home, I generally get home first so I was surprised when I saw my wife's car in the drive and a car I didn't recognise.

I parked my car behind my wife's car. The strange car was a top of the range Jaguar X-Type, the sort of car a manager or CEO of a company would own or rent lease.

I got out of the car and walked towards the house. The front door opened before I got there and Luisa was stood their in her work clothes, a two piece female business suit. The trousers we not really tight but tight enough to show off her legs and arse.

She wore a white shirt under the light suit jacket, it didn't hide her breasts, they are 34dd so not much can hide them.

"Gary, there is someone to see you. He has a proposition for us." Luisa called out as she stood in the doorway.

She pointed to the number plate on the Jaguar. It spelt Steven Jr. In answer I nodded and understood who it was in the house, and probably what he wanted. Its something he wants but won't get.

Even though I am a supervisor where I work I do get dirty so I wear casual clothes with steel toe capped boots, in this case jeans and a t-shirt with and old bikers leather jacket.

I followed my wife into the house and into the kitchen. There sat my wife's bosses son, Steven Jr. He was wearing an expensive suit and his haircut was the latest fashion, I could see he had expensive shoes and a gold expensive looking watch.

In front of him was a cheque book and a gold coated pen.

"Ah, Gary good to see you, let's not beat around the bush. Your wife is going to make you a very rich man." He said in a condescending manner.

My wife half smiled and shrugged, "Ummm Gary, this piece of shit wants to rent me for the weekend, apparently he has been lusting after me ever since he saw me in that black bikini I wore to his father's house last year."

I turned to Steven Jr, "So, you liked how my wife looked in a bikini?"

He turned and smiled "Gary, Luisa looks beautiful in anything, hell put a black bin bag on her and it would look great on her. Yes Gary, your wife is a beautiful sexy woman and I am going to offer you some money to compensate for her not being with you."

He seemed very pleased with that speech.

"So, are you're parents aware you are about to use their money and that you are about to offer it to me so I will lend you my wife?"

"Ah, well no they don't know. And they never will, if either of you breathe a word of this your wife will lose her job and I will speak to your warehouse manager and make sure he fires you." Again he smiled smugly like he held all the cards.

Luisa looked at me with a broad smile, "Steven Senior, and two security guards will be here in 20 minutes."

She showed me the message she sent her boss with the voice recording attached to the message.

Steven Jr looked at us not as sure as he was a moment ago.

"So, just for arguments sake, how much would you offer me for my wife's time?" I said to him.

"Hey, Gary, don't I get a say in this?" Luisa said with mock indignation.

"Of course you do, sorry my love, you ask him the questions." I went up to her and both we put our arms around each other.

She turned to Steven Jr, "Okay arsehole, how much am I worth to you?"

"Well I was willing to offer Gary £5000 pounds." He said not really knowing what to say.

My wife made a noise of disapproval. I just softly laughed.

"Steve, you have seriously insulted my wife. Try again."

"Okay, £20,000, but I keep her until Monday night." He seemed pleased with himself.

"£20,000 pounds to fuck up my marriage? Come on Steven, I am worth more than that." Luisa said with a mock serious expression on her face.

"Oh, I'm sorry Luisa, forgive me. I meant to say £50,000 pounds and you will definitely come back for more." He said regaining his confidence.

I checked my watch, 10 minutes had passed. Luisa looked up and kissed me and whispered, "I'm still recording."

"So, Steven, what exactly would my wife be doing with you and for you?" I said in a cold tone.

He thought for a moment then said, "That mouth of hers needs filling, so definitely a blowjob?"

He paused and smirked at me, "Does she give you blowjobs? I have heard you aren't that big, she does have a small mouth, maybe she needs a bigger cock."

Luisa laughed out loud and said, "Trust me arsehole, my husband is more than enough for me, I have heard from a very good source that you are definitely lacking in the cock department."

She moved away from me and stepped up very close to Steven Jr, I was close behind her. Luisa does have some moves, she is agile and flexible, and for her size she does pack a punch.

But Steven Jr is a 6 feet 2inches tall and looks fit. So I'm her back up.

"Steven, let's get things straight, I would never except any money from you, neither would Gary, put away your father's cheque book. In 3 minutes your father is going to be here, I am a damn good PA your father needs me much more than he needs you."

Steven Jr made the mistake of trying to grab my wife, he was way too slow. Luisa opened her hand and slapped him so hard he fell off the chair. He ended up in a heap on the floor clutching his face.

As he was getting to his feet his father and two of his security guards came in. He looked around and saw Luisa standing over his son. He turned to me.

"Gary, I apologise for my son's behaviour, rest assured he will not be working for my company ever again. The recording of my stupid son offering you money for your wife is definitely not something I thought I would ever hear."

He nodded to one of the guards and he and his associate moved and picked up Steven Jr.

The mark on his face was an angry red colour, plus he was also blushing because he was embarrassed after being knocked on his arse by Luisa and he was also very angry.

He stared at Luisa as he was lead away, however with a show of strength he threw off the guards and turned towards Luisa who was backing away.

He started to follow her but was stopped by my fist breaking his nose, my punch lifted him off his feet and he landed on the kitchen table.

The two guards applauded as did Luisa, his father had a massive grin on his face.

"Gary, that was a long time in coming. Someone should have done that long time ago. If you ever want to change jobs call me, now Luisa, there is an opening in my company, the pay is good but I will make it better. You are already familiar with how we work, but you will get full training."

He shook my hand and hugged Luisa. The two guards smiled and then dragged Steven Jr to the car.

"By the way Luisa, the Jaguar is yours too, if you want it. See you on Monday." Steven Snr said as he walked out the door.

Luisa looked at me smiled and started taking off her clothes. She then pushed me onto a chair and took out my cock she kissed, licked and deep throated my cock.

When I was close to cumming she straddled me and rode my cock until I shot my cum inside her, as she felt me cum she climaxed too. When we both came down from our high I carried my wife upstairs and we made slow passionate love for several hours then slept.


Epilogue: Steven Jr had been coming onto my wife for several months. Luisa kept me and his father up to date on what he was doing. She recorded all his attempts to persuade her to cheat on me and made sure she was only alone with him when necessary.

Finally after many attempts to be charming and failing Steve Jr came up with idea of paying me for my wife's time. Of course she told me what he planned. And told his parents. They agreed to watch what happened and act accordingly. So I wasn't home early by accident.

Luisa is now a very respected Manager and works directly for Steven Snr, but she has her own department and is well on her way to being a Director.

Steve Jr is now in an office in the far north of Alaska. His job is post boy for a logging company. He has been disinherited and any trust fund has gone to a charity. He only owns his clothes a beat up old jeep and the cabin he lives in.

His parents keep an eye on him through mutual friends who work for the logging company, but basically he is on his own.

His good looks are now permanently damaged by his broken nose and he also walks with a limp, yes Luisa and I went on a wilderness holiday in Alaska, one night in a bar Steven Jr got a beating from a short slim person he didn't see coming as he staggered outside drunk one night, he told one of his colleagues he was beaten up by five men. His balls were sore for week's apparently.

Every married woman knows about him and they all stay well away from him, even the single women stay away from him. The only women who will talk to him are the prostitutes who hang around the logging company after pay day.

One night six months later, when we were curled up watching TV, Luisa did ask me how much I would have settled for her going with him, I said truthfully,

"There is not enough money in any bank in the world to compensate me, I would never give you away or share you with anyone, yes I know I selfish my love."

She kissed me gently on the lips and said, "Good, the same applies to you." She then snuggled into me.

The End.

The good guys won the bad guy lost. That's how my mind works, if that's not your thing sorry look elsewhere for your own idea.

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montanaboy12montanaboy1211 months ago

So refreshing to see people cheat--they do it so easily on this site in so many stories!!

secretsalsecretsal11 months ago

"The two guards applauded as did Luisa..."

Damn, you even got the 'and then everyone clapped' meme in there. Enjoyable for what it is, but it's funny imagining the whole story as a repost on that r/thatHappened.

muskyboymuskyboy11 months ago

Very nice, thanks for this;. 5/5

jackheadjackheadover 1 year ago

Is everybody on this site a fucking English Major? BTW - Please correct my English if required!

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