Private Practice Ch. 02

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The Team investigates despite tremendous obstacles.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/07/2022
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racism, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

There may or may not be discussion of political issues in my stories. If you are a Snowflake that feels you need to be protected from any mention of politics, then click the Back button now, and never attempt to read any of my stories ever again. You've been warned.


Part 7 - Psychology Horror

"Officer down! Officer down! All units respond! Roll two ambos..." I heard on my Police radio as my Police SUV hurtled down the road to University Avenue, then south on that road towards the location. After hearing the shots on my Police iPhone through Father Romano's, I'd radioed in for all units to respond. And now I was hearing the worst; it reminded me of the night Corporal Peter M. Feeley had died. (Author's note: 'Case of the Black Widow', Ch. 05.)

I drove into the front parking lot and stopped with a screech of tires just short of Dr. Frost's building. I was wearing a full armor vest as I rushed up. Patrolman Culver was taking names and badge numbers, and he just said "Gotcha, sir." before I could give mine. I ran up to the building, and no one got in my way.

The first thing I saw on the floor of the reception room was a shroud-covered body. Next, I saw Michael Bertram sitting in the receptionist's chair behind the desk, his face a mask of pure shock, and it may have been the medical condition. And then I looked the other way at the waiting room seats. Sergeant Hicks was sitting there as a videographer filmed him taking the statement... of Chaplain Alberto Romano!

I breathed an immense sigh of relief, then asked Sergeant Carter, who had just arrived, "Who is this on the floor?"

"The perp." said Carter as I pulled back the shroud to see the face of a young, white, and very dead man, his pulled-off mask next to him on the floor. "He came in the back way. When he came into the receptionist's office, Father Romano was coming out of the file room. Fortunately, Father Romano had his gun drawn, and tapped the perp twice in the chest. Center of mass. The perp's shot missed, and is in the door frame there."

I looked up to see the damaged file room door frame. Then I remembered: "Uh, I heard an 'Officer down' call on the radio. If it wasn't Chaplain Romano, who was it?"

"This way, sir. Out back." Sgt. Carter said. I followed him into the office and out the back door, my soul filled with trepidation. I saw Officer Grant Mullen being interviewed by other Officers, and Paramedic Kevin Randolph and EMT Kelton Mills about to put Officer Kevin Buchannan, who was on a gurney, onto the ambulance. Buchannan's arm was bandaged.

"What happened here?" I said as I came up to them.

Randolph said "Officer Buchannan was shot three times. Two hit him in the chest and impacted his armor, and the third is a flesh wound on his arm. Knocked him out for a minute, and we'll have the doctor evaluate for concussion at the hospital."

I came up to Buchannan. He was groggy, but said "I'm sorry sir..."

"No, no. No need to be." I said. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Shadow... just came out of the dark and started shooting..." Buchannan said. I told him to just relax, then told the EMS people to get him to the Hospital. As they drove off, I went up to Grant Mullen.

"Weren't you assigned to be with Buchannan?" I asked harshly. "Where were you?"

"I'm sorry, sir. I went to the restroom." said Mullen. "I heard the shots, and as I came out into the office, I saw the perp go into the reception room. There was gunfire, and when I got to the door, the perp was on the floor. Chaplain Romano had shot him, and the perp was dead on the spot."

"All right." I said. "You may be lucky to be alive. Get your report in as fast as possible." I then went back inside and to the receptionist's room. CSIs had arrived, as well as Lieutenants Jerome Davis and Joanne Warner, and they were supervising the CSIs doing CSI things.

I went out front. Officers Madison and Colquitt were finishing their videotaped interviews. I asked them what happened.

Madison said "Lieutenant Warner had left with the receptionist Denise about ten minutes before. The lawyer, Mr. Bertram, was talking to us before going to his car. When we heard the shots, we ran to the door and inside, and by that time the perp was dead, Father Romano was giving him the Death Rites, and Mullen was standing in the doorway of the office."

I said "Did Bertram run in right behind you?"

"No sir." said Patty Colquitt. "I was looking around as I ran behind Officer Madison, and Mr. Bertram was frozen in place for several seconds. He came in a minute after we did."

"Okay, thanks." I said. I went back inside and said "Lieutenant Davis! Get as many Officers as you need. Every file, every scrap of paper in this place, is to boxed up and taken to---"

"NO!" yelled Bertram, standing up to confront me. "Those files are privileged, and you will NOT remove them!"

Moving too fast for him to react, I grabbed Bertram by his collars, lifted him up, and slammed him against the wall. "THE HELL I WON'T!" I yelled as he grabbed my wrists, trying desperately to remove my fists from his neck because he couldn't breathe. "I just had one Officer shot and two more that were lucky not to be killed! And if you get in my way, I'll put your ass in jail with your buddy Gaston!"

I released him, and he sank to the ground in a heap, gasping for air. "I'll finish my orders." I said to Lt. Davis. "Every piece of paper, every file, is to be put in boxes, sealed, and taken under at least two man control to Headquarters. Have them stored in the storeroom to the left of the Chief's office, and post a guard on the door, but not inside the room. No one but Captain Romano is to break the seals. Go!" Jerome moved out smartly to obey my instructions.

A second later I heard a screech of tires outside, followed by yelling and someone running inside. It was Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle, her face connoting horror. When she saw Father Romano, she gasped in relief. "Father... thank God! When I heard there was an Officer down..."

"I'm fine, ma'am." Romano said. "As always, I heeded Commander Troy's advice. He 'suggested' I wear armor and carry my service weapon with me..."

Part 8 - Continuing The Investigation

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Channel Two News!" shouted the redheaded MILF reporterette at 7:00am, Tuesday, August 24th, from the anchor desk of the KXTC studios. "One Police Officer shot in an ambush at a previous crime scene!"

After the hard-charging intro music, Bettina began: "Officer Kevin Buchannan was shot and wounded by an unknown gunman while guarding the office of Dr. Peter Frost, who was found murdered inside his office yesterday morning. Officer Buchannan was taken to University Hospital, where he is recovering from his wounds."

Bettina: "Dr. Peter Frost, a psychologist in private practice, was found dead in his office yesterday morning. Our viewers will remember how the Police, at the direction of Commander Donald Troy, obtained lists of Town Fitness Centers members and investigated them without probable cause. Dr. Frost's lawyers are working hard to prevent Commander Troy from abusing Dr. Frost's clients's rights in this case." (Author's note: 'The Babymaker'.)

Bettina: "And now let's go to trusted reporter Amber Harris for more on the crimes over the last 24 hours. Amber!"

"That's right, Bettina!" said the 'height-challenged', athletic blonde reporterette, with the office suite enveloped in crime scene tape behind her. "Commander Donald Troy and his Police Force have no leads in the murder of Dr. Frost nor the shooting at the same office suite last night. And as usual, Commander Troy has not responded to repeated requests by Channel Two News for comment."

Amber: "Dr. Peter Frost figured heavily in the case of Stanley Locklear shooting and killing his unarmed business partners in Mr. Locklear's home several weeks ago. Locklear's trial is coming up soon, possibly as early as next week. ADA Savannah Fineman has told Channel Two News that Dr. Frost's unfortunate death will not harm her very strong capital murder case against Locklear. Police have refused to say if Dr. Frost's murder is related to the Stanley Locklear case. Back to you, Bettina!"

"Thank you, Amber!" Bettina said brightly as the feed returned to her. "That was trusted reporter Amber Harris with that important report. And Channel Two News has learned that the Town & County Police removed all of Dr. Frost's patient files from his office, meaning they are now in the possession of Commander Donald Troy. This chilling situation has caused attorneys to scramble to file motions in the Court of Superior Court Judge Patrick R. Folsom to stop Donald Troy from having access to them, and to have the files removed from TCPD Headquarters..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"You'd think that KXTC being suuuuued by Commander Troy would cause KXTC to be more honest in their re-POR-tinnng." drawled Police Chief Sean Moynahan as he, Sheriff Griswold, me, Deputy Chief Tanya Perlman and Lt. Commander Teresa Croyle watched the propaganda-cast and drank coffee in the Chief's Conference Room.

"No sir," I said, "they are in for a penny, in for a pound helping Savannah with her political prosecution of Stanley Locklear, and they're (air quotes) 'helping' by ginning up scare tactics that we're going to look at and even publicly publish Frost's patient list."

"How is Kevin Buchannan doing?" Tanya asked.

"Pretty good." I said. "I went to see him at the Hospital. They were holding him for observation overnight, and to pump some antibiotics into him. The arm wound is not serious. He was lucky, though, that the perp was deadly accurate. The two shots to his chest were center-of-mass. One was right on his sternum, the other an inch to the right of the first shot. Very painful, and he'll have problems deep breathing for a couple of days. But the armor held."

Sheriff Griswold said "Buchannan is pretty sharp. I'm amazed the perp got the drop on him."

I said "That back driveway is poorly lit, sir, and the perp was lithe and wearing all black. I think he waited in the shadows until Buchannan was alone, ambushed him, then rushed the door expecting to see Mullen. He didn't; Mullen was in the bathroom. And that hesitation gave Father Romano enough time to draw his service weapon before coming to the file room door. And the good Father's accuracy was divine, pun fully intended. Center-of-mass shots."

"Soooo, Mister Crowbarrrr," drawled the Chief, "the storeroom next to my office is full of sealed boxes, and an Officer is guarding the door. How did that come to passsss without me knowing about it?"

I replied "The good news, Chief, is that it came to pass... not to stay, but to pass. We're going to put Father Romano in the D.A. office next to the Sheriff's temporary office here in HQ, so that storeroom is close by. And theoretically, Chief, that was supposed to be the Police Commander's office, so I took the liberty."

"You really knowwww how to stretch the lawww, Mister Crowbarrr." the Chief said, making the others chuckle. "But that's fine. And I'll back you up all the way on seizing those files."

Tanya said "What about Father Romano? He's gotta go on restricted duty until he's cleared in the shooting."

"Yes, he does." I said as I stood up. "And Bertram is demanding he be recused and unable to look at the files. I have to be in Judge Folsom's Chambers at 8:00am sharp to explain to him that being on restricted duty means Father Romano can sit behind a desk... and look at files. If you'll excuse me, Chief, Sheriff..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

8:00am, Tuesday, August 24th. Instead of the Duty Dress jacket I would normally wear when 'invited' to a judge's Chambers, I wore my standard blue uniform shirt with soft shoulderboards... and an armored vest over it. It was to create the impression, and a truthful impression it was, that Police lives were still considered to be in danger.

I was two minutes early. Michael Bertram was shown in exactly on time, as was Michael McGill and Nadine Hall. Savannah Fineman arrived three minutes late.

"Where is D.A. Walters?" Judge Folsom asked acidly.

"Uhh..." Savannah started, then said "Your Honor, I don't think she knew about this meeting or that you wanted her here. Shall I call her?"

"Don't bother. Have a seat, everyone." the Judge said with great acidity. We all sat down, except for Nadine Hall.

"Your Honor," Nadine said "I must inform you that I am no longer Marla Locklear's legal representation."

"Why not?" asked the Judge. "Did she fire you?"

"We... (air quotes) 'mutually agreed' to part ways." Nadine said. "I am having severe ethical issues over being her attorney during her husband's trial after certain evidence turned up, and especially after Dr. Frost and Officer Buchannan were shot. I told her she should release her records of her sessions with Dr. Frost, and she refused. And while that is her right, we agreed that it would be best if she find new representation."

"Very well." said Judge Folsom. "You may go." Nadine went, as fast as her shapely legs could take her out of the room.

"All right, let's get down to business." Judge Folsom said. "Mr. Bertram?"

Bertram stood and said "Your Honor, I would like for you to rescind your decision to allow Captain Romano to examine the privileged files, and recuse him from doing so any further. After he shot dead a man last night... a priest shooting a man dead in cold blood... he'll have to be suspended while the investigation of the shooting is conducted---"

"That's not true, Your Honor." I interrupted.

"DO NOT INTERRUPT ME AGAIN, TROY!" Bertram yelled, making a move to advance upon me. I stood up to square off against his physical threat.


"Boys! BOYS!" Judge Folsom said loudly. "Stop acting like children in my Chambers! Now why is that not a truthful statement, Commander? Isn't Chaplain Romano suspended pending an investigation?"

"No, Your Honor." I said calmly, though still standing. "Chaplain Romano is on desk duty and cannot carry a weapon until he is cleared in this shooting and then re-qualifies, and that's standard procedure. He is not suspended, sir, and he can sit there in Police Headquarters and examine files. There is nooo reason why he should be recused."

Your Iron Crowbar: "And by the way, Your Honor, Captain Romano did not shoot that perp in cold blood. He shot the man in self-defense after the perp shot one of my Officers and came in and tried to shoot a Police Captain, that being Father Romano."

"Litigate that with your I.A. and the I.G." said the Judge. "But he's not suspended?---"

"Your Honor," said Savannah, "the TCPD has no Internal Affairs leader that outranks Romano. And Romano is not on regular duty. I agree with Mr. Bertram that Romano must be recused, and disallowed from looking at those privileged documents any further."

I'd had enough. "What are you trying to hide, Fineman?" I asked menacingly. "I get it that Bertram is legitimately trying to protect his client's clients's interest, but for an ADA to so actively obstruct a Police investigation is (air quotes) 'not normal'. Heck, it's a lot worse. As Shakespeare wrote: 'the lady doth protesteth too much'. So what are you trying to keep me from finding out, Fineman?"

"Your Honor, I resent that!" Fineman yelled.

"So do I, Your Honor!" Michael McGill yelled. "I resent ADA Fineman's repeated interference with not only the Police investigation, but her unethical actions regarding the Locklear trial. As you saw yesterday, and I called her out on it in front of you, she admitted she was going to sneak Dr. Frost in as a witness, even though she did not put him on the witness list---"

"Enough. Enough!" Judge Folsom barked. "Okay. When the second-in-command of the Police Force tells me that his Police Captain is still on duty, I take him at his word. So Chaplain Alberto can continue to look at the papers. And tell him I expect a first report from him by close of business today, Commander. You may go. Mr. Bertram, you can go, as well. You two..." he said, pointing at McGill and Fineman, "stay right here..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Father Romano was in the old temporary ADA office between the Main Conference Room and the Chief's suite. He would narrate and videotape as he broke the seals of boxes, then peruse the contents of the files.

Meanwhile, I had received Martha's reports of the autopsies of both Dr. Frost and the perp. I called her up and said "Martha, why are you avoiding me?"

"I'm not...avoiding you, sir." Martha replied.

"So why didn't you bring these autopsy results over to me in person, like you so often do?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you were busy." Martha said. "And Commander Perlman... Muscone watched the autopsies. Ate frozen popsicles the whole time."

"Okay, then." I said. "Give me the Cliff's Notes of what I'm about to read."

Martha said "Peter Frost died of the gunshot wound to the chest cavity, and the coup de grâce to the head was unnecessary. From the chest wound cavity, the shooter was likely shorter than Dr. Frost, and perhaps the height of the perp Father Romano shot up. Ballistics is going to contact you directly about the caliber of the bullet that did not exit his head but stuck to the inside of the back of his skull."

"Okay." I said. "What about the bruising?"

Martha: "There was bruising on his head and neck. It looked like someone half-strangled him, then punched his face a few times. But those bruises are old, about one week old. There also was some scraping on his knuckles, some of it old and some of it new. And there was skin under his fingernails, which I'm sending to the State Crime Lab for DNA analysis."

I said "Okay, what about the perp?"

Martha: "I sent his fingerprints and face photo to the SBI and FBI to see if they get any hits from their databases or facial recognition. He died of the two shots from Father Romano's service weapon, which is a Beretta 92FS in 9mmP caliber. But he'd been shot in the chest and the leg before, by smaller caliber rounds. This is wild-ass speculation, sir, but he may have been in the military and been wounded."

"I like the 'wild-ass guess' side of you, Martha." I said humorously. "Okay... oh, by the way, did Peter Frost have a vasectomy?"

"No sir, and I did check." said Martha with a chuckle. "The things this old dog learns from you, sir." That made me chuckle...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Commander, I'm Jody Taylor." said Jody Taylor. "I'm the TCPD's new hire for ballistics."

"Ah, so you took the job." I said, knowing Taylor had been a revered ballistics expert with the City PD's CSI team. "That's great. Whaddya got for me?"

"Sir," said Taylor, "Dr. Peter Frost was shot by a.25 caliber bullet. The Beretta in.25 caliber was once very popular as a concealed carry defense gun, but the.32 and.380 ACP replaced it in popularity over time. We don't see the.25 caliber very often at all, anymore."

"Verrry interesting." I said. "What did the perp that tried to shoot Father Romano use?"