Pizza Boy at the Door Ch. 09

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Laughter in the morning and tears in the afternoon.
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Part 9 of the 20 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 12/04/2013
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8=== > Laughter in the morning and tears in the afternoon

Josh's body began to pull his mind from the slumber he was enjoying. His eyes fluttered several times as the fog of the most strange dream he was having, was attempting to clear and allow it to come into full focus. He thought the half awake vision was the ending of a good wet dream, but never before had his early morning wood been fed by a hallucination like this one...lips working his cock and his thighs being tickled by the rough hair of a long beard. In a way, it was very enjoyable since Josh found certain bear-type men very attractive; but a beard had never been any kind of real turn-on for him. But this was different...very different! The beard was stimulating him like he didn't know he could be when it brushed back and forth over his taut balls and stroked his inner thighs as the mouth swallowed his erection over and over, again and again. His body finally won the contest as he felt the rumble begin and his eyes snapped open just as he came. He was thoroughly enjoying the toe-curling euphoria as his throbbing tool vibrated and emptied in the hungry mouth. But he suddenly burst out laughing like a psychotic clown in a Stephen King novel.

"Merry Christmas, my favorite cute little elf. Did Santa bring you what you really wanted?"

Josh couldn't stop the almost painful chortling that was coming from inside him. He just kept laughing as he continued staring at a naked Kyle situated between his legs who once again had pulled off the 'best alarm clock there is' morning wake up stunt on him. But this time he did it while wearing a large, red, white-tassled, Kris Kringle hat, and the biggest white fake beard he had ever seen! When he finally got his amusement under control, he demanded, "Get up here you insane, sexy, stud." He pulled Kyle to his face to taste his own juice as they kissed. It made him incredibly horny again and he pushed Kyle to his back and took the twitching ornament between Santa's legs in his hand and slowly pulled it a few times.

"Let me see if this little elf can make Santa come more than once a year," was the only thing Josh said as he instantly inhaled Kyle's rod. He soon had him writhing on the bed and before Kyle could issue his typical warning of how close he was; Josh poked a wet finger thru his puckering poinsettia and made Kyle explode instantly when he nailed the magic button hard.

The glow on both their faces as they snuggled and mixed up yet another snowball, would have out-shined even Rudolph the Reindeer's vibrant red nose. "I think Santa needs to come down your chimney every night, Joshie," was the last bad, seasonal humor, teasing one-liner from Kyle; but Josh just had to add a last one of his own.

"Lots better than just lukewarm milk and more stale cookies sitting on the mantle, eh Santa?" That only solicited a very wide grin and nod of the head from Kyle before he licked a stray drop of cum from Josh's cheek without words.

Kyle glanced over at the red digits of the LED alarm clock on the night stand and stated "It's only 5am baby...but it is finally Christmas morning...for us anyway." The wink he used with the comment, momentarily hid the sparkle in the left eye; but the golden flecks in his right hazel one seemed to glitter even more. Even though Kyle would have loved to have spent the entire day this way as they kissed and caressed and cuddled, he also knew he was on a serious time schedule due to his flight plans later in the day. Kyle suddenly sat up and crossed his legs Native American style and looked down at Josh's face. The afterglow smile was still on it and very wide.

"Come on baby...we have more presents to open," was conjoined with a bouncing on the bed that reminded Josh of what was inside that big package under the tree that Kyle was dying to tear into.

"Just fair warning, stud," Josh began. "That big one is last...and that is not negotiable." The little boy inside the oh-so-grown-up and hot as hell twenty-two year old man in front of him, had surfaced and Josh decided to let his own inner child out of his nearly nineteen year old, manboy body too. "And I get to open mine first this morning!" were the words he yelled, as he jumped from on top of the covers and ran for the bedroom door.

Kyle unfolded his legs and was in quick pursuit; challenging him with, "Not if I get there first!"

Kyle had already told him last night, that the big one from him that intrigued Josh almost as much his huge one did Kyle; was the last one he got to open, too. When Josh beat him to the tree and grabbed it from under the tree, Kyle tackled him and they wrestled for a moment or two like two young brothers playfully fighting over a suddenly stolen basketball during a game of one-on-one. "Pleeeeeeease Kyle. I want to see inside this one fiiirrrrsssttt," was the grade school style whine he spewed.

Kyle yanked the huge one from under the tree and ripped one edge of wrapping loose. "Only if I can see inside this one first toooooooo," was the similar 9-year-old-like taunt he answered with. Just for effect, Kyle stuck out his tongue also.

"Hummm. Trying to bribe me now are you?"

Kyle leaned in and licked an erect nipple on Josh's chest. "Is it working?"

" know it always does. But you still have to open the other one first."

Kyle bent his lips downward and forced the bottom one out as far as he if he was five years old and just been banished to a long time out. He even added an appropriate sad look to his eyes to further exaggerate the faked disappointment.

They both laughed and conceded by sitting the two big ones to the side...knowing there was a reason each had for making the most mysterious ones, last. 'Damn mind meld very first thing in the morning,' zinged thru Josh's head at the same time Kyle placed the smallest of the remaining boxes in his hand. It actually had been the smallest of all 10 of the gifts that were under the tree. Kyle had already grabbed the medium sized one that was from Josh and just held it as he silently told Josh to go first. He was holding his breath as Josh quickly pulled off the simple gold bow & ribbon, and then the shiny bright green foil paper. Once the tiny white box was exposed, Kyle nodded his head at him to remove the top.

The morning sun rising over the bay was streaming through one of the double glass patio doors. It caught the bright silver laying on a bed of snow white cotton inside the box, and lit it up like a Hollywood search light was on it in the semi-dark room. Josh slowly lifted the long sterling chain and saw the second glittering reflection of the sun as it bounced off the shiny silver pendant dangling from it. He turned slightly, to block the glare, and finally saw what it was: a pair of spear and shield Mars symbols; universally recognized as the sign for male; but this one had them linked together as one. He had seen the same type of one that Cody at the shop would occasionally wear; but his was on a choker chain...this one was slightly larger and on a much longer and thicker piece of silver rope. He looked over at Kyle with a slight moistness in his eye as he knew that this had to have been very expensive.

As if he just knew what Josh was thinking as he rolled the piece of jewelry in his palm; Kyle scooted over beside and took it from his hand. "Here, baby. Let's see how it looks on you," were his tender words as he slipped it over Josh's head and adjusted the position until the 'I am a man and I like other men' symbolism of the pendant was centered on his hairless chest. "Good! I did get the right length," came from his mouth.

"Right length?" was all Josh could say as he stared down at it adorning the crevice between his still boyish pecs.

"Yeah baby. I was worried I got a chain that was too long or too short." Josh stared at him again with an unstated 'Huh?' He answered it with "Sweetie...I know you aren't out yet, but are totally comfortable with being gay...with yourself and me and some friends anyway." He paused a couple of seconds and then continued. "That length means you can wear it proudly and not have it be 'in your face' with it...with your customers or your family." He paused another moment before suggesting, "Turn it over, babe."

A huge smile exploded on Josh's face as he held the pendant out from his chest and flipped it in his hand. Etched on the back of one symbol was 'kylio' and on the other 'joshie'....all in lower case, block letters. He knew that he would be wearing this home for the holidays, and even if he never found a way to talk about Kyle to his family this trip; he would be there with him. "I don't know how to say what I am thinking is so beautiful."

"Don't try baby. Just knowing you like it, is all I needed to hear." The large smile on his face also came from what he didn't say but was in his mind: 'If things keep going like they are, the next piece of jewelry for you will be round, gold, and have both of our names in script; etched inside together...and I will have the matching ring on my left hand.' Kyle inhaled very deeply as he realized that was the first time he had let the thought of something very serious and very permanent being possible with him and Josh. Kyle had been raised Catholic, and gay or not, his attitude about marriage was that it only happens ONE time. That sobering train of thought was derailed as Josh nudged him with his first gift of the morning.

'Little boy' Kyle happily took the medium sized rectangular package from him, and wasted no time at getting it open as Josh watched intently. Part of him was excited, but a larger part was nervous that the shadow box hockey display wasn't anywhere near as intimate as what had just been given him. The reaction on Kyle's face and words quickly displaced that thought.

"Oh wow Josh! How the hell did you know?" as Kyle hugged the frame and then nearly broke the glass as it was wedged between them in the bear hug he gave Josh. "Do you have ANY idea what this means to me?"

Josh's confused look said he didn't.

"Baby! I got to meet Patrick Roy after a Montreal-Buffalo game when I was maybe all of 9 or 10 years old, and just starting to play hockey." Kyle was so excited, that the next words just spilled out. "He had kicked our ass in that game and I decided right then and there, that I wanted to be as good as him someday. He is the reason I became a goalie in high school. He was my hero! I wanted to BE him someday! You couldn't have found me anything better."

Josh was beaming and feeling the same way as he ran his thumb over the etched names on the back on the necklace around his neck. He knew that so long as he wore it, Kyle would be with him; even when he wasn't. That made his heart...and cock...stir. "For real, Kyle?" he asked.

Kyle let loose of the shadow box for the first time since it came out of the box, and laid it gently on the coffee table. "As real as this is," was all he said before pulling Josh into a tight embrace and kissing him deeply. As their lips rubbed together, their tongues battled back and forth inside each other's mouths, and their hands roamed and suddenly found hardness...both suddenly remembering they each were naked after having raced from the bedroom without bothering to put on any underwear even. Kyle squeezed Josh's preeing cock and whispered, "I have a real quandary right now baby."

"Oh? And what is that, Kyle?" Josh was tugging gently at Kyle's oozing manhood too.

"I want to suck your dick so bad right now, but I want to open that last fucking big box too!"

Snickering and while chewing on his ear lobe, Josh's aroused again libido made him whisper, "So let's get the damn things open then get it on!"

Kyle grinned evilly and kept a tight grip on the thick inches of flesh in his left hand as he used the right one to grab and nudge his final gift towards Josh. Josh was nibbling on one of Kyle's nipples as he picked up the box and realized it was very light for the size. Kyle used the free hand to pull Josh's huge gift box to him and thought the very same thing as it moved easily to him on the deep pile, dark green area rug covering the light beige, granite tile floor.

Josh was the first to release the grip as he remembered the giant plush animal inside the wrapped package. It made him cycle another couple of thoughts to himself: 'Hell, Kyle goes bOINg more than Tigger does. Getting him horny and up again won't be any problem, even if he loses that hard on while we open the last ones.' He didn't explain the accompanying snickers to Kyle, but instead seriously asked, "So who goes first this time?"

"Why don't we do it like we have done our best orgasms...together?" was Kyle's smirking suggestion as he squeezed Josh's cock one last time before letting go.

Josh silently concurred by tearing the expensive looking gold and purple paper and gently started to lift the flap of the Mr. Coffee box that was underneath. Other than the short set of giggles from Kyle when his paper ripping exposed a 36" floor fan box and he pulled up a similar flap; he remained quiet too. It was obvious to each other that they had both recycled other boxes to use for whatever was so special that it was the last gift to be opened. That only added to the curiosity and they nodded to each other that it was time...and they popped the lids back and peeked inside. The resulting duplicated "OH HELL NO!" from each was just about the most amazing thing either had said or heard as it sank in to what had happened between them with the two final gifts...the most unnerving and yet the most substantiation so far, of how special their odd ESP-mind meld thing was.

Kyle had already gotten the giant Tigger free from being wedged tightly inside the cardboard box and was hugging the hell out of it like a 3 year old, when Josh yanked the 18" tall plush Pooh from his box and immediately kissed it on the nose. Now if THAT wasn't the ultimate Kodak moment...two grown men sitting naked with erections beside a Christmas tree, and laughing hysterically while they hugged giant stuffed animals...then nothing ever would be! The truly funny thing was, neither had yet noticed what each stuffed toy had attached to their hands yet.

Josh was the first to regain some sense of composure and asked "Why Pooh, Kyle?" As an important afterthought, he added, "Grandma always calls me 'her little Pooh'."

"Because I think he reminds me of you...and that special sweet 'honey pot' you have me put my tongue in all the time." He grinned and then also questioned Josh with "Why Tigger, Joshua?" He added his own extra bit of info before Josh could speak: "I know you didn't know that 'Tigger' became my nickname on the high school hockey team because the coach said I bOINg'd around on the ice so much to protect the net!"

Josh laughed at the irony and then said, "Well that may be true, but I kind of latched onto it because of the way you go bOINg~bOINg~bOINg in the bedroom, stud." That made Kyle smile. "Tigger has something in his paw for you while we are apart, too." Kyle's smile widened as he found the plastic bag with six more Santa shaped Reese Cups inside tied to the stuffed animal's wrist. "You will have to ration them out because I didn't have enough money left to buy you one for each day you are gone."

Kyle reached and ruffled Josh's blonde mop and said, "You might want to see what Pooh has in his hand for you for the next ten days too, baby."

Josh quickly discovered a set of two colored keys on a ring, safety-pinned to Pooh's right hand. The befuddled look he had was quickly cleared up by Kyle.

"You are only going to be at the farm for a few days, right?"

Josh shook his head in the affirmative.

"Well, instead of hanging in that cramped dorm room, use the red key to make yourself at home here before and after work while I am gone. That way, this place isn't totally empty for almost two weeks and attractive to burglars." Kyle winked and added "Plus, I won't have to jump up and run to the door to let you in, every time you are coming over to spend the night in the future."

Josh caught the automatic assumption of 'future nights' in Kyle's comment. He smiled and held up the bright blue, other key on the ring.

Kyle smiled back. "That's the mother in me you just have to accept will always be there, baby. The more I thought about you driving that damn old beater-mobile almost all the way to Tallahassee and back...and in holiday traffic too...well, I don't want to have to worry while I am in New York about you being broke down alongside some deserted section of I-10; or being squashed like a bug if you are in any kind of accident in that oversized tuna-can-with-wheels of yours." The baffled look was still on Josh's face and Kyle looked down at his thick pubes and joked, " are a true blonde...all the way through."

Josh stuck his tongue out at Kyle and jousted back with, "Yeah I am...and you seem to like us dumb blondes an awful what's the point I am not getting?"

Kyle laughed. "Yeah, I least one certain one anyway." He planted a playful smooch on Josh's nose and tugged a little on his dusty yellow pubes at the same time. "The point is, blondie, that is a key to the Hummer and I want you to promise to use it to drive home for Christmas. Josh's mouth fell open at the request, but before he could get words out, Kyle continued. "Just one favor needed that goes along with the keys to the can drop me off at the airport at 2pm for my flight because I hate the so-called cab service in this town. Plus, I would rather trust you driving it while I am gone, than pay the $10 a day charge they will rape me for at the long term lot because it takes up two stalls."

Josh rubbed the goose bumps that popped on his arms as he realized the deep amount of trust Kyle was placing in him with the two keys. "I really appreciate the use of the house and I will be sooo careful with the truck...promise!"

"I know you would be Joshie. That's why Little Pooh had them for Big Pooh." That freaking intoxicating combined smile and grin came with the newest pet name.

"Yeah...well 'Big Pooh' is really gonna miss 'Big Tigger' while he is gone. A lot!" Josh then pushed the little stuffed Pooh into the bigger plush toy Tigger still in Kyle's hands, and simulated a kiss and hip grind between them.

Kyle slipped his long middle finger under the toy Tigger's butt and made it pop up between its legs. "Oh dammit all too hell, Pooh! Look! You went and made Tigger go bOINg again!"

Josh rolled over on his side laughing as he looked at the little finger penis poking out between the orange legs and then noticed that eight inches of wiggling flesh was also standing straight up between the real life Tigger's legs. Kyle reached over and fondled Josh while seductively mouthing, "I think Pooh needs some Tigger attention." He lay down next to Josh and took the Tigger still in his hand placed it on it's back on the floor above their heads. Then he removed the plushy Pooh from Josh's hand and laid it butt first, up against the large orange nose, and buried the black nose in Tigger's crotch, sixty-nine style. Josh grinned wide and pushed Kyle to his back and assumed the same position. After a few minutes of orally pleasuring each other, Josh reached over and flipped the Pooh toy to its back and planted Tigger's orange butt cheeks against Pooh's nose.

Kyle got the hint and rolled Josh over and slowly begin wiggling his hard cheeks on his face. As the tongue began flicking in and out of his college boy pussy faster and deeper, he leaned forward and swallowed the man meat bouncing off Josh's pubes. They remained coupled that way for a long time as each worked the other with their lips and tongues and teeth. As the final undulations of their hips began to siphon the liquid in their juice holders, Kyle sat up and synchronized his rapid jerking of Josh's cock with the tongue lashing Josh was giving the erotic spot just inside his rosebud. The final countdown began. "Oh hell YES! Eat that man cunt! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ohhh fuuccckkk!!!" came right before Kyle saw Josh's balls draw up and felt the rush of the life seed push against his jacking fingers. "OH FUCK JO~SHU~AAA!" and Kyle's eruption all over Josh's chest and stomach came at the same time Josh bit his anal ring lightly and the first giant splatter from the cock in his hand covered Kyle's face.