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Payback for the wrong type of manipulation.
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Author's notes,

First off, this is not the most original story, as a matter of fact I got the idea from all places, Facebook. In the blurb it is set up as a joke of payback for a newlywed man who refused to help doing some honey-do's around the house. In my mind the full story goes something like this.

Please remember this is a copyrighted work, blah, blah, blah! Like always constructive comments are welcome and please vote.



Hello, my name is Jordon Smith, and this is my story.

Since you are reading this, on this site in this section you already know it did not end well. But as the Mantra my father proclaimed, 'if it doesn't kill you, it will only make you stronger'. I will say it sure has made some aspects stronger, but it also has made a lot of things weaker.


I was raised in a lower middle class neighborhood, but was driven to be more, do more and succeed in life. I got a strong work ethic from my father and a strong sense of right and wrong from my mother. When I work, I work hard, when I play, I play hard, and when I rest I rest hard. I have one weakness and that is for standard Football, known to most as soccer. To me it is football so when I say football I mean real football not the other version.

I put myself through college by studying hard, getting good grades to get as many grants as possible and keeping the student loans to a minimum. I worked hard working high paying bitch labor jobs during the summers to keep that gap closed as much as possible.

During my last year of Business School, I met her, the one, and the one woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. We will call her Susan Q Rottencrotch, not her real name, but you will get the point by the end of my story. As with the rest of my life, when I love, I love hard, but on the flip side when I do not love... well I think you will get the picture.

I graduated and all that bullshit and got a good job that paid twice what my old man made working his ass off in the trades. Like all new guys, no matter what grades you make or how special you think you are, you start at the bottom and work your way up. This means putting in sixty and seventy hour weeks, working on weekends, doing the bullshit work that the higher-ups no longer have to do. You know, you have to earn your way, there is nothing given to you. I'm okay with this since I knew that one day I would be one of those higher-ups and I would try and remember those lower than me with more compassion than I was shown.


She was smart, sexy and the total package. Yes, she was a bit stuck up, a bit spoiled, and could come off as a bit bossy, bitchy... add you own B-word, but I loved her never the less. For some reason she had this bit of an entitled attitude that caused most of our disagreements. She felt if she wanted it, then it should be hers... now! I said you have to work at it to make it yours, and NO, I will not ask your father for the money and neither will you!

So, after waiting for the first big promotion, with me finally making enough money, she consented to be my wife and the wedding planning started. Lucky for me I missed most of that because there is always a big project that needs working on and dues have to be paid to get the next promotion.

So, after the over the top wedding I never wanted, and a down payment that almost broke my back, to get her in the proper neighborhood she insisted on, and still only being able to afford a 'Mild Fixer', I bought us our home. Yes, I knew it needed work. I had a plan, with my father's help, to have it fixed into a dream home within three years. Complete with a new kitchen, new cabinets, new almost everything. But, it would take time to earn the money and get fixed because I refused to take out any more loans. Until then, we would have to just make due. Remember I am a BUSINESS MAN or person... if you will. I avoided the trades for a very good reason. I wanted not to have to work my fingers and back into early arthritis. I wanted clean smooth hands not broken cracked hands. Yes, I have great respect for those who work the trades, since they do work their asses off every day to make a living. But, I have chosen a different path.

So, now that you have the background or the set up as you will, here is the story.

I had worked twenty seven days straight to have three days off. It was the semi's for football and I organized my time to see as much as I could and still spend some quality time with the wife. That weekend I woke to.

"Honey there is a few things that need attention around the house now that you actually got some time off." She was in her leave me alone robe, and not looking too clever.

"Dear this is the first day off I had all month I am going to relax a bit then we can talk about it." I kissed her, got my coffee and toast, and hit my favorite spot on the couch, hitting the remote to the preprogrammed station that had the first game on. Now, we had only been married about three months by then and only been in the house less than a full month at the time of this little kerfuffle.

I was in a happy semi-doze watching the boys run the ball up and down the field. My team wasn't playing but I wanted to know the standings going into the big game. If you are into the sport you know what I'm talking about, if not, it would take too long to explain.

I guess she didn't like my answer. Because, as soon as there was a bloody commercial, it started.

"Honey, the hall light is not working; can you fix it after the game?" She asked in that sickening sweet voice girls use like we are naught but a little kid needing coaxing. Me, being not in a good mood, with her hovering and pestering on my first day off in a month, I guess I was a bit peckish about the whole thing.

"Do I look like a damn electrician?" I shot back, only wanting a little bit of peace on my day off. This shit could wait. The next break it was...

"Honey, the fridge door is stuck again. Can you fix it after the game?" Like really? The damn thing was a tosser. I had already picked its replacement. It was due for delivery the next week. A brand spanking new one she had been drooling over for months. There was a reason I was putting in all the extra hours.

"Dear, do you see a shirt in my closet that says appliance repairman?" I was starting to get a bit heated.

"Alright then, since you can't do that, could you please fix the front porch step? I don't want anyone getting hurt." I could hear her displeasure in her 'voice'.

"Damn it woman, I am not a bloody carpenter either. Do I have a Home Depot sign on my car, or one of those silly assed orange bibs? I think not." I was over it. "I'm going to watch the game at the bar. I will be back later." I knew I was getting beyond pissed and I didn't want to say the things crossing my mind, since I loved the silly c... Anyway, I grabbed my stuff and headed to the sports bar of my choice.

You see, dad, who is a carpenter, was coming over the next day to help with some of the stuff that needed fixing. But, did she pay attention to that little detail? Nope, she wanted it done when she wanted and planned on bugging me on my only fucking day off.

To the bar I went. I was fuming and it took a good bit of beer to cool off the steam blowing out my ears. Yes, I enjoyed the game, yes I felt bad about blowing up, and yes I switched back to soda after the first pitcher of beer. I started to watch the next game but by the end of the first, it was already a blow out. Knowing I was still buzzed but legal, I headed home. I was only gone about four hours or so, but I needed it for my own sanity.

Her idea of a lesson

So, feeling a bit guilty for going off the handle, I can home and found my loving wife sitting on the fixed front steps. "Hi babe, I'm home." I walked in as saw the hall light on and looked at the repaired fridge door. "How did these things get fixed? I was going to get to them tomorrow." I asked, in an almost reasonable tone of voice.

"Well dear, after you left, I was sitting outside crying for a bit wondering how bad things are. After a while a nice young man was passing by and asked me what was wrong. When I told him what was wrong her offered me a deal." She had a shit eating smile on her face. "He would fix the things in the house if I slept with him or baked him a fancy cake." She finished a bit smugly.

"Oh, okay I guess. So, did he enjoy the cake then?" I asked, not amused.

"Do I look like a fucking pastry chef?" She spit out thinking she won.

This is where the original story ended, but here is my actual response.

"No, you look like a fucking cheating bitch who is now homeless!" I was so pissed only my mother's strict rules of not hitting women saved her life. "Get your shit and get the FUCK out of MY house!" I screamed at her, turning away and left again. "I'll be back in an hour, you will be gone. I'll send the rest of your shit to your father's house." I didn't listen to any of what she was trying to say. I was too busy trying to save myself from going to jail.

The fallout

So, she begged and pleaded and all the bullshit they try and do to get out of shit even when they know they are wrong but refuse to apologize. But, you see, I was done. I could never trust her again, no matter how much I loved her, and yes I did love her. No, she didn't move out since I was being silly about things, so I moved her out when she went to whatever shop to do whatever to herself.

Then the games began

She wanted the house. Tough shit, it was in my name since her credit score sucked. She wanted counseling. To fucking bad, I was going for an annulment, not a divorce. Then she played the family card. Well, it went something like this.

"Aren't you over reacting to your wife trying to get your attention?" He father asked, with his snide I've got money superior tone, thinking he was in charge of the big family meeting.

"Why, I can't trust her anymore, so what's the point?" I replied, not looking at any of them.

"Honey I never slept with anyone, I was just making a point." She tried her bullshit again.

"So, I still can't trust you. You either spread you legs for a few chores that were already planned on being fixed, or you lied to me... either way I can no longer trust a liar or a cheat, so we are still done." I tried to keep my voice level and calm, since yelling didn't get through.

"What do you mean?" Her father asked, irritated.

"I worked a month straight to afford the damn fridge she wanted, those suckers are not cheap. It works awesome by the way. My dad was coming over the next day with a couple of his buddies to fix what we could get fixed the next day and I had planned on taking bitchizilla out the day after that for some quality alone time before I had to put in another month's work to try and get the money for the new cabinets and counter tops. But... instead she gets some dumb thwacker to fuck her instead of trusting her husband. He can have her though; she's nothing but used goods now."

"But I never..."

"And I'll never know that for sure." I shut her down before she could start whining again. "You straight faced told me you fucked some guy to get the shit fixed in MY house. It got fixed and you're fucked! Either way, it doesn't matter, by lying to me or cuckolding me. Neither one would ever be acceptable in my wife and you fucking know it. So live and learn. I know I have! And... if I let you get away with this shit this time, it will only mean you know you can get away with it again or keep trying to. I will not live that way!" I was trying for reasonable, but know I missed that mark by having to listen to their bullshit.

"I was just trying to get your attention!" She screamed.

"Be careful of what you wish for, you just might get it!" God, I loved using my old man's sayings. I finally figured them out. "Now that you have my complete and undivided attention, is it all you hoped for?" Yes, I was hurt, but mostly pissed.

"There is no reason for a divorce..." Her dad had a listening problem.

"Nope, annulment for marriage under false pretenses, it's a done deal!" I spat back. "I will not be married to a lying, cheating, manipulative, spoiled, money grubbing, bitch! AND before you say shit, disprove any of those and I will stop the action." He took a breath. "It can't be done! She either lied or cheated. That is a fact. In both cases she tried to manipulate me to get her own spoiled way, and since she is female the last time I looked. She is a bitch because only a bitch would try the games she tried. I'm just not playing! The money grubbing speaks for itself."

"What if I was to prove I sent someone over to fix those things?" He pulled out a receipt.

"Doesn't fucking matter. Look I'm a business man. We had an exclusive contract that set up specific terms and conditions. She broke it. Therefore I am taking the necessary legal steps to make the contract null and void. It doesn't matter if you paid her fuck buddy or not. She told me that he wanted her or a cake. Since we both know she can't cook for shit and I know for a fact she knows how to fuck!" I raised my hands in a shrug.

"That's enough son!" My mom got into it.

"What? I didn't pick this fight mom. I haven't harmed her, hit her or disrespected her. She has done all that by herself. I am not calling her names, I am being correctly descriptive. AND... I will not stay married to her. I can never trust her again, and even if I could, I flat just don't want to if this is how she is going to treat me. She can find some other sucker to play games with. Me, I have a really nice house, a huge mortgage that I can't get out from under, and no trust in women. So, I'll have the best bachelor's pad in the state where I can watch football to my heart's content."

"He has a point dear." Finally my dad speaks. "This whole mess is because he was trying to make her happy and this is how she treated him? We raised a good man, so treat him like a man and not your baby boy." He held her hand.

My eyes got misty. That's what I wanted. That simple proof of a long lasting love. But, like I said... live and learn. Women my age just can't be trusted. I don't know where they get these fucked up ideas from, but someone needs to teach them how to treat a man with respect not games.

"But still, he is going to extremes." She said on a sigh.

"Like she didn't? What would happen if you tried that shit?" Dad looked her.

"One, I would never try..." She finally got the point.

"Exactly...! Any decent woman wouldn't pull that kind of shit on her husband. He isn't a laborer, he worked his ass off to get his degree, buy that house 'She' had to have, and make the best of it because he loved her... then she has the nerve to pull this kind of shit?" He looked her "Really?"

"No, I get it, I just don't like it." Mom, for being a mom, was a realist. "I still want grandbabies."

"Give him time, now he knows what not to look for, maybe now he can find what he should have looked for in the first place. Give him time to heal from this fiasco first though before you start nagging him." He warned her. "We are not getting any younger or healthier son, so don't dawdle!" He told me. "Not all women are like her, not even the ones your age. So, pull your head out of your ass, get this done, take a vacation from that damn job and learn you work to live, not live to work!" Damn, I love my father!

"But, but, but... I don't want..." She tried again, with the blubbering boo-boo eyes and everything, looking for sympathy.

"Well tough shit Tootsie!" My dad was on a roll. "If you didn't want this, then pray tell why in the hell you put our son through this bullshit? Has he mistreated you, hit you, beat you, degraded you? Fuck no! He worked his ass for you so you could betray him with this bullshit. And you, you useless piece of shit." He rounded on her father. "Maybe you should have spent more time teaching your daughter respect instead of bailing her out all the fucking time. My son is right. We're done and good fucking riddance!"

So, like an old time guy my dad used to listen to, Paul somebody or another... that is the rest of the story. I got my mistake of a marriage annulled, kept my house since it was in my name, bought with my money and credit, and went about trying to find my happily ever after.

I know there are women out there who will think I acted like a dick. Like my dad said, Tough Shit Tootsie. Why the hell don't you learn that to get treated with respect you must first show respect? Or... if you treat someone like shit, don't be shocked when you get splattered with your own shit when it hits the fan!

May you live long and prosper!

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stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanm7 days ago

First of all: what did he dish out? He was brought up not to disrespect someone who respected him. Telling your spouse on the first day off in 27 that you want something fixed isn't exactly conducive to a happy life. Trust me I worked 90 days in a row before and when I got the first day off my woman treated me like a King. Not some kind of fucking slave. I have PTSD so my response would have been to leave and just never come fucking back. Esp. with that disrespect.

RodzzzRodzzz16 days ago

She gave her cake to another guy.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

They deserve each other, both are jerks in their own ways. Hopefully they stay made enough at each other that they don't reproduce. The jokes were kind of funny but carried too far.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Their marriage was shit. She was an entitled bitch that cheated or lied. He's a dickhead that couldn't be bothered to tell the actual plans because of fucking soccer. Choosing instead to be a smartass prick.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

An appropriate response to a typical stupid self-absorbed narcissistic woman. A little bit too simple perhaps, and it was not well written where it changed from conversation to another day's conversation or whatever. An editor would be a good idea. Otherwise sone good parts of the story get lost...

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