Out of Your Systems

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Her husband and their daughter have serious sexual tension.
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This story is posted on the Literotica website. Do not repost anywhere else without the author's consent. Thanks to my biggest fan for his help preparing this story. For fans of my stories, they know what kinds of things to expect. This story deals with similar themes as the stories by wannabeboytoy, seducedHylas, and Dark Betrayal, namely cheating, betrayal, and heartbreak. If stuff like that isn't your cup of tea, then you probably shouldn't bother reading it. I do not condone any of these actions in real life. This is just a story. Enjoy.



I thought it was a good idea at the time. How wrong I was.

I had noticed... something off... between my husband Shane and our daughter Kaylee a few months ago. At first, I couldn't put my finger on it. All I knew was that whenever Kaylee would be in the room, the mood shifted. A tension was added. I was aware of it for a while before I could put my finger on exactly what it was. It took a while for me to confront this issue and admit that this tension was something... sexual.

Kaylee was the source of it, I was sure of that. My husband was never anything but a perfect gentlemen and a good father. If you asked any of his friends, his family, or his coworkers at the design firm he worked at, they would tell you he's a good, stand-up guy, and a great dad.

And it wasn't like Kaylee was a hellion or anything like that. She has always been a really friendly, sweet girl. She never really acted out, she went to church with us every Sunday and she always did what she was told. Our daughter was always one of the top students in school, had tons of friends, and the boyfriends she would bring home were always nice and sweet. She was seemingly the perfect daughter, which is what made what was happening so strange.

Kaylee was one of the oldest in her class, nearly six months past 18 as graduation approached. Kaylee had always been a pretty girl, but she had filled out and matured to become the young woman she now was. I'm sure, with her looks, she was one of the most popular girls in school. She was a gorgeous girl, with a hypnotizing bright smile, a brilliant tan and smooth brunette hair down her back. It was lucky that she had a good head on her shoulders, cause her body no-doubt attracted the wrong type of boys. It was hard not to notice that my daughter had a body built for sin. Even in her most modest of clothing, Kaylee's body stood out. As her mother, it was hard not to keep an eye out and see the way men would look at her. They would stare at my daughter's round, jutting, heart-shaped ass. They would drool while staring at her chest. Even I couldn't help but notice them. She must have gotten them from her father's side of the family, cause I swear, by the time she was sixteen, her breasts were four times the size of mine. I didn't know much about bigger bra cup sizes till I had to go shopping with her, so she could get a bra she wasn't bursting out of. And they just kept growing! She had such a slim frame, so they looked absolutely huge on her. Even now, while she wore a EE-cup bra, she was even bursting from that. As her mother, I had seen them in the flesh a few times and they looked even bigger bare than they did clothed. As a woman, I had to feel a slight bit of jealousy. But as a protective mother, I realized I had to do my best to keep her covered up. If I had my way she would be in bulky sweaters and heavy unflattering jeans down to her ankles, but obviously, she would never want to go along with that. For a girl her age, style is everything.

My daughter's once wholesome appearance and demeanor had evolved in the last year or so. She was still sweet and nice and friendly, but her clothes had become a bit tighter, highlighting her body, and her demeanor had become more flirtatious. I couldn't help but notice all the little things she did. Playing with her hair. Chewing on her lip. Shaking her butt. Pushing out her chest.

But she was still, relatively, the same girl. She was friendly, always willing to help, getting straight A's and volunteering at the church. But it was easy to tell, just by looking at her, that her body was bursting with hormones. Bursting with need. Her eyes always seemed glassy with lust. Her skin was glowing. Her nipples were always hard. Despite the fact, to my knowledge, that Kaylee was not promiscuous, it was clear she was dying for it.

It was hard to get used to the fact that my daughter was an adult now. It was hard to treat her that way. Even though she was 18 now, she was still our baby. Our little girl. But the fact of the matter was, she was a woman now. And our authority over her was lessening every day. She was a woman with a woman's brain and a woman's body. We had done our best when she showed any signs of acting out, either when she wanted to buy clothing that was a bit much, or too little to be more accurate. Or that time she floated the idea of getting a small tattoo on her inner wrist. Me and her father had to put our foot down on stuff like that a bit more now than we ever had to before. But overall, she was a good daughter and always listened, never acting out in any noticeable way.

But her incredible good looks were undeniable. Even though she was sweet, the thoughts she could inspire were far from it. When caught in her wake, she could make any man stammer and stutter. Her beauty was enough to attract men to her, and her personality was so effervescent that it kept men near her. When me, Shane and Kaylee were in public, we would almost have to be bodyguards, shooing her suitors away, keeping her out of trouble. It was almost a relief when we didn't go out. But unfortunately, that often meant the only man caught on the receiving end of her pheromones was her father.

Like I said, he was never untoward to our daughter in any way. But even he was not invincible to her charms. I would often walk into a room with them, and sense something in the air between them. I don't think Shane knew what was going on. But I could sense it. She would have his rapt attention, telling him about whatever trivial crap what was going on in her social circle or on some show on TV. But her personality was so infectious that she could talk about anything and you just couldn't turn away. Her dynamic with him was far different than hers was with me, her mother. With me, she would be more straightforward, still charming and bubbly. With him, she would laugh at his terrible jokes, twirl her hair, chew on her lip, and touch his arm or leg. It took me awhile to realize it, but I concluded my daughter was kinda flirting with him. Her own father! I mean, she was flirty with all men, and it was probably harmless, sure, but it was still strange.

It wasn't like Shane was reciprocating or anything like that. But, when Kaylee turned on the charm a different side of him came out. A side I hadn't seen since we started dating. He would laugh at her dumb stories, he would joke with her. And he reached that point where he began to treat her like an adult, saying things to her he never would have said to her a couple years ago. Nothing bad, but talking to her like he would to a friend, without those parental barriers. We used to never curse around Kaylee, and even though that barrier lessened as she got older, it was still something we tried not to do if we could avoid it. But now, he didn't really hesitate when a story he was telling had cursing in it or something a bit more adult than normal. It was the little things like that that bothered me.

There were little things Kaylee would do as well. As soon as I would leave, suddenly Kaylee would want to go somewhere with Shane, like shopping, or to the beach, or to investigate new restaurants that we had never been to before. Parents can always tell which parent their kid favors. And when she was young, I always knew I was Kaylee's favorite. However now, at this point, it was clear she and her father were far closer than I was with her. I don't know if this was natural or by design, but it was noticeable. At times when I was around them I would feel like the third wheel. It was like when you would go out with a dating couple and you couldn't help but feel left out. They shared a rapport that I didn't have with either of them.

Shane and I were still very happy together, but as you age, the sizzle dissipates a bit. But he was always a good husband, a good provider, and a good father. He was also quite handsome as well. He still looked like the guy I met in college. He still had his looks, his playful eyes, his square jaw and his boyish face. And plus, unlike some of my friends' husbands, his hair was still as full as ever. He worked and kept himself fit and firm. I did my best, but I couldn't keep completely up with him, I still looked good. Okay, I had about ten-extra pounds, but I kept myself as fit as I could and Shane was always happy to see me naked. Sure, I didn't have the melons on my chest that my daughter had, but my B-cups still looked pretty good, and didn't sag too much. My butt was still pretty nice, I think. And my brunette hair still looked damn good, I would say. I think I still had it going on, so I was never the type of wife to be afraid my husband would cheat on me. I held up my end of the bargain sex-wise, I still looked good, and I knew Shane was not the type to ever even think about stepping out on me.

We had a good life, a nice big home and we both made good money. Him as the head of an architectural firm, and I worked as an accountant at a logistics company. Kaylee was already set for college, riding a full scholarship to a big-time school relatively close by. So life was good, but the only thing needling me was this weird tension between Kaylee and Shane. I don't know why it bothered me so much. I knew most of it was coming from Kaylee's end, but I didn't know why she was doing it or where it was coming from. She was such a flirt that it might not bother her to preen even in front of her own father. But... there was something deeper to it, where I had to wonder if there was something more to the story. I knew it was common for some girls to idolize their fathers, to be a Daddy's girl, but part of me had to consider the fact that there might be something deeper going on here. I didn't like this at all. It really bothered me. It was unhealthy and unnatural. And every time I saw them talking, with that tension in the air, I had to grit my teeth. It reached a point where something had to be done. The tension was at a critical level, and something had to give. A solution had to be found.


"So, anyway, I get to class, and Brenda is there, talking to Bobby!" Kaylee said incredulously.

"Oh, that bitch!" Shane replied sarcastically. Kaylee laughed.

"I know, right? So, anyway, Brenda is there, talking with Bobby. I mean, like... hello? Are you serious? Cause everyone knows Bobby is, like, practically already dating Cara. I mean, how pushy can you be?" Kaylee asked.

"Ah, the ups and downs of high school politics." Shane said, faux wistfully.

"I know you think it's dumb, Dad, but this is, like, a big deal. Bobby and Cara have known each other for, like, ever. Them being, like, together is like... preordained. And here comes Brenda, butting in..." Kaylee began.

"Wait, I thought you were friends with Brenda?" Shane asked.

"Oh, I am. She's totally one of my besties. But, like, even I can't believe she's trying to do this. It's a total bitch move, no doubt. But it's ballsy, I'll give her that." Kaylee said, bouncing slightly on her heels.

"Hey guys." I said, walking into the kitchen, dropping off my briefcase as I returned home from work.

"Hey, babe." Shane said, stepping towards me and giving me a peck on the cheek. I glanced at him again. Seeing his tanned face, his five o'clock shadow, that manly, square jaw... mmm, it made me feel lucky to have this man as my husband.

"Hey Mom." Kaylee said, a smile crossing her smooth lips. I stepped around them to the fridge, taking out the jug of orange juice. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Oh, nothing. Just talking about school stuff. Stuff Dad loves hearing about." Kaylee teased, tilting her head to look at her father with a mocking smile.

"Brenda is really crossing some lines here." Shane said. I rolled my eyes at him as I began to put some groceries away.

"I haven't even gotten to the juiciest part..." she began, licking her lips.

"Yeah?" Shane replied.

"So there was this big party this weekend, and apparently, Brenda and Bobby totally kissed, and Cara, was like across the room." Kaylee said.

"Oh my god!" Shane said, in mock horror.

"Yeah! Cara was pissed! Bobby was apparently, like, apologizing, saying Brenda kissed him and he didn't want it, but she was still, like, furious. There was a big screaming match between Cara and Brenda in the backyard, and they almost, like, got in a fight." Kaylee said, excited to share this juicy gossip.

"Was anyone hurt?" Shane asked.

"No, no. Cara's not that type of girl and Brenda is too laid back to do anything like that. So, Cara eventually believed Bobby was telling the truth, but she was still mad at Bobby, so she made him leave and drive her home." Kaylee said.

"Is that it?" Shane asked.

"No, but it should have been. Bobby's, like, a total gentleman, so he dropped her off and just went home. But, apparently, Sophie Fisher, who lives next to Bobby, she said that Brenda came over to his house that night. She watched the whole thing. At first, Bobby didn't want to talk to her, like at all."

"And?" Shane asked.

"They ended up hooking up. Brenda hooked up with Bobby fucking Crenshaw." Kaylee said excitedly, as if dropping a huge bombshell.

"Language!" I warned.

"Really?" Shane said with genuine surprise as Kaylee gave me an apologetic shrug.

"Yeah. It's nuts! Sophie said she heard them doing it in his room, and she took a few pictures. It's, like, crazy! Everyone is talking about it! This is, like huge! Bobby and Cara were the prom king and queen! And Brenda just strolls in-between them and does that." Kaylee said with a huge smile.

"And she's your friend?" Shane asked.

"Yeah." she answered.

"Well, I don't know if I want you hanging around her anymore. She sounds like a bit of a bad girl." Shane replied.

"Yeah... she does." Kaylee said with a giggle, and almost a bit of awe in her voice. A silence fell in the room as I kept putting things away. "Oh, I went shopping earlier." she began.

"Don't go too crazy, Kaylee. You do have all those college expenditures coming up." I warned.

"Yeah, but I'm rocking that sweet scholarship money." Kaylee replied. "Girl got paid." she added, shimmying her body proudly.

"Well, even so, you've still got to be responsible." I added. Kaylee rolled her eyes warmly and smiled at me.

"I know, Mom." Kaylee said responsibly.

"I know you do hon. But I've got to mom you sometimes." I replied with a warm smile. She was a bright girl, and despite the weirdness between her and her father sometimes, I was nothing but proud of having her as a daughter.

"So anyway, I went shopping, got some new outfits for the end of the school year." she said, talking to Shane. "I was hoping I could try them on for you. Get your opinion."

"Oh, yeah, okay hon." Shane said nodding. My eyes narrowed a bit.

"I can take a look too, hon." I interjected. She looked at me.

"Oh, okay. Sure Mom." she replied, nonplussed. Suddenly, she got excited.

"Oh, yeah. DUH!" she began, bouncing up and down excitedly and looking at her father again. "Guess what?" she said, leaning over and grabbing her Dad's firm arm with both of hers.

"What?" Shane said.

"I was talking to Maria today. Her family has a beach-house upstate. Her parents are taking her to Spain as a graduation gift, so they won't be using the beach-house this summer. So, she offered to let us use it." she said.

"Really?" Shane replied positively.

"Oh, I'm not so sure." I began.

"Mom, c'mon." Kaylee whined.

"Kaylee, we already have plans." I began. "We're going to the Grand Canyon."

"But, that doesn't mean we can't go this beach house too. First, there's no charge. It's just getting up there and back. Second, Maria is loaded, so their beach house is, like, huge! This is a place you don't turn down. And plus, it's right on the ocean. It's gorgeous." Kaylee replied.

"Kaylee, I don't have that much vacation time. I can't do this beach house and the Grand Canyon." I said.

"Well, then, maybe just I can go. Or me and Dad." she replied.

"Kaylee, I don't know..." I began.

"Mom, there is nothing I want to do more this summer than to lay on a private beach in a tiny bikini and get a sweet tan before going to college." Kaylee pleaded. I rolled my eyes. She turned to her father.

"Dad, please talk to Mom." she said, flashing her doe eyes at her dad, putting her hand on Shane's arm again. Unconsciously, she leaned forward, exposing her fault-line of cleavage to Shane. I'm not sure if Shane noticed. But he didn't exactly reply immediately. "Please, Dad." she said, huskily, leaning close. "I really think we should go to the beach house this summer. Don't you want to go too?" she said, taking a step closer to him.

"I don't know, princess." he replied, looking down at his daughter sadly. "Your mom is right. That's a lot of vacation time for her to take."

"But not for you. Maybe just you and I could go. Have some fun up there, or just lay on the beach together. Relax. Relieve some stress." she said, her voice soft and low, biting her lip as she was holding his gaze with hers. Her breasts jutted outward, her nipples hard, just inches from her father's manly chest. It was as if she was trying to talk him out of going to the Grand Canyon by making sure he got a good look at the grand canyon between her boobs.

"Yeah, what do you think, Shane?" I interjected loudly, interrupting their moment. Both of them jumped at my voice and looked at me.

"Well, uh..." Shane stammered. "I'll, uh, talk to your mother about it." he replied civilly, glancing at both me and his daughter. Kaylee smiled wide.

"Okay, Dad. Thanks." she said brightly. "I'm gonna go watch TV in my room. Call me if you need me." Kaylee said before bopping out of the room.

Me and Shane were left alone. He looked at me as I stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" he asked. I gritted my teeth and looked out of the room, making sure Kaylee was out of earshot.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" he replied.

"Shane, don't tell me you haven't noticed it." I began.

"Noticed what?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Shane, there is something going on here... between you and Kaylee." I began. His eyebrows scrunched up.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, his tone a bit offended.

"I can't believe you don't what I'm talking about, Shane. But, to make it clear... I don't know what it is exactly, but these last few months, there has been something between you two. This weird... sort of tension." I said.

"Tension?" he asked.

"Every time I come in the room with you two, it feels like I'm interrupting something. Interrupting a moment." I said.

"What are you saying, Jen?" he asked. I sighed slightly, knowing he wasn't this thick-headed.

"There's something in the air between you two. I'm not accusing you of anything, Shane, or saying you're encouraging this in any way. But it almost feels like she's kind of... flirting." I said.

"Flirting?" he said, incredulous. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's definitely... something, Shane." I said. "Like I said, I'm not accusing you of anything inappropriate, but she is using her charms on you. And whether you realize it or not, you are kind of allowing her to get away with it. I don't think she's trying to be... manipulative... or anything like that. But she's testing her skills on you, and I think it's kind of inappropriate of her."
