Our Family Calendar Ch. 01

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Incest - all through the year!
9.4k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 11/13/2014
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I love playing around with scenarios - imagining something in my mind and then building a story around it. And this story is one of those - I spotted the title of a film on TV the other day and it led my mind to meander and to create some padding of my own - and before long I had a story.

I've no idea if you'll like it - if not, please don't be too rude; enjoy it for what it is - a lighthearted sex romp all in the family.


We're a largish family - six of us in all...our parents, Sally and Jim, us two boys, Chris and Tim and the two girls, Angela (Angie) and Elizabeth (Liz). Liz at 18 is the youngest of us all but we're all close together - even Tim, the eldest is only 26. Mum's just celebrated her 46th birthday while Dad's 50th happens to be next year.

We're also very fortunate in that we've got a decently large house in the countryside, left to our parents by my Dad's parents and since we're all 'good friends' none of us kids have ever tried to move out so far. Oh, it'll happen eventually but we're in no rush; our parents have made our home far too comfortable!

Apart from being a reasonably large family, both our parents come from large families as well and as a result we seem to have aunties and uncles, nieces and nephews coming out of the woodwork all around. It's always someone's birthday somewhere, as a result of which we've made a family decree to only buy pressies for our immediate family members. We'd be bankrupt otherwise...and when it comes to Christmas, we long ago all agreed to send just one present to each relative's family. It didn't have to be a big one - the thought was what counted and so we were always thinking up new ideas...

This Christmas coming was no different and one warm evening in late August we were all sitting out on the patio with assorted drinks when the subject of the forthcoming pressie came up.

"Oh shut up!" said Angie to whoever raised the subject, "Its still summer!"

"Yeah but we've got to think ahead," Tim answered, "We always seem to leave it to the last minute and then its all a rush at the end. About time we got ourselves organised."

"Hear, hear," said Dad, not really sounding too optimistic, "So whose got any ideas then?"

I think he expected the subject to grind to a quick halt so we could ignore it once again, but Liz piped up. Liz, at 18 was still going to college part-time while working as a receptionist at a local office.

"Speaking of Christmas, I hear they're going to do another calendar at college," she said, "It'll be to raise funds so all the various departments will have a month, as well as some of the course leaders. It'll be boring as usual I expect."

"So?" moaned Angie, "Why should we care?"

"Well, couldn't we do one?" replied Liz, "Its for the relatives only isn't it, so it doesn't have to be anything special...so if we did perhaps two photos of each of us that would make twelve photos - and a whole family one on the front. Yeah?"

"Not a bad idea," said Mum, standing up and preening herself, "I'll take July and August so I can wear my bikini!"

"No you won't!" said Dad, grasping the idea, "If we're going to do that then we'll cast lots or perhaps have one summery one and one wintery one each."

Somehow the idea seemed to have taken root and even the following day discussions were taking place between various family members; we were actually getting quite animated about it all.

A few days later and we were all together again and now we discussed the matter in more detail.

"It's a damn good idea actually," said Dad, "My nice new camera will be perfect and I can make some excellent calendar setups on the printer. Shouldn't be too hard to organise but we do need to think of some way to make it interesting."

"Some props then," suggested Mum but Dad wasn't impressed.

"I agree that we can't all just stand there like lemons, so what about if we use our work and our holidays to create themes?" he said, "Chris, you're into nature so you can put on a jungle outfit. Angie, you're a nurse - you put on a sexy nurses' uniform!"

"Dad!" exclaimed Angie, "That'll be rude - we can't send that sort of thing to Auntie Jane, not to mention Cousin Pru!"

"Fuck them!" said Dad crudely, supping at his wine, "We'll do what we like!"

"Hey Dad," said Tim, "How about you and Mum wearing what you did on holiday last year!"

Mum turned sharply towards him.

"Tim - how could you suggest that!" she said, "That was a private holiday, just your Dad and me."

"Hah - your nudist holiday, you mean!" said Liz, "Go on Mum - dare you! And you Dad!"

While nudity wasn't 'done' on our house, it was inevitable that we'd see other family members in various states of undress from time to time, so we were only mildly shocked when Mum and Dad said they were having a nudist holiday away from us all. What was the best part though was that Dad left the memory card in his camera when they came home - long enough for me to 'borrow' it and copy the contents onto my computer.

And from there it did the rounds of the children; all of us eventually owning copies and our parents really should have been more careful because quite apart from many general nudist scenes there were plenty of close-ups of both Mum and Dad - even pictures of 'an erotic nature' as they cavorted in their chalet.

And even more interesting, especially to Tim and I was a video of our parents fucking!

It may have been our parents but wow, they looked hot and the sex was vivid and exciting, if fairly brief. Long enough though, we both admitted, to wank over, buoyed up by the fact that we were watching our two parents going at it like rabbits!

Tim and I were good pals as well as brothers - we had to be friends I guess, because we shared a bathroom in the same way that Angie and Liz had to share theirs. Our home might have been large but we had three bathrooms for the six bedroom (one kept as spare for visitors) - hardly deprivation even though the girls seemed to think so at times.

Sharing a bathroom meant that we'd both come across the other in the process of having a wank in the shower once in a while but it was no more than a slightly embarrassing moment and we'd never done anything with each other...even though I was somewhat tempted occasionally.

And it seemed that the girls felt much the same. Liz told me, in private, that Angie shaved her pussy and that it looked all smooth and sexy and that she wanted to be able to touch it - but that was as far as our inter-family relationships went, it seemed.

Naturally Dad thought he was supreme with a camera and it was only a few days later that he gathered us all together one evening...

"You mother and I have decided," he said, standing there on a proverbial soapbox, "A photo of just one of you at a time really will be a bit boring, so we're going to do things in pairs."

"Yeah - guess that makes sense," agreed Tim, "So who's going to be with who?"

"One girl, one boy," said Mum, "Then you can change partners."

"Ummmm, that'll only make six months, won't it," said Liz logically, "Suppose we'll need to do ones with us girls and then the boys too."

"So we will," said Mum suddenly realising our shortcomings, "Hmmmm - ok, we'll do this."

She began making notes on the edge of a newspaper.

"Yes, we can start with the two boys, then Chris with Liz and then Chris with Angie. Then we'll change over and it'll be Tim's turn with the girls. We'll see how it all goes and then we'll do your Dad with the girls and me with the boys and then Christmas and Easter specials of us all together. How's that sound? We'll need a few more combinations but we'll come to those in due course."

Approval all round, it seemed - or at least no-one objected, so Dad powered up his camera and got his stuff ready.

"Let's try some trial runs," he said, "See how things look; then we can do some dress rehearsals sometime soon and then the real thing perhaps next week."

Before long we were all posing wildly and stupidly, all of us knowing that this was just for practice and all of us seemingly trying to out-pose the other.

It was just as well then that Dad seemed happy with the photos; even managing to dash round and into place so we could do the full family photos before the camera timer expired.

Finally Dad was satisfied and he packed his stuff away before disappearing into his office room while Mum and us kids sat around and chatted, much of the chatter being about the forthcoming calendar.

Tim was now a bit scathing as he spoke up.

"Isn't it going to be a bit boring though? Just two mugshots each month..." he said, "Everyone seems to do that kind of thing nowadays."

"Yeah," yawned Angie, "Seen them like that before - our boss did one of his family last year - it was terrible!"

"That's why we'll be better if we do something a bit different; say wear our "uniforms" - our work outfits for example," said Mum using her two fingers to indicate the parenthesis, "Then we'll all be able to show off our best bits, won't we?"

Angie and Liz cracked up, sniggering quietly in a corner while Tim just stood there.

"What me - covered in brick dust and shit?" he said, grimacing, "I'll definitely have to find some way to look a bit better."

"Perhaps we need to get some fancy-dress outfits instead; or I'll make them," suggested Mum, "You, for example Tim, you ought to show off your muscles and your tan. You need some sexy shorts and a vest...with your tools hanging from your belt."

I couldn't help snigger at Mum's words as I imagined Tim with his tool hanging out of his shorts and Liz must have had the same thoughts as she looked at me and covered her mouth, her eyes sparkling!

I saw Liz about to speak and I quickly stopped her, guessing the kind of thing she might say.

"No I don't need a magnifying glass for my bits, thank you!" I said with reference to my entomological studies and Liz burst out laughing wildly, soon followed by Angie.

"Bet you'll need a big collecting bottle though!" said Liz, sniggering even more.

"Dirty sods!" said Angie, "Trust you to bring sex into it!"

"Well why don't we do something sexy?" said Tim, a big grin on his face, "I mean I've already suggested that Mum and Dad wear their holiday outfit - I bet if we all posed nude we'd be able to sell the blooming calendar like hot cakes!"

It was hard to tell what Mum was thinking because she was keeping quiet but she was obviously listening carefully and thoughtfully.

"You just want to show off your chest and your tool!" laughed Liz and Angie and I fell about laughing too.

"And I suppose you'll be wanting to check me over with your stethoscope," said Tim to Angie.

She didn't reply but her eyes and her mouth said it all...she was interested!

"Alright Liz, so what can you be doing?" asked Angie, her face screwing up, "Guess you'll just have to sit on people's laps like the good secretary you are, eh?"

"Be a problem with Tim's tool then!" said Liz, laughing freely, "Where am I going to put that?"

We all cracked up laughing at this point, which was just as well as the time was rushing on. We all kissed Mum goodnight and disappeared to our rooms, all of us still chuckling and giggling like kids. Soon I was relaxing on my bed but inside me there was a certain amount of arousal. The nude idea sounded like quite a lot of fun...especially if things got hot and I began to get visions of Liz and Angie rubbing themselves against me. I knew that both girls and Tim for that matter were pretty broadminded and I began to wonder... What if things progressed to the point of touching? Or even to playing? Could I even stand there beside a nude sister without getting a hard-on? Could they keep their hands off me for that matter? And what about Mum and Dad too?

I soon found myself solidly erect as imaginary visions of my sisters in the nude began to take over my mind; us doing things with each other as we posed...and suddenly, almost without realising that I was wanking I was cumming - spraying hot spunk all over the bed and the carpet.

The idea was a hot one, that was for sure - one I'd have to ensure was given its best chance...

A few days later and I'd formulated a bit of a plan and caught Mum in a relaxed mood, just lazing one early evening, enjoying a glass or two of wine. I brought with me a memory stick and, having found myself a can of lager I joined Mum out on the patio.

"Hi Mum, how's things?" I asked, an easy throw-away line.

"Fine darling, and you?" she replied languidly, "How's things at work."

"Just organising another field trip," I said as I sat down beside her and topped up her glass, "A good excuse for a lazy few days!"

Silence reigned until I spoke again...

"Mum," I began softly, "You know your holiday, the nude one?"

"Yeahhhh?" replied Mum, her glass poised at her lips, suddenly wary, "What of it?"

"Was it fun?" I asked, "Was it exciting as in sexy?"

"Yeahhh," said Mum, her eyes shutting as she remembered, "Was good actually!"

"What - having nude people all around?" I asked, "Getting to see all those exciting bits...was there lots of sex?"

"Chris...!" exclaimed Mum, taking a large gulp of her wine, "You shouldn't really ask that kind of thing!"

"Well," I persisted, "Was there, go on, tell me?"

"Mmmmmm, there was actually," said Mum, her eyes shutting once more, "Lots of sex - of course there was - good sex too...!"

Then she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Why do you ask, Chris?" she said, "You haven't mentioned it before."

"It was the calendar idea that got me thinking, wondering about how we'd all feel naked together," I said, "And that made me think of your holiday...and that made me think of this..."

And with that I gently placed the memory stick on the table between us.

"What's on there, darling?" asked Mum inquisitively as she took another long swig of her wine, "Some pictures for me?"

"Some pictures of you!" I said, "After your holiday Dad left the camera on the side and I downloaded the photos he'd taken. I didn't mean to, I thought they were my photos...I'd taken some and I didn't know yours were still in the camera."

That was something of a lie but how was she to know the truth!

"What - those pictures - oh my God!" she said, picking up the stick; her face flushed, "And you've seen them?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course I have! And you do look bloody good too, Mum!" I said encouragingly, "Damn shame we don't get to see more of you!"

"Cheeky sod!" she exclaimed, putting down her now empty glass, "But yes, I've still got a decent figure, haven't I?"

I could see her squirming around as she adjusted her breasts as if to show them off better; thank heavens she'd taken it the way I'd rather expected she might!

"You've got a lovely figure!" I said, "Don't mind me saying so Mum, but you've got better pair of boobs than that girl I had round last week."

"Don't know if I should take that as a compliment or get mad at you - but thank you darling - nice of you to say so," said Mum, preening herself, "I've been lucky."

Her hands came up and lifted her breasts and as she did so, her nipples both began to show through her clothes, standing out like the proverbial door stops.

"Cor, look Mum," I said, pointing at them, "Wish I could see them properly!"

"Not now, another day!" she said, then shook her head.

"What am I saying?" she said, blushing prettily, but I noticed that her hands had strayed and her thumbs were now rubbing over her nipples which seemed to stick out even more now!

"Never mind Mum, I can always look at the photos," I reminded her, "Anyway, they look even better in the video!"

Mum's eyes flashed open.

"Oh no, you haven't seen that as well! Chris, how could you!" she moaned, "Your Dad said he'd delete it!"

"Glad he didn't," I said cheerfully, "Too good to delete - you looked so damn sexy Mum...spread out over that table...made me wish I'd been there instead of Dad!"

That was a risky comment but with Mum obviously not seriously complaining or objecting, I thought it was worthwhile and I actually got away with it!

"Mmmmmm, your Dad was good that day," said Mum ignoring my innuendo, her eyes closed once more, "I think all that nudity really rejuvenated him - and me too for that matter. Really got me going, it did!"

"Did you have sex with anyone else while you were there?" I asked, emboldened by Mum's words and I saw Mum smiling as she remembered.

"Nearly darling," she said, as I filled her glass again, "There was a young man there - he was massive and he kept following me around. God - he kept on getting hard too!"

"Go on..." I encouraged her...

"I was coming back from the showers one day and I met him and we got talking...well, more than talking actually," she recollected, "And I held him and he was like that!"

Her hands formed rings round a huge imaginary penis and she moved them up and down...

"And then an old bastard came walking past - I reckon that if that he hadn't come along I might well have got him to have me!" she continued reminiscing, "It was that close...!"

"No other bits of activity?" I asked again and Mum's eyes closed once more.

"Well, one nice man did let me suck him off," she said, her lips remembering the taste, "And two girls got me to join in with them one afternoon...but that wasn't anything serious, just a bit of fun. Other that those few there was no-one else there I really fancied though."

"Wow Mum," I exclaimed, "Didn't know you were a swinger!"

"Hmmm, wonder what else you don't know Chris," she said mysteriously as she put her hand on my arm, "Bet you'd like to find out! Perhaps you will one day!"

Highly excited but realising that much as Mum had opened up to me, now wasn't the time to try to push the envelope too far - although I'd got a lot further than I'd expected - so I returned to my original subject.

"Getting back to the calendar Mum," I said, "So are you in favour of doing nude photos then?"

"Might be rather fun," she said, her hand rubbing up and down my arm, "I think we might need some bits to hide behind and so on but why not? I'll suggest it to your Dad then."

I leaned over and kissed her, noting that her nipples were still proudly erect, then left her to relax again while I went to find Liz to update her.

Liz was in her bedroom rummaging through her dressing table drawers and she invited me in cheerfully and soon we were both sitting cross-legged on the floor while she sorted through a pile of undies.

"I've got far too many pairs of knickers," she moaned, "And a lot of them are a bit childish for me now; look at this pair for example!"

They were indeed on the young side; floral cotton with bows here and there...but quite cheeky, nevertheless.

"Yeah - guess they are a bit on the babyish side I suppose, but they'd still look fine on you. So, what's your plan - are you moving into G-strings and thongs instead?" I suggested cheekily and Liz grinned at me.

"Well, sort of - I rather like thongs but I've got to be a bit careful with Tim around!" she said, "He keeps grabbing my arse when I'm wearing thongs - he can tell somehow!"

"Visible panty line," I said, "Or rather no line - even I can tell."

"Oh I know you can!" she said, "But then you've always been able to spot things like that - it's your interest in natural things that does it I reckon."

"My interest in good looking sexy things, Liz," I quipped, smiling broadly and Liz smiled back at me.

"You're wicked," she replied light-heartedly, "Anyway I don't mind you having a feel; you're my favourite brother!"

She leaned forward and threw her arms around my neck and with our centre of gravity altered we slowly rolled over onto one side, my arm managing to stop her head from hitting the floor. We lay there giggling softly before she leaned closer and kissed me on my lips, a warm tender kiss.