On The Train Ch. 04


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I soon had both hands full, fondling her firmly. She was squirming in my grasp, bucking her ass against my erection.

"You'd better stop, before I can't control myself any longer," she groaned. "I think Cassie might notice if she came in and found me on my knees, sucking that fabulous cock of yours. She's pretty observant."

The noise behind us made both of us jump. Fortunately, it was just Chloe.

"I never thought I'd say this about my own Mother," she giggled, leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, "but I'd actually like to see that. Care for an audience?"

"No," Sam chided, "and you'd better keep your voice down."

"Hey, I'm not the one who said it," Chloe pointed out. "I just heard you, and thought it sounded like fun. I'll do it if you don't want to, Mom."

"Keep your lips to yourself," Samantha warned. "I thought we had an understanding."

"We do, we do," Chloe replied. "Just kidding." She turned, and walked away.

"You buy that?" Sam asked me.

"Not really," I shook my head. "I suddenly don't feel safe."


I left early Saturday afternoon, needing to get some space. I promised to come back Sunday, just after lunch. The girls accepted it, but Sam knew why I was making myself scarce.

Sunday would be the last day for both Cassie and Chloe at their mother's house. For a while, at least.

Even though there wasn't much left to do, Samantha had persuaded me to come over anyway, as kind of a farewell party.

None of us knew what was about to transpire. Turns out a party was definitely called for.

Since there was little to do inside, we were all sitting around on the pool deck. The girls, Sam included were dressed in their best for sunbathing. It was remarkable to see them all lined up... Three virtual carbon copies of each other, save for the efforts of hairstylists. Cassie and Chloe flanked their mother's position, like twin bookends.

The twins had nearly identical... um, 'twins'. A little less robust in the bust than Samantha, they were nonetheless endowed far more than the average woman. I guess it's all relative though; big fish in a small pond, but smallest fry in the tank.

Chloe caught me checking them all out in their bikinis, tipped her sunglasses down, and blew me a kiss.

That's about when the doorbell rang. We all exchanged bewildered looks, since no one was expected. It was Cassie who jumped up and went to answer it. She was pulling her shirt on over her head when she disappeared into the house.

"Do you want to send us on an errand again Mom?" Chloe smiled. "I'm sure you could use a little alone time with your stud muffin, here?" She winked at me.

"Chloe Marie, I don't know what you're talking about," Sam giggled. "If your sister hears you talking like that, we'll all have hell to pay."

"Just saying... If you need us gone for an hour... or two," another wistful glance in my direction, "I can drag my sister along on a snipe hunt. I'll even message you before we come back."

"I appreciate the thought, honey, but today is our last day together for who knows how long. I want to spend it with my girls," Sam smiled.

"I'll bet Alex wants some time with your 'girls', too," Chloe laughed. Brazen hussy.

We were still laughing when Cassie came back in, holding a large envelope in her hand. A serious look was on her face.

"Mom... It was a courier. It's from your lawyer," she said, handing over the package.

"Your lawyer? On Sunday?" I asked, voicing the question everyone had.

"Oh, that doesn't matter to him," Sam replied, with a dismissive wave. "He's one of those guys that doesn't set his life by the calendar. Curious, though...I suppose I should open it, shouldn't I?"

No one spoke as she untwisted the string closure on the folder. She reached in, and came out with a hefty handful of papers. There was a yellow page on the front, and I could see it was hand written. She turned her attention to that page.

The suspense was deafening. What did it say? Was it good? Bad?

Sam gasped softly, and put her hand to her chest. Ah, surprising, but not in a bad way, judging by the slight smile on her face. I can breathe again.

"Sam?" I asked, unable to stand the suspense. "Is everything okay?"

"Um... yeah," she smiled, shrugging her shoulders. "Everything is fine. Everything is... done. I'm divorced."

"Really?" I asked, barely able to contain my glee. "How, though? I thought it would take months... like, closer to a year. It's barely been four months."

"Ask and you shall receive," Sam giggled. "Actually, he anticipated that question, and answered it right here," she said, holding the yellow paper aloft. "It seems Frank really does have some highly placed friends, whom he does not want knowing his secrets. Through his lawyer... who was doing most of the filing... he was able to cut a few corners, jump a few lines, and generally get things done via the back channels. He has signed everything, and we are effectively done!"

"Congratulations, Mom!" Chloe beamed, standing to give her mother a hug. She looked at me over Sam's shoulder, and smiled. They exchanged a few whispered words, and Sam shook her head.

"Yes Mom, I'm happy for you," Cassie said as she joined the hug. "Also a little sad, but at least it's over now. How does it feel to be the rich, attractive divorcée? You'll be beating them off with sticks."

I was standing, alone, contemplating a future that just got a lot simpler, when Chloe spoke.

"Come on Alex," she gestured, "There's room for one more in this hug. Don't make me drag you over here."

There was a certain appeal to her suggestion. I walked over, and she pulled me in.

"I think it's time for a party! What do you say, Mom?" Cassie offered.

"Okay. I could use a drink," Sam giggled. She hugged me a little tighter, and grabbed my ass.

At least I think that was Sam's hand. It could have been someone else.

Seemingly within minutes, there was music playing, and a drink in everyone's hand. Still, music and alcohol do not a party make. Leave it to Chloe to supply the missing element.

"Ooooo, I love this song!" she gasped. "Alex? Wanna dance?"

Well, it seemed harmless enough. I felt relatively safe, but Chloe had a way of making that feeling a temporary one. I decided to risk it.

The pool deck became our dance floor. Chloe was still just wearing her bikini, so her big breasts were quite active as she gyrated in front of me. She threw in a little twirl now and then. During one of those spins, she paused and backed up against me.

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger! my mind screamed, as Chloe's rump made contact with my crotch. Watching her tits wobble with her movements had resulted in a semi, and she no doubt could feel it as she ground against me.

My attention was focused on Chloe's ass, barely covered by her bikini bottom, and causing my semi to become more of a full-ie. I didn't even see Cassie approach from behind.

She put her hands on my hips, and pressed her body against my back. Oh, the soft sensation of those tits squashed between us... So tempting. Chloe finished her spin, and now I was in a tit sandwich.

I cast a glance at Sam, who was smiling at my apparent discomfort. Thankfully, the song ended before my erection became too obvious, and I was able to slip away from both of them. I sat next to Sam, and watched the twins dance together. If only I was twins, too. I could be faithful to Sam, and have a threesome with her daughters on the side.

Mind you, Sam was easily the equal of three normal women, so I really wasn't missing anything. It's just hard to remember that when two such delicious creatures are virtually serving themselves up on a platter.

Samantha looked at me. I could see the fire in her eyes, but she shook her head gently. Not yet, but as soon as they're gone, you're mine, I read her expression.

And so the afternoon progressed. Drinks flowed. All in attendance... all four of us... became lubricated by alcohol. Oh hell, we were drunk, myself included. It was making things complicated, and a little blurry.

The girls had dragged me out of my chair again, and were taking turns rubbing their soft, luscious bodies against mine, seeing who could make me crazy first. It was dirty dancing in duplicate, and I had a major woodie going. You would too, with four yummy tits and two sumptuous asses pressing against you from both sides.

The booze was slowing my reactions, and suddenly, both Cassie and Chloe were kissing me. Hands were everywhere... my butt, my chest, my bulge... and I had somehow found someone's boob In my hand. I don't know how it happened, but I was surrounded, and powerless to stop it.

Suddenly, Sam had joined the fray, and was pushing first Cassie, then Chloe, away from me. She almost dunked Cassie in the pool. The cavalry had arrived in the nick of time, but she wasn't just saving me from her daughters; she was also staking her claim.

"That's enough... back off girls," she smiled, eyeing me like a hungry tigress eyes a wounded deer. "He's mine."

I didn't say anything, unsure of what this meant with regard to our secrecy plans. Sam answered the question by jamming her tongue down my throat.

I guess Cassie is being let in on the situation as of right now, I thought, wrapping Sam in an ardent embrace. Not having to hide my feelings was very liberating, and I let the passion flow freely.

"All right, Mom!" Chloe laughed. "Go for it!"

Cassie, not having prior knowledge of our relationship, was a bit more confused.

"Um, Mom?" she asked. "What's going on?"

Samantha just waved her off, and kept kissing me. Her hands were roaming freely, and I reciprocated. I could hear Chloe filling in the blanks for her sister.

"What?! You knew, and you didn't tell me?!" Cassie gasped. "How long has this been going on?"

That question made Samantha pull back. She levelled a stern gaze at Cassie.

"I know what you're asking, honey, and I don't like the implication," she said, forced to be the parent for a moment. "I was upset about your Father's actions, and Alex was a friend whom I confided in. He made me realize that, despite your Father's opinion and decision, I was still desirable, and we fell in love. That's the only timeline that matters. As for why I didn't tell you... I didn't want you to know yet. Chloe only found out when she was hitting on Alex, and he told her to get her to stop."

Chloe had a smug smile for her sister, and marked a 'one' on her imaginary scoreboard. She had beaten Cassie to the punch, which was a small victory, but the only one she'd get today.

"Uh, isn't he a little young for you, Mom?" Cassie asked, still trying to influence the decision. She was wasting her time. Sam and I had hashed it out long ago, and come to the conclusion that age was just a number.

"Oh no, honey," Samantha shook her head, as she squeezed herself against me. "He's just perfect. He does things to me that I didn't even know were possible. I've never been happier... especially in bed."

I could only smirk, and hold her close.

"Ew, Mom! Too much information!" Cassie gasped.

"Speak for yourself," Chloe laughed. "Tell me more, Mom. Does he have a big cock? Is he good with his tongue?"

"Chloe!" Sam giggled, surprised by her daughter's brazen questions. She blushed, but didn't shy away. "Well, um... yes, he does, and he is."

She looked at me and licked her lips. I knew what was on her mind.

"Girls... I hope you'll excuse us for a while," she smiled, still looking into my eyes. "Alex and I are going inside. Please ignore any screams you hear. I'm in no danger."

"Woo hoo! Yeah! Go for it, Mom!" Chloe cheered, jumping up and down. "Take your time, Alex, and do her right. Let us hear it!"

"Mom? Really?" Cassie scowled. Apparently, she didn't share her sister's enthusiasm for having me fuck her mother.

"Cassandra, you know I love you," Samantha replied, "but I don't recall asking for your permission... or your opinion, for that matter. Whatever Alex and I do is between us, and no one else. If that's a problem for you, I suggest you get over it quickly, because I'm not about to give up the best thing in my life. Not for you, and not for anyone."

Cassie stood, arms crossed, looking annoyed as we walked slowly into the house. I can't believe she didn't want her mother to be happy; it had to be mostly jealousy that she had been in an unwitting competition with Sam, and lost before she started.

We were walking eagerly through the house, anxious to make it upstairs to her bedroom, when Sam paused at the first step. She put her arms around my neck, and kissed me again. I was still grinning at being called the best thing in her life. I'd never been anyone's 'best thing' before. It was very pleasing.

"Well, we're out in the open now," she smiled. "I'm divorced... my daughters both know about us... How do you feel about it?"

Words were not really necessary to express my feelings. I scooped her up in my arms, and carried her up the stairs, into the room that had once been her marital bedroom... and hopefully would be again, at sometime in the not too distant future. I placed her on her back on the bed, then went back to close and lock the door.

Yeah, while I was sure that Chloe would be listening closely for her mother's screams, we didn't need her watching as well.

At least, not just yet. Maybe someday, if Sam was okay with it.

The blonde beauty awaiting me on the bed wasn't wearing much. She had been the meat in a busty blonde sandwich when all three women were tanning earlier, and had only covered up her bikini in the last hour or so. The lacey cover was now undone, laying open and showing me the white spandex that was cradling her big breasts. She gave me the come hither look.

I was only too happy to do so, sliding into her arms. She quickly rolled atop my chest.

"When I woke up this morning, I had to get myself off," she smiled, looking down through the curtain of platinum blonde that hung around her face. "Friday night was incredible, and I kept dreaming of you all night, but I didn't figure we'd get a chance until late Monday... maybe Tuesday. Now? Well, I'm happy things worked out for the better, and I'm not letting you out of my bed tonight. You're mine, baby."

Since I had my hand on her ass, I responded by silently tugging the string on her left hip, then the right. She grinned, and sat up across my lap, discarding her cover up. She reached between her legs, and yanked the stretchy swatch of fabric away, then tossed it behind her. Only the bra portion of her bikini remained in place, blocking the view she knew I longed for.

Perhaps I should start a new support group... Boob-lovers Anonymous. Hello, my name is Alex, and I just can't get enough of women with big breasts... Of course, that assumes I want to stop.

I don't. Never.

Samantha decided I had waited long enough, and quickly dispatched the top with two deft movements of her fingers. At last, she was naked, and in my arms. Though it had only been a day and a half, I needed a fix of her body. Cassie and Chloe had caused a hunger that only their mother could satisfy.

This time, when her lips met mine, there was no holding back. I pawed her smooth skin, and she worked on making my clothing join hers, on the floor. She soon succeeded, and took a place between my legs.

"Mmmmm, I'm going to enjoy this," she smiled, rubbing my stiff dick against her cheek. "I've wanted to just drop down on my knees and suck your cock all day, especially with my girls teasing you like that. I hope this will make up for your suffering."

"I'm sure I'll sur-VIVE!" I gasped, as her mouth engulfed the head of my rigid penis.

Is there anything quite so luxuriously sensual as a really good blowjob? I remember seeing a joke once, where the hypothetical perfect day was designed for both men and women. The female perfect day included a massage, shopping, and a nice evening of making love. The men started with a blowjob, a nap, another blowjob, lunch, another blowjob... you get the idea. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it.

Sometimes I like to watch Sam doing her thing, but this time I just laid back and closed my eyes, letting my senses of touch and hearing take in the myriad of sensations she was able to give me.

Sam mumbled something. Her lack of eloquence could be forgiven, since she had my cock jammed down her throat, and was gagging on it. It sounded spectacularly slutty... like a back alley blowjob with a hooker would sound. She slurped and sucked, spat and stroked... moaning her own enjoyment in harmony with my own.

I felt her soft, wet tongue snaking along the underside of my shaft, and she would occasionally pause her suction to lick the length of it, teasing my balls, and tasting my asshole. I suppose it's only fair, after I had my finger up her ass on Friday night.

Then my dick would again be surrounded by the warmth and suction of her mouth. I don't know what she did with Frank in the past, but I had to assume it was similar. It made me wonder even more how much of a moron he was to have cheated on this woman... this perfect, giving, loving, busty, buxom, seductive, beautiful woman. I wouldn't make that mistake, and I wouldn't take her for granted.

"Oh god, honey," I groaned, "you have no idea how good that feels."

Sam sucked harder, swirled her tongue around the head, and put a little twist in her hand motions, bringing the intensity up a notch. Now I opened my eyes to watch her, as she concentrated her efforts, focused totally on giving me pleasure.

Her eyes were closed, lips stretched tight around my thick shaft, while her head bobbed aggressively up and down. Saliva coated my skin, with excess causing a shine on her cheeks, as her hands stroked and squeezed the half of my length that became visible at the top of each stroke. When her eyes opened, I could see the determination in the deep blue-green orbs. She saw me observing her, and her eyes locked onto mine.

"Fuck! That's incredible! Suck my cock, baby! You're the best ever!" I gasped, feeling the kettle beginning to boil. After a full day of being flirted into oblivion, I was a lot more sensitive than usual. Sam's mouth had me on the verge already. I was hoping she wasn't expecting me to hold it back for long. Hmmm... do I ask for permission, or beg forgiveness?

Sam sucked harder still. Her eyes begged for it, and also told me how much she wanted me to feel good. I could see the love in them... with just a hint of wanton slut, who desperately anticipated getting a mouthful of hot, salty semen as a reward for her efforts.

"Mmmmm hmmm, mmmmm hmmm, mmmmmmmmm hmmmmmm," she moaned, jerking my dick furiously, with her lips clamped tight around the head. Her tongue doubled it's pace, writhing around my cockhead with purpose, trying to trigger the impending flood of cum. Permission given. No forgiveness required.

"Oh shit, that's it baby..." I hissed, grabbing a handful of her platinum locks. My hips began to involuntarily thrust, fucking the tight, clamping ring of her mouth. "Suck my cock! Suck it... Suck it... Suck it... Oh god... Gonna cum..." I got louder. Maybe a small part of me wanted Cassie and Chloe to hear us. "SUCK IT... OH GOD, GONNA CUM... GONNA CUM, NOWWWW!" I yelled, as my balls erupted, sending cum racing up, through my cock, and down her throat. Over and over, I felt the euphoric surge, and gushed my thick, copious load, while Samantha moaned, milking my shaft with both hands. She gulped and swallowed, sucking hard to draw out every drop, while my hands held her head tight. My cock twitched a final time, and I was spent, left gasping for breath.

I listened to Sam as she suckled gently on my withering tool, cleaning up the dregs and humming happily. From outside on the pool deck, I heard a distant giggle, and Chloe's voice.