On Any Given Day

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She cheated and it's all her fault.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 05/27/2006
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I would like to continue this story but I'm a little stuck on where to go next. After several hours with no real direction, The idea of a Trina's side of the story seemed appropriate, Being an old fart that never understood the mechanics of the female mind, I would like to humbly ask another writer to continue the story from a woman's perspective. I invite you to take the story and run with it. I would only ask that you not try and make Dan a member of Just Plain Bob's Cum Sluts Anonymous. With all respect to JPB. Thank you.



On any given day it will happen. Perhaps a hundred times or maybe even thousands of times, but it will happen. I suggest to all of you husbands out there to beware. We all deny it, it couldn't possibly happen to me. As sure as the sun rises in the East, a faithful wife will surely be fucking a man other than her own today.

Yes, I said today. Do you doubt me? Well, you certainly would be better off if you didn't. Look around yourself, wake up and smell the coffee. Dig down deep into your own mind. If you had the chance to cheat on your wife with a beautiful young woman, wouldn't you? Think about it before you answer, be honest with your self. Can you really say for sure? Are you absolutely positive? Think of the thrill involved in the chase. Image the excitement of her touch, the smell of her hair as you hold her close. Conjure up the image in your mind of a young beauty slowly undressing for you the first time, revealing her innocent charms to you.

Now, I'll bet at least half of you would indulge yourself. Admit it, no one else will ever know. You can do it, she's so new and intoxicating, a new face to kiss, new lovely breasts to caress. That hard willing body, is so warm and fresh, just tempting you to partake. You're thinking about it aren't you? Now, you've hesitated, are you strong enough to resist? Do you love your spouse enough to ignore that shapely luscious ass?

Now ask yourself this, how much does your wife love you? Does your slightly over hanging beer gut attract her? How about your receding hair line, does it make her swoon? Think of those nights you rolled off her in bed and went to sleep, leaving her without satisfaction. Are you Don Juan, or Don Knotts?

Are women really so different from you? If you would consider cheating why wouldn't she? This is the hard question. Can you tell yourself with absolute certainty that she wouldn't stray? Well, can you?

So, I thought I was one of the few, the few that loved my wife enough. Enough, I had thought she would always be true. I had been tempted many times by younger, sexier women. I loved my wife enough to resist the forbidden fruit. I had made a promise to love, honor, and keep her, forsaking all others. This promise was from my heart. This vow I would take with me to my grave.

Trina apparently did not see our marriage vows the same way I did. She loved me, I was sure of that, wasn't I? The fact she was seeing someone else came to me quite by accident, and caused me to doubt everything in my little, naïve world. God damn it. She was cheating on me. I love Trina and will give her any thing, any thing but this.

I am Danny, everyone calls me Dan, Trina, is my wife of 12 years. The back ground is unremarkable, we meet, we dated, and we married. I work as a security system salesman, and Trina is a doctor with a private family practice. We own a nice home and lead a good life. At least we did until that Friday.

My meeting Friday afternoon with Mike, the security head of a large downtown mall, was wrapping up. We were signing the final contract on a video surveillance system up grade. The system covered the indoor parking garage. We were talking about how well the cameras worked when he said.

"You gotta see this shot we have of the lower level. It's from Wednesday afternoon." He did a search on the workstation and pulled up clip on the monitor.

"Man, this new system is amazing. We had no idea of the shit we were missing."

On the screen you could see a car with two people inside. They were pretty obviously connecting on a very passionate level. The shot was of the passenger side of the car. A very enthusiastic woman was bouncing up and down facing a dark haired man in the passenger seat.

"Now, check this out. This feature is so cool." Mike said.

The camera panned a little and zoomed in to a perfect shot of the woman's' face. She was in the throws of passion with her eyes closed, biting her bottom lip.

My heart stopped beating. I was dead. You guessed it, there was Trina riding another mans cock. Right there in the mall parking lot in his car.

"Uh hey Mike, I have to get back to the office before it closes. Do you think you could email me this file? I want to show it to the guys."

"Hey man, no problem. I'll add a couple of other good ones I have too."

"Thanks Mike, I'll see you later."

The marriage I'd had was now over. That's the only thing in my life I was sure of. There are a million and one different questions you can ask yourself at a time like this, but the answer is the same. I don't know why, I don't know who, I don't know how long, and I just don't know.

The fact is does it really matter? I had lived up to my side of the bargain and Trina didn't.

I found my self at home a little earlier than I usually am. I ordered a pizza and checked the mail. My happy life was changing in front of my eyes. I had resigned myself, my beautiful fairytale marriage was over, at least as I had known it. But I would live. People all over the world experience tragedy every day, and they trudge on. The pizza arrived before Trina did and I was half heartedly eating when she arrived.

"Hi honey, how was your day? Aah, you ordered pizza. I thought maybe we could go out tonight."

"I don't feel like it." I said, continuing to chew the tasteless mass.

"Is something wrong?"


"Do you want to talk about it?"


I left the kitchen and went to my den and closed the door. A few minutes later she knocked.

"Please Danny, tell me what's wrong. We can work it out, honey."

"I don't think so."

"Have I done something wrong to make you mad?"

"You probably don't think so."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, just leave me alone."

Let her figure it out, she's intelligent, she's a doctor for Christ's sakes. I'm not going to argue about this now. I really don't have the energy or the inclination to fight with her. Apparently Trina needs something I can't give her and I'm not going to open that can of worms. I slept in my den fitfully that night.

Some of you husbands would want the confrontation. Some would plan an elaborate revenge, I did neither. I didn't even care who the guy was that Trina had fucked. I went to take a shower and left the house to mow the yard. I don't like yard work, but I stayed at it most of the day. Trina came out and asked me if I would like some lunch, I just shook my head. The hard work in the sun had been good for me that day, and it gave me time to think. I reviewed our life together, was there something I had done wrong? In my mind at least, I could see no reason for her to cheat. From my point of view I had met all of her needs, whether emotional, financial or sexual.

I could only conclude that this was all Trina's problem. She could face it on her own. I was not going to participate at all. She could figure out what went wrong on her own. The marriage was hers to fix, or hers to flush. I wasn't going to run away, and I wasn't going to fight with her.

I was in the shower after my hard day in the sun, when I felt her hands on my back. She reached around me and took my soft dick in her hand and started to stroke it.

"Are you going to tell me what's eating you now?"


She got no reaction from me at all. I'm sure this pissed her off. She never has had any problem arousing me. The next day I cleared the clutter from the spare bedroom and moved in.

I went to work and I came home to my new room, and that was my routine. Trina continued to ask me to talk to her, but I refused. I still loved my wife, you can't just turn that off. But each day this went on I became a little more detached from life. I was hurt by her actions. Trina could feel it too, she had the key to the door to free us. But I guess her conscience wouldn't let her admit it.

A few weeks we lived like prisoners in our own house. Just routine and silence, no love as before. On a bright sunny Saturday, she came to me and asked.

"Dan, can we set this aside for a moment and talk?"

"Why? Haven't you figured it out yet?"

"Dan, I don't know why you're mad at me, but I can't take it any longer. I must have done something, and you won't tell me what it is. Please help me."

"Trina, what you did was done without consideration for me and with out my help. This is your problem not mine." I said calmly.

A light bulb must have flashed in her head at that moment. The color instantly drained from her beautiful face. She burst into tears and ran to her bedroom. Well, the cats out of the bag now. I'm sure she now knows that I've found out about her secret.

She'd spent the entire day in 'our' bedroom crying. I didn't see her once all day. I would make no attempt to comfort Trina, and after all, I wasn't the cause of her pain and grief. The fact that she now knew why I was acting different toward her had not changed a thing. I felt no responsibility for the rift between us, she had ruined our marriage, and she had broken her wedding vows.

Some of you will say at this point, that it takes two to tango. You must have done something to cause your wife's infidelity. Well, you may be right, and you are certainly entitled to your own opinion. But I have absolutely no reason to believe that. Trina and I had always discussed our relationship honestly, and she knows of all of my views of commitment and trust.

Trina looked like shit the next morning. I really can't remember seeing her look this bad. But truthfully, I didn't care. I hoped she was feeling as bad as she looked. She should have to experience some of the pain I had been through. Trina tentatively came to where I was sitting.

"Dan, will you talk to me now?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Sure Trina, How are you this morning, how are your mom and dad, I haven't heard from them for a while. What do you think about Italian for dinner tonight?"

"Please Dan, don't do this. Please tell me what you're going to do. Are we through? Can you forgive me?"

"I'm not going to do anything, Trina."

"I don't understand. Tell me what to do, tell me what you want."

"No Trina, That's not how it works. You fucked up our marriage, pardon the pun, now you can decide what to do with it. You didn't consider me when you screwed that asshole, you made that choice on your own. Now you have to decide what to do about your marriage on your own." I said coldly.

"Don't you mean OUR marriage?"

"No Trina, it stopped being ours when you made the decision to fuck another man. We had a contract, you and I, a contract to remain faithful to one another. You didn't consult me about it or seek to renegotiate the terms of that contract. I stuck to the language of the agreement and you didn't. This makes it your decision and yours alone." I replied with no emotion.

"How can you be so cold? Do you hate me that much?" She said.

Trina was crying outright now with her head down and almost in a fetal position.

"No Trina, I promised to love and honor you, till death do us part. I will love you and remain faithful, together or apart. I will honor my vows to you even if we divorce."

"Ooh god no, Dan."

Well, now the reality was sinking in. She was finally seeing the consequences of her actions. Trina spent the rest day alone, deep in thought.

Over the last few weeks since I had discovered Trina's affair, my emotions had dulled to the point that I barely cared if I lived or died. I was running on cruise control. I had eaten only because it was dinnertime. I worked because that's what I did from 9 to 5 each day. I slept, not well I might add, because it was dark outside. I did nothing from want or need, I did things only from habit. I wondered where I would be in a week or month from now. I was in Trina's hands now.

Trina came to my bed that evening. She sat lightly on the edge and asked softly.

"Dan, are you awake?"

"What do you want, Trina? I'm trying to sleep."

"I want to tell you how sorry I am."

"Yeah well, I'm sorry too. Now every thing is all better, right? Just let me get some sleep, unless you have some miraculous way of erasing the memory of you screwing away a happy 12 year marriage."

"Please Dan, let me explain."

"Stop Trina, I have only one question for you. Is there some reason this is my fault? What I'm trying to say is, did I not love you the way you wanted? Did I not pay enough attention to you? Was I a bad lover?"

"God no Dan, you're all I ever imagined or wanted."

"I did nothing to drive you to another mans arms?"

"No Dan, It wasn't your fault."

"Then Trina, I don't need or want an explanation. The only thing I need to know is what you plan to do next. Are you leaving me?"

"No Dan, no. I never want to leave you. You're my whole life I'll do what ever it takes to keep us together forever."

"Then fix it Trina, make it better. Make the hurt go away."

"I wish I could, with all my heart. I just don't know how."

If you have read this far, you probably think I don't care about what Trina does behind my back. I know I said I don't care how she handles this problem. But rest assured I will not accept lies, or her cheating on me. If Trina decides to fix our broken marriage, it will have to be to my satisfaction. I would rather live without Trina than live without trust.

My gut feeling was Trina wanted to save our marriage. Her dilemma would be to convince me that her affair was over. She will not have an easy time of this. I will be not play the fool. My trust in her had dissolved to the point that if she told me the sky was blue, I would go look.

Trina appeared resolved to mend what was now broken. She told me time after time how sorry she was. I asked myself, was she sorry for getting caught or for the act itself?

Her next response disturbed me. Not by doing it but that it had never occurred to me. She tested herself for sexually transmitted disease. Trina showed me the report. Before I read it I looked at her.

"Should I be tested?" I asked.

She didn't respond right away. She wasn't as embarrassed as I thought she might be. Trina was trying to form her best response.

"It isn't really necessary, but I will do the tests if you like."

"Why won't it be necessary, as you say?"

"All my tests were negative, and we only did it the one time. You and I haven't made love since then."

I had received the answer to a question I didn't ask. The look in her eyes told me she was telling the truth. This hadn't been an ongoing affair. It was a one-time lapse, but a lapse none the less. I wasn't sure if I could ever forgive Trina, but I knew in my heart that I would give her the chance to regain my love and trust. We both were unsure of where we were heading, but I'll give Trina credit, she was trying.

Our home life remained civil and cold. We didn't seem to make any progress for the next week. One evening the phone rang and Trina took the call. She was agitated as she spoke. When the call ended she came to me in tears.

"Dan, please, I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but I need a favor from you."

"What is it Trina, what's wrong?"

"It was mom, she told me granddad is in the hospital."

"What do you need me to do?"

"I know it's asking a lot right now, but will you go with me to see him? Mom said he may only have a few days left. I want you with me when I see him for the last time."

"Of coarse I'll go. You shouldn't even have to ask."

Trina made the arrangements and we flew out the next day. I really did like Bill, Trina's grandpa. He was one of the good guys. Bill had made a fortune in construction in the 70's and 80's. You would have never guessed it though, the way he acted. He was as down to earth as they come.

We arrived at Trina's parents late in the evening. They filled us in on Bill's condition and it was decided we would see him in the morning. This would be the first time Trina and I would sleep in the same room in weeks. We had decided, considering the circumstances, not to tell her parents of our problems at this time.

It was rather awkward getting ready for bed that night. We didn't speak each going about our nightly routine. We both slipped into bed a little after 11 o'clock. I'm sure it had been an hour before Trina asked if I was awake.

"Yeah, I can't sleep either."

"Dan, I've missed you so much. I hardly sleep anymore without you there."

"I know, it's hard not having to one you love near you."

"Does that mean you still love me, Dan?"

"You know I do. I just can't forget what you did."

"Do you think there is a chance we can make it through this?"

"I hope so Trina, but you know it's up to you."

"You keep telling me that Dan. But it doesn't seem fair, you're not helping."

"Was it fair to me when you slept with another man? You didn't need my help then did you?"

"I know you're right but I'm scared. I'm scared I won't be able to do it. I just don't know how to make it right."

"Trina please, just try to get some sleep now. The important thing now is Bill."

"OK, but you're wrong."

"Wrong about what?"

"The most important thing to me is you. Do you think you could do me one more favor?"

"What is it?"

"Could you hold me tonight?"

I lifted my arm and Trina melted to me. She held on until we woke the next morning. We went to the hospital at eight that morning. On the way, Trina asked her mother if we could see Bill alone for a while. She seemed confused, but agreed. On our arrival Bill was awake. Trina and I entered his room alone.

"Alright what the hell is going on?" Were the first words out of Bill's mouth.

"Nothing, we just wanted to see you." Trina said.

"Don't try to bullshit an old bullshitter, Trina. I may be dying but I'm not blind."

I was shocked, she told him the whole sad tale. Trina didn't hold back much. In 15 minutes Bill knew as much as I did.

"Well that's some story, you two. So, what happens next? Can you forgive her Dan? Or are you going to toss her?"

"Well Bill, we're trying."

"Trina honey, would you go get me some water or go to the can, oh hell, just go somewhere. I need to talk to your husband alone for a few minutes."

"OK, let's get to this. I don't have the time left to hold your hand through this deal. I need to know, do you love her."

"Yes sir, I do."

"Well then, what's the hold up? Tell her you love her. Forgive the silly bitch and get on with your lives."

"It's not that simple."

"Yes it is. Everybody tries to make shit complicated these days. The truth is you don't trust her. She had some strange cock and it pissed you off. Now you think she'll do it again. Has she ever lied to you? I doubt it, she never could do it to me. Just get your head out of your ass and ask her straight up. Will she do it again. Trust me, she won't lie to you. She doesn't have it in her."

"I wish it was that easy."

"Son, in my day we did business with a hand shake. We trusted the word of another man. I you still can't trust her word, get it in writing. Talk to your lawyer if you have to. Dan, you two are good for each other don't do anything stupid. Now could you send Trina in so I can straighten her out."

I shook Bill's hand and wished him well. I found Trina and she went to Bill's room. I sat alone in the waiting room, I had a lot to consider. Bill was being Bill, he told what he thought. Maybe it was that simple. I was questioning my resolve. Could I bring myself to just forgive and forget?