Nina Needs Nailing

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18-year-old dropout gets an introduction to adult modeling.
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Author's note: Hello, this is my entry for the April Fools contest. It's a non-con about a dropout who gets exploited in the adult entertainment industry. I hope you like it.


"It's a modeling agency," Nina said, peering out the passenger window.

It was an adult modeling agency, but she didn't tell Marlow that. Nina was eighteen, a slender dark-haired beauty, and she needed a break. Shifting nervously in her seat, she avoided his gaze as the car crept down the deserted street. It was a terrible neighborhood, and she couldn't risk public transportation wearing her tiny black interview dress. Manipulating men always put her on edge, and now the prospect of an interview a few moments away was freaking her out. She'd never needed a job so badly in her life.

"This fucking neighborhood," Marlow said. "What are you getting us into?"

Nina pursed her lips and blew a silent stream of air. She hated when he spoke about them that way. He was ten years older than her, and she didn't like to think of him as a romantic partner. He was something else to her, but she didn't have a name for it.

"After this, we can go home and watch a show."

Nina laid her hand on his thigh, sliding her fingers toward his crotch. Watching shows was code for sucking cock. He made a satisfied noise somewhere deep in his throat, and her phone chirped. It was a text from Stone, the owner of the agency. He wanted to know if she was bringing someone with her to the interview.

Nina bit her lip.

I am.

Stone responded with an emoji of a cowboy with exploding eyes.

She blew another noisy stream of air. His response didn't seem good. She'd only been to a few interviews in her life -- enough to know she wasn't very good at them. He'd insisted that this interview would be easy -- mostly a formality -- but she was relieved to have Marlow with her. The online ad had promised that a girl could make a lot of money as an adult model. Stone had also connected her with a woman who claimed she'd made six figures last year. Nina's mind clouded at the thought of making so much money.

Nina sent him an apology, claiming Marlow as moral support.

He turned into a vacant lot and pointed to a nondescript building ahead. A middle-aged man stepped out of the shadows and waved.

Marlow turned off the car and gave her a skeptical look.

Nina smiled bravely, set her chin, and got out. Marlow followed. Her legs trembled crossing the parking lot, and she could barely squeak out her name.

Stone didn't seem to notice.

He introduced himself, making a lighthearted remark about the shabby quality of the neighborhood. Turning his attention to Marlow, he said, "No disrespect, but this is a closed interview."

Nina swallowed, watching Marlow square shoulders with Stone.

"If I allow you into the interview," Stone said, "she'll be inhibited. I can't risk it. I need her to act like herself for this." Stone launched into an amusing story about an interview that had gone awry. He had a rugged sort of magnetism. He was older than Marlow. Confident. He made a compelling case for her to meet with him alone. His calm, easygoing bearing was so different from Marlow. A sudden quiver between Nina's legs made her eyelids flutter shut. When she opened them, both men were staring at her.

"Your call," Stone said.

Nina nodded, holding her breath. "A closed interview sounds cool to me."

She could tell by the way Marlow set his jaw that he didn't like being excluded, but she was pretty sure he would accept it. What else could he do? She gave him a pained expression that she hoped seemed convincing, turned, and made her way toward the building. Stone said he'd need an hour to ninety minutes, suggested some nearby places to eat, and followed. At the building, he made small talk with her until they got to his office.

Inside, he asked in a conspiratorial tone, "Does he know what's up?"

Nina bit her lip and hesitated. She snorted to buy time. It shamed her to admit that she hadn't told Marlow, but what could she do? She finally shook her head. "He does not."

Stone chuckled.

He directed her to a couch, and then took a seat behind a desk across from her.

"Relationships are tricky in this business," he said.

A mixture of relief and shame washed over Nina. Her forehead tingled and the little office seemed suddenly hot and stuffy. She didn't like to think of herself as dishonest or manipulative, but she knew she wasn't treating Marlow right. Looking at a spot on the floor, she regretted asking him for a ride.

"It's a little sneaky," Nina admitted, trying to relieve her guilt.

Stone shrugged.

He placed a small handheld camera on the desk, facing her, then pointed out a few other cameras in the office. "We're recording right now," he said.

"I get girls like you $1000 to $5000 a day as adult actresses."

The figures made Nina's cunt throb, but she kept her face neutral. The excitement mixed with nervousness prevented her from hearing much of anything else he said, but she nodded and tried to look attentive.

"College?" Stone asked.

The direct question brought her back into the moment.

"Maybe," she sidestepped. She'd recently dropped out of school, but she didn't tell him that. She wanted him to think she had options.

"You finish high school?"

Her mouth opened but no words came out. Shame pinned her to the seat. Her breathing grew loud in her ears.


He raised his brow, offering a sympathetic smile.

"I'm going to finish. I've just been really busy and..." As soon as the words came out, she berated herself for saying them. Her face warmed and she swallowed hard.

He nodded, narrowing his eyes.

"Why do you want to go into the adult industry?"

"I'm, I'm..." She took a deep breath, then smiled sheepishly. "Broke..."

The awkward silence that followed was more than she could bear. Voice quivering, she described her situation. She'd dropped out of school, stormed out of her parents' house, and then moved in with Marlow. Once she started talking, she couldn't stop. She'd tried fast food, loading trucks, even stripping. A warm tear slid down her cheek. She flicked it away and then suddenly an overwhelming wave of hopelessness made her gasp and start to sob. All the pent-up frustration and stress from the last six months poured out. Feeling silly, she apologized between great heaving breaths.

He handed her a tissue.

He was cool and professional, waving her apologies away. He spoke confidently about her ability to succeed. Pushing the interview forward, he asked for details about her sexual experience. Could she do oral? Did she swallow? He went on and on. His probe was tactful but thorough. Her modest sexual experience made her confidence waver.

"Take off that dress," he directed.

"What?" Nina laughed nervously, smoothing the material on her lap. His request seemed logical, but it was unexpected.

"The producers need to see what you look like without clothes."

A tingle flared between her legs. It was one more thing she couldn't tell Marlow. She kicked off one shoe, then the other. She rose and tugged the strap off her shoulder. Unsnapping her bra, she held it to her chest.

Stone stood, waving her over to his desk.

Her belly lurched.

She didn't want to approach him, but what choice did she have? Tossing the bra on the couch, she stepped to his desk, averting her eyes. His hands were warm and rough, kneading the soft sensitive skin of her breasts. She drew in her breath, ashamed of her pleasure. The tingle between her legs turned into a tiny flame.

He called her his sexy little dropout.

The blunt acknowledgment of the precariousness of her situation made her pulse race with excitement. He knew where she stood and was letting her know that he knew. He talked her through exposing herself in various ways. Producing a shiny metal butt plug, he asked her to slide it into her rectum. A hot thrill swept through her, making her breathing go ragged. With the toy in her ass, he plunged his tongue into her cunt.

Her face crumpled in ecstasy.

He probed the folds of her pussy. Her mouth dried up and she twisted her hips on the couch. She came in a whimpering orgasm, humiliated to have lost control on camera with a toy shoved up her ass.

He wiped his chin with his sleeve.

"Did you come?"

She mumbled her response, reaching for her bottom to remove the butt plug. Without the sexual energy of an impending orgasm, the toy felt like a railroad spike shoved up her ass.

"Leave it," he said, batting her hand away. He used an authoritative tone that she hadn't heard from him before and it put her on edge. The producers needed to see how she worked with male talent. She didn't know what male talent was or how it related to the plug shoved up her ass, but she nodded, her head clouded with apprehension and orgasm. Producers needed girls who could follow directions. "Can you follow directions?"

"Sure," she said, baffled by such a simple question.

He raised his brows.

"Yes, yes," she said more confidently. "I can follow directions."

"Cool," he said, rising. "Your first direction is to get down on your knees and suck my cock."

She snorted, horrified. "Really?"

He grinned.

A great emptiness opened up inside her. Looking at the door, she held her tingly cunt. He was an old man. Forty-five, maybe even fifty. She wouldn't have given him a second look if they had met on the street. She clenched her bottom around the plug in her ass and some primal response fired. As an adult model, she would have to suck cocks eventually, she reasoned, so why not start now? Her pussy throbbed with forbidden desire.

She scrambled to her knees, unfastened his pants, and pulled them down to the middle of his thighs. His cock popped out, thick and hard.

"Did you have any idea you'd be doing this today?"

She looked up, silently shaking her head. A camera was pointing at her face.

"Are you okay with it?"

She took his cock in her hand. A few months ago she'd been sitting in class, ignoring men his age. She bit her lower lip and raised her chin.

"It's cool."

She filled her mouth with his fat cock.

It wasn't cool, but she couldn't say that to him. All she could do was swirl her tongue along the underside of his cock and hope he would finish quickly. She pumped his dick with her fist, the silky skin growing taut with her effort.

He said she was a good little cocksucker.

She continued her labor, telling herself he didn't mean cocksucker in a negative way. Wet sounds came from her mouth. He pulled out and began fisting himself. She raised her chin, opened, and obediently waited for his finish.

Warm, musky cum splashed into her mouth.

She swallowed, then opened again.

Cum splashed on her cheek, then across the bridge of her nose. She raised her chin and another rope splattered across her nose. He was intentionally spraying her face. She didn't like the smell of cum, but she didn't think the timing was right to complain. It wasn't so terrible, she decided. Closing her mouth, she waited for him to finish.

"That's a facial."

She nodded, too ashamed to meet his eyes. He instructed her to leave the cum on her cheeks and sit on the couch. She lowered herself onto the cushion, keeping her chin up.

He slipped out of his pants, sat, and put his legs on the couch between them.

"Lick my ass."

She laughed, thinking she'd heard wrong. "Lick your...?"


He laid back on the couch, scooting his bottom toward her and raising his knees. His hairy ass loomed before her. Producers wanted girls who would go the extra mile.

She curled her lip in disgust, unsure she could do it.

He lowered his legs. "You want to quit?"

She blew air from her mouth. She wasn't ready to quit, but things were moving pretty fast. Curling up on the couch, she positioned herself between his legs.

"How can I be sure I'll get this job?"

"You can't."

Her shoulders sagged. His answer was a punch in the gut.

"Hey," he said, lifting her chin and looking into her eyes. He raised his brows. His eyes were clear and blue. "I'm going to help you."

What did she have to lose?

He was older and more mature, a father figure. She decided to trust him. To place all her faith in him. He was her one good shot at redemption -- maybe her only shot. She suddenly realized how much she needed his help.

"Thank you," she said, switching gears. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to --"

He abruptly raised his legs, exposing his bottom.

Her apology caught in her throat, and his ass filled her field of view. She wasn't on the couch to dispense social niceties. Her job was to slide her sweet little teenage tongue into his ass. A memory from early childhood suddenly flashed into her mind -- her mother confronting her about bathroom etiquette. Always wash after you touch your bottom. Pushing the memory from her mind, she nuzzled her chin into the crack of his ass. Her mother couldn't help her now. She was a stupid little dropout who needed to give the producers what they wanted. With a big set of warm balls resting on her forehead, her nostrils filled with his musk. Marshaling her courage, she extended her pink tongue and barely touched his asshole.

"Good girl," he said, laughing. "I'm going to take good care of you." Palming her head, he shoved her face into his ass.

Her nose and lips pressed tight against his crack. She tried to retreat, but he ground her head deeper. Her pretty face was being used to wipe his ass. What could she do? Fighting off panic, she blanked her mind and extended her tongue. The dam suddenly broke, releasing her from social expectations and appropriate behavior for a teenage girl. She used the flat of her tongue to lick his crack from bottom to top. A bitter taste filled her mouth, but she ignored it. Spreading his ass cheeks, she rubbed her tongue against his puckered asshole. He held a camera onto her face, reminding her to look into the lens as she licked.

"Get your tongue in there, bitch."

She plunged her tongue into his rectum. He'd called her a bitch, but she disregarded it. In this industry, that's just how men expressed themselves. If a man called a girl a cocksucker or a slut, that probably just meant she was hot or maybe he enjoyed working with her.

He bent her over the desk and pulled the toy from her ass.

The plug hurt as it passed her sphincter, but a great relief settled upon her after it was out. With the plug absent, her whole body relaxed. She hadn't realized how tense anal stimulation had made her, but it seemed like an important observation to share. Turning to tell him, she found him smearing grease on his cock.

"It's anal time," he said.

A cold numbness enveloped her, making it hard to speak.

He returned her to her previous position over the desk and applied grease to her asshole. Producers were only interested in girls who took it in the ass. She hung her head. He pointed to a camera and asked her to look into it for the next part.

"Ready to get your ass reamed?"

It was a question that demanded an answer, but she couldn't respond. His cock was pressing against her asshole and the stress of what was coming wound her into a knot. Looking over her shoulder, she nodded, holding her breath. He reminded her to keep her face pointed toward the camera. Look into the camera, bitch. His cock plowed into her tight little ass tube. It felt like a baseball bat. Hurt? She could only grunt. He laughed, saying she would get used to being sodomized. If things worked out, all the guys would be shoving dicks up her ass.

She bit her lip, whining softly.

While she bent over the desk, he made her reach back and spread her ass cheeks apart. It was a humiliating pose but the humiliation wasn't the point. He needed her help. He wanted a shot of her asshole stretched to roughly the size of a man's cock. She held her ass cheeks while he plunged and reamed, reamed and plunged. It was slow, exhausting work. Tears made her mascara run, staining her face.

He tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You're a good little whore," he whispered affectionately.

"I am," she said.

It was the obvious answer. No more foo-foo rationalizations about industry men and how they talked. She was just a common whore.

"Cock goes in your mouth now."

She gasped in disbelief, bearing down on the cock wedged into her ass. If she quit now, all that she'd done so far would have been for nothing. She began to softly whimper.

"Don't ruin it," he whispered.

He pulled out.

She dropped to her knees, eyeing his fat cock. His ruddy shaft glistened with ... what? Her stomach clenched. She considered using her hand to surreptitiously wipe him, but he warned her not to touch the cock with anything but her lips. Closing her eyes, she scooped him into her mouth. His prick was hot and sticky. She made her cheeks go concave with her sucking. Holding his hips, she slathered his cock with her lips and tongue.

"How does your ass taste?"

She nodded, feeling numb. What was there to say?

She tried to return his cock to her mouth, but he took her by the hair and shook. He wanted a better answer. A pang of fear shot through her and she searched for something to say.

"Good," she whimpered.


She looked up at him hopefully.

He laughed, plunging his cock back into her mouth. He seemed genuinely delighted with her answer, simple as it was. He teased her, holding her head to his groin. His laughter stung, and she couldn't say why. He celebrated by shoving his cock back into her ass.

Producers loved desperate, teenage ass-to-mouth girls.

She shrank, obediently doing whatever he asked. Her afternoon had pinwheeled out of control. She saw her new life as female talent stretching out before her.

"Let's finish," he said.

He laid her on the couch. Raising her knees to her cheeks, he sank deep inside her cunt. His big body rested on her tiny frame. His cock filled her.

He kissed her hard on the mouth.

She eagerly returned his kiss, thrusting her tongue against his. Her self-esteem had taken a grievous hit and she desperately needed validation. He was a man and his kiss was an affirmation of her worthiness as a female and even as a person. His age still disgusted her, but she couldn't bring herself to disengage. A girl needs what a girl needs. Holding her face, he pressed his lips to her forehead, signaling that the kissing part was over.

He began his strokes. Hard, athletic thrusts.

Whispered curses soon followed. He spoke softly at first, but then he got louder until he was barking out insults as he pumped away at her pussy.

Little slut.

Filthy fucking cunt.

Take the cock, bitch, take the fucking cock.

She understood that his curses were harmless, meant mostly for his own stimulation. Still, with a cock pounding out an ancient rhythm, it was hard not to take his talk personally. He was an older man, his words had weight. She began thinking of herself as a slut, a cunt, and even as that stupid bitch who had to take the fucking cock. Take it bitch.

He occasionally stopped to rest. Leaving his cock inside of her, he gasped for breath.

Between the insults, his poor physical condition, and the effort needed for his climax, her mind wandered, possibly even leaving her body for short periods of time.

He rose, finally, breathing hard.

It was over.

Her body was sticky with sweat and her mind numb, but she'd done it. She made it through the interview. She blew softly, a cool stream of air on her damp breasts.