New Girl in Town Pt. 20

Story Info
Jess is released while the accident is investigated.
15.7k words

Part 20 of the 25 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 09/08/2017
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Sorry for the delay but a lot has gone on since the last chapter was posted. Thanks as always to Devir Ginator for his editing skills. A nod to the real life Jessica who is still as amazing today as she was since day one. And a huge thanks to you, the readers, for the comments, messages and votes! Stay safe out there!



Jessica woke to sound of her father's light snoring from her bedside. She opened her eyes and carefully stretched in her darkened room. Everything still felt sore but not as bad as yesterday. She could see that the sun had just begun to rise, from her window, as she slid from her bed. She eased her way to her bathroom to relieve herself because she still didn't want to rely on the bedpan.

"I can do this," She said to herself as she quietly shuffled past her sleeping father glad that she was no longer attached to the IV drip for her ongoing pain relief.

She didn't want to try and drag that thing around nor did she want to wake her dad to get him to help her to the bathroom. Her mom had taken Sarah back home just before Jessica fell asleep the night before in the hopes that they would be able to get some sleep. She thought that she heard Jake's mom stop by as she drifted off to sleep but she wasn't sure if it was a dream or not. She would ask her dad once he woke up if that really happened. As she washed up she decided that she would walk down and see Jake. They had told her that her doctor wanted her to walk around some before they would discharge her so she figured that she might as well get an early start on that. She crept past her dad again and started to pull on her robe when her door opened.

"Jess, are you awake?" Roxie whispered as she poked her head into the room.

"I am but dad's sleeping," Jessica whispered back. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I spent the night with Jake," Roxie said. "Not like that, Jessica. Stop smirking at me."

"I wasn't," Jessica said. "At least until you tell me how he's doing. Then you might get one of my smirks."

"You're feeling better," Roxie noted.

"I am somewhat," she answered.

"I'll say," Roxie said. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To see Jake," Jessica answered.

"Should you be walking around so soon?" Roxie asked as she grasped Jessica's good arm.

"The doctor wanted me to walk around some before they discharge me," Jessica explained. "I figured that I could get some practice in and see how Jake is at the same time."

"This feels like such a bad idea, Jess," Roxie said.

"It's fine," she said. "Even better since you're here because I know that you won't let anything bad happen to me, Roxie."

"Don't try and kiss up to me, Tall Girl," Roxie smiled. "The only bribes that work for me are food related and you know it."

"I can get you some fries from Smitty's once I'm out," Jessica offered then shook her head. "No, Krispy Kreme doughnuts. I can have mom bring some over when she comes."

"Remind me to kick Jake's butt when he's better for letting you in on how to bribe me," Roxie snorted as she led Jessica out into the hallway. "Hey, shouldn't you leave your dad a note or something?"

"He'll probably sleep until we get back, Rox," Jessica told her.

"Wait here, Jess," she said. "I might as well try to minimize the trouble that you're about to get me into."

"We're not..." Jess started to argue but Roxie had already ducked back into the room.

She emerged a few moments later and took Jessica by the arm again.

"All right, Tall Girl, let's do this," she said. "I left a note on your pillow telling him that you took me hostage and are forcing me to walk you down to Jake's room. That should save me from getting chewed out too much by your folks."

"You know they would never chew you out, Rox," Jessica said as they started down the hallway. "We'll probably be back before mom even gets here."

"I'm not counting on that," Roxie said. "I will count on her bringing Sar-bear back and she will defend me."

"You know that she will," Jessica smiled.

"I'm surprised Staci isn't still here," Roxie commented as they turned toward the elevators.

"I made her go home to try and rest," Jessica said. "She wanted to stay again last night but she had barely slept and I could tell that it was getting to her. Ray said that he would make sure that she got some sleep. You look like you've barely slept, Roxie."

"It's tough trying to sleep in Jake's room with all the beeping that's going on in there but I got enough to keep you upright for a little while longer," she assured her. "C.C. is coming by to pick me up in about an hour to take me home and I'll sleep some more then."

"That's good," Jess said. "Rox, how... how does he look today?"

"From what I could tell, he looks better," she answered. "His swelling is down a lot and his color has come back so he looks more like himself now."

Jessica reached down and pressed the call button for the elevator then looked at Roxie.

"You must really be worried about him, Rox," she said. "You didn't even take a swipe at Jake's looks when you had a chance."

"I'm too mentally tired for all that, Jess," she admitted. "It's been a very long weekend and I've been worried about you two too much."

Jess smiled and pulled Roxie into a hug. They held each other until the elevator chimed that it had arrived. Jess leaned down and kissed Roxie on her cheek.

"I love you too, Rox," Jessica whispered. "Now help me get to Jake because I miss him and I need to see him."


Jessica and Roxie entered Jake's room and found Jenny at his bedside. She jumped at the sound of the door and turned toward it.

"Jess!" Jenny said as she hopped to her feet.

She hurried over to Jessica and hugged her tight but then let go and jumped back.

"Oh god, Jess, I didn't hurt you did I?" she asked worriedly. "I didn't even think because you looked like you needed a hug so bad."

Jessica smiled then pulled Jenny back into a hug again.

"You didn't hurt me, Jenny," she assured her. "I just had a really great hug from Roxie before we caught the elevator but I can always use more."

"We came as soon as we heard," she said. "I got about a half dozen messages when we got back in cell phone range."

"Range?" Jessica asked.

"We were up in the mountains," Tommy explained. "My folks have a cabin up there and we went up there for the New Year. Reception is spotty at best but when we went into town for more... uh... supplies Jenny's phone went crazy."

"Marie tried to get in touch with me and when that failed she contacted Amy and it kind of snowballed from there," Jenny explained. "We got into town and I had, like, twenty messages between them. As soon as I read them we headed back to the cabin, packed up everything then came here first thing this morning."

Thank you so much for coming. Both of you," Jessica told them then leaned over Jake and kissed his cheek.She looked at his face which was now only slightly swollen and gave him a smile as she brushed some of his brown hair away from the bandage on his head.

"Hey, baby," she said to him. "I made it back to you and I'm doing okay but I need you to heal up too. Okay?"

"Jess, if you want us to give you a few minutes with Jake we can head out to the waiting area," Jenny offered but Jess shook her head as she took a seat next to Jake's bed.

She took his hand in hers with some minor difficulty due to the sling on her left arm. Roxie helped her get better situated until she was comfortable enough.

"Please stay," she said. "Jake would appreciate you being here and I do too. He really does look so much better, Rox. Almost like himself."

"He's going to be okay, Jess," Roxie assured her.

"She's right, Jess," Jenny said. "Jake will be all right. Before he went to get some coffee, his dad told us that the doctors sound hopeful."

Jessica nodded and rubbed the back of Jake's hand while she looked at his now near normal face. She managed a smile.

"He'd better be or I'm going to kick his butt," Jess said. "You hear that, Jake. I will kick your butt then unleash Sarah on you and you know what will happen then."

"Better listen to your Tall Girl, Jake," Roxie told him.

"So what exactly happened?" Tommy asked. "With the crash I mean. We've heard everything from speeding to the ghost of Sheldon's Curve popping up and causing it."

"We know that Jake wasn't speeding, Jessica," Jenny jumped in. "We don't think it was a ghost either but that is one of the rumors."

"I imagine there are a few running rampant about the accident right now," Jessica said.

Jessica explained how all she remembered was leaving for Staci's then waking up after the crash.

"They said that I might remember what happened in a few days or I might not," she told them. "I'm not sure that I want to remember it if I'm being honest."

"It sounds so awful, Jess," Jenny said. "I'm so sorry that happened to you. Once we started back I managed to get in touch with Staci and she told us about how Ray, Bobby and Marybeth found you all and what they had to do. So awful."

"I haven't even gotten to talk to them about it much," she said. "It all feels like it's just this huge blur and I'm just trying to deal with whatever pops up next."

"What is next?" Jenny asked. "You look to be moving around okay. Are they letting you go home?"

"They need to run another test before they decide but most likely I will this afternoon," she answered. "Well I'll be able to go home but I'm not planning on leaving Jake's side. At least until he wakes up."

"Have they said anything about when that might be?" Tommy asked.

"Not that I've heard," Jess answered. "Roxie?"

"I heard they were thinking a few days at least," she answered. "We can ask Jake's dad when he gets back from the cafeteria."


"Tim, wake up," Dr. Golden said as she nudged her sleeping husband.

She had arrived back to Jessica's room to his snores and an empty bed.

"Huh, what... what's going on?" He mumbled as he came awake.

"I brought breakfast," she said as he sat up. "Your daughter however is not in her bed."

"She's either in the bathroom or went to see Jake," he said.

Dr. Golden shook her head then saw the note that was on Jessica's pillow. As she read it, Tim looked around the darkened room.

"Speaking of daughters," he said. "We seem to be missing our littlest as well."

"I ran into Pam on the way in," Dr. Golden explained. "She took her to see Jake which is where Jessica is. Roxie left us a note."

"Of course she did," he said. "Did Sarah already eat? Is that how you managed to hand her off to Jake's mom so easily?"

"Pam had doughnuts," she shared. "Krispy Kreme so you know that these biscuits just can't compete in Sarah's head."

"Did you say Krispy Kreme?" he perked up.

"Like father, like daughter," she shook her head but smiled. "I should say daughters because I'm certain that our wayward daughter is munching down on a doughnut right about now as well."

"We should go check on them," Tim said as he got to his feet. "We don't want them to overwhelm Jake's parents."

"No, dear, we wouldn't want that," She smiled. "Run a brush through your hair and meet me at the nurses station. I need to tell them where we'll be when Dr. Yang comes by to administer the test again."

"Speaking of the test," he said as he started toward the bathroom. "Do you have any theories on what happened to Jessica. I mean she's never had a panic attack before so could it be because of the wreck?"

"It's possible," she nodded. "We all rechecked her CT scan and saw nothing unusual but we'll know more with her test today. Now let's go collect our babies and check on Jake."


"This totally counts, Roxie," Jessica's parents heard her say as they exited the elevator on Jake's floor. "I promised you doughnuts and you got at least two by my count."

"Jake's mom bringing us doughnuts does not count as you bringing me doughnuts, Tall Girl," Roxie retorted. "Hi, Mom and Dad Golden."

"Hello, Roxie," Dr. Golden greeted her with a hug. "Thanks for leaving us a note so we would know where to find you two."

"I was coerced," Roxie said immediately.

"You knew exactly where I would be without Roxie's little note," Jessica said. "She was just covering her cute butt."

"It sounds like someone is feeling better this morning," Dr. Golden said as she tousled Jessica's hair.

"I am a bit," Jessica answered as she held Sarah on her lap. "I gotta stay positive right?"

"We got to see Jake and he looks like Jake again. Well mostly like Jake," Sarah informed them.

"That's very good, Sarah," Dr. Golden said. "And yes, Jess, you need to try and stay positive. Where are Jake's parents?"

"The doctor came in to talk with them so we thought it would be better if we gave them some space," Jessica said.

"Want me to head back there and see what was said, baby?" Dr. Golden asked.

"Please," Jessica said.

"Please," Sarah repeated.

"Who can say no to these faces?" Dr. Golden said with a loving smile.

She started for the closed doors but stopped and turned back to the teens.

"Don't let your father eat all the doughnuts," She said.

"I'll watch him, mom," Sarah promised.

"And I'll watch Sarah and make sure that she doesn't eat the ones that Dad doesn't," Jessica told her.

"Roxie?" Dr. Golden asked.

"I've already got one saved for you, Mom G," Roxie smiled.

"That's why you're my favorite, Roxie," Dr. Golden told her then turned to go to Jake's room. "I'll be right back with news."


"Patrick! Get your ass in here!" Buck Greene shouted from his garage.

He waited several minutes then stomped back into the kitchen where his wife stood by the stove.

"Where is Patrick?" he asked her.

"Still asleep I assume," Courtney Greene answered her husband as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "What were you bellowing about out in the garage?"

"Just something that I need to ask our son about," he grumbled as Patrick stumbled his way into the kitchen.

"Isn't it a little early for you to be yelling, Dad," Patrick asked as he rummaged in the cabinet for a coffee mug.

"What happened to your Camaro?" Buck asked.

He had started to pour himself a cup of coffee then when his dad asked his question Patrick's hand shook slightly.

"Huh?" he asked as he steadied himself.

"Your car," Buck pointed toward the garage. "The front end of your car. It's all busted up. What happened to it?"

"It's not all busted up," he stated. "I hit a dumpster or something the other night. It's just a small dent and some paint."

"Now how in the hell did you run into a dumpster?" Buck asked. "How drunk do you have to be to..."

"Buck!" Patrick's mother scolded him. "He knows better than to drink and drive."

"He'd fucking better," Buck grumbled. "We have a reputation in this town and the last thing we need is for him to get busted for a DUI."

"Relax, dad," Patrick said. "I wasn't driving drunk. I went out the other night and I uh... forgot to turn my headlights on so I didn't see the thing until I bumped it. It's no big deal."

"Responsibility is a big deal, baby," Courtney said. "You will work off whatever it costs to get your car fixed either by helping out around here or by helping your father at the office. You have things that he can do don't you?"

"You can handle it on your end, Courtney," Buck said. "I've got too much going on at the office to babysit Patrick."

"I don't need anyone to babysit me," Patrick argued.

"Your car says otherwise," he remarked.

Patrick glowered and started to say something but his mother stopped him.

"I'll take care of it, Buck," she said. "When I get back home."

"Get back? Where are you going?" Patrick asked.

"To the hospital," she answered him. "I know that you said that you didn't want to go but I think that you should reconsider. I'm sure that your friends would love to see you."

"They still aren't my friends, mom," Patrick answered. "They're just a couple of classmates that I don't talk to."

"Probably for the best," Buck said. "Running off the road like that makes them sound like a couple of drunks or druggies. Best to avoid those types. At least until you get to college."

Buck chuckled while Courtney shook her head.

"Ignore your father, Patrick," she said. "He's an ass about a lot of things. Are you sure you don't want to come along?"

"Why are you even going, mom?" Patrick asked. "It's not like you know them."

"They go to our church and they need support," she answered him as she pulled on her coat. "I'll be back in a little while and I'll have a list of chores for you to help out with so you had better be ready."

"Yeah, yeah," he said. "I will be."



"No. Absolutely not. No way," Ashley Thompkins said as she stood in the aisle of the airplane. "Your long legged butt did not make me get up at this ungodly hour to board a plane to take me across the freaking country then not take the window seat."

"This isn't an ungodly hour, Ash," Jessica Langston stated. "I would be out surfing right now if we weren't leaving."

"That's you, Surfer girl," Ashley told her. "I would still be snoozing all nice and cozy in my bed right now. Now move your butt out of my seat."

Jessica shook her head and got to her feet. She towered over her short, blonde friend who stood just over five foot tall but Ashley's face held her patented smirk of victory.

"Ugh, fine," Jessica said as she moved into the aisle while Ashley took the coveted window seat.

Ashley cooed and made a show as she settled into the seat which made Jessica shake her head at her antics. Jessica looked a few rows back and watched as Ken loaded his bag into the overhead compartment. When he turned, she gave him a smile and wave before she sat down. She soon realized that she made a mistake when she glanced over and saw the wicked grin on Ashley's face.

"Don't start, Ashley," Jessica warned her.

"Jessica, I would never!" Ashley feigned offense but the grin that spread across her face told a different story. "Never would I suggest that you and your kind of nerdy but kind of hot assistant have something going on."

"Great, let's keep it that way for, oh I don't know, another three to six hours," she commented then giggled. "He is kind of hot though isn't he?"

"I thought we weren't talking about that," Ashley said as she glanced back and gave him a wave. "That said, I would not be above playing lookout for you two if you wanted to join the mile high club."

"That is not happening," Jessica said a bit loudly.

A few passengers looked their way which caused Jessica's cheeks to flush red which made Ashley giggle.

"Not funny, Ash," Jessica said.

"Fine, I'll give you a bit of a break," she told her. "Why is Ken sitting back there and not closer to us?"

"These were the only seats that were available on such short notice," she answered. "He gave us the two together so you didn't have to sit by yourself."

"Who said that I would be the one sitting by herself?" Ashley asked.

"Me," Jessica answered quickly.

"So it's like that, huh?" Ash asked as the plane started to taxi toward the runway.

"And we're back to talking about what we agreed not to talk about," she said as she buckled herself in.

"You agreed with yourself," Ashley pointed out. "I agreed to no such thing."

"Different subject, Ash," Jessica told her. "Please?"

"Oh you're no fun," Ashley told her then reached over and took hold of Jessica's hand. "Hold my hand while we take off. It's my least favorite part of flying."

"Big baby," Jessica needled her but she took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You know that I love you, right?"

"I know. I love you too, Meanie," Ashley said then grinned. "You aren't going to get off the hook about you and your assistant but I do love you."