New Girl in Town Pt. 19

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Recovery begins but will a simple test lead to a clue?
12.7k words

Part 19 of the 25 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 09/08/2017
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Thanks to Devir Ginator for his quick editing skills, I get to post this a week earlier than planned!

Hope you all enjoy, comment and vote!


The Next Morning-Saturday

Jessica woke up with the sun. She felt stiff, sore and her broken wrist throbbed which is what woke her. Slowly she lifted it to a different position or at least she tried to but she found that her body was flanked by Sarah on one side and Staci on the other. Both were still fast asleep and cuddled up to her as if she would vanish if they weren't touching her. A smile crept onto her face for a moment when she thought about how warm and safe she felt with them in bed with her.

"Like when I spend the night with Jake," She thought.

That's when the smile faded and was replaced by fear and concern. She tried to figure out a way to move from her hospital bed without waking either Sarah or Staci but with every movement she made, one or both of them would move to snuggle her. Jessica tried to slip her good arm from underneath Staci's head but when she tried Staci mumbled and pressed her head further into Jessica's neck.

"Five more minutes," Staci muttered in her half-asleep, half-awake state.

"Staci, I've gotta pee," Jessica whispered to her.

It wasn't much of a lie, she really did have to pee but once she got out of bed, Jessica wasn't getting back in until she saw Jake.

"Jess?" Staci asked groggily.

"I need to pee," Jessica told her because now that she had said it, she really needed to pee.

Staci carefully moved off the bed in an effort to not cause Jessica any discomfort and so she didn't wake up everyone else in the room.

"Where are you going?" Staci whispered as Jessica maneuvered herself out from under Sarah then perched on the side of the bed to catch her breath.

Jessica found that it hurt to breath and her legs ached. Everything ached or at least it felt like it to her but the need to use the facilities spurred her on.

"Bathroom," Jessica whispered back. "Help me."

"What about the bed pan?" Staci asked her.

"What are you two doing?" Dr. Golden asked as she slipped quietly into the room. "Jessica, lie back down."

"Mom, I've got to go to the bathroom," Jessica answered then looked at Staci. "And no, I'm not using a bed pan. I can walk."

As soon as she said it, she stumbled and Staci had to catch her.

"Clearly," Staci said then looked at Jessica's mom for guidance.

"Let me get your IV stand from behind the bed then Staci can help you to the bathroom," Dr. Golden told them as she moved toward the bed.

"What is this?" Jessica asked as her mom released the wheel locks on the IV stand.

"Pain medication," Dr. Golden told her. "You'll be taken off it by lunch time if you think you can handle the pain."

Jessica nodded then, with Staci's help, shuffled her way to the bathroom. Staci found the light and flicked it on after she had closed the door. Jessica fussed with her hospital gown for a moment before she finally lifted it and sat down.

"I need some pants," She muttered to Staci.

"You have some here," Staci answered. "My mom went to your house last night after you fell asleep and got you some pajamas to put on."

"Have you heard anything more about Jake?" she asked.

"Just that he's in the ICU now," Staci answered. "Your mom was there when he got out of surgery and I think she's been to his room a few times once we fell asleep."

"I need to see him, Staci," Jessica said.

She tried to stand but a wave of dizziness hit her and pain flared in her back and legs. She teetered for a moment before Staci rushed to her side and caught her.

"Stop scaring me, Jessica! I can't take much more it," Staci cried and hugged her best friend.

Jessica hugged her back as best she could manage until Staci got herself under control.

"Let me get you your pajamas," Staci said as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Staci exited the restroom but it was Jessica's mom who returned with the pajamas instead.

"I thought that I should help you since you're hooked up to the IV," Dr. Golden told her daughter. "And I had to send Staci out to start corralling your school friends. They started showing up a little while ago, the ones that went home last night that is. Some of the misfits and their partners stayed the night with Jake's parents in the ICU waiting area."

"Thanks, mom," Jessica said as she slowly started to get dressed.

The pair took their time to get Jessica into a tank top and matching pajama bottoms. They took several breaks when Jessica felt dizzy or when the pain started to become too intense for her.

"Catch your breath," Dr. Golden told Jessica as she rubbed her back soothingly.

"Have you seen Jake?" Jessica asked worriedly. "How is he? I need to see him."

"Yes, I have seen him," Dr. Golden assured her. "He's doing as well as can be expected but he's not ready for visitors yet."

"I need to see him," Jessica stated emphatically.

"Jessica, I do not want you out of bed until you're given the okay by your doctor," Dr. Golden stated.

"Then get them in here because Jake needs me," Jessica argued as hot tears started to roll down her cheeks. "He needs me, mommy."

Dr. Golden heard the determination in her daughter's voice and nodded.

"I will go find your doctor and we'll see what he has to say but you have do as he says," She warned her daughter. "If he says that you stay in that bed in there then you are to stay in that bed. Jake needs you, that's true, but what he doesn't need is you hurting yourself more in an effort to see him. Are we in agreement on that?"

Jessica nodded her head slowly as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Good," Dr. Golden said as she helped her stand up. "Let's get you back to your bed now and I'll go find your doctor."


After being checked over by the on call doctor, Jessica was helped into a wheelchair. She fussed that she didn't need it but her words fell on deaf ears. Staci helped her into her robe and Sarah insisted that she cover her legs with a blanket. Jessica didn't object because it seemed to make Sarah feel like she helped.

"Thank you, Sar-bear," Jessica told her as she tucked the blanket around her waist.

"Can I go with you to see Jake?" Sarah asked.

Jessica looked to her mom for an answer.

"We can talk about that when we get down there," Dr. Golden told her youngest daughter.

Staci volunteered to push Jessica and Sarah too when she carefully climbed into her big sister's lap. Mr. Golden told her that he would push the pair but Staci shook her head.

"I need to feel like I'm doing something, Mr. Golden," Staci told him as she wheeled them toward the hallway. "Even if it's just this."

Jessica reached back with her good hand and stroked Staci's arm.

"You're here, Staci," She said. "It means a lot to me so you have been doing something."

Staci nodded as they all made their way toward the bank of elevators. The doors opened and Ray started to step out but stopped when he saw the group.

"I was bringing you guys some breakfast," He said as he held up a bag from Bojangles and a tray of coffees.

"Thank you, Ray," Dr. Golden said. "We're headed down to see Jake but we all could use something to eat."

"Definitely the coffee," Mr. Golden said as he snagged a cup.

Ray handed out biscuits and the remaining coffees as the elevator descended. Jessica shook her head at the offered food and drink but her mother was insistent that she try and eat something.

"There's doughnuts," Ray told her. "Antoine, Twanda, Marisha and Des brought them for Jake's parents. I saw them before I came up to check on you, Jess. How are you feeling?"

"I'm sore," Jessica answered as she held Sarah in her lap. "I've got a headache too."

"That's why I want you to eat something," Her mother said.

Jessica nodded then tried to unwrap her biscuit but she had trouble as she tried to do it one handed.

"I've got it, Sissy," Sarah told her as she took it from Jessica.

She unwrapped the biscuit as carefully as she could muster then handed it back to Jessica.

"Thank you, Sarah," Jessica said then looked at Ray. "Thank you for breakfast, Ray. We appreciate it."

"I just wanted to do something, Jess," He shrugged as the elevator arrived at it's destination.

He took over for Staci so she could eat while the group made their way to the ICU waiting area.


They arrived to a nearly packed waiting area. Many of their friends, some with their parents, were seated around Jake's parents. Jessica was greeted by each as she was wheeled past them until they reached Jake's parents.

"Jess," Jake's mom greeted her with a careful hug and kiss on her forehead. "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

"Sore but I'm okay," Jessica answered. "Have they said anything more about Jake?"

"Just that he needs time to heal," Mrs. Gibson told her.

"Have any of our friends been back to see him?" She asked.

"We took Bobby and Marybeth back last night to see him once he got placed into a room," She said. "They didn't want to leave without seeing him and of course Shelly has been back with him. She's back there now but I think your other friends are waiting for you to see him first."

Jessica nodded and looked down at Sarah.

"Sarah, can you wait for me here with Jake's parents while I go back and see Jake?" She asked.

"I want to see Jake, too," Sarah insisted.

"Let me see him first then I'll take you back if I think it's okay, Sarah," Jessica told her.

Sarah acted like she wanted to argue but she stopped herself and got off Jessica's lap.

"Come sit with us, Sar-bear," Roxie said as she walked up to them and knelt down. "We can use the company and C.C. has doughnuts."

"I'm not very hungry," Sarah stated.

"They're Krispy Kreme," Roxie told her. "And you need to eat, sweetheart."

"You need to eat something if you want me to take you back to see Jake," Jessica told her.

Sarah nodded her reluctant acceptance to them. Roxie leaned in and gave Jessica a long hug.

"I was really worried about you, Tall Girl," Roxie said with a voice thick with emotion. "Go see Jake then come back out to us because I need a lot more hugs before I'm okay. Okay?"

"I do too, Roxie," Jessica said as she hugged her back. "I'll be out when I can."

"We'll save you a jelly doughnut," Roxie assured her.

"Sissy likes the chocolate ones with the cream in them," Sarah stated.

"I just so happen to have at least one of those," Roxie smiled. "Let's go make sure C.C. saves it for her, okay?"

Sarah nodded and took Roxie's offered hand while Jessica mouthed Thank you to Roxie.

"Are you ready, Jess?" Staci asked.

"Staci, let me take Jessica back," Dr. Golden said. "She may need me to explain some things she's going to see in Jake's room."

Staci nodded then hugged Jessica.

"Tell Jake that Ray and I will be back to see him soon, okay?" Staci asked her.

"I will," Jessica promised her then looked at her mom. "I think I'm ready now."

Dr. Golden nodded, hugged Jake's parents then wheeled Jessica toward the door to the rooms. Once the pair were buzzed inside the ICU Dr. Golden stopped. Jessica looked back over her shoulder with a confused look.

"I need to prepare you for seeing Jake," Dr. Golden told her.

"Prepare me?" Jessica asked fearfully.

"He's in a medically induced coma and there are several machines attached to him which are monitoring his vital signs. His face is a little puffy from the accident so I want you to know what you're walking into," Dr. Golden told her. "He won't be able to respond to you."

Jessica nodded that she understood.

"I can talk to him, can't I?" Jessica asked.

"Of course you can, baby," She told her daughter as she stroked her hair. "I know that he'll love to hear that you're all right."

Dr. Golden pushed Jessica to Jake's room. Inside Shelly stood by the head of the bed and was smoothing out Jake's hair when they entered.

"I was getting him ready to see you, Jess," Shelly said as she patted Jake's shoulder. "Jess is here now, Jake. I'll give you two some time."

Shelly started toward the door but Jessica reached out and stopped her. She pulled her down into a hug then whispered into her ear.

"Thank you, Shelly," Jessica said. "I'll be out to talk to you in a little while."

"I'm really glad you're okay, Jess," Shelly whispered as she hugged her back before she left.

"Jake, I'm here," Jessica said softly as she reached out and touched his hand.

She stroked his hand softly and fought back tears as she looked from his swollen face down to his leg which was encased in a cast from his knee down.

"How bad is he?" She asked.

"The swelling in his brain is decreasing which is good," Dr. Golden started with. "He has a few broken ribs and his leg was broken in the crash but he didn't require surgery for that. He did have surgery for some internal bleeding when he first came in. They found them all and sealed them so he's safe from that for now."

"Did my moving him cause those?" Jessica asked worriedly.

"Of course not, honey," She said as she stroked her daughters hair in the hope that it would help keep her calm. "You were in a very violent wreck. The deputy that you spoke to said that Jake's car rolled at least once then slammed into a tree. Jake took the brunt of it, it seems, and it's a small miracle that you didn't get hurt worse than you did. You don't remember anything about the accident still?"

Jessica shook her head but her eyes didn't leave Jake's face except to look up at the displays on his machines for a moment.

"Can I sit with him for a little while?" She asked. "I just want to be near him."

"I'll give you a few minutes alone with him then I'll bring Sarah back so she can see him too," Dr. Golden said. "She'll be insistent and worried if we don't let her see him."

Jessica nodded and waited for her mom to leave. Once Jake's door closed, Jessica pushed herself up to her feet slowly then shuffled to the head of his bed. She leaned down and kissed his lips for a brief moment.

"I love you, Jake," She whispered. "Please come back to me."


Patrick bounced downstairs with a happy skip in his step in search of breakfast when he heard his parents in the living room. He detoured there to wish them a Happy New Year since he hadn't seen them last night.

"Good morning," He said with a wide smile on his face. "Happy New Year. How was your party last night?"

"It was good," Patrick's dad said. "Missed seeing you there last night."

"I... uh... ran into an old friend," Patrick chuckled.

He started to say more but his mother gestured toward the television where the morning news played.

"We saw this story earlier, Patrick," She said. "You know these two don't you?"

Patrick turned his attention toward the screen and read the graphic on the screen.

"Teens injured in New Year's crash," He murmured as he took a seat on the couch.

On the screen the anchor started to report the story.

"Two teens were injured in what appears to be a one car accident just hours before the New Year," She said. "The pair are seniors at Carter High School. Jessica Golden, a top prospect in volleyball for UCLA, led the Carter Wildcats to the state championship this year and is a first ballot member to the All State team. She was a passenger in the car. The driver, Jake Gibson, who played an integral role in the Wildcat's football championship run this past season is listed in critical but stable condition. Miss Golden's condition is not known at this time. Sheriff Bradford said that the weather may have played a factor but he isn't ruling out other factors as it is early in the investigation. Carly, it turned into a rainy New Year's for some folks in our viewing area..."

"Patrick?" His mother asked as Patrick stared at the screen in silence for a few moments.

"Yeah," He nodded. "I knew... I mean I know them."

"Such a shame," His mother shook her head.

"Wasn't that Jessica girl the same one that you were chasing after earlier this year?" Patrick's dad asked.

"She was," He nodded.

"And you played football with Jake," His mother said. "Would you like me to drive you over to the hospital later to see them?"

"No," Patrick answered a bit too vehemently then shook his head. "I mean, no thanks, mom. Jake and I aren't really friends."

"Oh," She answered.

"Critical condition is bad right?" He asked.

"It's not good," His dad answered. "Kid was probably drunk off his ass and..."

"Buck! Really?" Patrick's mother interrupted. "They are investigating which means they know more than you do. For all you know some drunk hit those poor kids."

"They said it was a one car accident," He argued.

"And that it's still being investigated," She stated then patted Patrick's arm. "Don't listen to your father. He runs off at the mouth a little too much. I'm sure that they will both be fine despite how scary it sounds."

"Yeah," Patrick nodded then got up from the couch.

He excused himself and headed back to his room. His mind whirled at the news and the implications of it.

"Jessica was in the fucking car," He thought as he closed his door and sat at his desk. "I should have known that she would have been in the fucking car with him. Fuck!"

He powered up his laptop and searched for more news on the crash but was unable to find anything. He pulled out his cell phone and had scrolled to Jamie's number before he stopped himself. He felt that if he called and asked about Jessica it would somehow clue Jamie in that he had caused the wreck. He scrolled further until he got to Somer's number then called her but she didn't answer.

"Somer, call me back," He said. "I just saw on the news that Jake and Jessica were in a wreck last night. It seems pretty bad. Call me."

He almost texted her as well but decided not to. Instead he opened up a search engine and typed in what they said about Jake's condition to find out just what it meant.


"Ugh, what do you want now?" Somer complained as she saw that Patrick had left her a message.

"Problem, dear?" Somer's mother asked as they sat at their dining table.

"Just Patrick bugging me," She answered as she speared a piece of her omelet. "I was expecting a bit of a break from him. At least until noon or later."

"Trouble in paradise?" Her dad teased her.

"Eww, dad," Somer said as she made a face. "He and I are not dating. We just hung out for awhile this year but not anymore."

"Now that Rick is back you mean?" Her mother inquired.

"Rick just wanted to get away from his family for a little while," Somer explained. "You know how they can get. He said that it's gotten worse since he's gone off to college so I gave him a little reprieve from them last night. That's all."

"It is huh?" Her father chuckled as he nodded toward the window.

Somer leaned forward so she could see and spotted Rick's classic Pontiac GTO as it came to a stop in her driveway. A smile teased her lips as she watched Rick get out of his car and jog up to their front door. She started to get to her feet but her mother stopped her.

"I'll get the door," Her mother told her. "You need to finish your breakfast."

Somer nodded as she dabbed her mouth clean so Rick didn't see her with egg on her face.

"I didn't mean to disturb your breakfast," Rick said as he was led to the kitchen.

"Nonsense, Rick," Somer's father said. "Can we offer you something to eat?"

"I'm good, but thank you, sir," He answered. "I just wanted to see if Somer was free to hang out for a little while."

"I..." Somer started to answer when her phone buzzed again.

She looked, saw that it was a text from Patrick then sighed as she put it away.

"I would love to hang out today, Rick," She stated.

Somer finished breakfast, went upstairs and changed from her sweats into a pair of jeans and sweater then rejoined Rick. The pair said goodbye to her parents then walked to Rick's car where Somer got another chime on her phone.