Never My Love


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Once Leah and Laura had regained control of their faculties and had wiped their pretty faces off, they showed us that, for Leah, Ashlyn had given her a twenty-four carat gold ring, with diamonds, rubies and sapphires mounted on top of it, and for Laura, Ashlyn had given her the same kind of ring, except that hers had diamonds, emeralds and sapphires, both of which, per Ashlyn's orders, were custom made for each of my sisters. Needless to say, both Leah and Laura profusely thanked Ashlyn over and over before she finally told them that she loved them both, and that was the end of it...for the moment anyway.

Mom and Dad gave me clothes, as did my sisters; however, the best part of it for me was when, with Mom's help of course, I gave Ashlyn the three carat, diamond necklace that once belonged to my maternal grandmother who'd passed away when I was only a little boy, and Leah and Laura were still toddlers. I had some pleasant memories of her, but my sisters had no memory of her because of the fact that they both were very small, almost babies when she passed away from cancer, bless her heart.

"Oh, my God," Ashlyn cried, "I can't wear this. You should give it to one of your real daughters, Naomi."

"I just did," Mom sweetly replied, "You and Jake will be married soon enough, and as far as I'm concerned, you already are my daughter."

"Besides;" Laura smiled, placing her arms around Ashlyn, "It looks so pretty on you and; we want you to have it, Ash."

"Thank you, all so much," she sniffled, "No one has ever been as kind to me as you all have been...not even my own family when they were alive."

"We're your family now, baby," Mom sweetly told her, "Don't ever forget that."

"I won't," Ashlyn smiled, "Not ever."

Ashlyn bought me the perfect gift for Christmas. She gave me a custom made, leather backpack, with my name embossed in gold colored thread across the top of it, as well as a gold pen and pencil set to go along with it; and needless to say; I was absolutely thrilled.

"Thank you, Ash," I smiled, leaning over and giving her a soft kiss, "You didn't have to do this you know."

"Oh, yes I did," she grinned, "You belong to me now, and I believe in taking good care of my man."

"Thank you," I smiled, "And just so you know, you belong to me and I also believe in taking good care of my woman."

"You'd better," she teased, "Or else I'll have to sick your Mom and your sisters on your butt."

"That's right," Leah giggled, "Tell him, girl."

"Hell yeah," Laura grinned, "You'd better be good to her, Jake; or else we'll kick your ass."

"You need to watch your language, Miss Laura," Mom giggled, "Or else I'll kick your little ass."

"Come on, Mom," Laura grinned, "You know I'm only kidding."

Maybe so," I teased, "But you and Leah don't scare me one bit, Laura."

"Oh, shut up," she giggled, "Or else me, Leah, Mom and Ashlyn will get on you, boy."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I playfully groaned, "Ooo, I'm so scared; you've got me shaking in my boots..."


Ashlyn and I packed up and got ready to leave, and right before I walked out the front door, Dad pulled me aside and handed me a plain white business sized envelope."

"What's this?" I asked him.

"There's a cashier's check inside that envelope for one hundred thousand dollars, son," Dad explained, making my face turn white, "It's part of your inheritance, and your mother and I wanted you to have it now."

"Holy cow, Dad," I gasped, "I can't take this. I mean you're paying for my college already, and I don't..."

"Take it," he impishly grinned, interrupting me, "Or else I'll get your mother involved in this, and you know what she'll do."

"Aw, come on, man," I complained, "You're not playing fair, Dad."

"Call it what you want," he chuckled, "I want you to take this and put it in the bank at the first opportunity you get. We've already consulted Ashlyn about this and she's going to help you get your bank account set up."

"Thanks, Dad," I smiled, firmly hugging him, "I promise you that I won't be irresponsible with this."

"I know you won't, son," he proudly replied, "You've always been a good kid, and I've always been able to trust you...and you've never once let me down."

"Thanks again, Dad," I grinned, "Your trust has always meant more to me than anything, and that's why I'm not about to let you down now."

"Oh, and one more thing," he grinned, "Ashlyn is beautiful...I thought I'd let you know that, son."

"You didn't have to," I flippantly, but playfully replied, "I already knew that."

"Smart ass," he laughed, then hugged me and said, "I love you, son, don't ever forget that."

"Never, Dad," I smiled, "And I love you, too."

After I hugged Mom and my little sisters one last time, Ashlyn and I got into her car and then left for Houston...


"Are you excited, Jake?" Ashlyn grinned, as she drove us, "I know that I am."

"I'm very excited," I replied smiling, "It's not every day that a guy gets the opportunity to ride off into the sunset with the girl of his dreams."

"Aw, thank you, Jake," she sweetly smiled, "You always know exactly what to say to me to make me feel beautiful."

"That's because you are beautiful...very beautiful," I smiled, placing my hand on her thigh while she drove, "So; don't ever think for one minute that you're not...okay?"

She looked at me for a second, and after she looked back at the road, I watched her lips curl into a knowing, contented smile as she drove, not saying anything. She didn't have to say a word for me to know what she was thinking either...


We arrived at Ashlyn's house later that afternoon around three o'clock; and it was only because we stopped for a leisurely lunch along the way, taking our time as we ate, that we hadn't arrived sooner than we did. Her place was in the River Oaks area of Houston. It's a nice four bedroom house located on Olympia Drive that has a swimming pool in the back yard, which, at the time, was covered due to it being winter.

"You have a beautiful home," I said, as we walked into her house, "I feel very comfortable here."

"I'm glad you think so and I want you to get used to it, my love," she warmly smiled, gently kissing my lips, "Because this is going to be your home, too, in the not too distant future."

"That reminds me," I asked her, "When do you want to get married?"

"That depends on you, Jake," she smiled, "When would you like to get married."

"Don't ask me," I grinned, "Hell, I'd marry you yesterday."

"You're silly," she giggled, gently hugging me, "But I'll tell you what. How about if you do at least two full semesters in college? That way, you'll know what you want to do by then...and if you would like to, we can live together in the mean time."

"I wouldn't mind that one bit," I told her, "But I need to get a job to help you pay the bills around here. After all, it's only fair, don't you think?"

"I think that's very noble of you to want to do that, Jake," she sweetly told me, "It also tells me what kind of man you are, but I make more than enough money to support us while you're going to college; and besides; wives have been supporting their husbands while they were getting their educations for a long time now."

"I still wouldn't feel right about that though," I said, "I'm supposed to take care of you, just like I promised you that I would when I put that ring on your finger, remember?"

"Of course, I remember," she smiled, her arms still tenderly wrapped around me, "You're a good man, Jake, and that's just one of the many reasons why I love you so much, but you just got here so; why don't we talk about that later, please?"

"Okay, sweetie," I smiled, gently kissing her lips, "What would you like to do first?"

"Mmm, that's easy," she cooed, "I want to make love to my future husband, is that okay with you?"

"Uh...sure," I uncomfortably replied, "But there's something I need to tell you before we do, Ash, and I hope that you're alright with it."

"What is it, sweetie?" she purred, "You know that you can tell me anything."

"I'm a virgin, Ashlyn," I quietly said, "And I'm not real sure about what to do."

"Oh, Jake," she tenderly replied, "I would've thought that a man who is as handsome as you are would've had the opportunity to be with a woman by now...but it's okay, baby; it really is."

"I didn't want my first time to be with just anyone," I forlornly confessed, "I wanted it to be with a girl who loves me as much as I love her. You probably think that I'm just an immature boy now, huh?"

"Not at all, my love," she sweetly whispered, "I've got a confession to make, too, baby."

"Really," I asked, "What is it?"

"Even though I'm twenty six, and going on years older than you," she began, "I've only been with one guy in my whole life, and he broke my heart."

"Was it your last boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Yes, it was," she sadly confessed, "I thought that he loved me, but he only wanted to get into my panties, because I'm like you. I wanted to wait until I was with the man I loved before we made love."

"Is that right?" I asked, while she nodded her head, "Well, he was a dumb ass if you ask me."

"Are you sure that you want to give this beautiful gift to me, Jake?" Ashlyn tenderly asked me, "I want you to be absolutely certain before we do this, baby."

"I've never been more certain of anything in my life, Ash," I confidently told her, "Because I know without a doubt that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Alright then," she tenderly said, "I want the first time that we make love to be special, too, so; if we're going to do this, then we're going to do it right. I want it to be something beautiful that we will both remember for the rest of our lives."

"You won't have to worry about that," I smiled, "I've heard it said that you never forget your first lover...and I'm the luckiest guy on earth because you so beautiful."

"I love it that you think so" she gently smiled, "You're very beautiful yourself, Jake."

"I'm not trying to spoil anything," I told her, "But what did you mean when you said that we were going to do it right?"

With a look on her face that I now recognize as the one that she has whenever she wants to make love to me, Ashlyn smiled, and said, "Let's go back into my bathroom and get into the tub, okay baby?"

"Okay," I nervously replied, "If you say so."

"It's going to be alright, Jake," she softly told me, gently leading me by the hand, "There's nothing to be afraid of, my love."

"I'm not afraid," I said, "I'm just a little nervous, that's all."

"Don't be nervous, sweetheart," she tenderly smiled, "I love you, and you're going to be just fine..."


Chapter Five

She led me through the house into the master bedroom, where a king sized poster bed sat in the middle of the floor, with white linen draped across the top of it, and draped down the sides. It began gently flowing back and forth when she opened the window to let the light evening breeze drift through the room.

Then I followed her into the bathroom to discover a huge, whirlpool style bath tub against the far wall, with a separate shower sitting roughly three feet away from it, also along the back wall. The whole bathroom was covered in white Italian marble and had an art deco style, with a white porcelain sink with polished brass fixtures sitting against the wall facing the tub, a toilet next to it, also art deco style in its design.

"Wow," I smiled, "My Mom would love this bathroom."

"Is that right?" she giggled, "Well then, we'll just have to make sure that she gets the opportunity to see it, won't we?" I just nodded my head, while Ashlyn bent over the tub and turned on the water, adjusting it until it was the right temperature.

Then she put what I guessed was bubble bath into the water as the tub began to fill up, nice thick suds forming on the surface. Then after standing back up, she gently kissed my lips and softly told me, "I want you to take off your clothes and get into the tub, while I go lock up the house, okay, baby?"

"Okay," I smiled, beginning to relax, "And thank you for being patient with me, Ashlyn."

"Aw, it's okay, Jake," she purred, softly kissing my lips again, "I love you..."


Ashlyn left the bathroom, closing the door behind her, and with the adrenaline being pumped into my bloodstream at an astounding rate, I quickly took off my clothes and got into the bath tub, feeling wonderful as the warm water began to gently caress my skin, further relaxing me.


A few moments later, Ashlyn appeared wearing a large, white terrycloth bathrobe that reached all the way to the floor. Before she got into the tub with me, she went to the mirror above the sink, and pulled some hair pins out of the medicine cabinet.

Then after pinning her hair up on her head, she turned to me from the mirror and asked, "How do I look with my hair up like this, baby?"

"Beautiful," I grinned, "As always."

"You're biased," she giggled, "But that's okay with me."

"Hell yes, I'm biased," I chuckled, "Especially when it comes to you."

After closing the medicine cabinet she walked over to the tub; and then with a look on her face that I'd never seen before, she nervously said, "Here goes, Jake, I'm going to take my robe off now. I hope you like what you see."

When she peeled her robe off and revealed her naked body to me for the first time, I thought my heart was going to stop beating right then and there. My eyes traveled down her body to see the most perfect breasts that I knew I'd ever born witness to in my life.

As I've already said, they were naturally perfect 38C's that sat high and proud upon her chest, with only a slight hint of sag to them. Her aureoles were at least two and a half, almost three inches in diameter, with nipples that were as big around as my little finger, which stuck out about half an inch.

Her tummy was flat, tight, and soft; and her waist was nice and thin, with a vee of soft dark curls upon her mons between, and at the top juncture of her legs. And when she turned around to hang her robe upon the hook on the back of the bathroom door, I felt so blessed to see the most perfect ass a woman could have. As she slightly walked away, her beautiful butt jiggled perfectly making my eight inches of cock immediately become iron hard beneath the bubbles atop the surface of the water that I was sitting in.

"Well, baby," she asked, right before she climbed into the tub with me, "What do you think?"

"God, you're perfect, Ashlyn," I softly breathed, "So perfect."

Ashlyn got into the tub with me and while pressing her soft, sweet and naked body against mine, she kissed my ear and tenderly said, "Mmm, I love you, Jake."

"I love you, too, Ashlyn," I gently told her, as we began to lie back together in the tub, with her back against my chest, "Always."

Suddenly she began to softly weep as she lay gently against me, making me look at her with concern in my eyes and ask her, "What's the matter, Ash, are you alright?"

"Yes," she sniffled smiling, "I know I've already said this, but this really is the first time I ever felt truly loved in my life...I'm sorry for acting like a love-sick teenaged girl."

"You don't have anything to be sorry for," I smiled, gently rubbing my hands all over her body, "Mmm, not ever."

"Oh, my God, Jake," she suddenly giggled, reaching behind her and grabbing my now iron hard cock, "Why didn't you tell me that you had this monster in your pants? My goodness, you're going to have to take it easy on me with this thing."

"Stop it," I laughed, my face turning bright red, "It's not all that big."

"Don't kid yourself, Jake," she knowingly but softly replied, "This is what most women only dream of having. Mmm, and it's all mine."

"These are what every man dreams of," I smiled, gently holding her breasts while quickly getting used to having a naked female in the tub with me, "They're perfect."

"Ooo, Jake," she began to softly moan, "I really love the way you touch my titties, baby."

"I'm glad," I happily replied, holding her beautiful tits in my hands as I gently rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger, "Because I really love touching them, too."

"I want you to suck my nipples, baby," she urgently gasped, "Would you do that for me, please, Jake?"

I wasted no time in changing places with her in the tub so that I could gently put my lips upon her nipples and suck on them, as she reached down and gently took hold of my cock. She began gently at first, and then the more passionately I began to suck her tits, the faster she began to stroke my cock.

"You might want to slow down a little bit," I gasped, breathing erratically, "Not unless you want me to cum in right here in the bathtub."

"Here, baby," she smiled, backing away from me as she patted the top of the back corner of the bath tub rail, "I want you to climb up here and have a seat, for me, Jake honey."

"Okay," I naively replied, "What're you going to do?"

"Something wonderful," she hungrily grinned, "Trust me, baby, you're going to love it."

And then when she got the opportunity to get an unobstructed view of my cock in broad daylight, she grinned and said, "Oh, my God; look at that beautiful cock," and then wasted no time in putting her lips around the head, sucking it deeply past her mouth and on down into her throat.

"Oh, shit," I groaned, "That's sooo good, baby," and of course it took me hardly any time before I was approaching the precipice of falling over the edge into the abyss of the first orgasm I was going to have from someone touching my cock besides me.

"I'm going to cum, Ashlyn," I urgently told her, "You might want to..."

"No," she quickly told me, "I want you to cum in my mouth, baby," and then she proceeded to take up right where she left off.

Oh, oh, oh shit, Ashlyn," I panted, "Oh, God, I'm cumming, oh, damn" and then I began to squirt what felt like gallons of my hot seed directly down her throat, Ashlyn massaging my balls as I did so."

My whole body went stiff as my mind went completely blank, and all I could feel was the beautiful sensation of my darling Ashlyn's soft, wet and warm mouth surrounding my cock as she drank me dry...


"Holy shit," I panted, once she pulled her mouth off my cock, "I've never felt anything like that before in my life."

"Did you like it, baby?" she sweetly smiled, "You know, that's the first time I ever swallowed cum. I'm' so happy that it was yours, my love."

"Really," I asked, "Why didn't you ever do it before?"

"To begin with, that's only the second time I've ever had a cock in my mouth," she knowingly smiled, "And the reason that I swallowed your cum was because I love you more than anything, or anyone in the world, Jake."

"Seeing as how you gave me an orgasm with your mouth," I said, still slightly out of breath, "I think it's only fair that I return the favor with mine; don't you?"

"I knew you were perfect for me, Jake," she excitedly smiled, kissing my lips, and then taking my hand and making me stand up in the tub beside her, "Come on, baby; let's get dried off and then we'll climb into the bed."

If you think taking a bath with Ashlyn was a wonderful experience, imagine being able to rub a towel all over her beautifully perfect body while drying her off. And as a result of my getting to touch Ashlyn's body all over, it only took a few minutes before I was as hard as steel again and ready for more...


Before we got into bed, Ashlyn lit several candles in the room, and put a tape recording of Mozart, some of his slower rhapsodies, on her tape player, as CD's had not yet come out back then. And then after closing the blinds, the room was lit only by candle light, which emitted a soft and romantic glow all about the room. Then she took my hand, and while leading me to the bed, said, "Come with me, lover."
