Necromancer Chronicles Pt. 07

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Bk. 2.5 Short stories and scenes.
12.1k words

Part 7 of the 13 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/25/2015
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Short Stories: Necromancer Chronicles Book 2.5

Author's note: There is a just over four year gap in the story between the second and third book. I've added some short stories and scenes here at the end of book two to try and preserve some continuity, add some character growth, and so that you can get to know some of the secondary characters a little better.


Alicia's Camping Trip

I pawed silently through the brush. My prey, small though it was, would be cautious, clever, and fast. I pushed down the growl that wanted to leave my throat, sloppy hunters often went without. When I was close enough, I leaped, my jaws open. The large rabbit sensed something and looked my way. I harshly growled, startling it. The rabbit froze for just a split second before it tried to escape. That split second was more than long enough to get its neck in my jaws and break it.

I dropped my kill, threw my head back and howled my victory.

I picked it up carefully with my teeth, I was trying to minimize the damage done to the body, and started back toward camp. It has been six glorious months since I have taken a mate. He has another mate as well, Kristi. She is soft, not a wolf. Her magic makes her formidable however and she is worthy of respect as a companion.

The three of us spend much of our time together, but four months ago our mate decided we needed separate times together called dates. Something about not taking us for granted, and he wanted one on one time with us. This is the third month in a row he has taken me camping.

My human side understands this puzzling behavior, but the wolf does not. He is our mate, it matters not if we do this alone time together. Yet, I do enjoy it. Who wouldn't enjoy hunting for one's mate on occasion? These trips are also a perfect time to test my mate. I know he will never age, get infirm or feeble, but it is what wolves do, the instinct is too strong to fight. We constantly test and submit to see if the alpha is still worthy.

My mate is different, his wolf never comes out, yet I still hear it. He is too much man though to truly understand, but he comes close on occasion. His wolf still has influence, much like his father's. They draw the human females to them like moths to a flame. For some reason they believe their demon blood is responsible. The truth is the wolf in them is what does this.

My mate is very strong, strong enough to hold many mates. I have suggested a few over the months that he should take, but he always refuses. He tells me that two are enough, all he wants and needs. I wondered at first if this was a weakness in him, but I learned it is a silly man thing. My human side seems to like this behavior as well, though I cannot imagine why.

He is working on getting a house for us, somewhere near the college since he is staying on. Both Kristi and Vinnie are starting graduate courses and plan to get their masters and then a doctorate.

It will also be closer to where the pack runs, which is good. I wish he could join me for that, the hunt, but he cannot. I took his scent in and adjusted my course slightly, heading straight toward the camp. I'd have to shift soon, be human again, when I got back I'd need to dress and cook the rabbit.

When I entered the camp I kept my tail down and bared my throat. I had challenged him again yesterday and he had beaten me soundly without actually hurting me. He was home to me and made me feel secure. I knew my place in the hierarchy of our family. Sometimes having a woman side complicated that, but overall it worked well.

Kim, my mate's father's mate, who was also one of the female alphas of the pack, helped me with understanding our strange mates. I studied him and he appeared to be meditating, but I caught his lips twitching in amusement. I felt a surge of anger, that he would mock me, not respect my power. He seemed to be making light of the importance of establishing dominance.

I chuffed in his direction, dismissing him. This is one of the things Kim had explained to me, the strangeness of the man. Beneath that amusement I could sense his wolf watching me respectfully yet fully ready to answer to any challenge. I could feel the woman inside me wanting out, and I relented, knowing that my mate would want his rabbit cooked and I needed hands for that.

My body started to break down and reform into a woman at the cellular level. There was no cracking of bones, or any other foolishness I had seen watching werewolf movies. How could breaking a bone change that bone into a human bone shape? I chuffed again as my muzzle slowly deformed and started to take a new shape, my paws absorbed my claws and started to reshape.

It didn't hurt, but there was a tingle that seemed to cover my whole body, even within. It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant. I felt myself being shunted back as the human in me took over, for now...

I loved the hunt, nothing was more fun. Well, almost nothing. I could feel Vinnie's eyes on me and I slowly stood, I loved the way his eyes roamed all over my body. It always made me feel sexy. I suppressed a grin and stretched luxuriously, as if I needed to do any such thing. I loved giving him a show, or at least, I loved his reactions to them. My smile broke through my control as I heard his heartbeat speed up.

My wolf thought this was foolish and didn't understand, she thought if I wanted him I should just take him. But what fun was that? Better to tempt him into chasing me. I considered putting on clothes, but rejected it. The nearest other humans had been miles away from our camp.

I said, "Thanks for setting up the spit and building the fire."

He grinned at me and looked me in the eyes, even though I stood here naked. I loved that about him, he saw me as a desirable woman, but also as much more than that. His voice was low, relaxed, despite the fast beating of his heart.

"Least I could do if you're hunting down dinner for us."

I winked and grabbed the knife from our supplies. I dressed the rabbit quickly and got it over the fire before going over and sitting on the ground with Vinnie, leaning my body up against him. The forest was beautiful, the sights, scents, and the essence of life surrounded and filled me.

Some would believe the witches were closer to nature than the other supernaturals. That would be wrong, it was the werewolves. We were little worried about in the supernatural world and because of that, there was a lot the other races of humans did not know about us. Despite our superior strength, the others had stronger magic except perhaps the vampires who were also physically strong.

We tended to keep out of cities, claim territories of forest and keep to ourselves. We weren't anti-social; we just preferred to be where our other forms could run and we could feel the life around us. Cities felt... stifling. Plus, the vampires infested the cities, obviously because it was the location of their food source.

Werewolves were the strongest but our senses were also unparalleled. Not only could I hear my mate's heart, I could focus my hearing much farther than any other race. We could also feel the magic of the world around us; feel the step of a foot or claw on the grass a mile away. We were perfect hunters, predators.

Our sense of smell was also highly refined. I could scent the pheromones of Vinnie and know what he was feeling. I could not only know if he was turned on, but how turned on he was. We could smell all the emotions, and even glean the intentions of others through their scent.

Our magic couldn't affect the life around us, but we could feel it, become one with it.

I closed my eyes as I felt him pull me against his body. He kissed my hair and I could smell his attraction, love, and lust for me. I turned my head up and to the side and kissed him softly for a moment before breaking the kiss, shaking my head.

"Dinner will be ready soon, we should wait until we have more... time."

In truth I was as horny as he was. I wanted to be taken, badly. But I knew if I could make him wait it would be even better after the buildup. He was always much more... rough and demanding, if I made him wait for it and let him build into a fevered pitch. Being able to make him lose control and take me savagely was one of my favorite things in this life.

Delayed gratification was hard, but always worth it.

I leaned away, my ass pushing into him and rubbing teasingly as I went to my hands and knees. I crawled in a swaying manner over to the pack. I could sense him stare at my exposed pleasure and tight ass. I wiped the smile off my face before I looked back over my shoulder in faux innocence, knowing I was driving him crazy.


He cleared his throat, "Sounds good."

I pulled out the Pinot Noir and a couple of glasses and made my way back over with my breasts swaying as I walked the few steps on my knees. He wasn't watching my eyes this time and I felt my nipples tighten under his gaze causing sparks of pleasure to shoot down to my core. His heart wasn't the only one beating a little faster.

My inner wolf was pressuring me to take him already, but I ignored her. She was wise about some things, just not a teasing seduction. If flaunting my naked body in front of him could be considered a seduction. I had to admit it was more like waving a red flag at a bull.

He took the wine and one of the glasses and poured for us both. We chatted for a while about things, both of us intensely aware of the other, as we drank that first glass. My nose told me the rabbit was cooked enough.

"Food is done I think."

It was my turn to stare at his ass as he got up and took down the rabbit. He sliced some of the meat off for both of us and brought it all back on one large plate. To most this probably wouldn't be a romantic meal. But I was not most women. I was in my favorite place, the forest, with my mate who I loved beyond reason. We also had good food I had hunted and a wine that went with it.

It was absolutely perfect.

We fed each other as we slowly ate through the rabbit between fresh glasses of wine, kisses, caresses, and conversation.

We finished the last of the rabbit and I opened my mouth to express approval of the meal, but found myself pulled into a long passionate kiss. I rubbed my palms against his chest with my fingertips curled, my nails scratching down his skin. I was so wet, and my nose was drowning in the scent of his virility. I wanted to melt against him, but instead pushed on his chest slightly, as if I was trying to break the kiss.

He growled, sending shivers of lust through my body. His arms were wrapped around me like steel as he pulled me possessively against his body and renewed our kiss with animal passion. This is what I had wanted, what I had worked for. He grabbed my hair roughly to hold me in place and checked me with his other hand before twisting my body and pushing me to my hands and knees.

He slapped my ass and impaled my ready pleasure from behind.

His voice was half grunt and half growl, "Mine!"

My tingling core tightened around his rough invader and I gasped in pleasure. He pulled back sharply on my hair and started to pound into my pleasure hard and fast. I arched my back and started bucking back into him just as violently.

He growled, "Tell me!"

His words struck me like lightning. He was never more sexy or powerful then when he forced me to submit. Breathlessly I agreed with my mate, "Yours. Fuck me, fuck your bitch."

Rather than calm him down, my submission seemed to spur him on and he started slamming into me harder. He was so deep inside my pleasure. I felt so full as he stretched out my velvet sheath, hitting all the right spots with the intense wet friction of his hard cock ramming into my hot sex.

I whimpered as my pliant soft body tightened around his length and my core exploded in pleasure. I could feel it as he kept slamming into me, but the rapturous bliss was overwhelming, making my body tremble.

I took deep gulping breaths when I came down only to roll into a second immediate rise to ecstasy. I heard his loud grunt and his girth expand, stretching me out further. I squeezed his manhood with my hot wet molten core and ground back into him as he unloaded his essence deep inside me. I could feel it mixing with my own juices and our combined scent filled me with a contented satisfaction as he pulled out and gathered me gently in his arms.

He said in both awe and exasperation, "Damn woman, you drive me nuts sometimes."

I smiled softly and said innocently, "Really? I had no idea."

I don't think he bought it...

Kristi's Bank Job

It has been two years since the prophecy was known, the time that changed my life completely for good or ill. Two years since I had gained my magic, and found the man I was determined to spend the rest of my life with. I've come pretty far with my magic, but I still had no idea how to trigger, or even stop, a pre or post cognition.

The first time I had a post cognition had been when Vinnie and that trampy witch were about to get killed by a demon. Since then I have only had two. The second had been of an explosion on a subway train. I tried to make a difference. I considered my magic would not have shown it to me if I was meant to ignore it. Yet, in the end, I couldn't prevent it.

The third vision which I had two weeks ago, had prompted me to get this job. I was in my second year of going for my masters and I was on track to complete it this year. Vinnie, Alicia and I had a house off campus and we were still going as strong as ever. I would know, after all we often shared our thoughts and feelings during our more intimate moments. Inevitably other thoughts leak through to me, but they don't mind.

My best friend Hope was also doing well in her second year of med school, but I didn't see her as often as I would like. It was hard being across a third of the country. Even with Hope's teleportation we had to be careful around humans who would notice her gone, or wonder why she was back in town.

What I had seen in my third vision was horrible. An explosion kills a great number of people. It would happen during a robbery; a man would come in with a bomb strapped to his chest. He would hold a dead man's switch in his left hand and a nine millimeter berretta in his right.

The security guard was looking from the side and would only see the gun in the robber's right hand. He would tackle the bank robber and wrestle him to the ground. The bank robber would have the dead man's switch inadvertently knocked out of his hand. I shuddered at the remembered visual of the explosion.

I was determined not to fail my magic again, no matter how ridiculous that thought seemed to me at times. At least I had a definitive location this time, and a time of day, 3:42 PM. The problem of course, is I didn't have a date. All I knew was people were wearing jackets. Some of them were light and some heavy, which for late November in Chicago was about now.

It felt like the time was close. I doubted I would have to wait a whole year for it to happen. I had a rough sense of when it would happen, but it wasn't that specific. Just... soon. I didn't think it would be today, it was only two, but my manager was wearing a blue shirt today. I was positive he had a white shirt and red tie in my vision.

When I'd had the vision a couple of weeks ago I had started finding reasons to loiter around the bank around three thirty. It was the third day of this I noticed they were hiring. Vinnie took care of a lot of stuff, most of it really, but it was important for me to have my own money. At least, to me it was. So when I saw the hiring sign I filled out an application.

I knew being a young attractive blonde with large breasts opened doors for me, but I almost had whiplash as the manager interviewed me on the spot and wanted me to start the following day. I didn't get any creepy vibes from him, and it had been clear enough he was impressed with my attitude and intelligence. That I was eye candy would just be a plus for him.

It wasn't so bad dealing with customers and I had been considering just keeping the job to have more money for incidentals and a clothes budget. There were much worse jobs out there, and I needed the money anyway.

I was twenty four now, and as far as I could tell I looked the same as I had two years ago. We still weren't sure what having my magic unlocked meant for my aging. I was the only human we were aware of that had their magic fully unlocked so there was no precedent. Only time would tell. I knew Vinnie loved me, but I still worried about the aging without him thing. I probably would worry until I knew one way or the other for sure.

Bill interrupted my musings, "Kristi, please take the drive through, send Mary on her break."

I smiled and nodded. It felt a little funny as I walked away from the counter toward the back room by the drive thru station. It was something new I was trying, and I felt a little dirty, and a lot naughty, as the ass plug moved and stretched my tight hole as I walked.

That first time I had let Vinnie have my ass was terrifying, I had no real idea what it would be like and had heard a lot more horror stories of how bad and painful it was, than how good it was, from my girlfriends in college.

It had been an impulsive moment. I had just read in his mind how much he liked my ass. It was almost disturbing how much he liked my ass, yet it also had made me feel sexy as hell, desirable, and a little naughty. So on impulse I had given him my anal virginity, something I'd never even considered doing before. The beginning wasn't all that great, it hurt when I had locked up back there, it was only after much patience and trying to relax, that it had changed to something else.

A pleasant fullness, and a thrill at the taboo of it had come over me. Then he had started moving in and out of me causing a pleasant tingling burn. It was amazing when I felt him with my fingertips inside my wet heat, through the flesh. I had cum so hard I saw stars. I had told him I liked it and he was lucky. The truth was, I had liked it a lot, not only the feeling of it, but him violating a place that was all his.

I tease him for his ass fetish all the time, but the truth is I love it just as much, from being spanked, to him taking my puckered star. I had let him take me that way a number of times the last two years, and I continued to love it. But one thing I hated was the slow build up. It took what seemed forever to get stretched and loosened enough so he could take me hard and fast.

I had heard about butt plugs, and had always had negative thoughts about them, until I realized they would be perfect for what I needed. I was finding out today that I kind of liked it in my ass, stuck up there stretching me out as I smiled and served the bank customers. It made me feel naughty and dirty. They had no idea when they looked at me what an ass slut I was for Vinnie.

But that was all beside the point.

I was doing this so I could surprise Vinnie this afternoon after work, he wouldn't have to be all gentle and patient stretching me out and working it in. This time, it wouldn't take long at all before I was ready to take it hard and fast. Actually, I was considering another change as well, and hoped he would like it. I loved Vinnie so much I would do anything for him, but I wondered how much of this was giving him what he wanted, and how much was instead taking what I wanted. What I had learned to love doing.

In the end, it didn't much matter.

Traffic seemed to be slowing and I was finding myself daydreaming about it more and more between customers. I fantasized about him coming in the bank, bending me over the counter and fucking my ass in front of the customers. I have to admit I was more than a little wet when Mary came back and sent me up front. I was a total mess and couldn't wait to get home, but I wasn't off until four.