My Sister Made Me Ch. 21


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"Ooh, you did, you baaaaaad girl," Alex cooed.

"God, you and Jessie are ridiculous," she said, finally standing and walking over to the safe and kneeling down.

"I'm just happy that you enjoyed my fun," Alex said. "I hope I don't get in trouble."

Tracy didn't respond, and Alex quickly figured that the odd older woman was uncomfortable. Tired and already spent, she decided to leave it alone for the time being.

"Alright, well, I'll talk to you soon," she said, turning and heading for the door. She paused a final time when she reached it, but Tracy was still doing her best to ignore her.

Snickering, Alex left the office to head home and crash.


Alex thought about skipping class the next day but knew better than that. Still, she was antsy to get back home and rest up before the evening of fun before her that was sure to be had.

Happily, she was able to do just that. Crawling into bed, she managed to get a good hour and a half of sleep before she woke and started to prepare.

Crawling out of bed, she took a shower and made sure that she was thoroughly groomed, then threw some clothes on and went to a nail salon that Toni had shown her to get both a pedicure as well as a manicure. That finished, she returned to the house and raided Toni's closet for a something to wear before settling on a sexy little black dress.

When it was finally time for her to start getting ready, she took her time. She wanted to look perfect for Bryce. She loved hearing him gush over her when she drove him mad with her shenanigans but knew that she had to reciprocate and take care of him, at least a little bit.

He'd texted her and told her to be ready much earlier than she'd expected, but that was totally fine with her. She wanted to spend as much time as she could with him that evening.

She finished getting ready and went downstairs to wait for him but heard voices in the kitchen and decided to go and see who it was.

When she entered the kitchen, she saw that her brother, Dane, was there talking with their mom. After a brief conversation, he promptly left for work.

"You really do look gorgeous, hun," her mother said. "Boyfriend picking you up?"

"Mmmhmm," Alex said. "He should be here in a few minutes."

"Well, I'm sure you'll cause all sorts of trouble in that tiny thing," her mother praised. "Just be careful, okay?"

"I will," Alex assured her.

The two engaged in small talk for a little while until Bryce arrived. Alex winked at her mother after the doorbell rang, then headed quickly over and opened it.

"Good God baby," Bryce said, dramatically clutching his chest.

"Aww damn, mama, I killed another one!" she called out over her shoulder.

"I told you you would!" her mother playfully replied.

"Get in here," Alex said, smirking at Bryce and drawing him in for a kiss, his hand reaching down and grabbing a handful of her ample rear and squeezing.

"I've been wanting to kiss you since last night," he said, then turned and smiled.

Alex looked to her right and saw her mother with a very amused expression on her face. She blushed a little, realizing that she'd just witnessed one of her children getting her ass squeezed.

"Mrs. Andresani, you look even more beautiful than the last time I was here," Bryce said quickly, going over and gently shaking her hand.

"Oh honey, this one knows a thing or two about laying it on thick, doesn't he," she said.

"You have no idea," Alex agreed, shaking her head in mock dismay and reaching for his hand again.

"Lovely to see you again, Bryce," her mother said. "You look very handsome. Take care of my baby tonight."

"Most certainly," he said, smiling at her before turning and winking at Alex.

She felt herself melting at the handsome face and knowing grin he gave her, the adorable fucker.

"Love you," she called, looking at her mother.

"Love you, be safe."

Alex let herself be led out the door. As soon as it closed behind her, Bryce turned and kissed her again, picking her up and pressing her back up against it. She laughed into the kiss, shaking her head and slapping him gently on the shoulder.

"You'll mess up my make-up and that shit is hard to put on," she said, glaring playfully.

He smirked, making her melt all over again, but let her back down.

"So, what are you going to make me do to get pay back for me being such bad girlfriend recently."

"Bad as in, disappointing, or as in naughty?" he asked, walking her to his truck and opening her door.

"Mmm, good point," she said. "Naughty, I guess. That's more fun."

"You've been a perfect girlfriend, baby," he said, smiling as he shut the door, then hurried around to his side and hopped in.

"Perfect?" she asked. "I sucked off a guy you didn't even know in front of you! That ought to earn me at least a spanking. Let's not even mention the porno that I 'accidentally' let turn into a gangbang."

"Oh, I'm giving you a spanking, for sure," he said. "After I take you out, show you off, and treat you like the princess you are."

He smiled confidently again, then winked in his stupidly cute manner.

"God, you're so infuriatingly cute," she said, sliding over to the middle of the front seat and snuggling up close. "I know you want to spoil me rotten, but is it okay if I do the same to you?"

Bryce chuckled, his hand sliding down and resting confidently on her thigh after he started the truck and put it in gear.

"Nope, tonight is all about making you never want to leave me."

She laughed happily, her heart pounding heavily as she leaned into him, her insides all melty and girly parts all giggly in anticipation of being with him again.

"Honestly," he said. "That was the guy from the time you told me about?"

She snickered, nodding. "It was. And now you have proof that we didn't fuck that night."

"Eh, I'm still skeptical," he said, smirking at her. "Are you attracted enough to him to want to fuck him again for me?"

She glanced up at him, a curious look on her face. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you're like... fucking rare-ass champagne. I'm not stupid. I know for damn sure that you don't just let every hairy dick have a go at you, no matter how much you try and convince me that you do. Only the finest specimens get to have a go at my lady."

She rolled her eyes, leaning back into him. "He's very cute and I like the size of his cock, so yes to your question. But you know I'd do whatever or whoever you wanted me to, right?"

"I appreciate that," he said.

"Good," she said. "I'm also very attracted to his girlfriend, Jessie. I've already thought up a bunch of things I'm going to do with her."

"Yeah, she's fuckin' cute," he agreed. "I'd like to see you two going to town on each other."

Alex giggled at him. "I'm sure that can be arranged. I'm sure the guys would love to watch that show. So," she said, turning her head and raising an eyebrow, "what's on the menu for tonight?"

"Mmm... I'm not sure I want to spoil the surprise," he said.

"So sneaky. Okay then, mister sneaky, be sneaky."

He laughed genuinely, his hand squeezing her thigh and sending a current of flutters through her stomach.

"Dinner first," he said. "Italian."

"Mmm," she said. "Sounds yummy."

The duo continued to flirt with each other all the way to the restaurant. Bryce even made her wait until he'd gone around and opened her door again for her. He took her hand in his and led her inside.

She ordered something small to eat and enjoyed how much he was paying attention to her and doting on her. He looked extremely good that evening, wearing a nice, button down shirt and dark jeans. He was always cute, but he'd actually taken time to style his hair and smelled incredibly manly. She felt ridiculously girly around him and couldn't help but giggle and blush at times when he flashed her his annoyingly cute smile.

After dinner, the two hopped back in his truck and pulled out of the restaurant's parking lot. She honestly didn't care where they went next and was just happy to be out with her boyfriend. What's more, she was happy that he was her boyfriend, and that she wasn't with Beck anymore.

"So... what now?" she asked, sliding back over to him.

"Gotta show you off to the guys," he said, flashing her another smirk and starting toward his apartment.

"Of course you do," she giggled. "Whatever you want to do tonight, baby. No questions asked."

"That's my girl," he said.

"Damn right I am," she fired back.

The two pulled in to the complex and hopped out. She followed him to the stairs, then ascended first, feeling his guiding hand resting on her ass as she walked up.

He opened to door for her, and she smiled, hearing the raucous noise of the guys inside, as she'd expected to. Following Bryce inside, she smiled at Marvin, Vince, and Travis as they looked up, grins coming to their faces.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Vince said. "Damn you look good!"

"Yeah... uh... holy shit, Alex," Travis agreed.

Marvin was too busy pulling his phone out to take a picture. Despite trying to maintain her confident air, Alex found herself blushing in a very girly manner, leaning into Bryce's arm and clutching at his hand.

"Stop embarrassing my lady," he said, laughing easily at her.

He maneuvered her around in front of him easily, not that she was resisting in the last, his hands sliding down around her waist comfortably.

"So, what are you guys up to tonight?" she asked.

"Chillin'" Travis said. "Y'all?"

"He's not saying," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Shit, he thinks he's slick," Marvin said. "Motherfucker probably just takin' you to the club."

She giggled and turned to look at him. Bryce grinned and nodded.

"I figured I'd bring you by and show you off, then invite these idiots along to enjoy dancing with you."

"Mmm, you want all these men drooling over me?" she purred. "It might be kinda hard to dance with hard cocks all around me."

"Shit, you think you'd be used to it by now," Bryce said with a laugh.

His hands moved up to squeeze her breasts. A sigh of pleasure escaped her lips as she gently parted her them, ready to surrender to his every whim. She felt him nudge the edge of her dress down, exposing one nipple and popping her breast free completely. His hand covered it for a moment, the roughly squeezed it. A moan came from somewhere within her and she sighed heavily when she reached back and felt the healthy bulge in his pants.

"Y'all want to come molest my girl in public with me?" he asked. "We can bring her back here when we're done and figure out how much fun we can get up to with her."

Alex moaned softly at the idea, turning her head to try and kiss him.

"Uh, count me the fuck in," Marvin said. "The blood done rushed somewhere else on Travvie and Vince so they ain't able to answer. That's a yes from them too."

Bryce chuckled, his hand squeezing her covered breast once more before he let go and playfully slapped her on the ass.

"I'm gonna go piss," he said. "Be a good girl and keep my friends entertained."

Alex nodded, staring lustily at him as he stepped around her and headed for the bathroom. She sighed as he disappeared, turning to look at the other three as they devoured her with their eyes. She raised a single, challenging eyebrow.

Travis stood up and walked over to her without any hesitation. She smirked at him, still breathing heavily from Bryce's torment and watched as he stepped up and leaned down, taking her nipple into his mouth. The warmth of his tongue felt incredible, and she gasped despite her best effort not to. Her hand came up, cradling his head and held him tight to her chest for a second.

His hands moved around, squeezing her ass through her skirt. She felt him break the lip-lock on her nipple and felt herself being turned around. Acquiescing without a second thought, she did as he wanted and turned, clutching at the wall she was standing next to and looking over toward Marvin and Vince. Both were standing, Marvin having taken off his shirt. He'd seemingly gotten one from somewhere when she'd been occupied by Travis and was in the middle of putting it on.

Travis pushed her forward a bit, pulling on her hips and urging her to poke her rear out. She did so, whimpering softly as he lifted the bottom of her dress up over her rump. Her G-string was unceremoniously pulled to the side and she moaned weakly as his tongue slid through her pussy and across her anus.

"Atta boy, Travvie," Bryce said, returning from the bathroom and leaning into the doorway, watching her with a proud expression on his face.

Travis didn't stop, sliding up underneath her enough to lift her entire right leg up and drape it over his shoulder. She whimpered weakly, feeling her pussy being assaulted by his tongue, his hands gripping her roughly and pulling her tight against his face.

Being so very willing to surrender to her boyfriend the entire evening was doing her no favors in holding out against Travis' almost frantic devouring of her snatch, and she found herself weak-kneed in short order as an orgasm thundered into her.

She started to slide to the ground as Travis extricated himself from between her legs, but he stood quickly and caught her. Pulling her back upright, he kissed her, her tongue sliding against his as she tasted her own flavor.

"We gotta go change," Vince said, pulling Travis back from Alex as Bryce stepped close. "Be back in five."

"Bet," Bryce muttered, sliding his arm in Alex's and holding her up.

She forced herself to regain her focus and to steel her resolve and self-control. Looking up, she smiled gently at Bryce as he leaned in and kissed her.

"Bathroom before we go?" he asked, lifting her hand delicately and kissing it.

She nodded, knowing that she had to check her makeup.

He smiled, taking her and leading her to it, then shutting the door as she stepped in. After making sure that everything looked good and that she was put back together, she stepped back out again and rejoined Marvin and Bryce in the main room of the apartment.

"Goddamn, every time I look at her my fuckin' dick gets hard," Marvin joked. "You look fuckin' angelic, girl."

She smiled happily, sliding one hand into Bryce's and the other into Marvin's.

"So, can you all dance pretty well?" she asked, trying to guide the conversation to neutral territory.

"Well enough to make fuckin' you in public look like dancing," Marvin joked.

"Aww, don't tease a girl," she purred, squeezing his hand.

Bryce laughed, playfully slapping her on the ass before he let his hand rest on her rump, the warmth radiating into it.

"We can meet them outside," he announced, gently leading her to the door and walking out. Marvin shut and locked it behind them, following down behind as they headed to Bryce's truck. Standing next to it as they waited, she slid her hands back into each of theirs once again, looking up at Bryce then turning to smile at Marvin.

The former winked at her, and the latter leaned in for a kiss, then slid his free hand across her stomach and upwards, briefly cradling her ample breast before squeezing it. She felt Bryce's hand move across her waist, then up, into her panties and further still, one, then two fingers diving into her already drenched pussy.

She gasped, leaning back against the door of the truck. Her hand slid free of both palms, sliding down to each bulge and squeezing.

"God this is going to be a fun night," she giggled feeling Marvin spin her around and move up behind her. His hands reached up the front of her torso, squeezing her breasts roughly as he pushed his bulge into her backside.

"Goddamn girl," he groaned, thrusting against her and driving her against the truck. She pushed back, driving further and forcing her hips out as she leaned forward.

Marvin took the cue and stepped back a step. She looked back, delighted to see him pulling his cock out of his pants with one hand and feeling him working her dress up with the other. She turned, staring lust-daggers at her boyfriend as Marvin stepped up and penetrated her without hesitation.

"Fuck... baby..." she grunted, still forcing herself to stare at him. "Yes..."

Bryce smiled happily, leaning against the side of his truck and watching the fun. He reached out, pulling a strand of hair from her face as Marvin hammered into her repeatedly. After about thirty seconds though, a car pulled into the lot, sending him scrambling to cover up.

She didn't bother moving though, simply sliding her hand back and moving the dress back in place. Bryce lifted her back up and pulled her against him, his warmth and strength comforting and arousing.

Travis and Vince appeared a minute or so later, looking freshly put together and surprisingly handsome.

"Y'all following Bryce?" Marvin asked.

"Hell no, we ain't missing out on the Alex fun," Vince said. "We'll just ride with y'all."

Bryce chuckled. Marvin slid into the back seat of Bryce's truck, Travis joining him. Vince took the front with Alex in the middle and Bryce driving. Very quickly, Alex found Vince reaching over and sliding his hand between her legs, his fingers pushing inside her panties and driving into her sopping pussy.

She whimpered, letting go of Bryce's thigh and reaching over to squeeze Vince's package. She quickly decided to free the target of her affection, but then changed her mind from sucking his cock and turned on her side in the seat. Sliding her thigh over his, she mounted him, though the two had to work at him finding her pussy a few seconds, she gasped when he finally did.

Grinding back and forth on him, she groaned gutturally when he reached back and slapped her on the ass.

"Guh... fuck," she grunted, grinding back and forth. She felt a breeze blowing her hair and looked to her left, seeing that the window had been opened. A car was sitting beside them at a stop light, an older gentleman staring wide-eyed at her as she drove her hips back and forth. Smiling, she waved seductively and winked, the guys in the car with her laughing as Bryce pulled out and the guy in the other car stalled trying to accelerate and failing.

She didn't know the name of the club they went to but didn't care either. She was putty in the four sets of hands that were continually grabbing and groping her. One of the guys paid her cover and she felt them reach into her purse to show her id. She was busy clutching at Bryce and only gave the bouncer a cursory glance before she went back to eye-fucking her boyfriend.

The thumping beat of the bass made her entire body quake, her already heightened state of arousal being forced even higher. The guys led her to a decently secluded corner of the room, shuffling around her as she clutched at two of them.

"Alright fellas," Bryce said. "Rules of the game tonight. Take care of Alex. Don't let any of these other motherfuckers near my girl. Other than that, have fun and do what you want with her."

"Bet," Marvin said, his hand straying to Alex's ass.

She felt all four of them grasping at different parts of her, then was pulled toward the dance floor by Bryce. The thumping beat pounding through her, she slid up against her boyfriend, feeling one of the other guys come up behind her. A finger slid inside her again, and she spread her legs as they undulated against one another. The song continued on then changed to another, and again and again. Every so often the guys would switch out, kissing, groping, grabbing, fingering her all the while.

Song after song she danced, her body slick with a film of sweat and her delicious little black dress sticking to her in multiple places. It felt like there were dozens of hands all over her body, squeezing her tits or pinching her nipples, fingering her soaked, hungry little pussy. Her vision was hazy from lust. She looked lazily behind her, feeling one of the guys pulling her again and again to his crotch where she could easily feel his erection prodding her rump.