My Lovely Jennifer Ch. 01


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I looked at my watch and it was 4:45. That gave me fifteen minutes to get to where Jennifer was meeting him. It took me twenty minutes to find Mohawk St. then another five to find 440 West Mohawk. I just hoped that I didn't get there to late. What if they had met there and left already.

As I walked up the sidewalk to 440 West Mohawk I saw a sigh that didn't immediately register with me. It said "Omni School for Developmentally Handicapped Children." I went through the front door and found myself in an office area of some type. I was totally confused now. I was looking around trying to figure out why Jennifer would be meeting Steve here. Then I though they must have met outside and they already left. Suddenly I heard a voice and it took a minute for me to realized that the owner of that voice was talking to me. It was someone who appeared to be a receptionist and she was asking me if she could help me. Not wanting to look like a complete idiot I asked her a question and it turned out to be the right one. I asked, "Is Jennifer Krupp here?"

The receptionist said, "I believe so...." Then she consulted what looked like a desk top calendar and said, "Yes. She is here. She is in being interviewed by Mr. Steinhower right now. They should be done in about a half hour if you would like to wait?"

I said, "Yes, thank you," and sat down. Then suddenly it started to make sense. Jennifer was an education major with a psychology minor and this was a school for the developmentally handicapped. She is here for a job interview. I felt very happy and stupid at the same time. Then it occurred to me that maybe she was still planning to see Steve. I decided to wait for Jennifer to come out and see what happened.

It turned out to be more like forty-five minutes before Jennifer came out from her interview. She looked directly at me and it seemed to take a moment before it registered on her that I was there. Then a big smile lit up her face. She came over to me and asked, "What are you doing here?' How did you know I'd be here?"

I said, "I peeked in your note book."

"You sneak. I didn't want to say anything to you about this until I knew if I got a job. I was too nervous and I though you would have made me even more nervous."

"Well, did you get a job."

We were outside on the sidewalk now and Jennifer started jumping around excitedly and said, "Yes. I got the job. I start right after graduation. Now I can afford to stay here and work on my master's degree. We have to go celebrate."

Later as we were eating a celebratory dinner I confessed about why I showed up at her interview. I told her about how the girl in the back yard told me that she was with Steve.

Jennifer got a little angry and for a minute I thought it was directed at me then she said, "That stupid little airhead. Why would she tell you something like that without knowing who you were or if what she was saying was true. Steve did call today and talked to Susan. He did say that he wanted to see me. I called him back and told him that I couldn't see him. I told him about you and that I had no feelings for him. He said he understood and was happy for me and that was the end of the call."

I said, "I didn't ask you to explain, but thank you for explaining anyway."

"Do you remember the first time I told you I loved you?"


"When I said that it was what I felt in my heart and it is the way I still feel. When I said that I was making a commitment to you. That you can always trust me to do the right thing for us. "

I said, "I'm sorry I didn't show more faith in you today."

"That wasn't all your fault. My being secretive about my interview and then that airhead telling you I was with Steve. But for future reference, know that you can trust me." Then Jennifer leaned across the table and kissed me.

As it turned out we both got jobs in town and we moved in together that summer. In the fall we both started working on our masters degrees. Our relationship continued as it had from the start and a month after we finished our masters programs we married. Jennifer continued working at the child development center and I started my own computer graphics business. .


Jennifer and I were both very lucky as we both came from loving families. My parents had been married for over thirty years and Jennifer's nearly the same. Before I got married I paid my parents the complement of asking them the secrets of a good marriage. They told me it came down to two things, trust and communication. They said that a good marriage takes a lot of work and it is not always easy, but if you love each other the trust will come. The communication you have to make work on your own. It's important for you both to know how the other is feeling. That doesn't mean you always have to agree on things. It means that you have to at least make an effort to understand each other.

I felt that Jennifer and I already had the trust part of our relationship down so all we had to work on was the communication. We talked about it and decided that we would set some time aside each week to talk to each other about whatever we thought was important to our relationship. Nothing was to be off limits in these conversations. Our talks sometimes turned into arguments but always ended with a kiss and a better understanding of the other person. Quite often these conversations ended with us making love.

After three years of marriage our sex life was still good, but we were always looking for ways to keep it fresh and exciting. On one moonless night we had sex under the stars in our back yard. We were standing looking up at the stars when I noticed that it was so dark in our yard that our neighbors wouldn't be able to see us if they looked out their windows, so I reached my arms around Jennifer and began to fondle her breasts. Jennifer leaned back against me and I kissed her neck. When I moved my hand down and pushed it inside her pants Jennifer grabbed my wrist and said, "Not here the neighbors will see us."

I said, "So?"

I was expecting Jennifer to protest some more, then I would point out that it was too dark for them to be able to see us, but before I could Jennifer turned around and kissed me and said, "So nothing." Then she kissed me again and started massaging my cock through my pants. As Jennifer was kissing me she opened my pants and began pushing them down my legs. Then she got down on her knees and took my cock into that wonderful mouth of hers.

As she was sucking on my cock I was looking over at our neighbors house where I could see Mrs. Radcliff our sixty year old neighbor standing at her kitchen window looking out into the yard. I was sure she couldn't see us but the thought of that possibility made things more exciting. That must have been true for Jennifer also because I noticed her looking toward Mrs. Radcliff but she didn't stop sucking on my stiff shaft. A short while later Jennifer pulled me down on the ground with her and wanted me to please her with my tongue which I gladly did. As Jennifer approached her orgasm I had to put my hand over her mouth to keep her from drawing attention to us. As it was getting a little chilly out we headed into the house to finish our lovemaking. After that we often had sex in the back yard on dark nights. .

One Valentines Day I called Jennifer at work and told her that a car was going to be waiting for her when she came out of work. I told her she was to get into the back seat of the car and not speak to the driver. I said that the driver would give her an envelope with instructions for her. I asked her if she understood my instructions and I could her the excitement in her voice as she said, "Yes, I understand".

In preparation for the evening I rented a black Lincoln Town car then went to a costume shop and rented a chauffeur's outfit. At 5:30 that evening I picked Jennifer up outside her office building. She didn't say a work as she got into the car. Watching her in the mirror as I drove along the expressway I could see from Jennifer's body language that she was both nervous and excited. When we were a few blocks from our destination, the Hayatt Regency Hotel, I handed Jennifer an envelope. Inside were the following instructions:

'Mrs. Ellison, we will soon be arriving at the Hayatt Regency Hotel. Before we reach the hotel entrance you are to remove you pantyhose and panties. When we stop at the entrance you are to drop them onto the front seat next to the driver, then wait for him to come around and open your door. You are to then go into the hotel and go to the front desk and ask for an envelope that was left there for you. This envelope will contain further instructions and a room key for room 1526. Once you have the new envelope you are to go to the room and then follow the directions you will find in the new envelope.'

I watched in the mirror as Jennifer read the instructions. She didn't hesitate. As soon as she finished reading the note she folded it and put it back in the envelope then pulled her skirt up and remove her panty hose. Before she removed her panties Jennifer put her hand between her legs and pressed her panties against her pussy and rubbed herself for a few seconds, then she removed her panties. I caught a glimpse of her dark hair as she pushed her panties down over her thighs. Once she had them off she rolled them into a ball and held them in her hand until we pulled up to the hotel entrance. I quickly got out of the car and went around to the other side and opened the door for Jennifer. As she stepped out of the car Jennifer did not look at me but she let her skirt ride up her thighs so that most of her upper thigh was visible and I got just a momentary peek at her pussy as she climbed out. Once out of the car she walked straight into the hotel with out looking back.

Once Jennifer was out of sight I took the car and parked it in the hotel parking lot. I sat in the car for a while and as I picked up the panties that Jennifer had been wearing I thought about her walking through the hotel lobby with no panties on. To my knowledge Jennifer never went anywhere without wearing panties, so this must have made her at least a little self-conscious. I held Jennifer's panties up to my face and I noticed that the gusset of her panties was wet. Apparently she was already excited. So was I. I inhaled the scent of Jennifer's sex that lingered in the material of her panties, and I thought about the instructions in the second note.

The second note said;'Jennifer, You will find a bottle of Champaign chilling on the table by the window. You are to open the bottle and pour yourself a drink. Then stand at the window and lift your glass in a toast to our love. After you have had your drink you are to take a shower. When you come out of the shower I want you to come back to the window and pour yourself another drink and while standing there naked make another toast.

You will find panties, a bra and stockings in the top right drawer in the dresser. There is a cocktail dress in the closet along with your shoes. When you have dressed and finished with your hair and makeup you are to open the top left drawer of the dresser where you will find further instructions.'

I sat in the car and watched the window that I knew belonged to room 1526. I didn't have to wait long. The windows in the rooms in this hotel went from floor to ceiling so when Jennifer came to the window I could see almost her whole body missing only the lower portion of her legs because of the angle from where I was sitting in the car to the fifteenth floor. I watched as Jennifer filled her glass with Champaign and lifted her glass in a toast. I knew she couldn't see me, which made it more fun to watch her.

Jennifer took a couple of drinks from the glass then disappeared. About fifteen minutes later Jennifer reappeared at the window, in the nude. She stood in front of the window and poured herself another glass of bubbly and made her toast. When she put her glass down she moved away from the window and I knew that she would be getting dressed which would take a while. As I waited I thought about the next envelope she would open. Inside the last envelope along with the instructions were two other items. First was a small jewelry case which contained a pair of diamond earrings as a gift for her and the second item was a small white handkerchief.

The last note said; 'Jennifer, I hope you like the earrings. In a few minutes you will be leaving the room to go down stairs. There are two things you must do just before you leave the room. First, pull the drapes closed. Second, take the handkerchief you found in the envelope and tuck it inside your panties so that it presses against your pussy. Once you have done this you are to go down to the lounge in hotel and take a seat at the bar. Order a drink and wait. Tonight you are a married woman on the make and I am the stranger who is going to pick you up in the bar and seduce you.

Sometime during dinner you retrieve the handkerchief from you panties so that I can smell the scent of that sexy pussy of yours. I'll see you in a while. Love, Rick'

It was a little after seven o'clock when the drapes were pulled closed in room 1526. I gave Jennifer ten minutes to get down to the lounge then I got out of the car and opened the trunk and got my suitcase out. I went quickly up to room 1526 and showered and dressed in a tuxedo I had rented for the occasion. This took me all of half an hour. When I walked into the bar I spotted Jennifer before she saw me. She was busy at that moment talking to a guy who was standing next to her chair. I decided to just watch for a while and just let Jennifer talk to this guy and see what would happen. After about twenty minutes it appeared that the guy asked Jennifer to go somewhere with him. He reached out his hand to her but she didn't take it. She shook her head no and said something and the guy raised his hands in the air and backed away from her in mock surrender. A couple of minutes later he shook Jennifer's hand and headed across the room where he joined several people sitting at a table.

I waited another couple of minutes then I headed over to Jennifer. As I walked across the room the only thing I could think of was how much I wanted to ask Jennifer about the guy that was talking to her, but I knew that that would ruin the mood I was trying to create. I slipped into the chair next to Jennifer and said, "Mind if I sit here with you for a while."

She said, "How long is a while?"

I said, "Long enough to buy you a drink and talk you into going to dinner with me."

She said, "I'll take the drink and we'll see about dinner."

At first it was much harder to pretend that I wasn't Jennifer's husband than I thought. Our conversation was clumsy and I think we both felt awkward, but after a while I was able to get into the fantasy and act as if I didn't know Jennifer. Jennifer was able to get into the spirit of the game and was soon acting as if we were meeting for the first time.

We talked for a while like to people trying to get to know a little bit about each other then I asked her if she would join me for dinner. I got up and Jennifer took my arm and we walked to the hotel restaurant.

During dinner we got deeper into our roles and the situation began to feel real to me. I complemented Jennifer on her beautiful earrings and she said, "They were a gift from my husband."

I said, "Oh, you're married?"

She said, "Yes."

"Why isn't your husband here with you?"

Jennifer looked down at the table as if she were upset and couldn't look me in the eye. "He was supposed to be here but when I arrived I got a message that he had to stay late at his office to finish up some work. He stood me up on Valentines Day. I have a half a mind to do something drastic to get even with him for that."

I said, "If you want revenge, please let me help you."

All through dinner Jennifer played the angered wife and I the opportunist trying to take advantage of her state of mind.

After dinner Jennifer and I went back to the lounge where there was a band playing romantic music. We danced a few times then Jennifer excused herself to go to the ladies room. When she returned we went back out on the dance floor. As we were dancing Jennifer put the white handkerchief in my hand then whispered in my ear, "My husband asked me to keep this in my panties for him. I decided to give it to you instead."

I held the handkerchief up to my nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of her sex was unmistakable. My cock got so hard I though I was going to lose a load in my pants. Right then all I wanted to do was drag her up to the room and get myself inside that hot, wet pussy of hers. I brushed my lips over her ear and said, "You smell great. I would love to get close enough to smell your sexy scent for myself."

Jennifer pressed herself against me and said, "If you want we can go up to my hotel room and I will give you what I was planning on giving my husband tonight."

Jennifer took my hand and led me to the elevators. When the elevator doors closed behind us Jennifer pressed herself against me, then kissed me and said, "My husband will be sorry he stood me up tonight." Then she kissed me again. This kiss lasting until the elevator doors opened on the fifteenth floor.

When we got inside our room Jennifer suddenly moved away from me and said, "I'm starting to have seconds thoughts. I shouldn't be doing this just because my husband chose to work instead of meeting me here."

I sat down and said, "If you really want me to leave I will, but just let me say that if you were my wife I never would have left you alone tonight."

"You're right. To hell with him."

I said, "Earlier you said that you were going to give me what you planned to give your husband tonight. What were you going to give him?"

Jennifer went over to the bed and sat down and said, "My husband is always after me to give him oral sex. He wants me to let him cum in my mouth. I've never done this before but decided I was going to do it tonight. I was even planning on swallowing his spunk. That's his loss."

I got up and walked over to Jennifer and stood in front of her and said, "You were all set to perform oral sex tonight. It's not good to not act on that." I opened my pants and pulled my cock out and said, "Why don't you do mine so you don't lose the moment."

Jennifer took my cock in her hand and acting as if she was nervous about doing it, she took my cock into her mouth. She acted like she was choking on it a couple of times but was soon giving me one of her great blow jobs. I hadn't realized just how horny I was until Jennifer started pumping up and down on my cock with her mouth. It only took her a few minutes to bring me to climax. Jennifer managed to keep her mouth closed over my cock while I ejaculated. When the last spasms of my orgasm passed Jennifer let my cock slip from her mouth then she tilted her head up and opened her mouth to show me that her mouth was full of my cum, then she closed her mouth and swallowed. After that Jennifer stood up and kissed me. I could taste my cum on her lips but I didn't mind.

Jennifer told me get undressed and lay down on the bed and I did as she directed. Then Jennifer said, "Earlier you said that you wanted to smell my sex. Do you still want to do that?"

I said, "Yes, very much."

Jennifer kicked off her shoes, hiked up her dress and climbed on the bed. She stood directly over me straddling my head with her feet so that I was looking directly up between her legs. Jennifer lowered herself down until she was mashing her panty covered pussy against my nose. As she did this she asked, "How do I smell?"

I said, "Great. I want to eat you."

Jennifer stood up again and while still standing over me she pulled her dress off over her head then she pulled panties down and removed them. Looking up between her legs I could see her beautiful vulva. It looked so inviting. Soft with just a little dark fuzz on it. Her labia just barely visible inside the slit dividing the two halves of her vulva. As Jennifer start to lower herself down over me I could see that her juices were flowing making the visible edges of her labia shine.