My Hometown Honey

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How to leave your hometown honey.
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I recently read a story, and the ending bothered me. It bothered me because it didn't end. It was a cuckold tale. It was an over the top abuse-and-humiliate-a-loving-mate cuckold tale. I am compelled to read them, and even start to write them, but am always waiting and cheering for that moment when the guy grows a pair and stands up for his manhood.

Why guys actually do this is a mystery. I can't fathom sharing my wife. Well, maybe with another, that's just a fantasy. I want her to myself, my wife I mean. I don't get the sharers and those who get off on the humiliation, even if it is just play, of their wife being with another man. A superior? Really? I guess I thought when she said "I do" that meant game over. She found her superior and he found his. End of story. I get, but don't condone the morality of dalliances, of drinking too much, of need for release when separated for long periods of time, even of "getcha little sumptin thatcha can't get at home." I get open relationships and polyamory. I don't get how you can say making a guy grovel while you trash talk him, submit him to base servitude and clean up duty, then witness his beloved wife give herself to another man while making no apologies for telling hubby he can never do for her what her stud can do. Then say, but it's you I really love. Hmmmmm.

The story I read was both bitter, and heartless. Mercifully it stopped before our intrepid hero tasted his rival's cum. But it came pretty close! So in the spirit of "Finish The Damn Story" I'm going to write the next chapter. But first I apologize to the author and to the reader.

I read the story two weeks ago. My feeble memory just doesn't hang onto names and titles like it did once. Still, the incomplete story is so nagging I have to write another chapter. So I will summarize the story before I begin my ending. If you recognize the story, or if you are the author, please send me the title or author's name so I can repost with permission and credit. Or lacking your permission, I can pull the tale.

I like this story, with this ending. I may even preserve my characters and spin off another episode or two, depending on the (intelligent) feedback. The Bitch doesn't get burned, but she doesn't get what she wants either. So to those two camps of readers, C'est la vie!

First, a synopsis of the original story. Stop me if you've heard it before...or just jump ahead to the ##### mark.

Our story opens with childhood friends growing up to fall in puppy love, date, and eventually surrender their virginities to each other as high school sweethearts. After they began having sex, she began to cheat, and when she was discovered, she felt awful and told him everything leading to his forgiveness and stunning makeup sex. They go to different colleges, where she remains sexually active, but only tells him anything when they are together, which due to him taking a very rigorous program is rare. On those occasions, she teases him with details, a practice that enhances their sex during the visits and vacations. However, she doesn't simply tease him, she latches on, begs forgiveness, and professes how she loves him more than anything. You guessed it, her screwing the other guy is "just sex."

Their relationship comes to a turning point in the climax of the story when he goes to visit her at her school. She casually lets it drop that she has been unfaithful again, but this time she has invited her lover to meet him. This doesn't stir up his normal arousal, instead causes him a great deal of anxiety. He will not only meet her "bull," he will be forced to spend time visiting during his precious alone time with the love of his life.

The bull is handsome. The bull is not nice to him. The bull kisses his girl passionately, then tells her to get rid of her sweetheart. She asks her hometown honey to go get a pizza, and she will smooth things out later. When he returns with dinner her door is locked and he is out. His knock is left unanswered, except for her giggle, and the ensuing sounds let him know exactly what he was missing.

The door finally opens, and she calls him into her bedroom. They are in bed, with her tits on full display, and his hand obviously still working on her beneath the sheets. She asks that he bring the pizza in to them, as they are hungry. Dismayed and flabbergasted at his treatment, he brings the pizza and three plates. She looks surprised and tells him he can't eat with them, to take the third plate back to the kitchen and leave the pizza. While he does, the door is again locked as she and her bull begin another passionate and noisy session. It is late when the door is again opened.

This time he storms into the room, to be met by a sneering bull and a giggling sweetheart. The pizza is gone. They openly laugh at him, at the fact he is chasing after a girl who is fucking another man, and he doesn't even get to eat he food he fetched. She pities him, tells him to lie back and she'll get him something to eat. He does, and she mounts his face, prepared to sit down and force him to eat the dripping cream pie in front of her laughing bull. End of story.

Really? There are so many ways this story could go. But there was no cliff hanger, no excitement, it just stops. Coitus interuptus. Doesn't cut it for me. So here we go. I'm naming the characters Kirk and Sally, and the Bull is...well lets just call him Bill. Bill the bull. Kirk the cuck, and Sally the slut. The original story was written from Kirk's point of view, and that's cool with me.


You know those moments when time slows, and you can just see what's right and wrong? Those times when you just know the course of action you have to taken. This was the mother of all time slowing moments for me. I looked up at the dripping pussy suspended above me. A glob of Bill's cum was just oozing its way through her once luscious lips. Once luscious, because I once loved them, and he woman they were attached to. Once loved, because in that moment it finally became clear how foolish I had been to love her like I did.

In that instant I realized hat Sally wasn't the love of my life, just the love of my life so far. And she was only the love of my life so far because she had held a monopoly. We had grown up together. Learned to love together. We had relied on each other for everything. Which means neither of us had experience beyond the other. That was the theory. She had obviously widened her circle of lovers. I had foolishly remained faithful to her. To her? No, just faithful to the ideal that I could keep a pure love for my lifetime sweetheart last a lifetime. How did I really know she was my soulmate? My one and only? I hadn't compared her to anyone. Obviously I wasn't good enough to keep her faithful to me. Obviously she didn't love me enough for me to be her one and only. And what she was about to do meant obviously she didn't even respect me enough to honor me in front of another lover. How would she honor me in marriage? With our children? How would I ever be sure she actually bore my children and not the spawn of an illicit affair? Pop goes that bubble!

She squatted and began to lower herself to my face as the glob grew larger, ready to flood my mouth. My hands went right to her ass, and with a roar I pushed her off me with enough force to launch her from the bed. She didn't land easily, and sprawled on the floor at the foot of the bed. I could hear the air emptying from her lungs as I sat up, and soon she was winded and gasping for air. Bill did nothing as I stood, straightened my shirt, and walked out.

I grabbed my bag from the living room and left. I got to the front porch, and felt the bile rise in my throat and retched. All I could see was the cream pie welling up in Sally's cheating cunt, and her lowering it to force feed me. Fuck.

"Feeling better?"

The voice came from behind me, where a rather plain brown haired girl sat on a porch swing where she had been reading.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there, or I would have at least tried to make it around the corner where you didn't have to see that."

"It's ok. I understand."

I looked at her curiously.

"Sally's bedroom window is open. I heard it all. I'd be ill too. They're laughing about you, you know."

"No doubt. How much did you hear?"

" It's a beautiful night. I don't have a date. I've been here reading for a couple of hours. You came to visit, she forced you to spend time with Bill, she sent you for food, they fucked, she made you serve her while she and her honey were probably naked and masturbating each other, they sent you away and fucked, you came back in and she offered to feed you but you thought food, she meant sloppy seconds. Do I have it right?"

I didn't have to answer. She knew, and I knew she knew.

"You are Kirk, right?"

I nodded.

"I'm Diana, Sally's upstairs neighbor. You know, she tells us stories about you. Let me see, you are the perfect husband. You are pre-med and plan to be a surgeon, so you will be a good provider. You play piano and love to paint, so you're not just some one dimensional armchair quarterback. You are industrious and gentle, so you will be a good father. You love her enough you will do anything for her, so she has been training you to let her have fuck buddies while you stay true. She tells us you two are right on your life plan. How am I doing?"

"She shared that with you?"

"She shares that with everyone. She also says you are a great lover, and that she does love you, she just needs more than one guy. That's why she is training you to accept her planned lifestyle."

I held my head in my hands. I just couldn't believe she held me in such low regard.

"Looks like you didn't know about the cuckolding portion of the plan. Aw, don't get too out of sorts. I know it hurts, it's gotta. But aren't you glad you know?"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"There is one thing she said about you that intrigues me. That you love her so deeply, you would do anything for her. Is that true?"

A dozen instances flashed through my mind. Giving up my jacket at a wedding reception for a friend when it got cold and her light dress couldn't do the job. Giving her my umbrella when it was pouring. Working extra hours at my part time job so I could send her money to help with college expenses.

"Yeah. Until tonight."

"Sounds familiar. Kirk, I've been where you are. Freshman year, I was kind of popular. I dressed stylishly, kept my hair cute, wore contacts and make up, and I knew how to tease guys. I did it well and often, because they did things for me. They brought me flowers, wine, took me on dates and fancy dinners. Eventually I began fucking them. One really caught my fancy. He told me how great we were together, and that we had a future together. Then one night towards the end of the year, he asked me if I would do something special. I loved him, so I said anything. I would do anything for him. I thought it would be something special between the two of us. Something memorable and romantic. Maybe here wold be a ring at the other end. Well there was a ring. A ring of his friends, me naked in the middle, and cocks pushing into every hole I had. I wound up lying there dazed, bruised and bleeding, and covered with cum. One by one the guys left, laughing at the stupid bitch who thought her boyfriend could really love a girl who would let anyone fuck her. He had been using me all along. I never even saw him leave."

"I dressed, went home and cleaned up. I finished that year hiding in the library. I came back the next year with no stylish clothes, long plain hair, glasses, and not a hint of makeup. I buried myself in my books. Half way through the year, I met Sally in an English class, and she brought me out of my social hibernation. She introduced me to some "nice" boys, which meant they were just polite about getting into my pants. I liked the sex, but never liked any of them. She told me I needed a guy like you. A guy who loved me no matter what, and would do anything for me. But I never found a guy who would do anything but try to fuck me. They all told me I was a good lay. They told me I should dress better, that I could be cute if I tried."

"None of them made me feel right. And Sally went on and on about you, while fucking every guy in sight. I never met you, but you became my dream guy, my fantasy. And suddenly, here you are. She just put it on the line, and you rejected her. She's gonna come looking for you, and try to make up you know. She'll promise to be good and be your one and only. But as soon as you feel safe and sure of her, she'll be out catting around. You know that. So tonight before she gets back around to you, try someone new. Try me."

No doubt, I was horny. No doubt, after hearing all of Sally's stories about her adventures in betrayal, I was interested in tapping something new myself. And I was horny. I could tell that beneath this plain Jane facade in the dowdy sweatshirt and baggy jeans, this girl had a figure worth writing home about. Sorry, sweatshirts only go so far. Did I mention I was horny? I had been waiting for weeks to come here and make love to Sally, horny wasn't a strong enough word. I was more than horny. I was....

"You hungry?"

Oh, yeah. That too. I had skipped lunch in order to get my bus on time. And I was denied my share the pizza I had fetched. I had just deposited what was left from breakfast in the bushes.

"I could eat."

"Come on. I know a nice spot. Good burgers, something like 50 beers on tap, and they have an open mic nite tonight. Time for you to enjoy a Sally-free date. And it's time for me to see what it's like to be with a guy who is capable of loving a woman enough to do anything for her."

Off we went. She was delightful company, and by the time our burgers were served, we were joking and laughing, and Sally wasn't even a thought. Sometime between fries and coleslaw, people started singing at the open mic. Some were great, some were so so, and our conversation turned to music. I criticized one guy, and she challenged me to do better. So put my name on the list and ordered another beer.

Now you may recall my telling you I sent Sally money from my part time job? Well, it was a cushy job. I spent all of three hours twice a week playing piano at a cocktail lounge near campus. Hey, it was cheesy, but it beat what work study would pay, and was cleaner than mowing lawns. I had developed a bit of a following because my repertoire was built on seedy love songs and bitter "somebody done somebody wrong" songs. Inevitably, when my turn came up, somebody recognized me, and by popular demand I spent an hour on the stage to Diana's delight.

We closed the place in the wee hours of the morning. As we walked out the door, I slipped my arm around her, and she snuggled into me.

"Hey, check your phone."

There were 32 missed calls from Sally. Diana turned my face to her, and looked me directly in the eye.

"You would have spent the entire night, serving her and her boyfriend while they made fun of you, in the pathetic hope that you might have gotten sloppy seconds, or thirds. Now, finish your night right. Set yourself free, and spend the night with me."

She kissed me. Her tongue fought mine, and our lips locked until suddenly she broke our lip lock and our embrace, and raced away towards her apartment.

I followed close behind as she ran, and watched as she discarded garments. I stopped to pick them up, which slowed me enough to allow her escape. clever girl. First her dowdy sweatshirt, then the tshirt she wore underneath, and finally a skimpy little white lace bra lay on the front porch. I managed to grab it and slip into the door before it closed, and heard her struggling on the stairs above. I was about to turn the corner to her landing when her jeans drifted by. I turned downstairs to retrieve them, and on the way back up found myself running into her panties, which drifted right into my face.

As I froze, breathing in the intoxicating scent of the very wet lace, I heard her key turn, the door open, and her footsteps scurry into her apartment. I snapped back together and slipped out of sight into her door just as I heard Sally's voice from her door the floor below whining about all the carrying on so late at night.

I raced into Diana's bedroom where she lay naked, spread eagled, and stimulating her sex with her hands as vigorously as humanly possible.

"Forget about Sally. Or don't. I'm noisy when I fuck, the windows are open, and if she thought that was carrying on, lets give her something serious to whine about. Now fuck me."

As I lay her clothing down, she continued to frig herself with her hands. By the time I was taking my clothes off, she had begun to moan, quite loudly.

"I know it's been months for you. Don't worry about me the first time, I'll be fine. We'll make love later. Just get up here and fuck me as hard as you can. Right now!"

No reason to keep the lady waiting. I scrambled on the bed, and laid my rock hard cock right into her oozing slit. Obviously, this was not the time for foreplay. I began pumping hard, immediately. Diana responded with a loud guttural growl that shook the foundations of the universe. Well mine anyway. She was right, she was anything but quiet and discreet. And the windows were open.


I could hear the echoes bounce off the walls of nearby buildings. Dogs barked in distant neighborhoods. Air raid sirens went off and searchlights swept the skies for enemy aircraft. Ok, those last two petitions are a bit exaggerated, but there is no doubt in my mind we were sharing our sexcapade with any of Diana's neighbors who were still awake. I was also aware that Sally was only a floor below, and her admonishment about our disturbance in the stairway clearly indicated she was very awake.


The meeeee crescendoed into an all out scream of passion. But it wasn't over. I told you i was a virgin, and my only love had been Sally. I never told you I was small down there. I also never said I had a hair trigger. Which was why I was so perplexed at Sally's behavior. I mean, what else could she need? I had never let her down. I was adventurous and willing to try anything she wanted. But she wanted another guy. Go figure.

Diana turned over and presented me her lovely ass.

"Doggy! Do me doggy!"

I love doggy. It feels so smooth, and I can go so deep, and I can grab her ass and....what's not to love. So off we went again, my balls slapping her below, the unmistakeable sound of skin on skin, and that incredible orgasm scream....


Somebody shouted out "Fuck her for me too!"

Someone else "You go cowgirl, ride that bull!"

I could even hear Sally shout "Oh my God, Diana!" From her window a floor below. Finally, after what seemed like many hours, but was probably only one hour, I came hard, and emptied weeks of supply in her sopping cunt. We collapsed, and fell asleep. We woke after only a half hour or so, and started again. This time slow and gentle. Loving. Tender. And she still screamed.


She screamed most of the night, the final round just as the sun came up on Saturday morning. We slept til two.

"You were so good last night. Amazing. I have no idea what Sally is thinking. I've fucked Billy. He's got less that half the cock that you have, can't last worth shit once he's in the saddle, and could give a damn about the girls pace. You're hung, you last like the Everready fucking bunny, and you pay attention. Damn I thought you were reading my minded. I wanted it, you gave it."

I smiled and kissed her. I didn't say a word. She did.