Mutual Experience

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A guy gets "advice" from a friend for his TS love interest.
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Hey everyone! This is like my third attempt at writing a story hehe, it's like I start off well then I end up hating it by the end of a few hours of writing. Let's hope this one is good.

All characters are 18+.

Hope you all enjoy!


"Wait, you're kidding, right?" Shane said, finishing his pizza.

"Wait, you actually asked her out?!" he continued.

"Yes, I did, Shane." I said proudly, puffing out my chest.

"And she said ... Yes?!" he says almost chucking on his last piece.

"Yup, she said that she wants me to go to her house with yours truly."

"Kira, th-That's insane. Seriously, Vera?! She's the leader of the dancing group. So fucking pretty and so nice to everyone. She's cool with nerds and it's just crazy how much we like the same things.

It's just, so many guys have asked her out and failed, but you..." Shane said now standing and stepping on his seat. "But you, you did it, buddy. You overcame those odds."

"Dude, you made it sound like I won the lottery. I just asked a girl out and she said yes, that's all."

He sits down with a stale face. I can tell it's still getting him.

His biggest insecurity.

"Dude, so what if you've never dated before? That shouldn't let a girl deter you from dating you."

"So what?! So what?! Everyone has dated at this school at least once before, except me. I hate this feeling dude. I just feel girls just pass me by. It's like they can tell." he says putting his head on the table.

"With that attitude, yeah. I just want to let you know everything's gonna be okay for you. I promise someday, it'll happen, and it'll be magical."

"Easy for you to say." he says, looking away.

Guess he's a lost cause, I thought.

"Hey man, it's Friday, just cool out. Take the weekend to enjoy it. Isn't there a big tournament this week?"

"Yeah." he said a bit more upbeat.

"Yeah, go beat some ass and chill out."

"Yeah, you're right." he smiled. He's back. "Thanks, Kira."

"No problem. I gotta hang out with my friend today. It's a weekly thing we've been doing since we met."

"Okay, Kira. See ya, man." Shane said as I walked out of the lunchroom as the bell ringed.

I ran into the bros, Kevin and Steven, on my way home from school. I tell them about my date with Vera. They were supportive but something was definitely on their minds.

I had to know.

"Hey, is everything okay? I mean, is there a rumor about her that I should know about?" I asked them.

"Well... " Steven starts. "There's a reason why she's not on the cheerleading team."

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

Kevin chimes in. "She's in my gym class. She has to change with us when we get ready. It's very obvious what is up with her."

Still clueless, I say: "She's a man?!"

"No, I mean, she's trans. She's a woman but the school doesn't recognize her as a woman."

"Damn, that's fucked up." I responded.

"Yeah, so she started her own dance group, and now the students likes them better than the cheerleaders. Now the school is trying to get her to quit her group because the school is losing revenue at football and basketball games when it's just the cheerleaders there." Kevin elaborated.

"Heh, serves them." Steven adds.

"So, Kira, you still want to date her, even after knowing she's trans?"

I have a secret that I've never told anyone so they don't know. I have a huge attraction to trans women, so instead of yelling 'YES!' to the heavens, I said instead:

"I can handle it. And yeah, I think I still like her."

"Good for you, my man. I'm sure she'd like you." Steven said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yo, Kira, who's that at your house?" Kevin pointed.

From the ends of the street, I see a girl in a burgundy sweater with a camo green skirt, with high striped black tube socks, with Converses on, waiting patiently on my front porch, hands folded behind her back, tip-toeing every now to see if someone was gonna come to the door.

Oh, Anla.

I told her she can bang on the door because my sister is in there, but she told me that she didn't want to ruin my sister's music jamming session.

This girl is too sweet for her own good.

"Oh, that's my friend. We usually have a get-together every Friday."

"Oh, okay, man, well, I'll see you around." Kevin said.

"Likewise." Steven added.


"You're late." Anla said, with a smile on her face.

"I know, my bad."

Anla and I are best friends. A few years ago, we met during our sophomore year in a honors class. After being paired for a class project, we got to know each other better, and she and I have been together since. It's become a tradition that every Friday after class, she comes over to my house, and we watch a series and she sleeps over my house until Saturday evening, when she goes back home.

We're both now 18 and yet we still do this.

To describe her, she's the awkward girl at school but she's really sweet. I don't see her around many people but she gets along with everyone. It's just she doesn't stand out, as rude as it may sound — her style is questionable but I can tell she really likes it, so I haven't roasted her on it yet.

But I mean, she is very pretty. Her eyes are very nice and her hair makes her look like the shy quiet anime girl in series (minus the crazy colorful hair). I know she's slender and a bit on the shorter end, and I can't really say she's "developed" anywhere, because I never see much without her wardrobe.

But she's my bud.

We make our way into our house, plopping down on the couch in the TV room.

"Well, I'm here now. So what are we watching today?" I asked her.

"I'm thinking JoJo." she says with a smile.

"That's 40 episodes minimum. Try again."

She frowns. "Fine, um, Dangan?"

"Much better, hehe." I said getting up. "I'll make the popcorn, you mind making the cookies?"

Her eye lit up with the desire for sweets. "Ay-ay, boss!"

I helped with the cookie making process, making sure they come out perfectly.

Then I say something that I may have regretted.

I told her about me and Vera's date.

"Oh, right, Anla, I have a date with this girl at school."

Her back was already turned to me, but I saw her shutter to a stop.

"Oh... That's nice. Do you know—"

"Oh, yeah, I know. I accept that about her though." I said with a smile.

Her motions seemed off as she reached for the spatula to take the cookies off the tray. Like she was almost forcing herself to move. But when she turned around, she had the biggest smile on her face, holding the freshly made chocolate chip cookies on a big plate.

"I'm really happy for you!" she said excitedly. "I hope it goes well!"

"Thanks, Anla. I couldn't have a more supportive friend." I said taking the cookies from her as carrying them to the TV room.


As the hangout progressed, she seemed to have lost more and more of her upbeat energy.

She went laughing to chuckling to just stale-facing the TV, which I've never seen her do before.

Instead of laying on my thigh, she just let her head rest on the table.

"What happened?" was all I could think.

As the series ended and we got ready for bed, I had to ask what was up. I slipped into my shorts and t-shirt, while she slipped into a nightgown with pajama shorts.

"Anla, is everything okay? You've been off since we started the show. Are you sick?"

"No." she said inncoently, looking at the ground.

"Are you sure, it's just—"

"It's just, I've been thinking about Vera."

Oh, now I got it.

"You like Vera?" I say as if I hit on the head.

"No! At least not that way. It's just you said that... That you accept the fact that she's trans."

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"Well, it's not that, it's just—"

Suddenly, she put her hands to her eyes, and I heard silent sobbing.

I'm beyond confused at this point.

"Anla, what's wrong?"

"I never t-told you because I didn't want to think of me as a freak. I'm just like her. That's the reason why I don't have to gym, not because I have terrible asthma."

Oh. Anla was trans too. I had comfort her.

"Oh, I still accept you! You're still awesome, Anla."

"Thank you. I just really wanted to get that off my chest. I've just been so in thought about that, because I never told you and it was replaying in my mind."

"I'm glad you told me." I said as I hugged her.

She reciprocated, and we hugged for a long time. Smelling her hair and her scent, holding her back, as the bluish-grayish tint from my lap vaporwaved through my room.

We pulled away but I could still tell that something was on her mind.

"I know you, Anla, what else is on your mind?"

"It's stupid."

"It's not stupid, you can trust me."

She looked down and then looked me in the eyes, something she rarely does.

"If you're seriously about dating her, then you've probably thought about..." she paused briefly, finally gaining the courage to say it. "Pounding her, right?"

I chuckled. "'Fucking' would have a better word choice there, but yeah, I've thought it. I'm game."

"Oh, okay."

Then, right then and there, I felt something I never felt with her before.

Tension. This awkward, intimate tension.

"You want to ... Try it out?"

"Oh, you mean with—"

"Yeah, I mean me." she says with seriousness and a hidden power behind her voice.

"I mean, we're friends and friends don't—"

"I mean, there is a reason why girlFRIEND and boyFRIEND are a thing. They're an extension of friends, friendship — an close and intimate bond between two people regardless of gender. Notice that mother, father, sister, niece, nephew, etc don't follow those conventions. Noti—"

Then suddenly, she stopped, and looked down.

She continued. "I'm so sorry, Kira, I didn't mean to sound like I was forcing you to do this with me. I just, I just want to help, is all. I can just go to sleep and we can forget we had this conversation."

I say there in silence. Though I did watch a lot of trans porn, I had no idea what any one of their tendencies were in sex. What if I go to to Vera, and end up giving her the most agonizing blowjob because she has dysphoria or most importantly, because I've never sucked a cock before?

Anla had a point.

"No, you're right. I'm down. Let's do this." I say as I ripped off the remaining of my clothes.

"O-okay." she said as she started getting undressed, only into her bra and panties.


"Okay, what do we do first?"

"I mean, I guess we can start off with a kiss." she said blushing.

"Sure, ready?"

She nodded and she leaned forward, and we embraced for our first kiss.

Her lips were so soft and warm, it felt like pillows were grazing my lips. Her face felt so soft as well.

Then her tongue entered my mouth, and I accepted it.

Our tongues were now exploring every crevice of each other's.

That was until she let out a small groan.

She pulls away quickly trying to cover her crotch, but it was too late. I saw it.

Cum was dripping down her right leg.

"Awwww, that's so cute!" I said smiling.

"Don't tell anyone, okay!" she said turning a beet red, despite only have the blue light as the main source of light in the room.

"Don't worry, I won't. We should go down there."

"But I just came and now my panties are dirty." she said with concern in her voice.

"No, they're not. Just open them open, I promise I won't scream or punch it."

She stared blankly. "Why was that your second option?"

"Sorry, but I promise not to freak out." I said assurely.

"Okay, but I want you to show me yours too, so it isn't not weird."

"Yeah, fine. Ready?"

"Ready." she said pulling down her underwear.

I had to have her beat, like come on.

I put my gloriest seven incher, until I look up and see the behemoth I call: "Her dick."

Hers was thicker than mine, it was longer than my cock but by an inch, and the balls on her were so big. But even still, hers looked so... Decilious. Everything was so smooth, she had a bit of pubic hair but she maintained it well. Her balls were huge and soft-looking, her cock was hard and soft in color.

It didn't make sense.

"Awwww, that's so cute!" she said pointing and giggling at my cock.

Then her tone changed to a tone I rarely heard from her: a playful, aggressive tone.

"It doesn't feel so good, does it?!" she yelled.

"Yeah, it doesn't." I said on the edge of crocodile tears.

Then she switches back and tells her mind.

"But in all seriousness, Kira, I like yours a lot more than mine. It looks like so perfect for you, like it was meant to be that size. But with me, it looks like I'm sneaking food into a movie theater if I get erect." she said looking at her twitching, erect cock.

She continues. "But anyway, let's make this a mutual experience. We can do 69." she suggested.

"Uh, yeah, we can do that."

I lay on my back and she removes the rest of her clothing, revealing her rather curvy body. She had a nice ass and her breasts were perky but fairly big.

She turns around, her ass now directly in front of me, and she scoots back until her cock slaps me under my chin.

"I'm so sorry." she says with a bit of concern.

She lifts her cock and scoots back until all I see is her hand holding her massive member and big balls.

"I'm gonna let it go, okay?"

"Bombs away." I said, bracing for impact.

She lets it go, and her cock slaps me downward into my nose and face. All was heard was an audible slap, me saying "Ow." and her laugh. All she could do was giggle.

I feel her getting my cock ready, and then she starts to suck my penis. I moan, and grab the sheets. After a minute or two, she stops abruptly and looks back.

"I'm gonna ask you a very weird question." she starts off.


"Does my cock smell?" she says embarassingly.

I took a wift of it. "I mean, it has a strong smell but it does not stink. Why do you ask?"

"I didn't feel you touching my dick. I thought it must have smelled funny."

"No, you're good. I'm just ... Admiring it."

"Okay." she giggled.

Though I couldn't see out of my right eye because her dick was there, seeing her length and left ball out of my other eye made my mouth water.

I'm ready.

I took the thick head of her cock, and put it into my mouth. She let a gasp and groan, and followed suit for my cock.

What ensued was the sounds of slurping and moans from each other. What I learned was that she really liked it when I played with her balls. Each pull or gentle slap of her balls caused her to spasm or moan.

Sooner or later, it felt too good. I was at a lost of words.

I was gonna cum.

"Anla, please, I have to cum."

"You can cum in my mouth." she said nonchalantly.

"Wha— really?!"

"Yup!" she said excitedly.

She jumps up quickly and gets between my legs, her big dick swinging and shaking as she tries to get me to cum.

"Let it all out, baby." she says, her now jerking me off with her tongue outstretched for my juices.

She called me baby.

Maybe it was just the heat of the moment.

I Iet it all out. My cum shot into her mouth, and some overshot and undershot. Some of it hit her square in the forehead and glasses, and some hit her on her well-toned abdomen.

After a few seconds, it stopped and she sat there, getting my cum off her face and wiping it off with a paper towel next to the bed.

"That was really nice." she said with a big grin on her face.

"Yeah, but you didn't cum." I said gesturing to.her hardened member.

"Oh, uh, I'm fine. I was just gonna jerk myself off and then go to bed." she said looking away, going for her clothes.

"No, that's not fair. I want to help. Anla, you know I'd do this for you."

"Because are you actually okay with me pounding you? Because I don't get off from anal simulation. I tried many times."

"Oh." I said taken aback.

She was a dominant top. Her personality didn't match that preference at all.

"Yeah, so, if you'll excuse me—"

"Come on, let's do it." I told her.

"You'd actually—"

"Yup, and you know this, Anla. You're my best friend."

"Thank you." she says with a big smile.

She lays me down and she instructs to relax. I can't help but find this all so funny.

"You've fucked before?" I asked her curiously.

"No, but the very nice people on Pornhub gave me very good tips and links to videos about anal sex." she said with a big smile.

God, this girl was too sweet.

But I can tell she knows what she's doing.

"Okay, so first..." she says to herself. "You need to relax. I don't have my dildo but I do have my hands. I'm going to go three fingers side in you, okay?"

"Okay!" I say understandingly.

"Okay, here's one!" she lubes her index finger and pushes forward.

"Oahww—" I shout in pain.

"I said relax. I promise right here and now, I won't hurt you again."

She gives me her other pinky on her hand, and we pinky swear.

She finished with the index finger, and starts with the middle finger too. She first probes it a bit, then quickly goes through the star of my ass, and pushes forward.

Then I notice something that made me extremely happy.

The whole time, she was checking my breathing to make sure that I wasn't being hurt. She would make eye contact with me to make sure that was not putting in discomfort.

This girl actually cared about me.

What is this feeling I'm feeling right now?

"Okay. I'm done. Now, I'm going to eat your ass and then, we'll get to sex, cool?" she said smiling a bit again.

She instructs me to lay on my stomach and to spread my legs. As I do, I feel her spread my ass cheeks apart and her hot breath against my hole now. I then hear her tongue make contact with my ass and then she begins to devour.

Her tongue began to enter the depths of my ass, tossing and twisting her mouth and tongue inside me. Then she pulls out, and starts to kiss and lick between my ass. She then smooches my butt checks twice on each cheek.

"You're ready now." she says triumphantly.

"Oh okay, cool."

"Hey, Kira. I have to—. Never mind."

"What's up?"

She looks away. "Actually, it's nothing. Do you mind getting into missionary for me?"

"Wait, you want to make eye contact with me? I felt like it would make you nervous."

"No, I want it like this." she says with certainty.

She scoots between my legs spread wide up, my legs over her shoulders, but then she brings them down and tells me to wrap them around my legs.

"Like I said, I promise not to hurt you."

"Thank you, Anla."

"No problem." she says as she pushes forward.

Thank God for her stretching lessons because man, was she thick. I could feel every vein and feature of her dick as it slid into my asshole. The lube and her spit from eating my ass also helped.

"Are you okay?" she says with her hand over my chest.


"I'm just... Sorry. I know you probably wanted a piece of my ass, and I couldn't do it right now."

"Awww, don't worry, it's okay, Anla."

She bottoms out and I feel her heavy balls slap against my ass. I see her pull out a bit.

"I just want to find something."

She started to fuck me in jagged motions until I moaned uncontrollably.

"Found it." she said. "Sorry for the sudden shallow thrust."

"It's okay." I say in groans.

Then she tells me something that changes everything about what we're about to do.

"I'm a weird top. I'm not a pounder or a hair puller. I just want to make the other person feel good. That's my goal. I'm an unorthodox dom."

She continues. "So, that's my mission. To make you, my prince, feels amazing."

"Your princ—"

Just then, she kissed me deeply and grounds me into the bed. Her hips start to go in and out, but only at half the rate of a standard sex scene. Her hips are gyrating, trying to feel every piece of my ass.

She was making out with me at this point, and my brain was on fire with everything going on.

So many sensations are coursing through my body.