Mrs. Constance W...'s Letters 06

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Thomas on R&R.
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Part 6 of the 25 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2014
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Here I have combined three documents of related material between Constance and her husband Thomas. Less explicit than most, they clearly reveal the intimacy shared between the principals as well as salient points that will be revealed later.

The Editor


The names and addresses have been changed to protect reputations of the descendants.


June 18th, 1862

Two weeks ago General Jackson secured two victories over the Yankees north in the Valley. Thank God for him. The field office was requisitioned for a temporary hospital and they bivouacked in the fallow field nearby. I was able to secure a small profit on raw war materials during that time which gives me the idea that I can take advantage of the wartime industry with some shrewd business purchases if I can obtain contracts on finished goods. The Apple press was not fully operational, but I was able to serve refreshments and let out rooms to officers even if I was not able to provide entertainment.

Major H... temporarily headquartered in the study until F... R... was secure. That man has the stamina of an elephant and an organ to match. I was late to breakfast every morning and my bed requires shoring up. Thankfully, Millie engaged his services on two separate occasions otherwise I might not have been able to walk. My young ladies provided excellent nursing assistance to the surgeons, though I believe they engaged in some independent oral examinations at fee. I would rather they provided themselves gratis to establish a market and a reputation. I will have to correct that misconception.

Miss Simone has not yet arrived. I am worried. I will have to seek alternatives for my madam. Gertrude was a marvel of industriousness in caring for the wounded and making local arraignments for resupply. If I send her as my representative to Richmond I stand a very good chance of gaining those contracts and she will no longer be offended by my nocturnal pleasures. She has her eye on Millie always.


The Journal of Captain Thomas Whiteside

June 18th, 1862

Temporary encampment at Mechanicsville. I received word to prepare my men to move out in the morning. We will be moving into position to oppose Gen. McClellan approaching from the southeast. He is threatening Richmond. I am deeply troubled by the nature of Gertrude's letter. I had hoped that Connie's presence would act to relieve some of her excessive prudishness, perhaps even becoming more than just sister-in-laws. Her accusations border on the fantastic; her language and vivid illustrations bespeak of one whose mind is at least overwrought if not demented and caused considerable personal discomfort. Connie is in every way a true Southern Lady and I have heard from some men from E... how she is tender toward them. The images and memory of that night when I came to her, that I had thought forgotten, are still cherished fantasies of less than chaste affection between us. The graphic descriptions have aroused me. I will slip into Richmond tonight to visit Mabel's Tavern to slip into someone. The other officers are sure that this will be a minor skirmish; McClellan always retreats.


Army of Northern Virginia

13th Calvary Brigade

16th Battalion Virginia Calvary

Company E

July 5th, 1862

M... H..., Virginia

Mrs. Constance W...

Hazel Park

E..., Virginia

Darling Constance,

I am alive and unharmed. The struggle here near Richmond was grave and we were hard pressed by the blue coats. We have prevailed this day and will every day as long as Bobby Lee is in command with his Stonewall on the flank. The boys of the Valley gave 'em hell. There is no more terrible furnace of perdition than assaulting artillery. The ground turned liquid all around us like the sea foaming on breakers. My horse stumbled once then again and I thought I would go down, but she regained her footing. The air was filled with the sound of buzzing flies whose sting would be death and a great whistling song accompanied our charge of destruction. Then we were among them dealing death to every side.

During that most hellish ride, I saw only your lovely porcelain visage before my eyes. In my heart I pledged to not fall here or to any Yankee weapon, but to return to you, my Constance, and I feel certain the LORD will hear. Too few times we lay together in the quiet predawn embracing. It seems that with every passing day the memory of you grows more distant like the remembrance of a painting once seen as a child. I do not want to lose you. I fear for your safety more than my own. Do not venture far from town lest you fall prey to marauders.

Gertrude has written to me. Her concerns have me troubled. I had hoped that the two of you would have grown close; instead it seems that a rivalry is building. I do not accuse you for I know my sister's way of keeping her own council. Do not be overly troubled by her manner. If you can find some project or other activity that she can concentrate on she will be happy. When we were younger, after our parent's passing, she would often wake at night from strange and unseemly nightmares. I feel her excitable nature and puritanical ways are the result of that early tragedy. Perhaps you can find some way for her to bring presents from Hazel Park to me. Then I could reason with her.

Also, I had hoped to arrange a match for her with some independent gentleman or man of the cloth so she could find some grace in keeping a home. This war has made wreck of that. You could try your hand. I have confidence in your sweet judgment.

The days in camp are pleasant. At first we drilled constantly, but now we only parade in the morning and the rest of the day is more relaxed. Most of our time is spent in camp. When the order is given we must rush to the place of battle. The first to arrive has the advantage and prepares breastworks to repel the other side, though that advantage is mitigated for them by our superior cavalry. Then there is the day or two of mindless terror; finally, a return to the peace of camp life in a new location.

Here, the officers like to enter the town in the early evening. There are some few establishments that have sprung up to cater to the rough and ready character of the horse soldier. They offer gaming and refreshments as well as more carnal delights that a gentleman would not lower himself to. I have myself, settled in for a game of cards at one lively haunt, the Crimson Doll. Allegedly it is run by a dragon lady from the mysterious orient. The ruse works well on the junior officers from dirt farms and the frontier, but we gentlemen know that it is a light skinned mulatto, named Mistress Simone, painted after the fashion of the East. She is not even the real owner. I play cards with him. He found her in New Orleans and stole her away from some country squire, I'm told.

She plays the part well and has not been averse to giving some free show of her wares when the mood is right and the pump needs priming. She will sit in the lap of a likely mark raising her skirts as she does so that her bare bottom rests upon his concealed dagger. Then she will make much and frivolous display of animation over his conversation all the while rubbing, grinding and bouncing upon his thickening skewer. Soon and without fail the lad blushes and hastily secures a room upstairs. Simone substitutes one of the other bauds as he does so. They are always too anxious to quibble about the exchange in their haste. And haste they make for she will not desist until he has ventured a room or released where he sits.

I have gained a reputation as a skilled player and amassed a tidy sum for my personal use. Many with the means have moved into town away from camp and closer to the bauds, or secured promotions, or new assignments away from the fighting, or even discharge. Some officers have undertaken entrepreneurship in war supplies. They are looking for a quick fortune by taking advantage of negligent government purchasing agents. I believe that there is more of a market for genuine suppliers that can be sustained even after the war. I plan to retain a house in Richmond as I investigate the opportunities here.

My darling, I will send for you when I find a place suitable for a lady. Then we can greet each other as we did on our wedding night. I ache for the natural intimacy of lovers whose hearts are joined as one. Their every thought shared and the giving and receiving of pleasure normal and wonderful. The tender parting kisses bestowed upon my cheek and I upon your thighs continue to fill my dreams and hand. How can you survive the dark lonely nights? Here I can fill my loneliness with camaraderie and carousing, but you are confined to that distant hill with only womanly company and a cold bed. Do you recall as I do in the solitude of our bed chamber how I pressed into you? Do you taste once again the mingled flavor of our sweat and juices? Or do you put the thought far from you to keep the agony of separation at bay?

Your True Man,

Capt. Thomas Whiteside

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